"WebClient" Very Slow On Initial Request

Dec 20, 2010

I am looking for a great VB.NET forum for support on the newest 2010 version.

I have a large project currently Compiled on the NET 4.0.

I have also ran it on 3.4, 2.0, and, 1.1..

I am trying to read a text file on a server which has ONE line about 12 charters long.

On the initial request to read the file I have about a 7 second delay before there is any further action. All subsequent request are instant considering I do not close the program.

I have searched and searched Google and read some older post from this site. Most refer to the proxy setting and say setting the proxy to NULL will fix this issue. Well we all know that this cannot be down in the newer version of .NET. I did not have this issue in .NET 1.1 using the same code.

Can anyone here tell me how to make the webclient avoid this delay the first time it hits the server?[code]...

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Image - Slow Drawing Of The Initial Board

Jan 2, 2012

I'm currently developing a chess program. In my program, the problem I'm currently having is the slow drawing of the initial board. Here's part of my _gameGraph.DrawImage(MyResources.Marble_White, New Rectangle(x, y, 70, 70)) The code here draws the black & white squares using a for/next loop. I later use another for/next loop on the array holding the piece values, which uses the same type of function to draw the pieces on top of the squares. Both the pieces and the squares are .PNG images.


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VS 2010 - FTP - Slow To Make Initial Connection

Nov 27, 2010

I have a number of FTP routines all based on the code below. Why does this take 15 seconds to run the first time? [Code] If I use an FTP program like FileZilla or CuteFTP to connect to the same FTP server they make a very much quicker connection. Any ideas?

View 10 Replies

Threaded Webclient Still Slow?

Nov 24, 2008

Here is my webclient class that I am using to check multiple web sites at the same time. I am threading the class so each thread is creating a new getHtml Class. It seems that it still is waiting on something, because it only returns about 2 pages per second, which is great, but I think it should return faster if they are truly running on separate threads.When i made a similar perl script it would return 50 pages in about 10 seconds so it was much faster than this webclient method, unfortunately I don't want a cli. Let me know what you think. I have tried setting the proxy to null, but that didn't do anything.

Class getHtml
Friend result
Public Sub GetPage(ByVal URL As String)


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VS 2008 WebClient Slow Image Download?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a weird bug with webclient. I made an app a while ago which uses webclient to download a small thumbnail image.. and I rememeber when I first made it, the first time webclient was used to download the image it always took 15 sec+ to download it, but after the first it always downloaded quickly (in like 1 sec) .. but then the problem went away for me and it always downloaded fine.but now someone else who uses my app is having the slow image download problem apparently around 50% of the time it downloads the thumbnail images. so does anyone know what might be causing this? As I said, I don't have the problem any more on my comp - but I don't know why :s

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An Exception Occurred During A Webclient Request

Mar 20, 2011

when doing the exact same thing on a diffrent pc it give me "An exception occurred during a webclient request." even in debugging.the first way is the regular "my.computer.download file" and the second one is:[code]

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An Exception Occurred During Webclient Request

Mar 18, 2011

I have a problem whit the webclient request. It work great on my pc, but my pc alone. It just says "an exeption occured during a webclient request." I thought it was the user-agent header.. but now when I have that, its the same.

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VS 2010 Httpweb Request Slow ?

Aug 22, 2011

I was sending some data to the server and i was getting only 200-300 kbps speed but when i tried from Internet explorer i was getting 3-4 mbps

I googled and found that these setting should be imprelemented

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Asp.net - Request() Versus Request.QueryString()?

Jul 5, 2010

I have recently started using Request("key") instead of Request.QueryString("key") to access my querystring values. However I have read that:

'Gets the specified object from the System.Web.HttpRequest.Cookies, System.Web.HttpRequest.Form, System.Web.HttpRequest.QueryString, System.Web.HttpRequest.ServerVariables'

Therefore, if I have a querystring key and cookie key which are the same, which value is returned?

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Request() Vs Request.QueryString()?

