Valid Number Throws Overflow Error

Oct 6, 2010

I have a major problem. Things were going great until I came across this little bug(?) which has thrown a stick in my spokes. As I will demonstrate below, it seems that when defining certain numbers Visual Studio will throw an overflow error.
Dim T As ULong = 14774537964905701134 'Overflow error in the IDE
Dim M As ULong = ULong.MaxValue '(18446744073709551615) we are below the maximum value so it should work, right?

The one solution I have found is that we can use the following declaration instead.
Dim T As ULong = ULong.Parse("14774537964905701134")
However, to make matters even more complicated the value in question is unknown and must be compiled using CodeDOM so using the Parse method isn't an option. Unless there is some way I can determine if that value in particular will give me an overflow error.

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VS 2008 - Random Number Generator (Overflow Error)

Jul 4, 2009

I've ran into an overflow error when using a private sub and a random number generator...

Private Sub computerpicker()
Dim RandomNumGen As New System.Random
Dim rnum = (RandomNumGen.Next(3))
If rnum = 0 Then
rnum = (RandomNumGen.Next(3))
Call computerpicker()
[Code] .....
Even if bt1=0 and bt2=0 i still get an overflow error...

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Arithmetic Overflow Error ?

Apr 19, 2012

I've never seen this error before; and apparently (According to DIC) the number would have be bigger than -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, to this this exception (I'm using an Integer, but I've tried Int64, and the same thing happens).

This is where the exception is being thrown:

Dim localPort As Integer = (tcpRow__1.localPort1 << 8) + (tcpRow__1.localPort2) + (tcpRow__1.localPort3 << 24) + (tcpRow__1.localPort4 << 16)

Full Code (Method)


I highly doubt that that the integer that is being parsed back is greater than, either of those numbers listed above. I've tried using Int64, and even removing the << operator, but it's still throwing this exception.

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Run Time Error 6(Overflow) In VB?

Apr 26, 2011

We have a VB application, which will get input from the user, post it to HTTP url and get the result from it, assigns it to objects and displays it to user.

In this flow, users are getting Run-Time error 6(Overflow). But this is not happening all the time. Iam not able to reproduce also?Would there be any other reason for this, apart from normal reasons like assinging a higher value to lower datatypes.

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Run-time Error ƌ': Overflow?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm trying to make a grade calculator that can determine the minimum grade you need to acheive a desired grade. I'm new to visual basic, and I'm trying to figure out why I keep getting the run-time error '6' message. I tried declaring the variables as variants instead of doubles to fix the problem, but it didn't seem to work. When I click "debug" the red statement is highlighted.!

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'***************Declare all variables**************************
Dim ClassSubject As String


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SqlDateTime Overflow Error

Apr 6, 2009

I received this error when im trying to save the date in my database.

SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request.[code]...

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CODE - Get The Stack Overflow Error ?

Feb 12, 2012

could you tell me, why I get the stack overflow error on this code?

Dim ev As Double = datum.Year * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
Dim honap As Double = datum.Month * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
Dim nap As Double = datum.Day * 24 * 60 * 60
Dim masodpercek As Double = ev + honap + nap

The double datatype should be enough.

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DateTime Arethmetic Overflow Error

Nov 15, 2009

I am creating a list of dates between two dates and inserting that list into a DB like this:

Dim SDate, EDate, iDate As
Dim DateString


When I use some StartDates and End Dates like 04/11/2009 and 06/11/2009 it works fine and I am able to get the info into my DB. However; when I use other dates like 04/11/2009 and 13/11/2009, I get the following error:

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime. The statement has been terminated.

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Error Opening Files (overflow) In VB 6.0?

Jul 2, 2010

I cannot open and read files larger than 32k. This sub is used by both user-dialog and drag-drop operations. Files smaller than 32k are processed without error. Files greater than 32k result in the ErrorOpenFile warning with "Overflow" as the err.Description being displayed.

