Wait For Batch File To Close Before Continuing?

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to run a batch file via VB and I need to wait for it to complete/exit before progressing. The issue I believe I am having is that when a batch file is executed, it opens cmd.exe and not the batch file.

This is what I am executing with VB
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "PingCheckmachines.txt")
FileCopy(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "machines.txt", My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "PingCheckmachines.txt")
Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "PingCheckgo.bat")
psi.RedirectStandardError = True
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = True
psi.CreateNoWindow = False .....

The problem I am having is that it will just delete ping.bat before it completes.
How do I go about monitoring the process from the batch file I call. Then once it exits, continue with the script?

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.net - Wait For A Different Form To Close Before Continuing On?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a little log in screen that pops up if a user selects a certain item on my main form. How do I get my code to stop executing til my log in form closes?This is what I am doing so far. Basically i want o execute the code after MyLogin closes.

If isLoggedIn Then
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor
End If

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Wait Until Form Is Close Before Continuing?

Apr 5, 2010

I have something like this:

For Each Entry In CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems
SheetName = Entry.ToString()

but I don't want to continue the loop until Form2 is closed. I tried something like this:

For Each Entry In CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems
SheetName = Entry.ToString()


But that just froze everything and used up all my CPU.

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VS 2008 - Put App In Some Kind Of Wait State For A Certain Key On The Keyboard Before Continuing?

Mar 31, 2010

Can i put my app in some kind of wait state for a certain key on the keyboard before continuing? But that key can be targeted to any window, not just my app. My app would be out of focus and i hit that key on the keyboard and it would act.

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VS 2010 Tell Web Browser To Wait For New Page/specific Url To Load Before Continuing?

Feb 17, 2012

making verified accounts for my marketing and now I am hooked into improving as it is turning into a very good program I am just stuck with one thing which I can see being a very simple solution but I have search forum after forum and tonnes of Google searches all worded different to solve my my.It really is simple at present I use different buttons to automate different parts/pages of the account creation I am now setting it up so I click say for example a "go" button and it fills in the first page (and heres where I'm stuck waits for a specific url or even just a new url to load before continuing with the next bit of code

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VS 2008 Launching Batch Script And Wait

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to knock out a tiny program very very quickly as I need it for tomorrow and doing so prob made a mistake but can't see it myself.I need to run multiple batch scripts (one at a time) but wait for them to finish before continuing (would be better if the command window was shown during execution)[code]

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.net - How To Wait For Form To Close Without ShowDialog()

May 9, 2012

In my program I use WebBrowser control for OAuth. It's located on vk_auth_window form. So in the code I call vk_auth_window.WebBrowser1.Navigate(vkauthurl). If authentication is successful, I silently get token, but if user is not authenticated a form vk_auth_window is showed to them to enter username and password. To check this I catch _DocumentComplete event and check for the right URL. I need no other code being executed until the user finished authentication or closed authentication form. ShowDialog() does the trick, but it somehow hides cursor from username and password fields in WebBrowser control. So I introduced a variable Dim showform as Boolean=True in and set it to False from the _DocumenComplete event and in the main code I use infinite loop.

While showform
End While

However it makes userinput slow due to thread sleeps. And If i remove them, it loads CPU quite a lot. Is there a better way to wait for form to close? What is it?

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C# - Wait For Modeless Dialog To Close?

Apr 19, 2012

In form I have one button which has functionality to pick up some data from (by mouse click) Parent application.

I have handle for parent application handle, but even if i tried to bring it on top i am not able to do selection because form is modal.

Requirement here is open modeless dialog and wait till it close. other wise it goes further and executes functionality below.

Another option can be open form as modal and at runtime change it to modaless.

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Wait For Setup Project To Close .Net?

Apr 9, 2009

My end result is that I want to launch another setup project after the first setup project closes. The problem is that since setup.exe is just a wrapper for the msi package.WaitForExit is quitting when the setup.exe is finished and not foo.msi.

Using Process As New System.Diagnostics.Process
Process.StartInfo.FileName = "setup.exe"
Process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal


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VS 2010 Unexpected Error On Program Close With A Wait Loop?

Dec 1, 2011

In my MDI Application code I have a form that launches a second form then hides itself until the spawned form closes. It works great unless I choose to close the application while the spawned form is still up.

The following is some example code.

Dim ChildForm as New frmTaskWindow With { .MDIParent = Me, .AddingNew = True }


Me.Show() ' error occurs here because my form is already closed by the system. Is there a way to get around this without just an error catcher?

