VS 2010 Turn Off The Filter That Is On The Add Reference Form?

Oct 6, 2010

how to turn off the filter that is on the Add Reference form ? Its on the .Net tab, and then it says "Filtered to: .Net Framework 4 Client Profile". So all my references are not filtered alphabetically. Really annoying.

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VS 2010 Can't Seem To Get A Reference To Main Form From Sub Form

Jan 28, 2012

My app has a main form (it's the startup form). It includes a number of menu items which typically open modal sub forms. However there are 2 menu items which just need to open an Outlook Explorer calendar for the user to manipulate appointments. My VB6 version used hidden sub forms to do this and handle the subsequent interaction between the user and the Outlook objects in the Calendar. I need to stop the user interacting with the main form while the Outlook Explorer is open, ie as if the Explorer window were a modal sub-form to the main form. So I manually disable the main form while the Outlook activity is going on, then (try to) enable it when the user closes the Outlook Explorer window. Problem is I can't seem to get a reference to the main form from the sub form to do this, nor pick up an event in the main form which I could use to trigger the enabling of the main form.An alternative might be to delete the hidden sub forms & put all the code in the main form, but this would be quite ugly; I think I would need to maintain two parallel sets of Outlook objects at the top level in the main form for each of the two functions (a number of the Outlook objects are declared With Events). I would have to have for example mobjOutlookExplorerFunction1 and mobjOutlookExplorerFunction2.

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VS 2010 - Reference DataGridView From Another Form?

Aug 29, 2011

I wrote a routine using a DatagridView that I dragged/dropped from the toolbar--populate it with data and it works great! Now, I need to reference the datagridview from another form. So, I (hopefully, naively, after the fact) declare a Public dgv in a module with the same name as the dgv in the form I'm trying to reference--in the form itself, dgv.rows.count = some number, but when I reference it outside the form I get errors. Obviously my public declaration is not working as hoped--the dgv was working within its form without the declaration so SOMEWHERE it is declared and is not public, but since I dragged/dropped it (i.e. did not instantiate in code).

View 9 Replies

Take A Screenshot = Turn It To Byte() - Send Through Tcp Connection Then Turn Back Into Image To Put In A Picture Box On Other Side?

Feb 11, 2012

My current code: Server: Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Threading


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VS 2010 Form Using DLL - Object Reference Error

May 23, 2012

I have my forum calling a sub from a .DLL/Class Library and I get the "Object reference not set to the instance of an object" but when I had the .DLL as its own form, I did not get this error.

Here is the related code on the Form that calls the DLL:
Imports ExcelImport.ExcelImport
Public Class Form1
Dim accConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersAjDesktopTaxCert_be.accdb")
[Code] .....

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Turn Off And Turn On Background Music In Program

Feb 17, 2012

Right now I can add background music in my program by using this code

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Music_3, AudioPlayMode.Background)

I can also turn it off and change the music by using this code

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Another_Music, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)

Is it possible to pause the music then if I resume the music it will just continue the flow? I mean if I pause the background music in 33 seconds and the music has 50 seconds and I resume it will just continue playing in 33,34,35 etc.. seconds?

View 2 Replies

Turn Off Events And Then Turn Them Back On In Program?

Sep 1, 2009

I was wondering if their was a way to for me to turn off events and then turn them back on in my program or just queue them up until i am ready for them to be excuted. Kinda like how a OS turns on and off interupts. Is this one of those general programming no-nos?

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VS 2010 : Turn A Monitor Off?

Jun 9, 2012

Public Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" _
Alias "PostMessageA" _
(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _


And here is the actual code to do the task:


This puts the monitor into standby. Can I please have some help to modify the code to turn the monitor off, and also the code to turn it back on.

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VS 2010 : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Mar 4, 2011

I am getting this error for Login.Show() here:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem
Public Class Update
Public Sub CheckUpdate()


I am also getting this is every other form when using the Login form, along with Login.Close(), and Login.Hide(). I haven't tested any other ones.

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IDE - VS 2010 - Turn Off Intellisense Auto-complete

Oct 12, 2010

is there an option to retain Intellisense suggestions but turn off the auto-complete completely in VB 2010? Since upgrading to Visual Studio 2010, I find that Intellisense's auto-complete is far too eager to replace code. It often happens that while typing a section of code I will find that I need a new variable. Rather than back up in the code and create the variable, I want to be able to type on and add the Dim statement once my train of thought has reached a good stopping point. However, as soon as I try to use an undefined variable or method or property, Intellisense jumps in to replace what I have typed with gibberish.

I like Intellisense showing what methods, properties and parameters are available; however I would like to turn off the feature which automatically triggers auto-complete whenever I type ahead.