Public Sub SendFile(ByVal sendFileName As String, terminalWindow As Form)
Const MSG_TITLE = "Send File"
Dim asciiCode As Byte


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VB 6: Arithmetic Causes Runtime Error '6': Overflow

Jan 7, 2010

I get a "Runtime Error 6: Overflow" when I multiply some variables in VB6

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[2005] When Using Dispose Getting Error - Stack Overflow

Feb 4, 2009

I have a program that sends out mass emails. My problem is that at the end of the program....I keep getting a "Stack Overflow" error and I cannot figure out where this might be happening. This program is a VB.Net 2005 console application which is ran manually from the command line. The code below that I have posted is what sends the actual email. I don't think it has anything to do with this error but my question is this. Do I need the highlighted line of code? I'm thinking I don't since the mail object is already being disposed...but I'm not positive.

Dim oEmail As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()
oEmail.From = New MailAddress(strSender)
oEmail.Subject = strSubject


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GlutInit() Throws An Error - Cannot Find DLL?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm currently building an application in C#, using a basic design I came up with in for applications involving openGL. Using the Tao framework in VB, I have the following method:

Private Sub checkForGlutInit()
If glut_initialized = False Then


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SmartCard Error: Arithmetic Operation Resulted In An Overflow

Nov 2, 2010

I have upgraded vb6 to and getting the Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow Error below:


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.net - App Works In IDE But Throws An Error When Compiled And Run On Another Machine?

Nov 15, 2009

I have created an application using VB.NET in VS2008. When I run the app in the IDE on my development machine it works fine. It also works fine when I build it and run it as an exe on any machine that also has Visual Studio installed (at least 2005 and 2008 anyway) However, when I try to run the compiled executable on any machine without Visual Studio it throws up an error "[program name] has encountered a problem and will close..."

View 5 Replies

Call A Function Everytime It Throws An Error?

Apr 2, 2011

Is there a way to call a function everytime it throws an error? I could use try catch, but I need to do it with unexpected errors.

View 8 Replies

Code Change Throws Object Error

Sep 16, 2010

I have a piece of code that I believe is the culprit in a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error being thrown.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView Throws An Error When Remove A Row

Mar 16, 2012

Yes its me again with yet another problem Ok so I've now gotten round to trying to display some data from my database and displaying it in a DataGridView Heres the critical part


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Function Returns Nothing, Yet Throws An Error During Comparison?

Mar 21, 2012

In our code base there is a function which should return either an object or nothing. The exact code is this : Return NothingThe calling method looks something like thismyObj = theClass.function()if myObj <> nothing then // fails

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Getting Selected Rows From Listview Always Throws Out Error

Feb 8, 2012

I am trying to get the selected rows from a listview. To achieve this, I did this:

Dim numsel As Integer
numsel = Me.ListView1.Items.Count
For countme As Integer = 0 To numsel


It does count the selected rows, but it always throws out the error saying "ArgumentOutOfRange Exception", or something along those lines. For example, if I selected a row, it will output the results of that row. But the loop goes on. I tried everything I can but to no avail. I specifically want to select multiple rows, and I can achieve that if someone can assist me with this simple "problem" I have.

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Webbrowser.navigate To Tif Throws Browser Error?

Oct 27, 2009

I recently upgrade a project from vb 6 to 2008. Most of the code runs fine.I have a webbrowser form control that I use to navigate local files and display them with. (i have a file list box that you click which calls the navigate of the browser control). Most file types i have test work fine and display just as they would in a real browser window. Excel, PDFs, etc... so examples of files that utilize "plugins" like acrobat reader inside the browser work great. Tiff files are the exception. No error is thrown in vb, but the browser throws 2 runtime errors, included at the end here. After the browser errors are ignored the program continues execution but will just not display the file.

i can type the path to the file (eg c: estfielsfilename.tif) in a regular browser window and it displays just like it should, inside IE, using a plugin.Prior to upgrading, depending on what was installed on the computer, navigating to a tif would open the tif with picture and fax viewer, or display it with a tif viewer plugin.

Error: Invalid Character

when click NO to debug it goes to

Error:object expected

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Dictionary Object - Error - Arithmetic Operation Resulted In An Overflow

Jun 8, 2009

I am having issues with a dictionary object I'm trying to use.