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RTF Close - Add A Close Button To Menu Strip That Will Just Close The Currently Opened File

Jan 16, 2009

I'm currently in the process of building a text editor type program, and have run into a brick wall. I haven't done VB in years, so I may just need a little reminder on some things. I have coded everything so far as far as opening files, saving them, changing fonts, colors, etc. However, I'm looking to add a Close button to my menu strip that will just close the currently opened file, and not the entire program, while also ask the user if he/she would like to save before closing the file, and then if they select yes, it will show the save dialog, and if not, it will go ahead and close the currently opened item.

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WebBrowser Control Is In A Wait State : How To Kill The Wait

May 27, 2009

While navigating to a series of sites at one site the WebBrowser control's DocumentCompleted EVENT is tripped and no other recorded Browser events occur after that. When this happens the hour glass cursor indicates the browser is waiting. From this point it take 120 to 250 seconds of wall clock time before the browser resumes. I am looking for a way to force an abnormal termination without destroying the control. I have tried "Stop", "nav to about:blank" repeatedly without success. How can I force an abnormal termination when the Cntrl is in a wait state?

Consider the following: The last known Browser event to be tripped is a Document Complete event; nothing else occurs after this. When this transpires the Cntrl is waiting.

1:50:657: ============================= ENTER WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted EVENT ========================================
31:50:657: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE NEW WEBBROWSER STATEMENT


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Calling A Java Class File From VB Via A Batch File?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a VB program that writes a batch file to allow me to run a line of the following format:java <my class file> [options]I then run the batch file using the Shell() routine in VB.When I do this it says it cannot find <my class file>. However if I run the same batch file from a dos prompt it works.why it works in a dos prompt but not in the Shell function?

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File I/O And Registry :: How To Batch File Input/out To Same Textbox

Feb 28, 2009

i am creating an app that when a button is pressed a batch file is executed and hidden from view.I have managed to get the output of the batch file to be displayed in a text box.

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Read A Xml File From The Command Prompt Batch File

Apr 29, 2010

i need to read a xml file from the command prompt batch file.

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Run Batch File Using UNC?

Jun 21, 2011

I have been looking all day trying to find a way to do this. I need to run a Batch file which is held on a server, the file path begins with a IP Address which DOS doesn't like. So i found the pushd command which assigns a temp drive letter from which you can run the Batch File.If i was simply running a normal program or file i would use:

Dim proc As Process
proc = Process.Start("c:\BatchFile.bat")


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Batch File Converter (PNG To BMP)

Dec 30, 2010

I am trying to create a program that renames files to 1 - (however many files are in the folder) and also convert .pngs to .bmps.

If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
Dim files As String()
files = IO.Directory.GetFiles(TextBox1.Text)
Dim filepath_new As String
filepath_new = TextBox1.Text
For Each filepath As String In files
[Code] .....

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Convert Batch File To Exe Using VB

Nov 9, 2009

how to convert batch file to exe using vb.net [Code] after i read the batch file but how can i save it as exe.

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Convert Old Batch File To VB?

Sep 2, 2009

I have an old batch file i use that I would like to convert to vb.net,

The Batch file use a .reg entry to set the cleanmgr options. abnd then calls the sagerun command to run those options

I pretty sure I know how to create the registry entries what I am not sure to do is how to call the cleanmgr with the switches /dc /sagerun:200 then display a box saying it is complete and deleting the prefetch folder of anything older then 'n' days . [code]...

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Get VB 2008 To Run A Batch File?

Oct 24, 2010

I need Visual Basic to run a batch file I have placed a batch file inside my startup application directory Inside the batch file I have WUinstall /install /reboot "When I double click the batch file it works perfect" Visual Basic 2008 Command Button I Have

Dim p As Process
'instance a new process
p = New Process


When I click this command button all I get is CMD window just flashes. When I hold down the enter key I can faintly read something about it is not an internal command.

