What OS's Will Run Projects Compiled With VB Express 2008 Running Under Vista

Nov 12, 2009

What OS's will run projects compiled with VB Express 2008 running under Vista?

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IDE :: Very Slow Debug Stepping With Vista 64 Running Vb 10 Express On Hp Pavillion Notebook

Mar 31, 2011

My HP dv6 - 1030US notebook has 4 gb of ram, and a Fujitsu MHZ2320BH G2 hard rive with 166 GB. free. running vista 64 SP2 and all current kb's installed. My problem is trying to test Vb 10 express with this unit. I am an ex vb 6.0 guy(beginner level) and still put small # of apps together for my remodeling company.


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Running Pre-Compiled & Non-Pre-Compiled Webpages Under One Virtual Directory

Feb 21, 2011

I've a requirement to have PreCompiled webpages and Non-PreCompiled webpages under same application. For example below is my structure:

/Test1 (PreCompiled)
/Test2 (NonPreCompiled)
/Test3 (PreCompiled)

I would like these to have their separate "Bin" folders too if possible at all (I tried using "Probing" but I guess that's not allowed for web apps and defaults to "Bin" folder). If not that then definitely some ability for these to work together under one app/virtual directory because I'm not allowed to create another at any cost :(

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VB 2008.express + Windows.Vista = Disaster * Totalfailure

Feb 27, 2009

Durring game play of a game I am designing, I recieve a lovely crashing event in which my computer tells me that "vshost" has stopped working. Also, i get a message after debuging that tells me the problem is due to a compatability error between my version of windows and the version of C++ that is running.

I was not aware C++ was running. Can anyone offer any explanation for this? I will gladly share the code and the game with anyone interested. So far both computers that I have attempted to play the game on ultimately ends in a crashing vshost or windowsapplication1 but the second computer was able to run the game smoothly for much longer.

If anyone wants to try the game on your own system I will e-mail it to you, (small file) 4.7 mb
I'm curious to know if it will crash on every computer.

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Compiled For 32 Bit Running On 64 Bit Machine Using SQLite

Feb 20, 2012

Here's the situation - I have a vb.net exe compiled for X86 machines using 2 dll's... Because one of the dll's was only provided in 32 bit, and I didn't want to have to deal with 32/64 versions, I forced 32 bit in compile options and everything was fine. Now I have a 64 bit workstation that is throwing an error about the sqlite.dll (error #1 below).

after reading around I am starting to understand a lot of people are having this issue. I tried replacing the dll on the client machine with the 64 bit version of sqlite and that didn't work (error #2). I read somewhere that the 64 bit version requires VC 2010 redistro, but that didn't work. I can't compile this app as a 64 bit because of the other dll is 32 bit.


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Application Running Fine On XP But Same Exe Not Running In Vista?

Apr 24, 2010

I had done one application using api which send the message to given number. The working of software is very fine without any error working on windows XP SP2. I heard that vista already contain the .net frame work so didnt installed .net frame work in machine. I checked in vista it shows .net frame work is in machine. But when same code i tried to run on Vista it gives the error. Error is as follows

See the end of this message for details on invoking

just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at SmsSendingApplication.frmSingleMessage.InternetOpenUrl(Int64 hInternetSession, String& lpszUrl, String& lpszHeaders, Int64 dwHeadersLength, Int64 dwFlags, Int64


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VS 2008 Compile On Vista For Vista Work Fine But On Vista For Xp NO

May 30, 2009

i compile my form with the below code when i run it on vista work fine without any problem but when i try to run in on XP cant run... that happened with any XP machine.[code]when i run my exe to other Vista machines work fine... but on xp NO.

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Running 32bit Compiled Program/DLL On 64bit Machine?

May 20, 2011

I have some programs written in VB2010 using functions from a DLL. I have compiled and run these programs on a 32bit XP computer and a 32bit Win7 computer and have had no problems accessing the DLL.I have published an installation of these programs and tried running the install on a 64bit Win7 machine and the installation is performed correctly. It installs the programs and copies the required DLL into the same folder. the problem is that whenever I run the software and try to access the DLL I get errors.

The error says something like:

An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT:0x8007000B)

If I click past it the software runs and all of the forms are loaded properly, but anytime in the software if I try to access the DLL I get the same error.I am declaring functions in the DLL like this:

Public Declare Function OpenDriver Lib "OP815M.DLL" (ByVal handle_Renamed As Integer) As Integer

I have also tried placing the DLL in the system32 directory and also the sysWOW64 directory and that did not help as well.I do recall that hardware drivers need to be properly signed and pass the Microsoft Logo testing. Must I get the DLLs I am using properly signed?

Edit: Also it might be fair to mention that I have used the DLL with another program written in C, which would run in the DOS command line in Windows and it correctly accesses the DLL on a 64bit machine, but just when run from the DOS command line in windows.

