Compiled For 32 Bit Running On 64 Bit Machine Using SQLite

Feb 20, 2012

Here's the situation - I have a exe compiled for X86 machines using 2 dll's... Because one of the dll's was only provided in 32 bit, and I didn't want to have to deal with 32/64 versions, I forced 32 bit in compile options and everything was fine. Now I have a 64 bit workstation that is throwing an error about the sqlite.dll (error #1 below).

after reading around I am starting to understand a lot of people are having this issue. I tried replacing the dll on the client machine with the 64 bit version of sqlite and that didn't work (error #2). I read somewhere that the 64 bit version requires VC 2010 redistro, but that didn't work. I can't compile this app as a 64 bit because of the other dll is 32 bit.


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Running 32bit Compiled Program/DLL On 64bit Machine?

May 20, 2011

I have some programs written in VB2010 using functions from a DLL. I have compiled and run these programs on a 32bit XP computer and a 32bit Win7 computer and have had no problems accessing the DLL.I have published an installation of these programs and tried running the install on a 64bit Win7 machine and the installation is performed correctly. It installs the programs and copies the required DLL into the same folder. the problem is that whenever I run the software and try to access the DLL I get errors.

The error says something like:

An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT:0x8007000B)

If I click past it the software runs and all of the forms are loaded properly, but anytime in the software if I try to access the DLL I get the same error.I am declaring functions in the DLL like this:

Public Declare Function OpenDriver Lib "OP815M.DLL" (ByVal handle_Renamed As Integer) As Integer

I have also tried placing the DLL in the system32 directory and also the sysWOW64 directory and that did not help as well.I do recall that hardware drivers need to be properly signed and pass the Microsoft Logo testing. Must I get the DLLs I am using properly signed?

Edit: Also it might be fair to mention that I have used the DLL with another program written in C, which would run in the DOS command line in Windows and it correctly accesses the DLL on a 64bit machine, but just when run from the DOS command line in windows.

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Running Pre-Compiled & Non-Pre-Compiled Webpages Under One Virtual Directory

Feb 21, 2011

I've a requirement to have PreCompiled webpages and Non-PreCompiled webpages under same application. For example below is my structure:

/Test1 (PreCompiled)
/Test2 (NonPreCompiled)
/Test3 (PreCompiled)

I would like these to have their separate "Bin" folders too if possible at all (I tried using "Probing" but I guess that's not allowed for web apps and defaults to "Bin" folder). If not that then definitely some ability for these to work together under one app/virtual directory because I'm not allowed to create another at any cost :(

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Will App Compiled On 64 Bit Run On 32 Bit Machine

Nov 20, 2010

I'm buying a new computer this week and the one I want has Windows 7 Home Edition 64 bit. I program in VB.NET using VS2008. If I write a program and compile on this 64 bit windows, will it run in 32 bit? I did some reading and from what I understand is if it is not using any specific 64 bit drivers I should be good. I'm not doing anything fancy that I know of as far as drivers. I just wanted to see what everyone's past experience has been.

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.net - App Works In IDE But Throws An Error When Compiled And Run On Another Machine?

Nov 15, 2009

I have created an application using VB.NET in VS2008. When I run the app in the IDE on my development machine it works fine. It also works fine when I build it and run it as an exe on any machine that also has Visual Studio installed (at least 2005 and 2008 anyway) However, when I try to run the compiled executable on any machine without Visual Studio it throws up an error "[program name] has encountered a problem and will close..."

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After Installing Windows7 Sp1 - Vb6 Compiled Exe Is Not Working In Windows Xp Machine

Jun 17, 2011

I have windows7 home premium 64bit edittion, I use VB6 and VS2008. I recently install Win7 SP1 in my machine but after installing the SP1 my old VB6 application is working fine in my pc but compiled exe files are not working in other windows XP machine, then I uninstall WIndows7 Sp1 from my PC and again compile the old vb6 application, now i notice that this exe is working file in all other pc. is there any way to use win7 sp1 with vb6 ??

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What OS's Will Run Projects Compiled With VB Express 2008 Running Under Vista

Nov 12, 2009

What OS's will run projects compiled with VB Express 2008 running under Vista?

