Validate An Xml Against A Schema

Apr 21, 2010

I have written a small XML validator, that takes in an XML file and an XML schema and validates the XML files against that schema. It works well, except for an XML file, with this content:


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Validate A String Of XML Against An XML Schema File?

Apr 21, 2009

I'm developing a VB Web Application in .NET3.5 using Visual Studio 2008. I'm having difficulty in validating some XML as a string before I add it to a HTML form to post to a 3rd party. I have an XML schema file from the 3rd party to validate against and at this point I'd like the application to perform the validation before each post.

After searching I've found references to a XmlValidatingReader but this is obsolete and I'm having difficulty finding another way to do it. Also all the good examples are in C# - for now I'm stuck with VB. This is what I have so far which I'm looking for with! Public Function ValidateXML(ByVal strXML As String) As Boolean


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Php - WSDL: The Root Element Of A W3C XML Schema Should Be <schema>?

Jun 27, 2012

I have a php web service that I can call from a php client. I need to call this web service from a application. When I try to add a reference to this web service I get this error:The root element of a W3C XML Schema should be <schema>here is the top of my wsdl file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- partie 1 : Definitions -->
<definitions name="raidService"


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Validate Html.editorfor - Validate The User Data Entered

Apr 26, 2012

I'm trying to figure out a way to validate the user data entered:


This is in MVC3, I'm looking for an easy way to validate a users input data into the editorfor field.

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Creating The Schema Using XSD.exe?

Oct 20, 2009

the schema is created using VS, but when I try creating the schema using XSD.exe, the validation works, am I missing something here, like namespace or anything?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema id="EmployeeXML" targetNamespace=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns=""
xmlns:mstns="" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:simpleType name="NameType">


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Use A Different Schema In Vb/sql But Get Error?

Jul 23, 2010

I have an imported sql database using pa as the schema instead of the default dboThe problem is when I go into vs 2008 and create a gridview control, it won't recognize the from table object. I get "invalid object name" unless I go directly into the code and put the database name and schema name in front of it.

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XML Parser Using XSD Schema?

Nov 18, 2010

I would like to take data, from a dataset, and parse it out in XML. but, i would want the XML to be based on a particular XSD schema. The dataset is being filled from a database (wich i have no problems doing).

View 1 Replies - Import Schema From One Datatable To Another?

Jul 21, 2009

Are there any commands that make life easy with respect to this? I want to take the column schema of one datatable (.net datatable) and copy it to another new datatable.

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Copy A SQL Table Schema From On DB To Another?

May 25, 2009

I want to move a table schema from one database to another using or c#. How can I do that?

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Could Not Retrieve Schema From Database

Jul 27, 2011

I am using microsoft access 2003 and I am trying desperately to add a database using the wizard, and it lets me go through with it, testing the connection is good, but when I try to finish it gives me an error: "<customers>Could not retrieve schema information for table or view customers." What am I doing wrong? I've added databases in the past without this problem using the same Access.

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Create An XML Schema Programmatically?

Mar 31, 2011

How do I create a .xsd Schema file from a given .xml file programatically?

Is there a .NET class representing XSD.exe ?

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Create Xml From An Object And Using Schema?

Dec 28, 2009

i have to create a class that creates an xml file using a schema.i created a "Component class in and setted his properties with the tag xmlelement("nameofthexmlnode").i did the creation of the xml.Now i have to use the xml schema but i didn't found an easy to use/understand example.i know that i have to serialize the object but i can't still create an xml using a valid schema.

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Display A Schema On A Webpage

Jul 13, 2011

Trying to dispaly a sql server database schema on a webpage, vs 2008 see the code below


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How To Use XML Schema Definition Tool

Feb 11, 2011

I have an .XSD that is made from a class so that I can pass to a webservice. It got it over to the webservice as an XMLSchema object and now I need to make it into a class so that I can make objects out of it on the webservice side. I know that XSD.exe is the answer but I'll be darned if I can puzzle out exactly how to implement this thing. I need it to do this conversion at run time so I need to put the code for it into my project and all the references I've seen to using XSD.exe talk about calling it from the command line.

My .XSD is below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="[URL]">
<xs:element name="Field">
[Code] .....
In my project this is living in an XMLSchema object. How do I turn it into a class?

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LINQ To SQL DataContext To XML With XSD Schema?

Dec 27, 2010

I have some data in my Linq.DataContext.I had succes in converting it to an XSD - Schema, using the following code:

Dim changeset As System.Data.Linq.ChangeSet = c.GetChangeSet()
Dim objDic As New Dictionary(Of System.Type, List(Of Object))
If Not changeset Is Nothing AndAlso Not changeset.Inserts Is Nothing AndAlso Not


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Read XML Schema With Primary Key?

Nov 30, 2010

I import a XML to a Dataset and works fine, import XML with Schema and fine to, but for any estrange reason the primary key that is in the XSD don't appears in the Dataset.

The XML and XSD are generated from a access 2003 table, right button and export.[code]...