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VS 2010 - Turn Textbox Contents Into Csv Text

Aug 23, 2011

I have a textbox (txtInput) with several hundred rows of words. I have txtOutput where I want to have this format:


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Automatically Turn On / Activate CAPS Lock Key When Form Loads?

Mar 10, 2009

Can i automatically turn on or activate the CAPS Lock key when the form loads?

View 3 Replies

VS 2010 Anyway To Make Button That Makes All Enabled Timers Turn Off

May 24, 2010

i was just wondering is there was anyway to make a button that makes all enabled timers turn off. Because at the moment i am going to end up with loads of lines basically repeating this.. [code]

View 4 Replies

Rounded Edges Or Drop Shadows Of Transparent Form Layouts Turn White?

Feb 24, 2011

I've wanted to know the answer to this question for a long time but I never really took the time to ask anyone. My question is, why do rounded edges or drop shadows of transparent form layouts turn white. Take a look at the following image to know what I'm talking about.

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Filter Data On 1 Form From Selected Cell On Another Form?

May 16, 2010

I have one form with a datagrid that displays a list of 'contacts' with just the minimal basic info in the datagrid.I have another form that displays ALL the 'contacts' info.I want to double-click on any cell in the datagrid and have the other form load and show ONLY the data for that selected contact on the datagrid form.I have no idea where to start but I have at least already figured out how to show only a select set of contacts by setting a filter on the contactstableadapter to "statusid = 4" (An agent).

View 2 Replies

Filter Data From Dataview By Date Like 12-05-2010 To 20-11-2010?

Nov 20, 2010

How can I filter data from dataview by Date Like 12-05-2010 to 20-11-2010

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Turn Off Validation Message When Form Is "Reset"

Feb 25, 2012

I have 4 Group Box,each contains some text boxes and combo boxes.I used Supervalidator Required Field Validator control to each of the controls in Groupbox1.and i implemented validation when cursor leaves the focus from the GroupBox1.it works perfectly..But my problem is,when i clicked "Reset" button it automatically turns on the validation and there is a "This field is required" message in other fields appears,after entering values to those fields in GroupBox1,then Reset works. How can I disable that validation check when the user clicks "Reset"?

Here Details1,Details2,Details3,Details4 are the name of the GroupBoxes

Private Sub Resetbtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Resetbtn.Click
For Each Item1 As Control In Me.Details1.Controls


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VS 2010 Trying To Filter Data

May 29, 2012

I have a text file where the second column is numeric fields. All I'm trying to do is only show rows where the field in column 2 is in between txtmin.text and txtmax.text.The strange thing is that the following coding works.[code]

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VS 2010 Turn Only Selected Characters Into Password Characters

Feb 20, 2011

I'm making a custom control suited for handling passwords. I have created a control that inherits from a text box and I have implemented a lot of things so far. But what i want to do now is create a system so that when a user types It will display his last character typed for a X amount of time. Is there a way to turn only selected characters into password characters and still be able to get the password text from the Text property ?

View 4 Replies

Datagridview Filter As Form Loads?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a table Called inventory, one of the columns is a checkbox based column called saved where it stores the checked state as the value 1 on the database. On a related form when i load it i want the datagridview to filter to only show the rows where saved has the value of 1.

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DB/Reporting :: Open A Form With A Filter?

Aug 6, 2008

I am currently developing a program that was first built within access using VBA.My program is a search form connected to an access database, which is itself linked to a dbf database.I managed the code from access to a new program, but I am stuck with one line of code;How can I open a form (which shows the filtered data) using a filter (a string built with the input boxes).

The code in vba is:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm", , , Left(strWhere, lngLen), acFormReadOnly
where FRM = the form showing the data
strwhere = SQL string
lnglen = number of characters in strwhere.

How can I do the same in a Visual Studio 8 environment (Visual Basic -idontknowwhat-) ?

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Two DatePickers In Dialog Form - SQL Filter

Mar 5, 2010

In a dialog form I've two date pickers, Date1 and Date2. At load I set the two dates to:
Me.Date1.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90)
Me.Date2.Value = DateTime.Today

And the sql filter is set to:
Where shipDate BETWEEN '" & Me.Date1.Value & "' and '" & Me.Date2.Value & "'

When I execute the project the two dates are shown fine but if I change Date1 to say 01/03/2010 (European format) and leave Date2 as per defect, the range of data returned is missing the information from 01/03/2010, meaning the data starts painting from 02/03/2010. If I select 28/02/2010 for Date1 then the returned data is from 01/03/2010 to Date2. Somehow, one day is subtracted from Date1. If I comment out Date1, then 01/03/2010 is recognized. What is wrong with Me.Date1.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90)?

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VS 2010 - Any Way To Filter DataGrid Using ComboBox?

Nov 6, 2011

Kinda new to working with wpf apps (and vb.net). Looking for a way to filter a datagrid using a combobox (to select the field that the user wishes to search) textbox (to input search terms for specific records). The datagrid loads fine as does the combo containing the fields, however my filter simply does not work.