I have this code:


Every time I run it, I get this error: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow

I am adding to the dictionary like this:


Is there anything I am doing wrong?

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Error: System.Data: Arithmetic Operation Resulted In An Overflow

May 1, 2012

If dgCell = "Delete" Then
'make sure user wants to delete the selected record.
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this image?", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel,


Error is thrown at "cmdDelete.ExecuteNonQuery()". Sql query still deletes the record. I have run query against the database itself and I get no error. I am using an as400 db and 2008. I'm not sure if this is problem with the database or vb. I get this error when I run the delete above, also when I run an insert or an update.

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Inserting Record - Overflow Runtime Error With Data Reader

Jan 28, 2011

I am new to VB. I was trying to insert a record into access database with data reader. I was getting OVERFLOW error at runtime. My understanding is that overflow error occurs when we assign values that to variables that exceeds the maximum size of the data type.

Following is my code
Private Sub InsertRecord(ByVal CustomerID As Integer)
Dim RowArray() As String = Split(Me.lblRow.Text)
Dim intPrice As Integer
Dim decTotalPrice As Decimal
Dim mySQL As String
[Code] .....

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2010 On Windows 7 Throws FIPS Error On Compile

Apr 20, 2011

I'm trying to compile a brand new 2010 windows forms application with a form and a single button that should display a msgbox with "hello" in it.When I try to compile I get the error message:

Unable to write to output file <filename>: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.

View 3 Replies - DropDownList Throws An Error When A ListItem Is Not Present Anymore?

Mar 3, 2012

The application that I am working on is a Service Desk App. I have a form there that uses a DropDownList that contains employees names coming from the Active Directory. Any employee can make a request and save it. Problem arises when an employee leaves the company and consequently his account is deleted from the Active Directory. When some other employee searches the DB to finds a relevant Service Ticket that could be of his use, when tries to open it an error is thrown that indicates that the name does not exist in the DropDownList items.

UPDATE:I am adding some code so that it can be more clear.

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"


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Excel.Close(SaveChanges:=False) Throws An Error?

Jun 17, 2010

VB.Net MyExcel.Close(SaveChanges:=False) throws an Error

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FTP Download Throws 550 Error But Not If I Manually Step Through The Debugger?

Apr 23, 2012

I am attempting to list files within a folder on an FTP site. When I run the debugger, I get a clean run the first time with no problems. Subsequent attempts lead to a 550 error: "The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)." However, If I step through the process in debugger, It works fine. I'm thinking this is a timeout issue because there are many files within the folder. Any suggestions?

Private Sub ListFTP(ByVal Directory As String)
Dim Req As FtpWebRequest = Nothing
Dim Response As FtpWebResponse = Nothing


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IDE :: GlobalMemoryStatusEx And MEMORYSTATUSEX Usage Throws Compliation Error

Oct 14, 2009

The application was previously using GlobalMemoryStatus() and MEMORYSTATUS structure to retrieve memory information. But since, the Physical memory of the hardware in which the application runs is more than 2GB, the code was changed to use GlobalMemoryStatusEx() and MEMORYSTATUSEX structure. When this function was implemented and the struture was used its thrown compilation error: "error C2501: 'MEMORYSTATUSEX' : missing storage-class or type specifiers"How to solve this issue???

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XML With Periods In Element Names Throws ArgumentException Error

Sep 6, 2011

I have an XML file where some of the elements have periods in their names. Using the code below, I receive the error:

"System.ArgumentException: Child list for field Stock cannot be created"It successfully reads the file if the periods are removed( i.e. StockAdjustment instead of Stock.Adjustment)

Dim myXMLfile As String = "C:file.xml"
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim fsReadXml As New System.IO.FileStream(myXMLfile, System.IO.FileMode.Open)


Is there a way to handle elements with periods in their names?

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Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Expression To Data Type Datetime

Aug 26, 2011

I have a DateTime Picker that I have set Format to "Custom" and CustomFormat to "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"

When the user changes the date time it all works fine and update the table no problem.

If the user does not change the date time I get the error[code]...

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