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Error While Running Compiled Program - Unhandled Exception Has Occurred In Your Application

Jun 30, 2010

I'm making a program from witch one could run an application with different credentials.I can compile the program successfully, but when I press the button to run the program I get the following error: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.The system cannot find the specified file.The code behind the button is as follows:

Dim myProcess As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process()
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "c:
un.bat /user:kreathyr c:getlogin.exe"

Getlogin.exe does nothing but show the logged in username and run.bat utilizes the runas command.

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VS 2008 Program Running In Vista X64 - "missing Dll File"

Apr 11, 2009

I have a program that has been running well under both Windows XP and Vista. Recently I tried installing the software on a Vista x64 machine and the program keeps crashing at runtime. I have tried running in Windows XP compatability mode and other solutions but nothign works. If I run it on the machine under Virtual PC using Windows XP I have no problems. The only two clues I have are these 1)One of the error messages I got when the program crashed said "missing dll file" and 2) the error log viewer shows that the error involves kernel32.dll This problem feels like it is way out of my league ont face value.

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Running A Setup.exe Program Inside Visual Basic 2008 Express?

Jan 21, 2010

I am in process of writing a setup program that will reside in a USB stick.After inserting the Stick the VB2008E program starts (dont know how) and guides the technician to do certain tasks. As a part of this She/He needs to run a Setup.exe that resides in the same USB stick.

1- How do I define the drive letter of this USB stick.

2- How do I run the x:Setup.exe program without exiting the VB2008? The install process should begin after click of a button.

3- Would Autorun work on USB drives to run the program automaticaly?

4- How do I compile to make a single EXE file at the end?

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C# - Debugging Or Running Projects?

May 20, 2011

When I download a project source file like DDDPDS in codeplex and after I do a build I am not able to run or debug the applications since I encounter different Exceptions.I think it has to do with my knowledge of configuring a first time debug. For example I never had the chance to download a project from codeplex and run it truely withoutdifferent type of exception before even the main form comes up.This is not the first time that a project will not startup after build.

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[2008] Express Edition - Convert The Timer So That Instead Of It Running In Milliseconds It Runs In Minutes?

Mar 3, 2009

I im trying to set a time so that the user of my quiz has to do their 20 questions in 40 minutes. i actually have a few questions about the timer. How do you make it so that you canrun this same timer over everyform and then make it stop on the last form? is it possible for you to convert the timer so that instead of it running in milliseconds it runs in minutes?

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VS 2005 Running Different Projects In Same Solution

Aug 18, 2009

I have a solution which consists among other things 2 windows applications.I would like to be able to run the first windows application then click on the second windows application and run that as well.

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VS2010 Converted 32bit App From .Net 1 To .Net 4 Not Loading Without Local Version Of SQL Server 2008 Express Running?

Mar 28, 2011

I have an application that will not load unless my local SQL Server is running on an Vista Home Premium machine. This started after a .Net 1 to .Net 4 conversion. I am using a sub main sub that is not being called (msgbox is not fired when entering the app), however, I see the app through taskmgr with increasing memory usage, but then the app is removed from the list. By design, if the program cannot locate a SQL Server a form pops up with a connection box to locate the SQL Server for the app. How it determines if it has a valid connection is the program looks for a connection string in the registry, then attempts to connect to it, however, none of this code executes because of the failure to enter into the sub main.The two machines I have tried the 32 bit app on

XP Pro: Failed / Using SQL Server 2008 Express

Windows 2003 Server: Works / Using SQL Server 2008 Developer

Both machines have .Net 4 Client Profile with Extended?

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Application Not Running In Vista

Mar 21, 2009

I am using Windows XP and Visual Studio 2008. Now, i am writing an application which under testing runs fine under XP but when i try to run it under Vista, when i click on the program i keep getting an error saying:System File Intergrator has stopped working.How do i get my application to run on Vista as well as XP?

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Running An App On Vista/windows 7/xp?

May 24, 2010

I created an app that connects to an SqlCe database. it runs fine on my computer (xp) but when i try to run it on other computers, it crashes (on xp machine, the error is : OS error: the OS storage system is not responding, on windows 7 the error is: Access to the database file is not allowed).

On windows 7, if i right click the exe and run as administrator, it runs fine. But, i can't expect my users to do this every time they want to run my app.

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Possible To Write Projects In The Express Edition Of Visual Studio

Apr 29, 2010

I couldn't find a quick answer on the official pages,is it possible to write VB projects in the express edition of Visual Studio that connect to a SQL Server that is not the included 'Express' server ?

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How To Check If User Is Running Vista Or XP

Sep 25, 2010

How can I check if user running my application is running Vista or XP?I need to make it If XP then msgbox "XP" else if Vista then msgbox "Vista" endif.

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AxWMPLib Running Under Win7 Or Vista?

Jan 9, 2012

I have a program for playing MP3 files using Media Player. The program developed originally under Vista using VBExpress 2010 works fine.

But when I run it under Win7 parts of the program don't work. In both cases the audio is played OK but under Win7 the 'playstatechange' events don't seem to happen!?!

I have put a breakpoint in event and under Vista the events happen...under Win7 the breakpoint is never reached. In both cases I am using VB Express 2010 and running under the debugger. I have seen this problem reported before in the forums but no answer was apparent.