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Reading A Batch File?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a batch file that loads into a form containing 20 IT related incidents. I have managed to upload the batch file into a form. However I have an algorithm that reads an incident and manages to classify into its topic: See Below the data imported form the file:

1) Need to install jet direct to printers and connect users
2) Remove ms project software from PC 04384 and re install on 07882
3) install needed for 2 vectra software for Finance department PC assest 9875 and 8711
4) Supply PC 500 SITA Rest Area phone 2268 Asset and S/N
5) Add printer Epson label printer in ISD2
6) Remove Jetdirect and network printer via port PPSS PC add printer
7) Credentials for user UK15428 not logging onto the network
8) Install CD RW and unsupported software for UKX3395
9) Need Entire software installing on asset 5530, and access to password for use.
10) phone handset not functioning for UK10529, new phone required.
11) install card reader and software following PC move
12) New user group UKG0345 no mail just printers on PC00856 and PC02427
13) Update outlook remove project from PC D0186 in Prod Control per Tony Campbell install on Alisons PC in NDS
14) Unable to log onto the network, profile will need recreating
15) Remove spent toner cartridge
16) The printer doesnt appear to be printing, it looks like there could be a paper jam of some sort
17) Set up laptop and use local admin password to gain access to backup files
18) Remove image grabber card from PC and install on PC in paint shop have explained to user they will have to contact optivision

19) Cannot get onto network as I have forgotten my password, can you reset for UK15617
20) User cannot access voicemails, need mac address to edit on TOIP software

For example number 1) would be classified as a printer problem. I want the algorithm to be able to read each number, not the whole lot and classify the whole block of text, I want it to classify each incident individually, so there are 20 incidents to be classified.

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Run Batch File In Program?

Feb 1, 2010

How can I run a batch from from within vb.net?

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Sendkeys To Batch File?

Mar 3, 2012

if I press a button then it send keys to a opened batch file ...

I open batch file with this

Dim proces As String = folder.Text + "process.bat"

I want to send "stop" to process.bat. How I can do this ?


How I can close the process.bat when it is running ? I try with:

Public Sub KillProcess(ByVal processName As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim oWMI


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Starting App From A Batch File?

Aug 5, 2010

I have written a simple folder backup program which, if started with a /s switch (argument), will run "silently" and perform an unattended backup. The obvious way to start the program with the /s switch is from a batch file, which then runs as a Windows Scheduled Task. I would like to create the batch file from the program itself, when it first runs, as it can then write the value of "Application.ExecutablePath" into the batch file follwed by the /s switch.

So, the question is, where best to save the batch file without running into Vista/Windows 7 permission problems? Is the local application data folder suitable?

Bear in mind there are three parts to this: my vb.net app needs first to create a batch file somewhere without permission issues, that batch file needs to be accessible to Windows Task Scheduler and then, when the batch file is run, it needs to start an .exe which is most likely in the "program files" folder.

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Include A Batch File Or An .exe File In Setup?

Aug 31, 2010

How can I include a batch file or an .exe file in my setup, that runs after setup is complete?

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.net - Launch Code That Would Normally Run From A Batch File?

Jul 14, 2011

It am trying to launch this code that would normally run from a batch file

Batch file code:

"%ProgramFiles%Javajre6injava.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


When I run the code cmd.exe opens but then nothing happens?

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Batch File Input/out To Same Textbox?

Feb 28, 2009

i am creating an app that when a button is pressed a batch file is executed and hidden from view.I have managed to get the output of the batch file to be displayed in a text box.

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Batch File Works When Ran Directly But Not From .Net?

Sep 2, 2009

Im running VB.Net 2005.Inside of the program I use the line ystem.Diagnostics.Process.Start("program_) to open multiple programs. For all but one of them this works perfectly. This erros when I try to run a batch file using. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:xx.bat") the batch file opens but then throughs a number of unreconizable java errors follow.


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Batch XML File - Tag Find And Replace

Mar 23, 2010

VB.net VS 2008

I need to develop a small application which can do a batch find and replace on all xml files within a folder. Example:



I want to replace ALL <firstName) tags to John and all <lastName> tags to Smith to protect sensitive date. In addition, there will be other tags such as address, ss number and phoneNumber.

NOTE: There may be multiple instances of <firstName> within the file. 1000 xml files with all replacing names, address etc. with the same fixed name such as John Smith These will be used for testing and to prevent sensitive data from being leaked

There is no doubt that I can do this the long and dirty way. (I am working on).

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Com Component Only When Run Via BackgroundWorker Or Batch File

Feb 25, 2010

My code is calling a COM component to retrieve data from a contact management product. That code works fine when called directly from my VB code. However, if I add a Progress dialog and run the SAME code via the BackgroundWorker, the COM component does not run. It generates an error: Object does not match target type. when attempting to access items from the COM component.

Also, if I run my application via a batch file that simply calls the application, the COM component does not run. In this case, it generates an exception as soon as the COM component is accessed in the code. I have posted questions to the COM component vendor but after several days have not gotten any responses. Someone told me I could not access COM objects on a thead, but the same BackgroundWorker code works when communicating with Outlook or Lotus Notes (which I believe are both COM).


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