VS 2010 7zip Command Not Working?

Aug 18, 2010


and yeah, its opening 7zip properly, its the command is giving an error in 7zip via vs2010, but not via cmd.exe directly.

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VS 2010 ListView - Cross Form Command Not Working

Jul 28, 2009

I currently have 2 forms, one with a listview and the other with a button coded to add an item to the listview. I've just discovered though that any command, no matter how right the syntax, to a form from a different form doesn't work. The only command that does work is Form2.Show. Otherwise nothing happens. There are no errors whatsoever. All the items in each form are all set to public.

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Extract Iso Through 7zip?

Jun 27, 2011

I have seen that in universal usb installer the program asks for a file then has 7zip extract the contents of the iso, is there a way to do this in vb.net?

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Compress Files Using 7zip

Oct 6, 2010

VB.NET 2003 or 2005 application program. i was trying to create an application program to compress some files using 7zip. when application program runs, need to browse and select the files need to be compressed and mention the name of the zip file and compress the file in that folder. i'm getting examples only in C#.

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Create 7zip Archive With Password?

Jul 15, 2010

i am trying to create from vb.net code a 7zip arhive with password. I did that with winrar :

Dim ret As Long
ret = Shell("c:program fileswinrarwinrar a -ap c: est.rar -ptest c:1.txt c:2.txt")

But the same code doesn't work for 7 zip, i only manage to create the arhive, without password :

Dim ret As Long
ret = Shell("C:Program Files7-Zip7z.exe a c: est.7z c:1.txt")

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Extract 7zip File With Password?

Jun 6, 2012

i found some article how to make 7 zip file with password. [URL]

but i find difficult when i want to extract the file.

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.net - SQL Command Not Working?

Sep 29, 2011

I have an SQL command I am attempting to execute.The syntax is as follows


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SQL Command Not Working?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a piece of code that takes two strings, puts them together, then attempts to save that result into a table in a database. For some reason, the database is only showing the second half of the string ( Me.txtRev.text in this case). When in debug, I can see that newRev is actually correct, with the hyphenated string.

Dim newRev As String = Me.revs(0) & "-" & Me.txtRev.Text
Dim sqlSOPDept As New SqlClient.SqlCommand


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Asc Command Not Working Correctly

Dec 13, 2009

I have been making a text based noughts and crosses game and trying to convert an alpha grid reference into a number to run the logic sequence that decides whether the an input is valid. I am using the asc command to convert but it just keeps putting up the error: Conversion from string "a" to type 'Double' is not valid, when it reaches the line If (Asc(Left(choice, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Left(choice, 1)) <= 67) Or (Asc(Left(choice, 1)) >= 97 And Asc(Left(choice, 1) <= 97))Choice is the input and has already been checked for length, whether it contains an alpha and numeric input (and where they are) and whether the numeric value is valid.

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C# - WPF: Custom Command Not Working?

Dec 3, 2010

In my XAML I have this:

<CommandBinding Command="Help"
Executed="HelpExecuted" />


But i get the error: Cannot convert string 'MyCustomCommand' in attribute 'Command' to object of type 'System.Windows.Input.ICommand'. CommandConverter cannot convert from System.String. What am I missing here? And please note that I want to do it all in XAML, i.e. don't want to use CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(MyCustomCommand....

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Doc.Save Command Not Working?

Apr 20, 2011

why the doc.Save("filename.xlm") might not be working? Trying to do a simple routine - just loading an existing xml file and saving as another name onto local C: drive. Seems to run ok ie no errors, but the file doesn't save. 'Save' part of the doc.Save command is coming up as a different type colour in dreamweaver.

Also, secondary problem, getting error if use a long directory name in the doc.Save destination filename - comes up with 'URI formats are not supported'

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Insert Into Command Not Working?

Jul 22, 2011

the codes run with no errors, but the data is not save in the sql server table event though the codes run.Dim connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection

connection.ConnectionString = ("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\DB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [studentsummary] (sum1,sum2) VALUES (@sum1,@sum2)"
command.Connection = connection


View 14 Replies

Sql Insert Command Not Working?

Mar 27, 2012

i have my insert command but when ever i run it and click the button i get the messge "ExecuteNonQuery: Connection property has not been initialized." Here is my code:

Private Sub btnRent_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRent.Click
Dim constr1 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data source = test.accdb"


View 5 Replies

SQL Select Command Not Working?

Mar 20, 2012

i have use this code to search the records of my datagridview and put it on my datetimepicker, there's no error occuring but it's not working either?

Public Sub SelectRecordM()
Dim dbConn As OleDbConnection
Dim dbSelect As New OleDbCommand()


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Update Command Not Working

Dec 13, 2011

I am using VB 2005 and the following code returns an error: No value given for one or more parameters. I swear I've done this before without any problems but I can't find my original code.[code]I tested the value of oldid which is set earlier and it does have a value.