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SQL Client Get Schema (SQL Query)?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm a little stuck here and maybe some of you can point me in the right direction ... maybe even get me a solution. Well, I do query a table but before everything I need to get the SQL Query to create the Table (like you get, when you select to option "Create to" in SQL Server Management Studio). For example like this:


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Sql Timesheet Database Schema

May 16, 2012

There is an old timesheet application being used in my company and i am going to rewrite it in are other tables which can be linked to new Timesheet table like employee table but my main concern here is the Project and Project_Activity table.In the current system, there is a one project and a activity table which are linked to the timesheet table seperatly and user has to spend alot of time on selecting activities code they worked on for specific project.I have came up with the new idea; Project manager will have to fill up a project template and link all the activities code with the one project before starting this project. This way user will have to select the project only and it will automatically bring the associate codes for them.I like to know if this design will work okay? and is it okay to link Project_Activity table with timesheet? [code]

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Using The XMLSerializer To Create An XML Schema?

Oct 15, 2009

I am using the XMLSerializer to create an XML Schema. In one part of the XML, I have an element called 'parameters', which returns a collection of strings. The output is supposed to look like this:


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VS 2005 CSV Schema File?

Feb 6, 2011

No mater what I try I can not get my schema file to work, it write and is in the right directory but the column all come as strings no matter what I do?

Dim fs As New FileStream("Schema.ini", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim writer As New StreamWriter(fs)
Dim fn As String = Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName
writer.WriteLine("[" & fn & "]")
If Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName.EndsWith(".txt") Then


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VS 2010 Xml Schema To String?

Mar 13, 2012

i am having big problems getting a xml schema saved in a file into a string. here is what the schema looks like

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<xs:schema id="SoLi" xmlns="" xmlns:xs=""


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C# - Ignore Dataset Schema In WCF Connection?

Nov 2, 2011

On the server side of my application I have a function like this:

public function GetDS as MyTypedDS
Dim dsRetVal as new MyTypedDS
'Make fantastic things with the dataset
return dsRetVal
end function

On the client side I call this function through a generated "service reference":

Dim ds as Reference1.MyTypedDS = myRefInst.GetDS

How can I disable schema serializaion of the typed dataset to reduce the traffic?Is it enough to set the SchemaSerializationMode of 'dsRetVal' to ExcludeSchema before returning it? Or is this option ignored by WCF?

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Change The Schema Reference For Subreport

Apr 8, 2010

fy0910 and when i see the report in schema fy0910 or in fy1011 i have to change every time the schema reference for the subreport,but when i see the report in the specific schema after setting the schema reference then there is no problem in subreport but when i go to another schema then again i have to change the schema reference for sub report.For your kind information there is absolutely no problem in main report.

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Creating A Schema To Fill The Datagridview?

Sep 2, 2009

I want to populate the datagridview with the data entered by the user in the textbox(Without saving the data in the database)
So i decided to create a DataTable with the appropriate schema and assign it to the DataSource of the grid but i cant create the schema......

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Db Schema Design And Saving Data?

Mar 6, 2012

If you know a bit about database design, you would mind glancing at this? I don't know if I my logic is right or not.Schools, players, and coaches can have awards. Schools have players and coaches, states have schools. - Am I missing something?As far as populating the database, I want to have static data entered into the database before a user runs the program and then allow them to add new information that would only be saved (to a save file, not overwriting the original static data) if they clicked a button. How do I go about this

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Error Failed To Get Schema For This Query

Nov 8, 2009

im using the query builder to create my sql queries I have made many SELECT statements but when i try and use UPDATE i get this error

"Failed to get Schema fro this Query"

I am able to create a "NonQuery" but i dont know how to implement The query will execute when i build in the query builder but when i try and save it the error appears?

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Export A Editable Localization XML Schema?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm trying to localize a big application I'm doing by my side. In order to do this, I would need some external translators to get the text (in an xml or the like) and make the appropriate translations to several languages. All the localizations in the application have been done using the localization options of the IDE, so whenever I build the application, I get the compiled resources.dll file of the given languages, but I see no way to get a not-compiled XML version of it, to be passed to the translators, so they can do their job and I can compile it later.

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Get SQL Server Database Table Schema?

Mar 23, 2012

I wrote an import procedure that extracts certain row data from Excel files. Currently, I manually create a DataTable in VB.NET, add columns and their datatypes. don't add anyconstraintsto the table, but the SQL database table where this data is going to does haveonstraintssuch as a column can't be null, check constraintsor unique constraints.Here is a simple example of my code.

Dim dt As New DataTable
With dt
.Add("Column1", Type.GetType("System.String"))


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Grr - VB XML Schema Transversal Broken In VB2010

Sep 23, 2010

I'm getting an error


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IDE :: Designing XSDs With XML Schema Designer?

Jun 3, 2010

I see that the old xsd editor has been removed from VS 2010 (the yellow one), however I am having some serious problems with using the new Xml Schema Designer that make me reevaluate my sanity. Namely I cannt find any command or any shortcut to create xs: nodes in xsd via designer.

I am an experienced architect and am well versed in writing xsd's "by hand" but I would like to use the designer to do it since. The weirdest thing is that even when I create schema elements by hand in xml editor it does not show up in designer but rather shows up only in Xml Schema explorer, which too does not have any "add" commands. Not to mention that all entries in properties are read-only, preventing any modification?!?

When I drag and drop a manually created element to designer surface I can then see it but still cannot modify it (plus I dont understand what moving it to designer surface does at all, the element should already be in the schema?). This is by far the weridest designer I've ever seen, unless I am missing something glaringly obvious which unlocks editing?

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