Jan 5, 2011

I have recently started using Request("key") instead of Request.QueryString("key") to access my querystring values. However I have read that:

'Gets the specified object from the System.Web.HttpRequest.Cookies, System.Web.HttpRequest.Form, System.Web.HttpRequest.QueryString, System.Web.HttpRequest.ServerVariables'


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Combo Box Initial Value?

Feb 26, 2011

I am Loading a Combo box with values..

cbox.Items.Add(New combodata("A", "Red"))
cbox.Items.Add(New combodata("B", "Black"))
cbbox.Items.Add(New combodata("C", "Blue"))


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Asp.net - Get Request.Form.Item By Matching Request.Form.Key?

Jul 6, 2010

My Request.Form keys are all prefixed with ctl00$container name$ and then the key I want.How can I get the regular key name working?

Visual example from the immediate window:I want to use:

? request.Form.Item("stationIdea")

but it won't work because the key is:


as retrieved by

? request.Form.Keys("4")

so only this works:

? request.Form("ctl00$content_innovation_body$stationIdea")

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Calculate Column Value From Given Initial Value?

Jan 6, 2010

I have data like this in my text file



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Set Initial Value Of A Property In A Class?

Jun 2, 2012

If I place it on the form, I want to have the text as the name of the control, like label1, label2, etc.[code]...

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VS 2010 - Combobox Initial Value

Nov 7, 2011

I am using a form with a combobox which is populated from an SQL database table. This works OK but is it possible to leave the box blank on the form until a value is selected.By default the box has the content of the first record.

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How To Initialize Initial Position Since It Has No Length

May 2, 2010

I am making a simple home inventoy windows form that uses writing to a text file, reading to a text file, and arrays of structures. The first two I have a good idea how to handle but, the third one is where i have a little trouble. I dont know how to initaializing the data in my structure, how do i initialize the initial position since it has no length? I have initialized them in my module [code]now i need to assign the first value to it, but im not really sure how without anything in it to use my length method

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What Event To Use When Loading Initial Data

May 23, 2011

I'm writing a forms application. I'm adding a piece that allows you to double click on a row of a datagridview control to open a new form with more details. These additional details are pulled from a database, which takes a bit of time to finish.If I run the DB query from the form's load event, the form doesn't show up until everything in the load event has completed, which can take several seconds.I want the form to show up instantly when you double click, and all of the fields to be populated once the data is ready.Is there an event I should be using other than Load?

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Asp.net - .NET Textbox Changed But Still Hold Initial Value?

Apr 5, 2010

I've never come across this before:I have a series of text boxes. The text of these boxes get set on page load. then I have a submit button that calls a sub to update the table with the new values (text) in the text box. The problem is it is keeping the original text not the text that is CURRENTLY in the textbox. Anyone come across this before? Or know how to get round it?


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Cannot Refresh The Initial Directory Of The OpenFileDialog Box

May 11, 2009

When i open a file with the proces method en i try to open another file, the openFileDialog box start with the last directory and filename. In the property i write a initial directory. How can reach the situation that the box always start with the initial directory i give.

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DatagridView - Initial Load Formating

Jul 5, 2011

I have a datagridview and need to do some formatting to it. On load the row 0 column 0 cell is highlighted. I need users to click on datagridview to select a value. The issue is with the initial load highlight it looks like the first row is already selected when in fact it is now. How can this highlight be disabled? Each row of has 7 cell, the user is able to select any of the cell of a row and the corresponding row ID is selected. The issue is that only that one cell is highlighted.

I would like the entire row highlighted regardless of what cell in that row is clicked on. One of the columns is a status value. I would like to color the text based on the value. For example if the Status is opened I want the text to be red, if the status is closed the text color should be default.

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If Statement To Check If Value Is +-1 Of Initial Value Held In A Var

Mar 9, 2012

I need to run an If Statement that will check a few conditions.

Basically I want to get it to check a value held in a variable "Temperature" and if the value is within "1" eaither way i.e. +-1 of the value held within the variable to then to output a text string to Label200.Text Else if the condition is not met then out put another text string to Label200.Text.


