VS 2010 Starting/Stopping Print Spooler (Windows Service)?

Jan 17, 2011

Since the coming of Windows7 at our office we have sometimes the issue that the print spool is crashing.Users don't have admin rights to restart the service so that leaves them only at restarting their computer as solution.Which costs alot of time... As we cannot find a final solution to this problem I've begin to write a small tool so they can restart it..I've only hard code a local admin account in the source for this operate for them..


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Starting And Stopping A WCF Service

Oct 8, 2009

I have a WCF service, which I can open and close by doing:[code]The problem with this is I have "downtime" of the service in between myService. Close() and newService.Open(). if anyone tries to connect while this is happening it fails. how can I make the "downtime" as small as possibel?

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What Difference Is Between Pausing / Resuming And Stopping / Starting A Service

Aug 25, 2010

I am developing a Windows Service in VB2008 and am in the testing stage. What I have noticed is that if I Pause it while it is busy doing something and then resume it, the process generates an error. While I am debugging this I wanted to determine exactly what the difference is between Pausing/Resuming and Stopping/Starting a service.I searched, but most results simply told me how to Stop/Start/Pause and Resume a service, a hurdle that I jumped over many years ago. Does any one know of any resources that go into detail what happens when a service is stopped vs when it is paused?From some experimentation, it seems that if I do not place any code in the OnPause and OnContinue events the Pause/Resume commands have no effect.

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VS 2010 - Windows Service Stopping Unexpectedly

Jun 4, 2012

I wrote a custom windows service (VB .Net) to run some processing on data files in the background of one of our servers. The service basically finds the next file to process, breaks it apart and makes a PDF or two - nothing super complicated. It utilizes a timer, if a file is not found, it waits a bit and checks again (repeat indefinitely). The service has run for a week or two with no issues/pausing/stopping. I have plenty of error handling for this and I have not been able to break it... until today.


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Stopping A Windows Service, A Different Service Stops As Well?

Mar 3, 2009

We have a server with multiple services written in .Net 1.1 and 3.5 running on a Win 2003 server. Everything runs fine, but when we stop a certain service, an unrelated service stops. I have checked and neither has any dependencies. The service we stop is in 3.5, and the unrelated service that incorrectly stops is in 1.1. We get no error messages, nor event log errors, so we are baffled.Does anyone have an idea as to what may be causing this?

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Handle Stopping Of Windows Service?

Sep 21, 2011

I have created a Windows Service in VB.NET (VS2010) that executes a certain task every minute. When the service is being stopped, either manually by the user, or when the system is rebooted, what can I do to make sure the task is being finished properly before the service is actually terminated?

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Error 1053 When Starting A Service (that Attempts To Print Some Text)

May 15, 2006

I have a small service which right now I just want to test by printing some string that is passed in and stored in a class.

Problem is everything works fine, service even starts fine as long as I don't call PrintDocument's Print function.

The moment I do that, the service never starts and I get Error 1053:Service didn't respond, etc error.

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Starting A Windows Service On Remote PC?

Jan 22, 2009

Am trying the following to start a windows service

Dim myController As New ServiceController("FCR GEFU Server 1", "")
TextBox1.Text = "Service Started"
Catch ex As Exception
TextBox1.Text = ex.Message
End Try

Am getting the following error:Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer ''. This operation might require other privileges.How should I provide the log in credentials for the remote PC !?

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Starting Windows Service As Standard User

Aug 4, 2010

My app (which runs ok as a standard user) requires updates to be installed, but I don't want to have to input the administrator username/password each time nor do I want to increase user privileges to administrator.

I have a windows service which handles the downloading of updates etc (running as Local System) but the start command needs to come from the main app (running as a standard user). This is not permitted and I get Access Denied.

I understand why this is happening but is there an alternative way to achieve this? I want to handle program updates as the standard user without using ClickOnce or installing to a non Program Files folder.

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VS 2008 Starting A Custom Windows Service?

Jul 5, 2010

I've created a Windows Service and installed it via InstallUtil so I can test it out.The installation goes seamlessly, but it will not start from some reason. When I attempt to start it, I get an "Access Denied" error and that's it.

I haven't been able to find any information via the normal channels.I first thought to give the service admin rights, but that didn't work either.

