WebBrowser Object Inherit Any Local Restrictions?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm currently thinking up a program I can sneak onto my computer at work, and it all hinges on one key question...Does the WebBrowser Object inherit any local restrictions? EG, If Facebook is blocked on IE/Chrome would it be blocked on the WebBrowser Object?

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Forms :: Navigate To A Local Folder Using Webbrowser?

Oct 22, 2009

I'm guessing there is a really simple answer to this but i've spent the best part of 2 days trying to get it to work and cannot figure it out.Basically, I want is the webbrowser to point to a local folder on a machine. A different one depending on who is logged on. The code I have so far is as follows.

Imports System.IO
Public Class frmFav
Private Sub frmFav_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim username As String


I cannot get the URL value of the webbrowser (FavProgs) to take the value of directoryname. If I set the URL value in the properties for FavProgs it does what I want it to do perfectly.

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WebBrowser Control Not Navigating To A Local Document?

Apr 26, 2010

I have this code set up to navigate to a certain .html document depending on what's selected from a ListBox:

Private Sub FileList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FileList.SelectedIndexChanged
HelpWindow.Navigate(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "help" & fileArray(FileList.SelectedIndex, 1))
End Sub

The problem is, when I first select something in the ListBox, it successfully navigates to that file and displays it. But when I select something a second time it doesn't change.

All of the paths it's trying to navigate to are correct. I've checked this 1000 times.

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Importing A Local HTML File / Code Into A WebBrowser

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to get a local HTML file to display within a WebBrowser in a VB.NET program. I'm using the code below, however it doesn't seem to work, and I can't figure out why:[code]The first method produces the error "" in the Debug console when I go to run it. If I try it with out the @, I get an empty white page. If I change the address, however ,so I know its a broken URL, I get a 404 message, which makes it seem like it's finding the file but not rendering it?The second method does the same as the first except no error is produced, its like its finding the text but doing nothing.

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Display Local File In Webbrowser Control If Internet Connection Not Available?

Oct 25, 2011

Question for all of the more experienced programmers out there. I am working on a program with a tab control. One tab will hold a webbrowser control within it. What I am trying to accomplish to have it pull a specific url from my website to the webbrowser control if the person is connected to the internet, BUT if they don't have a internet connection at the time, I would like to display a local html file instead

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Load Local HTML File Into A WebBrowser Control From Resources In The Project - .net?

Feb 10, 2012

atm i have this If TreeView1.SelectedNode.Name = 2 Then WebBrowser1.Url = My.Resources.Welcome End If

and it doesn't work so if you could please provide an example that world be grate.Also i don't really know how the treeview control works, i know with the combo box or listbox you just have an index of 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. but with the treeview you don't any just one of the things i want to do is whenever the root node is selected i want it to deselect that and select the node that i specify like node.name = 2.

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.net - Don't Create Local Variable To Hold The Reference Of The Object?

Nov 17, 2010

How does the GC dispose objects created in the following 2 scenarios?


Private Function DoSomething() As Boolean
Return New DatabaseManager().Insert()
End Function


Private Function DoSomething() As Boolean
Dim mngr As New DatabaseManager()
Return mngr.Insert()
End Function

In Option 1, I don't create local variable to hold the reference of the object. In Option 2, I hold the reference in local variable.What option is better and why? (if any)

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Local SSRS Report (.rdlc) With Object Data Source?

Apr 15, 2011

i created more projects using ReportViewer 2005 and 2008 in local processing mode than I can count on my hands. All Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 ASP.NET web forms projects. I always used some flavor of Object data source for the reports.Tonight, I attempted to add the same functionality to a Visual Studio 2010 MVC 2 project and am failing miserably. First, the Add New Item > Reporting > Report is now a 2008 RDLC and not a 2005 RDLC report. Secondly, when trying to add a DataSet, my usual method of create a data proxy class with static methods that return IEnumerables(Of Stuff) will not show up as sources in the DataSources drop down

Thirdly, my only option is to add a Database connection. There is no "Object Data Source" to pick from: Like I kind of alluded to, I have no problems whatsoever actually rendering a report using the ReportViewer control. What I can't do is figure out how set up a Data Source in these new-fangled 2008 reports with Visual Studio 2010 so that I can pump a list of domain objects into the ReportViewer and display the report.

UPDATE: With some more research, I've found that MVC projects do not allow object data sources to be used within them. One solution for my issue is to create a separate project in the solution -- a web application, a service, or even just a class library, to add the report to and design it accordingly.'m still looking for alternatives here, so don't run away too fast!

