Visual Basic 2010 String Containing A Speech Mark?

Aug 16, 2010

How can I make a speech mark in a string? The following shows the whole of the line and all code after that (With the Express IDE) to be a comment as well:

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Microsoft TTS (Text To Speech) Engine And Visual Basic 2005 Express?

Apr 4, 2006

hope I am not too short in this question but I am quite pissed off here

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Referencing An Object Using A Variable String In Visual Basic 2010

Oct 8, 2010

I have several sets of similar objects (labels, progress bars) on a form in Visual Basic 2010 on Windows. In my code, I have collections that contain data, which needs to be pushed into the value/text property of each.

I would like to get a solution similar to PHP in that I can assign values somewhat like:

For ID as Integer from 0 to count(collectionExample)

...and as such to loop through so each of the different lblExample's were updated to their corresponding value.

The issue I have come to is that I cannot seem to reference an object on the form using a variable. I have also tried using something like

CallByName("lblExample" + variableID, "Text", CallType.Set, exampleCollection(variableID))... however I still can't combine the string and variable to reference the object.

Any solutions on referring to objects in VB2010 by combining a string prefix and a variable string identifier, similar to PHP's $variable{$variable} approach?

Edit: Windows Platform

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Change The Connection String (server Ip, User And Password) Of A MySql Data Source In Visual Basic 2010?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a project where I added visually and successfully a datasource of MySql. I binded a datagridview with a table.

But, how do I change programatically the password, ip or user to connect with the MySql server? Because it can change at any time, so I can let the user change these values.

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.net - Which Version Of Visual Studio 2010 Contains Visual Basic SharePoint Templates

Aug 5, 2011

Does anybody know which version of Visual Studio 2010 contains the full set of Visual Basic SharePoint Templates? I am about to embark on a project to create Visual Web Parts to be used in a SharePoint report.

At the moment I am using Visual Studio 2008 and even though the WSPBuilder is installed none of the relevant SharePoint templates are present.Having searched SO and the web, most advise to install the templates via the Visual Studio command prompt: devenv /installvstemplates

Alas the Visual Studio command prompt is also missing from my VS2008 installation.So, the question remains: which version of VS2010 contains what I need for pain-free SharePoint development? There is a rather large price different between VS2010 Professional and VS2010 Premium, so can anyone tell me if the cheaper version (VS2010 Professional) contains all the Sharepoint templates?

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IDE :: Adding References In Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 (Visual Basic)?

Nov 25, 2009

I am just wondering how I can add Direct X references to Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. I cant find them in the .NET reference list, or the reference list, or anywhere. I downloaded the Direct X SDK for August 2009, but I can not add the .dll files to the reference list. Is there anything I can do to add them? I need the references for programming reasons.

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Use OpenGL In Visual Studio 2010 In Visual Basic Project?

Jan 15, 2012

I want to use "OpenGL" in my project. Is it possible to associate it with "Visual Basic" application developed in Visual Studio 2010? If yes then how can we do it.

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Convert Visual Basic 2010 To Visual Studio Pro 2010?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a project in visual basic 2010 and want to convert it to visual studio 2010 so I don't have to chose the "open with" every time. Is there a tutorial on how to do this?

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Visual Basic Value Of Type '1-dimensional Array Of String' Cannot Be Converted To 'String

Aug 27, 2011

Im working on a program and I get this "Value of type '1-dimensional array of String' cannot be converted to 'String'." heres the code that gets this error:


View 3 Replies - Force Visual Studio 2010 To Use Visual Basic 10?

Mar 9, 2012

To reproduce the error I'm getting:Create a new Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET web site in Visual Basic, targeting .NET 2.0Type "Public Property Test As String" Observe "Visual Basic 9.0 does not support auto-implemented properties." error Visual Studio 2010 is happy to use VB 10 against .NET 2.0-targeted Windows Forms applications, this only appears to be an issue with ASP.NET.Is there a way to force Visual Studio 2010 to use VB 10 when targeting .NET 2.0?

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Build 64-bit Visual Basic.NET In Visual Studio 2010?

Jul 6, 2010

have just overlooked something somewhere...I am writing VB.NET stuff in VS2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. It seems to build by default for a 32-bit target, how to I tell it to make a 64-bit executable?

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Split File Down Into Vars From A Speech Mark And Non Delinted File?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a File i need to read and extract a few values from each line in the file. my problem as it stand the file i'm reading has some unconsistatcys as all of the Strings are seprated by " " but the integers are not they are Without any Speech marks to define them. I have thought of a methord to deal with this but i can't for the life of me think how to achive this.