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Retrieve The Vista Version App Is Running Under?

Mar 6, 2009

VB 2008 - I would like to retrieve the Vista Version my app is running under. I understand the System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major/Minor/Build but I have a number of Vista Systems, some x86 and some x64. A mixture of Home/Business/Ultimate. Is there a way to recover more detailed info such as "Vista Ultimate x64 SP1" or do I need to poke around in the Registry?

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Running 32 Bit Apps On Windows7 Or Vista 64 Bit?

Nov 18, 2009

We paid to have a program built as an add in to SolidWorks. I believe it was written with VB6 and now does not work on the newer 64 bit OS. Now the programmer wants an exorbinant (sp?) amount of money to update to work with the 64 bit. Is he legit or just trying to make more cash?

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Error - Process (5252) - Running App On Vista

Jan 17, 2010

Ive been trying to get my app to work on a Vista 64 bit machine, i have XP 32 and Vista 32 bit machines. When my friend trys to run he gets this error. "Cannot process request because the process (5252) has exited".

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Security Error When Running Remote App (VISTA)

Mar 25, 2009

I have an VB.NET 2005 application installed on my Windows 2003 Server.I try to access that application for other computer on my network. Read below:I get this error when running a remote VB.NET application.

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

I had the error on my computer running Windows XP. I am use to that, so I went in the FrameWork .NET 2.0 and set the security to FullTrust and the error disapeared. Now I have the same error on my computer that is running Windows Vista and when I go do the same security changes to FullTrust, it does not work. I still have the error showing.Is there some other configuration to do on a Vista machine to be able to run a remote VB.NET application ?

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.Net 2010 Express And Access Database On 64 Bit Vista?

May 22, 2012

I posted this as a bug on MS Connect and am wondering if anybody else can verify the problem: I been beating my head against the wall for about 3 days and I don't think it is my problem.

Desktop computer - Vista 64 bit
Portable Computer - Vista 32 bit
vb.net 2010 express on both of them

I can not establish a connection to an Access db (either .mdb OR .accdb) on the 64 bit computer. When I try I keep getting a message that says "Format at the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0." (this was typed not copied). (There are screen shots over on Connect).

I can establish a connection to a "Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" (.sdf) database on the 64 bit computer.I can estabish a connection to all 3 types on the 32 bit computer (.sdf, .mdb, .accdb).The 'funny' thing is that if I establish the connection on the 32 bit and copy the program directory over to the 64 bit, the prorgam loads and seems to run fine. But the %$# _(%* Wizard will not run on the 64 bit machine. Runs fine on the 32 bit but not on the 64 bit. Of course I make sure that the db's are in the location where the program expects them to be when I run the program on the 64 bit machine.

One final thing, when I am in the progam created on the 32 bit and running on the 64 bit and I try Data->Add New Data Source->Database->Dataset only two of the three connections show up while all 3 show up on the 32 bit machine. Also the connection string is incorrect for the non-sdf connection. It should include

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Visual Basic 2010 Express Under Vista?

Dec 13, 2011

I'm creating a project with my pc under xp and wondering whether the build will install and run under vista?

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Can't Find File When Running Under Limited User (Vista)

Mar 25, 2009

My program runs under a limited account, and uses impersonation to access admin codeI also have a program in the same folder, that my program runs sometimes when it exitsBoth exe files are in the same folder in the "Program Files" folderIf I try to run the other file, I get a not found error.If I Raise the first program to admin (even though it should already have admin rights due to impersonate) it can run the second file.1. I don't want to raise to admin.2. I'm using the full path and file name to the file.3. That do i need so that dot net can find the file so that it runs.

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Created That Has Aero Glass When In Vista/win7 And When Running In XP Or 98 Use A Regular Border?

Aug 2, 2010

Can a form be Created that has Aero Glass when in Vista/Win7 and when running in XP or 98 use a regular border? If so can I have a link to the infromation or a code sample?

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Return A List Of All User Accounts On A PC Running Windows Vista Business Edition Using VB2008?

Jul 26, 2009

Is there anyway to return a list of all user accounts on a PC running windows vista business edition using VB2008?I am trying to integrate a type of security in my application using what it already implemented in windows.

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Starting Up Vb Express And Running Any Vb Applications?

Nov 19, 2009

i am a casual user of visual basic express 2008 and use Vista Home Edition Ive been using it for a while now, with no problems at all. Recently i started to take a look a WPF in my apps, again no problems.(visual basic express ran fine, debugging ran fine & finished apps ran fine)

However for some reason (and all of a sudden) i keep getting errors and none of my apps will start up.
The errors are:vshost.exe has stopped working (I get this when visual basic express starts)PresentationFontCache.exe has stopped working (I get this when visual basic express starts a wpf app)
(Application Name) has stopped working (I get this when running finnished apps)I've tried all the usual methods (Reninstalled VBE & .Net3.5)I cant see why it has stopped working all of a sudden?

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