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Windows Service To Monitor Programs Starting

Jan 14, 2009

I am trying to create a windows service that sits in the background waiting for programs to be started. When the programs start I want to be able to check a unique bit of information for each program (I believe GUIDs may provide this) to see what the program is. If the program is not allowed, I aim to provide a warning to the user and possibly close the program. The aim of the application is to identify when users are attempting to install additional software on to the computer so simply monitoring for a certain executable wouldn't work as msiexec is called for all MSI's and as I only want to stop blacklisted programs...this wouldn't work.

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IDE :: Starting And Stopping A Function Using Two Buttons

Mar 3, 2010

I have some experience using visual basic 2005 I m doing a program to resemble vegas slot machine.. I am using 3 labels to display the numbers. There are 3 buttons. One is "START", "STOP", "EXIT". What i wont to do when i press the start button the 3 lables should start displaying various numbers(continuous changing single digit numbers). when stop is pressed labels should stop at the current number . based on the current numbers in labels, some function is executed(output is provided) What i have done


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Stopping And Starting For Each Loop Array In Visual Basic

Mar 1, 2010

i have a for each loop i.e


if want that the loop stops while the player play a file until finished playback

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VS 2008 - Stopping And Starting Timer In Background Worker

Oct 18, 2009

I have a background worker which runs, at the start it stops a timer which has it's interval set to 500ms, at the end of the bgworker sub it starts it again. I've debugged and found out that the line that starts the timer up again (tTimer.Enabled=True) runs. However the timer does not resume. I'm don't know, but I'm thinking perhaps because I'm stopping and starting it on another thread it's not resuming properly or the sub it was attached to (via AddHandler) has been reset or something so it's running but not running the code in the sub it was attached to. If I never stop the timer in the code, it continues to run just fine, but I need it to stop at the start.

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Application Is To Monitor Starting And Stopping Of Applications Listed In A File?

Sep 3, 2010

I am working on a Windows Service application in VB.net 2008. The main objective of the application is to monitor starting and stopping of applications listed in a file. I build the service as system level by using

mManagementStartWatcher = New ManagementEventWatcher("Select * From Win32_ProcessStartTrace")
AddHandler mManagementStartWatcher.EventArrived, AddressOf


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VS 2008 How Can I Print From My Windows Service?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a service that receives commands over the network and interacts with the database. At the time that I add a transaction I would like to print some sort of receipt ticket out to an epson tmt88iv. I would like the service to do this rather than have to maintain the printer on several tablets....Is this possible?

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IDE :: VB 2010 Express, Windows 7 Debug Not Stopping On Error

Aug 8, 2011

I've just installed Visual Studio 2010 Express on a new laptop running Windows 7 64 bit.

When I debug a VB project and an error is encountered a message is sent to the immediate window, but execution is not halted. This means I am unable to look at variables etc.

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VS 2010 Starting With Windows On The Notification Area?

Feb 23, 2012

I got a program that makes backups from a database, and I got an option to make my project start when windows starts, but how it would start on the notification area minimizated and to run and exit ?

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VS 2008 Stopping A Service

Apr 26, 2012

I know the title of this thread is a show stopper for a lot of us . But what I want to do is stop two services from running for a period of time then restart them. I know I can do this from the command prompt by using net stop servicename then restart with net start servicename. I need these two services stopped to do some work on the database. I do this manually right now and want to automate the process. I tried process.start with the command net stop but that did not work out. If I try the Process List I get the process running but not the services.


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Service Created In VB Not Starting

Aug 24, 2010

We have service developed in Visul Basic .NET. This service utilizes some COM objects provided by SAP to access SAP database. This has been working fine till yesterday. On this Sunday, we upgraded the SAP system, and subsequently all other programs were also re-builded using the new DLL files (for the COM object). We tried doing the same for the service also. But it is not starting now. When started, it shows a message saying service terminated unexpectedly. This is probably due to the fact that it is not able to load the requisite DLL file.

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VS 2010 Use Print Form Power To Print A Windows Form From Console?

Jun 29, 2010

trying to print a Form that I created using a VB.Net console application. My console application creates an instance of a Windows Form and fills it with data. I then created an instance of the Print Form class from the Microsoft Power Pack and am trying to get the form I filled with data to print but no matter what I've tried it just prints the command console window.