Say if Temperature value held in the variable Temperature is 8.5 the if statement checks to see if the DewPoint value is "between" +-1 of the temperature value. i.e. 7.5 to 9.5 as well as the value in Humidity is equal to or greater than 90 and Pressure is Less than or Equal to 1013.25 then the conditon is met, else the conditon is not met.

I have put some code together below in NotePad++ to see if what I am trying to do is the correct way to go about it (note I have not yet tried this code in VB.NET as I don't have it at work).

pass comment on the code and if it is wrong explain what I should do to get it to work.

Dim DewPoint as Single
Dim Temperature as Single
Dim Humidity as Single


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Initial Event In Windows Console

Aug 28, 2009

I'm creating a Windows Console application written in VB.NET and I have a few processes that need to be called only once during the lifetime of the application. If it was an ASP.NET application, I put these in the Appliction_Start method of the Global.asax.vb file. Since there isn't a Global. asax. vb for Console applications, is there an event I could handle that allows me to call my functions before Main is called?

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Initial State Of CheckBox Is Null

Jun 12, 2009

I'm used to Access and have just created my first form in VB in Microsoft Visual Studio. I have added four check boxes to a form and they are connected to a SQL database and working fine with one exception: When I create a new record, the initial state of the checkbox is null so it shows a green square in the box and you have to click twice to actually place a check in it even though in the properties, the three state is set to false.

When I go into DataBindings/Advanced, and set the null value to zero, it fixes the problem with starting out as a null state in a new record, but then when I create a new record it carries the checked and unchecked state from the previous record over. (If it's checked in the current record and saved and then you click on new record, the checkbox stays checked.) I can't even figure out the correct syntax for manually setting the checkboxes to a false state in the new record event to fix it.

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Next Loop Only Works On Initial Step?

Oct 5, 2010

My For... Next Loop will not work and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. I have tried to display the results in a label and a text box with multiline enabled. Doesn't seem to matter. It's probably something obvious I have been overlooking for 2 hours.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Radio Button: Initial Value Of Checked?

Jul 4, 2011

I have an application with three panels, each containing radio buttons. At design time, all are set to Checked = False

When I build & debug the project, one radio button on one of the panels is set to checked = true.

For the other two panelsl, none is set to Checked = True.

I want no radio button set to checked = True when the project starts. How do I engorce this?

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Separate Names Into First Last And Middle Initial?

Sep 24, 2010

Im trying to Separate Last name, First Name and Middle Initial. File is csv format, here is an example:


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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog - Restrict To Initial?

Oct 18, 2010

I want my user to only be able to open files in the initial directory that I set on OpenFileDialog. I have googled a bit and found you cannot restrict, but that was information from a few years ago and I'm not sure what version. Has this control changed at all in VS 2008?

My application is handling it okay if the user does navigate out, but it would be more concise if I could prevent him from doing so in the first place. And the fact that I have found others who wanted to do this also, makes me think it might be a nice property to have built in.

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VS 2010 : Set Initial Value For Textbox As Blank?

Jan 16, 2010

how do i set my initial value for textbox as blank. I tried to I load my textbox a data coming from my database but what my problem is that I need to set my default value for textbox as blank because everytime I load the forms the textbox will be filled immediately with data. This is how I bind my textbox and combobox after loading from database.

cbxJoblvl.DataSource = myDataSet.DefaultViewManager;
cbxJoblvl.DisplayMember = "Joblevel.lvl";
cbxJoblvl.SelectedIndex = -1;
txtLvlName.DataBindings.Add("Text", myDataSet.DefaultViewManager, "Joblevel.lvlname");

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Fetch An Initial Webpage Which Populates The Container?

Sep 3, 2009

I'm using System.Net.CookieContainer. I fetch an initial webpage which populates the container. I want to make a copy of this container to use in the future. Is there an easy way to do this in .NET? I'm still new to .NET.

HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.google.com");
HttpWebResponse resp = null;
CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer();
req.Proxy = null;


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