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Datagridview Column Restrictions?

Apr 25, 2011

I've got a datagridview of 4 columns (bounded to a datasource).I've restricted the first column to only numbers The 2nd column can have input all but numbers The last 2 columns can only have letters. Also for the last 2 columns I programmed that the input is converted to capital letters.

See the following

Private Sub validatekeypress0(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs)
If Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 13 AndAlso Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 8 AndAlso Not IsNumeric(e.KeyChar) Then
e.Handled = True


For the first cell I double click on to edit, the restrictions are fine, but as soon as I click a cell in another column it looks like the restrictions from the previous column(s) are also taken with. At the end, if I double clicked a cell in each of the columns, every column blocks all input.

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Make Restrictions To A Text Box?

Jul 8, 2009

How to make restrictions to a text box, so you can only type and paste only numbers from 0-9 and a "." and nothing else?

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Remove PDF Restrictions Using ITextSharp?

Aug 25, 2009

There was a post with this topic earlier but the solution was not revealed due to security reasons. Is there a way for me to know the solution.

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Restrictions On Textbox Using Vb2008?

Oct 8, 2009

how can i prevent the user from entering digits or letters or decimal and how can i convert this code to vb2008 If KeyAscii = 13 ThenCombo2.SetFocusEnd If

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C# - Handle The Line Restrictions In Richtextbox?

Jun 1, 2012

Under RichTextBox_TextChanged event, I have
if RichTextBox.Lines.Count() > 2
//Message Box to display the user that you are typing more than 2 lines

so what i happens is when i have these data in

[0] - "East coast road"
[1]- "New York"

rich text box, when i click Enter, seems it goes into this state

[0] - "East coast road"
[1]- "New York"
[2] -""

and I get the message pop up box saying can't have more than 2 lines, however the last line is just an empty line? How do i handle the line restrictions in rich text box or how do i ensure that when the user clicks enter I don't move to the next line and move to the next line only if there is 1 line in the rich text box?This returns count as 3 where in there should be only 2, how do i eliminate that white space next line?

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Put Restrictions On A Text Box So That It Should Not Accept Spaces?

Apr 14, 2009

How do i put restrictions on a text box so that it should not accept spaces ?

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VS 2010 Restrictions In A Query From Access To VB

Jun 8, 2011

Is there a way to make specific queries from a specific table to another, and then export it to VB??. I have an access database, in which I have 4 tables and 1 query. There is one table called "Customers","Gears" and "Articles"; the last one is the relationships with the ID between the tables from Articles, Gears and Customers, becuase a customer may have more than two Gears, therefore the Articles as well.

So in VB I made an interface in which it conects to the database to show in a combobox all the customers, after that if I choose a customer, then it is supposed to show de gear in a listbox which the customer has, but the problem is that it shows all the gears from the query and not the specific one from that customer, also it repeats in the listbox the same gear twice or more. I think it is problem from my query, but I really don't know how to use very well Access, so I am depending on VB. This is the code that I got so far (Note in my


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Asp.net - Restrictions By File Extension In Server 2008?

Sep 6, 2009

I am having problems downloading files possibly due to the file extensions not matching the actual file. What is happening is the File.Exists check is returning false for these even though the named file does exist. Is anybody aware of anything in IIS or even IE which would cause this? I have seen this with .txt, .exe. and .avi files. The .avi works of as long as the file really is an avi and not renamed from something else.

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Datagridview Column Restrictions Don't Work When Pasting

Apr 27, 2011

I have a datagridview with 4 columns (bound to a datasource).The following code ensures only numbers can be typed in the first column, all but numbers in the 2nd column, and only letters in the 3rd and 4th cooumn. It also converts the input in column 3 and 4 to capital letters.

Private Sub validatekeypress0(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs)
If Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 13 AndAlso Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 8 AndAlso Not IsNumeric(e.KeyChar) Then
e.Handled = True


The problem I have is that the user still has the possibility to place restricted characters in a column by pasting them in (with ctrl+v or right click-->paste), because the keypress doesn't notice the pasting.What should I do to make it impossible for the user to use restricted characters? In other words, how can i check the text the user wants to paste in a cell (cause that's the only other way to input data I can imagine)

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Defining Interface With Restrictions As To What Classes Can Implement It

Nov 30, 2010

How do I limit an Interface when defining it? What is the correct technical term for what I am describing?For example, I want MyInterface to only be implemented for objects that implement IList(Of T) and ICollection(Of T).

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Application Versioning, License Keys, Code Restrictions?

