Visual Basic "TRY / CATCH" In (Multiple Instances)

Feb 29, 2012

I hope you all know what try does, and what I am trying to do is merge another "try" in 1 of the try built already. Okay, let me explain it. This is what my normal code looks like:


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Install Visual Basic On Multiple PCs?

Feb 4, 2010

I would like to install a recent version of Visual Basic in all computer rooms of the IUT.Is it possible to install "Visual Basic 2008 Express" on multiple PCs (using ghost) by activating only the application on the machine used to create the image ? After deployment, the other PC in the room will they work ?

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Run Multiple Vbscripts Using Visual Basic 08?

Apr 26, 2010

Is it possible to run a vbscript using Visual Basic 08 coded to a command button? Also if I have more than one script that I need to run at once but they all have the same variable (url) any way to enter the variable to each script at run time? I'm trying to avoid having to manually editing each script with the new url to submit..thinking that I can code up an app using Visual Basic that will click a button to launch the scripts and then by typing in the url to use the program would inject that each script at run time....

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Open Multiple URL Using Visual Basic 2008?

Sep 12, 2010

i have create software using visual basic 2008 now i am stuck with several matter

i need a code that can open multiple URL in one time... when i click the button.. the URL also i can easily add or deleted it

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Cannot Update Multiple Columns With Visual Basic 2008?

Feb 14, 2010

below code gives me an exception telling me that it is an invalid column name. It's taking the input string from "frmMain.txtBadge.Text" and thinking it's the column name. I havesearched for days without any clue.

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Get Multiple Image Layers On Visual Studio .net (Basic)?

Feb 20, 2010

Back in Visual Basic 6.0 and prior I could have a picturebox control and then have multiple images on that and using a gif file; then I'd have some images transparent. For example, I am trying to make a map where each country has it's own layer and the void is transparent so the underlying picturebox contains all the water.

However, in visual studio I've noticed the image control is now gone. I tried using a panel and a picturebox on top of that and it works but I can't use another picturebox on top of that picturebox, nor can I stack multiple panels with the same affect.

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Multiple Rdlc File In One ReportViewer In Visual Basic?

Feb 17, 2012

How to use multiple rdlc file in one ReportViewer? in same dataset using visual basic 2010

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Visual Basic 2008 - Writing To Multiple Files

Jan 31, 2011

I've made sort of a "Game"

I want to add an Item to all accounts. I know HOW to write into files and add the item but it's adding it to ALL accounts.

Accounts Dir: C:DatabaseAccounts"Username"Items.txt

Without adding EVERY Account file as a streamwriter how would I make the streamwriter do all available directorys for the account's name.

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Visual Basic: Making Multiple Forms For An Orde?

Mar 31, 2012

I've been working on this project for two weeks now and I'm drained from all the hiccups I've come across. Now I've hit a brick wall.I'm making a "simple" order form in Visual Basic 2010 that calculates the amount due for an order and then from the total determines what the shipping will be. I've been able to accomplish the following tasks:accept customer data (name, address, city, state abbreviation, zipcode)calculate total with shipping costs (accurately, for the most part)clear the order form and exitBut the way I have it right now, a customer can only put in 1 order form.

Problem: I have to figure out a way to allow a customer to place an order form for multiple items. (I'll assume that a customer will not place an order for more than 20 items). So what would be the best way to go about saving the information for multiple items then calculating the cost at the end?If it's multiple form creation, how is that done? Is the keyword "Container" the way to go, and how

Snippet Code:
Private Sub total_mouseleave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles total.MouseLeave


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Cause A Button In Visual Basic To Automatically Click Multiple Times?

Dec 9, 2009

I want my calculate button to automatically click multiple times upon the user clicking it once because it seems that it only works properly if it is clicked multiple times... I'm not sure if there is an error in my code.

Public Class frmford
Dim Make, Model, InitialPrice, Options, AirConditioningTax, GST, PST, Total, Subtotal, Finance, Months, RoofRack, SunRoof, SideAirBags, TintedGlass,


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Display Multiple Table Records In One Datagridview In Visual Basic?

Feb 23, 2012

I am using Visual Basic 2010

i have three tables

Table Names are Students, Customers, Members

fields in Students Table Like Below



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VS 2008 : Make Multiple File Deleter In Visual Basic?

Oct 17, 2009

I'am try to make multiple file deleter in visual basic so here is my code.