Code for loading data (works fine)
Dim obj = Me._dataManager.Collections.ReturnCollectionByID(tableSelectionCombo.SelectedItem.TableID)
Me.DataGrid.ItemsSource = obj
obj.Load(New DataManagementDataRequest(Nothing, Nothing))

Code for filtering (not working)
If Me.searchTxt.Text IsNot Nothing Then
obj.filter = selectFieldCombo.SelectedItem.ToString Like searchTxt.Text.ToString
obj.filter = ""
End If

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VS 2010 - Filter On DataGridView Greater Than Zero

Jan 23, 2012

I have a datagridview where I have added a filter. What I am trying to do if the user leaves the field blank I want all the records to show. The field I am filtering on is an integer. I thought I could declare a variable and if the field is blank include all records greater than 0. This would return all records as the number will never be below 0. I tried this but can't get it to work:

If txtFiltID.Text = "" Then
sSerialID > 0
sSerialID = txtFiltID.Text
End If
'Refresh dgv on filtered criteria
Me.VJobLinesTableAdapter.FillByFilter(Me.DsJobs.vJobLines, sSerialNo)
It works fine if the user enters a value.

View 10 Replies

VS 2010 : Datagridview Filter By Date?

Feb 9, 2012

I am using vb.net express version. I have a datagridview which is popuated with data from an access database. I have all the data side working ok with the "Call Date" column set as datetime and sorted in date order assending within my application. I also have a monthviewcalender on the form and wish to filter the datagridview by the date selected in the monthviewcalender to show appointments i may have on that date.I have tried to populate the selected date into a textbox and use the following to filter:

AppointmentsBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("[Call Date] Like '" & TextBoxDate.Text) & "*'"

This causes a error. I have tried many different variants like:

AppointmentsBindingSource.Filter = ("[Call Date] Like '" & MonthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start) & "*'"

The column is set as datetime in access and is system.datetime in the database explorers properties.

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VS 2010 : Filter Rows From Datagridview?

May 22, 2012

I have a datagridview and im using this code fill the table from a txt file.

Private Sub PopulateDataGridViewFromTXT(ByVal SFileName As String)
'Variables to store the count of rows and columns
Dim nRows As Long


All that long list(more than 2000items) is loaded into my datagridview which have two columns named "ITEM" and "ID" With the code above the item from the id is splitted to each seperate column.I want to press a button and filter the table to show only swords for example or only spears.And the other thing is to make a search button to search for a specific item,which i suppose if the first thing is doable the second will be peace of cake..

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VS 2010 Bindingsource.filter Odd Behavior?

May 23, 2012

I'm using bindingsource.filter to filter data in my datagridview as the query from the datasource (JD Edwards) is being loaded the REQUIRED column is being converted from julian date to georgian date.everything works fine the date is converted and is visible in the datagridview as a short date string.However when i run the filter it wont work unless i manually select a row (it can be any row, but only one row) in the datagridview, then the filter will work.Me.testBindingSource.Filter = "REQUIRED = '" & DateTimePicker1.Text & "'" is the filter. The odd thing is ive used this exact filter before and never had this behavior, i'm stumped.

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VS 2010 Datagridview Binding Filter

Apr 23, 2011

am new to vb 2010 i havent touch VB since 2002 , am a lil confuse how to make things to work now.i have a local database "sql" with 2 tables.one holds the client info and the other the orders for the clients.i have a data grid view and am able to populate the grid with the correct information for the client. using [code]that brigs me all the orders for that client.now orders are also made by campaing.i have a textbox that the user will type the campaing to view just the orders for that campaing beloning to that clientand i get stuck,what i get is all the orders from that campaing and the 1st filter by client gets override.

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VS 2010 Dataset Search/filter?

Feb 8, 2012

I want to enter records into an sql database but before i do so i would like to load data from the sql database to a dataset and test if the record i want to enter is already in the database. if yes it does not add the record - preventing duplicated records...for examplename | grade | subjectleo | 7A | mathsi knw how to load the database to a dataset but cant rap my mind around the test to see if the record is already there..

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VS 2010 Filter DGV Between Two Dates Using DTPs?

Apr 5, 2012

I am trying to pull data that falls between two dates: I have a dataset that has the following SQL. This I have on my form as a DataGridView. I then have two DTPs that the user would use to select start and end dates.

SELECT JobNumber , DeliveryDate FROM vJobs WHERE (DeliveryDate BETWEEN ? AND ?)

When clicking a filter button I have the following code that refreshes the dataset and DataGridView

Me.VJobsTableAdapter.FillByFilter(Me.DsJobs.vJobs, dtpDateFrom.Value.Date, dtpDateto.Value.Date)

But no data is displayed

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