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Error While Running Compiled Program - Unhandled Exception Has Occurred In Your Application

Jun 30, 2010

I'm making a program from witch one could run an application with different credentials.I can compile the program successfully, but when I press the button to run the program I get the following error: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.The system cannot find the specified file.The code behind the button is as follows:

Dim myProcess As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process()
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "c:
un.bat /user:kreathyr c:getlogin.exe"

Getlogin.exe does nothing but show the logged in username and run.bat utilizes the runas command.

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Exception When Running App In New Machine

Aug 25, 2009

I just finished coding a small app which access the Outlook 2007 Inbox. On my dev machine, it works OK. I created a new machine in VMWare using WinXP, Dot.Net 3.5 and Office 2007 installed and Outlook configured to my GMail account.I copied the BIN folder of my project to the new machine and ran the app and it runs OK until it scans all emails in the Inbox. This is where I get the exception:[code]When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exceptionwill be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computerrather than be handled by this dialog box.Can anyone suggest why my code can not see the Outlook 12 assembly? Do I have to create an installer file for my app before copying it to the test machine?

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Win 95 Code Running On An XP Machine?

Mar 15, 2011

I am an end user of a VB based program and our windows 95 based machines are dying of old age. Before getting my boss to agree to my trying out a newer machine I would like to know if there is any chance of getting this program to run.

I know that I need to be able to drive 3 serial (485 / 422/ 232) ports one of which is on an ISA bus and the other 2 are located internally on the motherboard. Another factor in trying to do this is the drivers are missing for the 485 card and I hoped
to be able to locate newer drivers easier.I think the VB code was created under VB3, but we do not have the expertise / tools to be able to disassemble the .exe file.

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VS 2008 Running Appliction On Different Machine?

Apr 1, 2009

I just tried running my application on a different computer and it simply wont run. I get this error.

when i click on debug, it says "an error occured creating the form. See excpetion.innerexception for details. The error is' Could not load type

View 9 Replies

Excel Automation - Machine Running Office2010?

Sep 8, 2010

my app interacts with excel. im running office2007 on my dev machine but the target machine running office2010.i had this problem before where i had to remove office12, install 11 and recompile the project to get it to work on the clients machine, adding multiple references didn't help. is there a work around, or a library that works with any excel version.

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Avoid Running Of Software After Copying To Next Machine?

May 16, 2010

I have developed a small software. I want to provide and run it commercially only. I want it to be run in the machines who have purchased it from me.

If someone copies it from my clients computer and runs it in next computer, I would like to stop functioning/running the software.

View 6 Replies

Error While Running Shortcut Of EXE On User's Machine

Jul 13, 2011

I have made an application using VB.NET which is used inhouse. In order to avoid everytime changing of exe on user's (multiple user) machine I want to use shortcut of exe on user's machine.

Where EXE is placed in one central location(Server).

I am getting bellow error on user's machine :

Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission, System.Data,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Error after clicking on ok button:

Application attempted to perform not allowed by the security policy.Togrant this application the required permission,contact your system administrator,or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool.


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Find Out Who Is Running The Process On The Remote Machine

Feb 26, 2012

I am trying to get a list of processes running on remote machine and the username running them. So far I've got:

Dim ps As System.Diagnostics.Process
For Each ps In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses("myserver")

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SQL Connection Error With App Running In 32-bit Virtual PC On 64-bit Machine

May 27, 2009

I have developed a 32-bit VB.NET application that runs fine on 32-bit systems. Some of the folks in engineering, however, are using 64-bit machines, so we have created 32-bit virtual PCs and installed the application on the Virtual PC. When we try to run it, however, the application fails to establish a connection to the SQL server (remote, SQL 2000) for login validation.

View 11 Replies

Want To Kill A Process Running On Remote Machine

Mar 30, 2011

i want to list the processes running on other machines on LAN and then to kill one/many process(es).

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.net - View Status Of Service Running On Remote Machine?

Apr 5, 2010

The conditions are I don't have administrator privilege I want to see the status of a service in remote machine (server)I use the following code ( with framework 2.0) to see the status

Dim sqlSvc As ServiceController
Svc = New ServiceController(My.Settings.serviceName, My.Settings.machineName)
If sqlSvc.Status.ToString.Equals("Running") Then
displayStatus("success", sqlSvc.Status.ToString)
displayStatus("error", sqlSvc.Status.ToString)
End If

When running the code, InvalidOperationException is raised and found out that I need admin right in the server.Can I lookup the status of the service without having admin right in remote machine ?

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C# - Detect If .NET Assembly Is Running From Website Or From A Desktop Machine?