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Create An Application Program To Compress Some Files Using 7zip

Oct 6, 2010

VB.NET 2003 or 2005 application program.i was trying to create an application program to compress some files using 7zip. when application program runs, need to browse and select the files need to be compressed and mention the name of the zip file and compress the file in that folder.i google for some help. i'm getting examples only in C#.Anyone know whether i can do this in VB.NET?

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Command Builder Does Not Seem To Be Working

Mar 15, 2012

I'm experimenting with the sql command builder and it seems to do nothing when trying to update existing rows. If I create a new row and then add it then it works fine but I cant seem to update an existing record.

Heres what I have at the moment

Dim strConnection As String = "Server=myServerSQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=C:databasepath estdb.mdf;" & _
"Database=testdb; Trusted_Connection=False;User Id=sa;Password=test;"


But I'd really like to find out why its not working when using the command builder. I'm working with VB.net 2010 express and SQL server express.

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Delete Command Not Working With Access

Jan 30, 2010


I have a project with Access using datagridview on the vb 2008 express, I only have on table - sysdep(id,sysaccount,syspw), and insert, delete, update the record to the Access table. On this delete,

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GridView Row Command Event Not Working

Dec 2, 2010

I am having problems trying to get a rowcommand event to fire in a gridview. The code is below.
<asp:GridView ID="GridViewProducts" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#999999" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="5" CellSpacing="1" DataKeyNames="Pkey"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSourceProducts" ForeColor="Black" GridLines="Vertical">
<FooterStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC" />
<PagerSettings PageButtonCount="20" />
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Find And Replace Command Not Working?

Jun 24, 2006

My Find/Replace Edit Menu command inside VB 2005 is not working anymore, and SQL Server 2005 as well. When I tried to check this feature in Microsoft Office applications, there is no problem at all. It's mysterious, I don't know what happen. I also tried to re-install VB and SQL, but still it didn't work.I know it is a petty problem, but it plays an important role when editing your codes.

View 11 Replies

SQL Procedure Not Working/very Slow With SQL Command

Jan 3, 2012

[code]The application get stuck and keep waiting for a response when the above is excuted. I have tryed to execute the SQL command from SQL Management studio and it works fine and on another copy of the database.

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Command Parameters Not Working When Calling A Stored Data Procedure?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DescriptionLookup
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@manfactureid as int


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Primary Monitors Says Command Line Inter Face Has Stoped Working When Try To Ope Catalyst Control Center?

Feb 15, 2010

catalsyt control center can not be open im monitor display, the warning says command line intrface has stoped working already try to downlowload new dr

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VS 2010 Starting Missle Command For VB 2010?

Feb 23, 2011

i have decided to start a missle command sort of game in VB 2010, but i dont no where to begin! I have made spaceinvaders and pong so i have some idea on how to make it.

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Send A Command To A Command Line And Then Submit The Command?

Apr 30, 2010

First let me say that I am not sure whether or not this should go in this section or the API section, and if it needs to be moved I apologize. My issue is fairly straight forward, but for some reason I cannot get it to work.

I am trying to send a command to a command line and then submit the command. I have been trying without success to get this to work in v2008 Express and v2010 Express, Here is the code I am trying to us:

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" ( _
ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As String _


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VS 2010 Exchange 2010 And SMTP Not Working

Jun 21, 2012

I've used this function to send email successfully

Private Function SendEMail(ByVal wholist As String, ByVal emailcontent As String) As Boolean
Dim emailSuccess As Boolean = False


But with a new server my customer has that uses EXCHANGE 2010 it does not work.

I used TELNET to get into port 25 of the exchange server and it seems that it gets a CLIENT WAS NOT AUTHENTICATED error.

Anyone use SMTP with EXCHANGE 2010 yet???

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Sent The Command Through VB Express 2010?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a sound level meter connect to the PC with COM5, and I tried to sent the command through VB express 2010, following is the code I wrote:Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2010 Executing Cmd Command?

Jun 29, 2011

How to execute cmd command like "C:Program fileszhlthlcsg.exe""D:etyys's documentsgames 'n stuffaim" from vb application?

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2010 What Is The Command For A Left Click

Aug 26, 2010

What is the command for a left click?


if button1.leftclick = 6 then
button3.visible = true
end if

what would make that work?

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Administrator Command Prompt Through VB 2010?

Jul 28, 2010

I have this problem where is wont let me create and files through the command prompt via echo xxx> C:xxx in Visual Basic. If I do it sepoaratly and run the command prompt as admin (This is not using vb at all) then it will work. I have tried putting my vb app to require previlidges at both levels at different times, not at once, and I still got the same thing.So is there a way I can use the comman prompt through vb, but also making the command prompt being an admin without turning off UAC?The code that will not work is this.

Shell(Environ$("Comspec") & " /c """ & WDir & "ToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.exe"" --output=xml """ & WDir & "ToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.xml""")

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