Dim firstPage As New FrontPage 'Windows Form
Dim pf As New PrintForm 'Print Form Power Pack
firstPage.Visible = True


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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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Debug Windows Service In 2010?

Oct 19, 2011

I upgraded to VB2010 from VB2008 early this year and have been working on a Windows Service which I am now debugging. When I was using VB2008 in Windows XP SP3 I would put a Stop statement in the code and when execution got to it a dialog would open asking if I wanted to debug it using a development environment listed in a provided list. The list contained the VB2008 VS IDE which I selected which would in turn transfer me to the IDE in debug mode. I was very happy with this setup.

Now I am using VB2010 with Windows 7 and when the execution reaches the Stop statement the service just stops. It no longer offers the choice and ability to "jump" into the development environment via the dialog that I mentioned.[code]...

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VS 2010 - How To Print Windows Form

Nov 26, 2010

How can I use PrintForm to print my Windows form .....

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Error When Using Windows Service To Call 2010 Exe

Aug 19, 2010

I have created a Windows Service that I am trying to use to call an Emergency Alert program that checks a database to see if there is an alert to display. This is the Timer in the Windows Service that I call the Emergency Alert program from.


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Memory Leak .NET 2010 Windows Service

Jun 9, 2011

We have constructed a windows service unde W2003 Server in vb.net 2010 to process certain database transactions. It should work 24/7 o the server. However, after 3/4 days it blocks the windows server operation since the memory usage is ever-increasing. After many revisions, we decided to place under "comments" all operational code, including all transactions to the SQl Server database and left just a kind of shell service that is doing no real work. Still, under these circumstances, the memory usage goes on increasing. Any idea how to prevent this from happening?

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VS 2010 : Specify Target Framework For Windows Service?

Nov 11, 2009

I have built a Dll and a Windows Service in vs2010. Both are targeting the .net 3.5 framework, but when I install it on the server it installs fine, but for some reason it targets the 2.0 framework and any time the methods fire that are using linq it crashes out with a clr20r3 error system.nullreferenceexception. Not really sure why it's not targeting .net 3.5.

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VS 2010 Auto Updating Windows Service?

Dec 17, 2011

I have a windows desktop application that I'm converting part of it to a windows service application. The win service pulls data out of one database and passes it to a central location via web services. I've got the windows service working, however I'm unsure how to add auto update abilities to it.

The windows service itself is basically an empty shell that fires off the data pulling, which resides in a dll that installs with the service. My original idea was to have the windows service do a version check and if needed download the new dll and overwrite the old one. The problem is the copy can't happen if the service is running (or paused). Herein lies the problem. If I have the service stop itself then of course it's stopped so no more code execution. The other problem would be how to restart it.

I'm trying to create something that is hands/worry free for my clients that way when I change/update the data pulling win service application they don't have to mess with it. I'm up to 300 clients now and I really need a solution that doesn't involve any user interaction.

EDIT: After more digging it's looking like this is a near impossible task. Another option would be to have a second service, one that just looks for updates and that second service can stop the first, update it, then restart it.

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VS 2010 Running A Vbscript From A Windows Service?

Feb 21, 2012

'the below just creates a text file for my own sanity. Both files get 'created so I know the service is running as it should and not crashing. 'timer ticks every minute so if I delete the files once they have been 'created, they get recreated

Dim TextFile As New StreamWriter("C:LRQuadrant" & "test111" & ".txt")
TextFile.WriteLine("blah blah blah")

I have a file called john.vbs. It only contains the following vbscript

'DIM objShell
'set objShell = wscript.createObject("wscript.shell")
'objShell.Run("CMD /C dir /s > dirlist.txt")

If I run this through command prompt, it does as I'd expect.'Nothing happens when the below code gets run.

Dim foo As New System.Diagnostics.Process
foo.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "c:"
foo.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
foo.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"


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VS 2010 Windows Service Does Not Respose Remotely

Apr 1, 2011

I created a small service application that listening to incomming TCPClient. Serving is is responsing perfectly when client program execute locally. but when client try to connect remotly, it says "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,..."

when I execute the server (Listening) application as a windows.form it works fine. Tried to communicate by installing the service Service as "Local Service" and "Network Service". But problem Remain the same.

Following is my code for server.

Dim Listening_Port As Integer = 8001
Dim Local_IP_Address As String = ""
Dim tcpClient As TcpClient


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