Public Class Form7
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


But my problem is that if add two or more files it just deletes the last one on the list box. How can i make it delete a the files on the list box?

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Function Call For Multiple Textboxes Using Visual Basic Studio 2008

Feb 17, 2010

I am working to make a function that will update the back color of a text box based on multiple variables values. I can write the code to do the calculation, but I am not sure how to make the function realize which text box to update (as I will have about 30 different boxes). Below is the code that I have for each box so far, but I will have quite a few more, and would rather use a function to reduce the amount of code, and also make it cleaner as well.

If sngPreviousPrimaryPropertyTotal >= sngPrimaryPropertyTotalCost Then
txtPreviousPrimaryPropertyTotal.BackColor = ColorProgramLightGreen
txtPreviousPrimaryPropertyTotal.BackColor = ColorProgramLightRed
End If
[Code] .....

Or is there a way that I can tell the function that it's updating the text box that call the function in the first place? Say if txtBox1 has updated text and calls the function, then the function 'knows' to update txtBox1, but will update txtBox2 when it's called by txtBox2.

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Add Multiple Hyperlinks In A Label Control In Windows Forms In Visual Basic 2008

Apr 4, 2011

In a label box, I want to list a couple of websites, email address along with some text. How do I go about it?

Potential uses- As a Help > About dialog box where websites, email of the author can be listed.

To make things as easy as possible for the user, and encourage visiting of the mentioned websites.

Simple text will be ignored, while standard blue color, underlined text with hand mouse-cursor will need no thinking on user's part.

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Multiple Client Windows Form Application Using Visual Basic Express 2005?

Jul 30, 2009

I am making a server - multiple client windows form application using Visual Basic Express 2005.

I was wondering if there was a way that I could debug multiple instances of the client at the same time?Ashray Lavsi If my post answers your Question, don't forget to "Mark it as Answer"

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Extracting Visual Basic Source Code From Visual Basic EXE?

Jan 24, 2011

How do you extract source code from a VB.NET .EXE file?

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Visual Basic 2008 Tutorial - Save And Load Text From Multiple Text Boxes

Aug 16, 2011

So i watched this video here. [URL]

And i want to do this for like 40+ text boxes, how can i do it?

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Can Uninstall Functionality Be Modified To Catch Other Instances Of Application / Also Uninstall Them?

Jun 23, 2011

Have a application that installs initially from CD and then when the user gets into the internet the application updates. In order to better support problems with this application is has been suggested in the past to uninstall it and do a fresh re-install. However, in investigation it was determined that the uninstall does not consider all installed objects and does not uninstall the CD install.Can the uninstall functionality be modified to catch the other instances of this application and also uninstall them?

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C# - Visual Studio Debug Two Instances?

Dec 12, 2011

When I try to debug my WPF application in visual studio 2010 it launches two versions of my application. Both are linked to the debugger. has anyone seen this before or knows a way to fix it.

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Connecting To Multiple SQL Instances?

Jan 3, 2011

Any best method of managing multiple SQL connections .net (VB). My application connects to four instances of SQL Server (2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2) restoring databases, modifying data and taking backups. In addition to managing databases the app also has its own DB (on the 2008 instance) for storing various data. I'm using two methods to connect to the instances, SMO (For backups, restoring and retrieving information about the databases, size etc) and SqlClient for querying each database for many tasks such as updating fields and executing sql scripts.I have multiple forms for performing various tasks so there are many places I'm opening / closing connections.

Would it be best to maintain a persistent global connection to each instance from the application? (Two in total, one for SMO and the other for SqlClient) or open close a connection for each task I'm performing?) I'm not using LINK as I need the tasks to be as fast as possible. The connection string will differ on each connection (Based on Instance and Database being connected to) how would I manage this? A string in the config file for the applications database would make sense, as that would be static but the databases being worked on will vary with each connection. Currently I'm creating a connection for each instance within the main form:

Dim 2000Connection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & SQLServerName & _
"SQL2000;Initial Catalog=Master;User ID=sa;Password=P@ssw0rd;Pooling=True;")
Dim 2005Connection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & SQLServerName & _
"SQL2005;Initial Catalog=Master;User ID=sa;Password=P@ssw0rd;Pooling=True;")
Dim 2008Connection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & SQLServerName & _
"SQL2008;Initial Catalog=Master;User ID=sa;Password=P@ssw0rd;Pooling=True;")
[Code] .....