Jul 6, 2010

I just want to write code inside my assembly to detect whether it is running on a "desktop machine", or inside the context of an ASP.NET application. This is crucial guys, (licensing purposes), and I don't want to get fired because I did a mistake.So, please, be direct and if you please give me some code snippet.

EDIT v 2.0: What about using in the assembly:

[assembly: "AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.RequestRefuge, Unrestricted=true)]"

to prevent the execution on the web?

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List All Processes Running On Local Machine In A Listbox?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to display in a listbox all the running processes on the local machine. Can anyone offer me some code to do this.

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When Transfer System To A Machine Running Windows Xp Or Windows 2003 Server It Builds Successfully

Sep 25, 2011

I am building a Setup project for a Web system using Visual Studio 2008. I upgraded my development machine from Windows Xp to Windows 7. The problem started with Windows 7. Whenever I try to build I get the above error. I ve tried several solutions given online but I ve failed to get a solution. When I transfer the system to a machine running Windows Xp or Windows 2003 Server it builds successfuly.

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Running My Project On Another Machine Then The Project Generating?

Dec 14, 2010

I am in Great problem, When I am running on my own machine then there is no problem creating but when I am running my project on another machine then the project generating problem which like this 'Could not load type 'TechnoAid.FrameWork.logManager' from assembly 'TechnoAid.FrameWork, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null'."Source="Inventory.Metadata"TypeName="TechnoAid.FrameWork.logManager"StackTrace:

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Cannot Access The Database From Server Machine To Client Machine Using .net 3.5?

Dec 9, 2010

I develop an application using will run on client server architecture.when we try to execute the program in client side then it will give me an error which is related to can i handle this situation.i used 3.5 as front end and sql server 2000 as back end.i have done total coding with namespace.

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.Net Software Behaves Differently From Machine To Machine?

Dec 21, 2010

I've inherited a lot of custom made software for an office, and, while managing it, I've found it performs differently from machine to machine.I mean, some controls get painted in weird ways in some machines but well in another, or just work differently, like in some machines clicking something selects it, and in the next machine clicking the same thing makes it editable.I suspect, o course, of the myriad of DLL the software loads

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Blocking A Particular Machine From Accessing A Machine On LAN?

Jan 21, 2008

I want to block a perticular machine from accessing my machine..Both the machines are in LAN..I dont want a perticular machine to access my computer How can i achieve this...I want to do this using VB.NetAny idea....

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Returning The Max Value From Sqlite DB?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a SQLite database and I am tyring to query the max value in the RecordID field. This query works when I run it in SQLite but I can not get the VB to return the value, what have I done wrong?

Dim getMaxRecID As String = "SELECT MAX(RecordID) FROM String"
Using cmd1 As New SQLiteCommand(getMaxRecID, pConn)
cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim IDresults As Integer


The connection is correctly opening the db, and shows it as open as well. No error, just IDresults returns 0 everytime.

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.net - SQLite And Windows Phone 7.1?

Jan 31, 2012

Depending on what i know, SQLite is supported in WP7.1, but i cant even import System.Data.SQLite to the project should i download it as a dll specially for windows phone or am i missing something?!

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App That Uses Both An SQLite And MySql Database

May 29, 2012

I am writing an app that uses both an SQLite and MySql database. The reason for this before you ask is that it means I can store a local copy of the data onto my user' own machines when they are offline, and then update them to a central server when they are next online.

The problem I have is that when using datasets (on tables created in identical fashion) the itemarray of the mysql database has 9 extra totally blank fields...where as the SQLite itemarray has only the values for the items.

here is a snippet of the code:


ultimately I am getting an index size mismatch error but with both tables having the same number of fields this is confusing.

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How To Get The Sum Of Values From A SQLite Table

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to Collect Bids and Distribute the average from a Column I'm getting an InvalidCast Exception: Specified cast is not valid. on the TotalSum +=

Dim sql As String = "SELECT " & Column & " FROM " & Table & " ;"
Dim dt As DataTable = SQLiteDatabase.GetDataTable(sql)
Column = Column.Replace("[", "")
Column = Column.Replace("]", "")
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows


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Simple Tutorial On How To Use SQLite

Mar 21, 2010

I'm using VB.NET and MSSQL 2005 to create an application. I was told I should rather use SQLite as I want my application to be a standalone one with embedded database. Can someone please provide me with a step to step tutorial on how to create a standalone application with an embedded database?

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