WebBrowser - How To Select All Messages In CheckBox

May 31, 2009

Actually today I opened my yahoo mail and I saw 2030 messages, too much spam right. What I did I had to delete them all and it took me time. So right now I decided to make a program by using web browser in vb.net. I want to select all the messages and then delete them automatically "Its time consuming." I really don't have much experience with web browser. I mean I can do simple things like filling forms, submit event and so on... But I don't know how to select all the messages on a check box. How can I get started?

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Read WM_COMMAND Messages From A App - Select 'Log Messages' And Find The Windows -Nothing Show's Up?

Dec 10, 2011

I want to use spy++ or Winspector But from what i Read they Dont work on windows 7 64bit Correct ? Im trying to read WM_COMMAND Messages from a App.And whenever i Select 'Log Messages' And find the windows etc.Nothing show's up. Is there a alternative ?

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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to www.google.com, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to www.google.com

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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Asp.net :: Select One Checkbox From 2 Column Checkbox?

Dec 16, 2011

I have 2 columns of checkboxes in a gridview, where the header also contains a checkbox. If i select the header checkbox, it will check all corresponding checkboxes in its colomnow, what I want to happen is if I select column 1 checkbox, column 2 checkboxes should get unchecked and vice-versa.

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


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Block VB WebBrowser Error Messages?

Oct 22, 2011

I am creating a simple VB.NET WebBrowser to automate and simplify navigation of a web site. However on certain pages i get the following popup message. This is telling me about an error which is on the Web Site itself and thus out of my control.

Is it possible to block these popups from my application?

The application is for personal use, so auto-clicking yes would be an acceptable option.

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Handling Security Messages In .NET WebBrowser Control?

Feb 19, 2010

I am attempting to write a VB.net application which will allow users to create their own widget plugins in html/jscript and i would like to set my own security options in the applications settings allowing users to choose what can run or not eg scripts, flash, activex.I would like to allow activex controls to be used without the windows security dialog in the WebBrowser Control (An ActiveX control is trying to interact with the page...) or what ever it says.

I started customizing the WB Control to suite my needs implementing various interfaces such as IOleClientSite, IDocHostShowUI, IDocHostUIHandler, etc...I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to control the security permissions of the WB Control. I tried to implement IHttpSecurity and IInternetSecurityManager but I'm either barking up the wrong tree or not doing it right.

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VS 2008 DGV Row Select And CheckBox?

Oct 13, 2009

My DGV has MultiRowSelect = True

I have 4 things I am trying to overcome when loading the DGV and when clicking on a row.

1. When the DGV loads, the first row is Selected by default. I would prefer that it not be since that row may not be needed to be selected and mistakenly left selected.

2. Column(0) contains an UnBound CheckBox, when I click it, I want the row to be Selected

3. When I click on the DGV Row, I want the CheckBox to be marked either True or False depending on the state before the row click and the row selected or unselected.

4. Bypassing the need for Ctrl or Shift to select multiple rows.

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Uncheck A Checkbox In Webbrowser?

Apr 12, 2011

I am making a webbrowser that will automatically log me in as I browse. But I am having a problem. I can use: el.SetAttribute("checked", "checked") To check a check box but I cannot use it to uncheck the check box. =[ Any one know the code to uncheck a check box on a webpage vb.net webbrowser? i have tried all sorts of stuff like:

el.SetAttribute("unchecked", "unchecked")
el.SetAttribute("0", "0")
el.SetAttribute("", "")
el.SetAttribute(0, 0)

but none of them worked.

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Datagrid Checkbox Range Select?

Feb 24, 2009

I have a datagrid, with an unbound checkbox column. How can I get a range select use shift and ctrl keys that will check the checkbox?The moment you check a box, it selects only that row, so the rows selected are down to just the row you clicked on. I've been playing with several events and settings and I can't seem to get it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?When your problem is solved, add (RESOLVED) to the end of your topic. This will save the guru's time and be able to solve more problems. Remove the question mark icon as well.

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Check Webbrowser Checkbox From One Button?

Sep 20, 2009

I have Webbrowser1 where is (WEBSITE) there is only this information.[code]...