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Multiple Instances Of A Form?

Sep 13, 2010

If I create a console application for example with a class named "Person" I can create an object variable with a ceratin name only once. For example:



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Multiple Instances Of Class?

Mar 29, 2010

I have the following problem. (VB.Net 2008)I have created a class (myFirstClass). In this class there are a lot of calculations being made wich gets fired by events in that same class.Now i want that same class to be able to fire more instances of itself. However i noticed that each time i fire an event from a Sub the program waits till the event is finished before going to the next line of code. This is a problem since i want the event wich fires a new instance of the class to fire it and forget about it.

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Multiple Instances Of The Same Form?

Mar 3, 2010

I have two forms in my application. Form 1 is a listview that is populated with unique Customer IDs. When the user double click the listview on the particular Customer ID then it loads Form2. Form2 has many listviews within it such as a listview for the Customer telephone, another listview for their addresses etc and all the data presented in Form2 listviews are based on the Customer ID that the user clicked in Form1.

So here is my question...I want the user to be able to open Form2 with that particular details of the customer but also to go back to Form1 and double click another Customer ID and opens Form2 again (such as replicating Form2) with the other Customer details.So the moral of the story is i want the user to be able to have many instances of Form2 open each time they wish to view a different Customer ID without having to close Form2 down every time.

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VS 2008 X86, X64, PID, Multiple Instances?

Feb 6, 2010

My ultimate goal is to get a list of PIDs and have a user select 1 of them.For example: the process image name is program.exe. The application name varies for each instance the program.exe is run, and therefor each application name has its own PID associated with it. By application name I mean the Task name under the Applications tab of Windows Task Manager. Another issue I face is that some systems run x64, so the name is no longer program.exe but program.exe*32

So my issue is, how do I search for program.exe, or on x64 platforms program.exe*32, and if there are multiple instances of program.exe/program.exe*32 running, how can I get a list of PIDs for each and associated them with the application name as the Task name under the Applications tab of Windows Task Manager.that might sound a bit confusing! So if it is, please let me know and I will try to explain more. Any reference guides or example code would be greatly appriciated as I have only used the "System.Diagnostics" but once.

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Adding Multiple Instances Of Same Control

Jan 14, 2011

I have a control which consists of a couple of labels and a couple of buttons side by side.I want to add multiple instances of this control to a panel.The problem I have is with positioning/formatting.Whenever I add the control it just gets added on top of the previous one.Should I be using something other then a panel? Are there any tips ot tricks I should be aware of ?

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Checking For Multiple Instances Of Application?

Aug 30, 2010

How can I check for multiple instances of my visual basic application? When the user runs the application, I want to know how many instances are already open.

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Communicating Between Multiple Instances Of Application?

Mar 9, 2009

I have an application which the user can open multiple instances on the same machine. However, a section of the app would have sync problems if more than 1 instance has control over it. This is where I thought of transferring control, or sharing, between them. What should I be looking into?

They would have to be able to identify which one of them has control and to send text information over. I thought IPC or Named Pipes could do the trick, but I'm unfamiliar with them and examples seem to indicate only a single server will work. Here, I have multiple instances of the same app and every one of them needs to be able to listen for that request for control.

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Creating Multiple Instances Of A Form?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a form (form1) and I havea button on form1 (button1) that will start a second form (form2).How can I make it create multiple instances of form2 when button1 is clicked?i tried a process module that the studio comes as standard but it does not allow me to start multiple can i do this?

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Hold Multiple Instances(10) Of Alarms?

Jul 20, 2010

I have created an alarm program but am having an issue creating multiple alarms. Here is what I have so far. I have created an array to hold multiple instances(10) of alarms that I want to run concurrently.

Dim SetAlarms(7, 9) As String
Public Shared x As Integer = AlarmNumb


What I cannot figure out is how to get the program to read the array and recognize each row as a separate alarm to process. This means it must read the array, know which variables to populate with what information and cycle thru the list.

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Loading Multiple Instances Of One .dll In .Net 2010?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm working on a program that uses a COM Object exposed by a .dll. The .dll has a known bug, though, where it acts very erratically when more than one instance of the object is created under one .dll, resulting in crashes or corrupted data a large part of the time. I'm curious if there is some way I can load another instance of the .dll itself, then create another instance of the object without having to need a new process for every instance.

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