Jun 24, 2010

I have written a POS application, and now i want to create different versions of it.omething like a basic version, a premium version and a Full version. So if a client pays more they get more features in the same application. Is it possible that i could keep one standard application but features in my application get enabled / disabled depending upon what license key user enters. Restrict parts of code that can be executed only if a certain key was entered.

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Get POSTDATA From Webbrowser Object?

Jun 13, 2012

I understand in previous versions of VB the webbrowser object had a beforenavigate2 event that provided access to the postdata of the webbrowser. I've searched and searched and I think that event was disabled for visual studio 2010.

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Put WebBrowser Object Into ASP.NET Page?

May 22, 2011

I have a program which opens up a webpage through a WebBrowser object in c#, and does a bunch of operations with it. Now I need to integrate this functionality into my own webpage.

That means that either I need to take the c# code, and somehow make it work in my webpage itself (put in a WebBrowser object, set up event handlers, etc), or I need to somehow have my webpage open this program on my server, fire an event to start, and receive input from it. It is very important for me to use a WebBrowser object (or even WebKit.Net) because there is a lot of javascript, etc on the page that needs to be processed.

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Filling Forms Using WebBrowser Object

May 9, 2009

I am trying to fill form located here [URL] using web browser control in MS Visual Basic 2008.

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How To Convert String To URI For WebBrowser Object

May 27, 2007

I'm reading a string from a text file, and want to use that string as the URL for my web browser object. The error I get is it needs to be URI, but I am completely lost on how to make a string into URI.

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Looking At Certificate Properties From Webbrowser Object?

Mar 22, 2010

Is there a collection or property somewhere to determine the certificate properties that is in used with the current browser?

If I right-click on the browser object on the VB form, I can see the properties and see the certificates, etc. But is there a way to programatically get to that point? Not seeing anything clearly marked. Not sure if it isn't exposed or if I'm just not seeing it.

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Threading - Interact With WebBrowser Object

Feb 23, 2011

So I am currently using the method of combining a timer with a WebBrowser control to constantly check if some particular text has appeared in the WebBrowser control on my form. The text is dynamically generated after some arbitrary amount of time depending on the user's internet connection speed. (I'm using DOM to do this). The code to check for the HtmlElements lies within a function, which is turned called by the timer.

I find that this is kind of crappy and occasionally lags the UI interface, if not making the entire program behave sluggishly. I have been thinking of just using a simple while loop in a worker thread to take care of the issue, but I understand that new threads cannot interact with the UI thread directly (including controls); they have to call wrappers that are present within the UI thread.

So my question is, can you declare a WebBrowser control and still interact with its HTMLDocument properties if you declare it within a worker thread? I don't want the while loop to be executed within the UI thread (by using a wrapper), since that would defeat the purpose. I would also like to avoid DoEvents() as much as possible...unless that's the only way to do this thing?

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C# - Using A WebBrowser Or WebKit.Net Object In A Windows Service?

May 24, 2011

I'm trying to create a windows service that loads a website, navigates it, and pulls some information using javascript. This is all very easy to do in a windows forms application, but isn't working in a webservice (apparently because services can't access the registry WinInet Not Supported for Use in Services). Any ideas how to get it to work? Here's my code that outputs nothing:


EDIT: I need a WebBrowser or WebKit.Net object because I need to execute javascript on the page, and I need to maintain a login (using cookies and post data). If there's another method to do this please let me know.

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Copy Selected Text Out Of A WebBrowser Object?

Sep 3, 2006

is there a way to copy selected text out of a WebBrowser object? I tried:


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Get A WebBrowser Object Not To Download Flash And Images?

May 17, 2009

I am currently trying to get a WebBrowser object not to download flash and images. This is just to make a lightweight browser. I know this can be done within the IE settings, but i would prefer it on an application level.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
WebBrowser1.Navigate(New Uri("http:google.co.uk"))
End Sub
End Class

I have found some C# code, but i dont know how to change it to VB.Net and the convertors make some bugs, which i do not know how to fix

Software i am using:

Windows XP SP3
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

getting the webbrowser to stop downloading them?

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Set Webbrowser Object To Check Link Address?

May 3, 2010

How I do set the webbrowser object to check the link address I have clicked and if the link is within the host I approved?

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Entering Text In Windows Application Textbox Error: Operation Has Been Cancelled Due To Restrictions On This Computer

Nov 30, 2011

I have a windows application written in VB.Net 2008, framework 3.5. This app is running on 2 remote desktop servers. I have one user who receives error, This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. when entering in a text box. When he uses the application on Server 1 he does not receive the error. It only happens to this 1 user on one server.

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