How do i can make this checkbox checked by pressing one button at my application?

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VS 2008 How To Click This Checkbox Webbrowser

Aug 3, 2011

I need to uncheck this textbox in a webbrowser but not sure how to do it :/HTML

<form name="toolbar" methos=post><span class="chk"><script language="JavaScript">createCheckbox("toolbar", "toolbar", "[optional] Install Orange Toolbar ", "checkbox", true, "");</script></span>

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[2008] Checking A Checkbox On A Webbrowser?

Jan 6, 2009

I have a simple question, how would you check a checkbox on a webpage on your webbrowser by pressing a button, like what would the code be?

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User Click Checkbox And Select Date

Apr 27, 2009

I am creating a program that requires the user to click a checkbox and then select a date in a Date Time Picker Control. There will be up to 20 entries. I need to know how to take all of the dates entered and display on a different form the latest date selected by the user from all the entries on a form. All the options will be training selected and when the last training item is selected and a date entered I need to be able to output the training completion date which will be the latest date entered in the form.

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VS 2008 - Check A CheckBox / RadioButton In A Webbrowser?

Oct 4, 2009

How do I check a CheckBox/RadioButton in a webbrowser?

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WebBrowser - Checking CheckBox Pressing Button

Jan 19, 2009

How do I put webbrowser1 put checkbox checked pressing button.
<input type="Checkbox" name="n10" value="3685551">
Note! Website what is showing in webbrowser WEBSITE's Checkbox.

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Written A Small Class Called 'Messages' That Holds The User Messages?

Sep 24, 2008

here I am again I have written a small class called 'Messages' that holds the user messages.The case is that I am not being able to import it. Here it is:


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Add CheckBox To GridView And When Checking Select Data Items?

Feb 8, 2011

How can I add check box to gridview and when checking select data items?

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Check If Only The Checkbox Is Checked Without Having The User Select The Node?

Dec 30, 2010

How can i check if only the checkbox is checked without having the user select the node.

This code works, but the user has to check the itm first

If TreeView1.SelectedNode.Checked = True Then

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Select All The Items From The Combobox When The User Check The Checkbox?

Nov 19, 2009

I have on my form a combobox and a checkbox.What I want to do is when the user checks the checkbox all the values contained in combobox will be selected. So a multi-select for all items of combobox when the checkbox is checked.I tried this:

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked Then
End If
End Sub

But only one element is selected with blue.

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[2005] Infragistics UltraGrid Checkbox Column - Select Only One?

Jan 23, 2009

I have a Infragistics ultragrid with a checkbox column (no binding on the checkbox column) need the user to only have one check box selected at a time. If a checkbox is checked and the user checks another row I need the first checkbox to uncheck. I am new to infragistic controls, so I apologize if this is a simple property that I have not found. But I have searched the forum and KB to no avail. Do I have to rip through the rows and uncheck all rows but the active one?

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WebBrowser - Error Occurred When Click CheckBox On Certain Website

Nov 28, 2010

I have programmed a web browser with Visual Basic 2010 Express and came across a major bug. Whenever I try to click a checkbox on a certain website, this error message appears:

An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line: 193
Char: 9
Code: 0
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
[Yes] [No]

After clicking yes or no it just pops up again and I have to open the Task Manager just to close the browser.

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Getting The Value Of A Row In A Gridview After Selecting Its Checkbox Using Javascript - Vb- To Avoid Refreshing The Page At Each Select?

Oct 28, 2011

I have aspx gridview with checkbox on evryrow, what is required is whenever we check any of the rows, a query should be launched to change the specific agent -each row consist of agentID, Pass, Status- to Paid Status. using javascriptWhat I need to know is how to loop to get the Checked row and get the ID of the row checked so that I can get THe ID of the Agent in thos row so that I can update its status.using javascriptI found something similar on stackflow:t GridView selected row DataKey in JavascriptBut it is not my case, what is needed is at the check of a checkbox a javascript function should launch through which I could update the selected row in grid view after having the index of this row and this all to avoid refreshing the page.