As the file has unconstancys to be used with a standard " " extractor, the only consistancy is that there is allways a " before the integer and after attached to another column. this could be used i thought.

a Sample of the data is only one line:


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VB 2010 Speech Recognition / Speech-To-Text / Voice Control

Oct 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a Speech Recognition support for my program. I want to make it so that if I say something in my microphone, the program just writes what I said in Label1. I looked for Speech Recognition codes in MSDN and Google, but I didn't find anything useful. I found a code, but it was for, I tried but it didn't work in VB 2010.

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How To Insert String In Another String In Visual Basic?

May 18, 2010

the following code shows invalid qualifier when executed

Dim strs As String
Dim insStr As String
Dim strRes As String
strs = "This is VB.NET Test"
insStr = "Insert"
strRes = strs.Insert(insStr)

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Use Connection String In Visual Basic?

Aug 24, 2009

how do u use connection string in visualbasic? and i want to our compose mail cs file code in visual basic byusing to,cc,sub,message

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Adding A String To Visual Basic Form?

Sep 18, 2010

How can I add a string to my visual basic form?

I'm creating a study application for myself and this is what I have:

Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class Form1
Dim amounts As Integer


I'm trying to display a line of text on my form saying.. "Prevented firefox from running X times.

X being my "amounts" variable.

Here's what my form looks like:

So how can I put my amounts variable in place of the X?

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String Word Wrap In Visual Basic?

Apr 25, 2012

I want to wrap my recipient email in my string assignment that has a very long list.


Dim MailList As String
MailList = _
"Email Address 1,"
"Email Address 2,"
"Email Address 3,"
'Go on until several lines

What command should i put in between each of the emails?

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Validate String Visual Basic - StrInput = Nputbox

Apr 28, 2011

i am using an input box. the input should be an integer. if the input contains a "." then i want to display an error. if number is integer then do some code. i am trying to use somthing like this strInput = nputbox.... If strInput.contains(".") then messagebox show. Sometimes the answer is so blindingly obvious i fail to see it. Sdog

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VS 2010 Funniest Things Create In Visual Basic 2010?

Nov 6, 2011

Dont be afraid to spam the thread with things you can create.The more the better!

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VS 2010 Visual Basic 2010 And Crystal Reports 2010?

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to import CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, and CrystalDecisions.Shared. I'm getting a green line. What might be the problem?

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String Concatenation In VIsual Basic 2005 - Operator '+' Is Not Defined For String " " And Type 'Range'

Jul 30, 2011

The intent of the code is to open an xls file -minimize it , search for keywords . there are columns like test case name ,priority(simple ,medium and high) with associated keywords.If keywords are found, it shld save the test case name - Priority in a text box. When i run this code i am getting err in


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Visual Basic 2010 Not Available In VS 2010 Mobile Express?

Mar 16, 2010

I just downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 Express for Mobile Phone. C# is the only language available. Will Microsoft add Visual Basic as well? When?

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Extracting Visual Basic Source Code From Visual Basic EXE?

Jan 24, 2011

How do you extract source code from a VB.NET .EXE file?

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.net - Visual Basic 2010 DataSet?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I'm working on a windows application form. I'm struggling with our database. I can connect and retrieve Data in the Grid View. But I dont want to display the records I want to put a specific on ina specific row column in a variable,in short I want to work with it.My DataSet is called ProductionDataSet. The Table is called Employee and has four column called Employee, First_Name, Last_Name and Status.How to I now store lets say the entry in colum 4 and row 5 in the variable x?

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Const Wm Visual Basic 2010?

Jun 27, 2011

druring my search how to display a picture from a webcan using vb I found in some treads the following code:

Const WM_CAP_START = &H400S
WS_CHILD = &H40000000


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Error In Visual Basic 2010?

Jan 4, 2012

ok im making a program where i add exe files to my project like the trial install of photoshop and all the adobe projects. So wot i want to do now is add a code in so when i push the button install adobe photoshop fire works ect it will im useing this code here to do that

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes("YourExeFile.exe", My.Resources.Webcam,


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How To Send SMS From Visual Basic 2010

May 1, 2010

i am use visual basic 2010i have API gateway with username and password from provider.buthow to use this? means how to send SMS from my visual basic application

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How To SQL Command In Visual Basic 2010

Apr 5, 2012

how to SQL Command and fill Result in ComboBox? in visual basic 2010 my DataBase

Dim SqlCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=DIG-PCDIGSER;Initial Catalog=;Integrated Security=True") Dim ConDatBas As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=DIG-PCDIGSER;Initial Catalog=DigSMSystem;Integrated Security=True")

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Send An Sms Using Visual Basic 2010?

Jun 21, 2011

I checked all links in google,youtube,bing, msdn for source code on how to send "free "sms using visual basic 2010 (visual studio 2010). I want it to be completely device free means no mobile just an ordinary user a computer a modem . and visual studio 2010 for the programmer.

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Send Sms In Visual Basic 2010?

Feb 12, 2012

how to send SMS with provider i am using visual basic 2010

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