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Raise Event Because A User Didn't Not Select A Checkbox Option After Choosing A Certain Value In A Combobox?

Aug 4, 2011

I am new to vb.net and I have looked at other topics. I cannot find the answer I need. OK I have a combobox named cboRaceDesc and five checkboxes (CkRaceAfricanAmerican, ChkRaceAmerican Indian, ckRaceAsian, ckRacePacificIslander, and ckRaceWhite). I was going to post an image, but I cannot.cboRaceDesc has two options...Hispanic and Other. If the user selects Other then they have to choose one of the five checkboxes or it will raise an exception when the record is being saved. I am assuming I would generate the code under the "save" button. I know I need to gather the following information in my code:

If cboRaceDesc.SelectedValue = Other Then
<I am not sure how to code the logic regarding the checkboxes>
<I know I need to use multiple else/else if statements>
<I know towards the end I would generate the exception>

Can anyone help me fill in the blanks or point me in the right direction?

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Select 'Okay' In Webbrowser Popup

Nov 3, 2010

I have a webbrowser. I am using using vb code to select a "Reject" button on my webpage. When "Reject" is selected a messagebox or a new window pops up and asks it I am sure. It has two buttons, "Okay" and "Cancel" I would like my program to always select "Okay" when the object is rejected by my code.I have been looking at NewWindow but can't seem to get it to do what I am looking for.

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Select Tag?

May 21, 2012

I am having some problem in filling info in webbrowser control. In HTML document select tag is there. Code is this.

<select class="" id="msg" name="msg" aria-required="true">
<option value="" SELECTED >- Select One -</option>


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How To Cause Webbrowser To Select A Radio Button

Dec 3, 2011

I am trying to make a utility for my personal use. I want it to log into a website and fill out a form for me. So far, I can get it to fill in the input boxes and select the right options from the comboboxes.

I am having a problem with the radio buttons on the form.

Here is how I use webbrowser to select MICHIGAN from the list of states. This works fine, and I present it as an example of what I am trying to do:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("idccafhState").SetAttribute("value", "MI")

I am trying to find something that will do the same thing, but with a radio button. So far, nothing I do will work. There are two radio buttons. One basically says: "Yes, I would like this item - add it to my shopping cart." The other says: "I decline this item." I want to select "I decline this item."

Here is the HTML from the web page:

<div class="mainSelRadio">
<input value="Y" type="radio" name="/yes/ecom/ui/web/announcing/AnnouncingFormHandler.announcingForm.titleAccepted1"><input value=" "


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Select All Webbrowser Text And Copy It?

Dec 6, 2010

I am building a calculator application and to appear powers of numbers as superscripts I've saved the text as [code]...

"</sup>") and then viewed it with a webbrowser. So what I am searching for is a way of copying the text of the webbrowser in such way when I paste it on a word document it will appear as a superscript. A way I have used but didn't work as I wanted it to was[code]...

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Select Box On A Webpage Via The Webbrowser Control?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm wanting to randomize the selection of a select box on a webpage via the webbrowser control.

What I can do.

Dim testRandom As String = curElement.InnerText
Dim RandomSplit() As String = Split(testRandom, " ")
Dim intRandom As Integer = RandomSplit.Length
Dim curRandom As String = curElement.GetAttribute("Value")
Dim rnd As Integer, randomNum As New Random


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Select Item From WebBrowser DropdownList

Jun 18, 2012

I'm working on a webpage automation project. And I am very new in this. I want to use Webbrowser control to select an item in the dropdownlist. Now,how do I programmatically select an item from the HTML snippet below. I would like to select, say for example, "2009" from this

HTML code:
<select name = "yr">
<option value= "">Year</option>

I am trying the following code :
For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("select")
If element.GetAttribute("name") = "yr" Then
element.SetAttribute("value", "2011")
End If

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VS 2008 Select All And Paste From Webbrowser?

Jan 22, 2010

I need to Select All content from a Webbrowser and Paste it into a TextBox.

I can't get the command to Select All/Paste to work.

I googled it and found this,

WebBrowser1.Document.ExecCommand("SelectAll", true, null)

However, I get an error on the null part of the statement.

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