Why Use A Public Property Instead Of A Function To Expose A Custom Collection<T>

Jul 6, 2009

During a code review I looked at set of repository classes (in vb.net). I am used to seeing these repository classes full of functions that return collections (among other things) of your domain objects. However, this repository had 1 public property and 1 private variable that looked something like this:

Private _item as Collection (of Customer)
Public Item as Collection (of Customer)

In the "Get", there is code that gets a the Customers from the DAL and loads it in the private _item. What would the benefits be in using a property (customerRepository.Item) instead of plain old function (customerRepository.GetAllCustomers)? The "Property" way looks odd to me but odd doesn't always mean wrong.

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Custom Control With Custom Collection Property?

Jul 11, 2011

I have an ASPX Custom Control which is supposed to load it's properties into an internal collection (defined with PersistenceMode.InnerProperty). Here's the ASPX

<cc:CustomControl runat="server">
<cc:QueryTypeOne ... />


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Custom Class With A Public Property String Array?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to create a property of type string array (if this is possible).....and I seem to be lost.

I tried the following, but it says "String cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of string'" at the return

Private _strZipList As String()
Public Property strZipList(ByVal i As Integer) As String()


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VS 2010 Class Public Property Or Sub/Function?

Jul 13, 2011

I was wondering if someone could explain to me the differences between these 2 ways of accessing a class property.Access Way : 1 (To me this looks like im declaring the property of the class as a Global variable which can be changed anywhere


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WinForms - Editing Custom Readonly Collection In Property Grid

Feb 19, 2010

I have a custom collection, lets says COL, that derives from ObjectModel.Collection. I have my own collection editor that works fine when a property, of type COL, is Read and Write enabled. However, if I change the property to ReadOnly, the open editor button stops showing in the property grid. As a test, I override my custom editor with the CollectionEditor, and that worked fine. So, my question is, what check is the property grid making, that CollectionEditor passes but my collection editor fails?

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Expose A .NET Public Const To COM Interop?

May 18, 2010

For historical reasons, we need to expose string constants in .NET through COM interface.We managed to expose ENUM but we can't find a way to expose string const.We try the following code :


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VB To C# Translation - Expose The Public Interface In C#?

Aug 31, 2010


Application("myapp")= Server.CreateObject("APP.Engine")
aa = Application("myapp").myMethod(2)


In C# I tried

Application["myapp"]= Server.CreateObject("APP.Engine")



fails with 'object' does not contain a definition for 'myMethod'How can I expose the public interface in C#?

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Alter Items Added To Generic Collection (as Property Of Custom Class)

Jun 19, 2009

I have several custom classes in a VB.NET (VS2008) project which are related to each other through generic list collections. The lower tier classes refer directly to some of the parent classes (to make it easier to refer backwards up the chain). My question is, is it possible to add the reference to the parent class when the item is added to a collection, when that collection is a property?

Below is some sampling of code to illustrate.
Public Class FlexServer
Private m_FlexLicenses As List(Of FlexLicense)
Private m_Modules As List(Of FlexModule)
Public Property FlexLicenses() As List(Of FlexLicense)
[code] .....

In the code above I have the FlexServer class which refers has two lists as properties, one for FlexLicense and one for Modules. The FlexLicense class has a property to refer back to the FlexServer class that "owns" it. In order to update this property in code, I have to add the FlexLicense to the FlexServer.FlexLicenses list AND set the FlexLicense.FlexServer property. What I am looking for is, is there a way (in the property definition or wherever) to both add the item to the list and alter it at the same time?

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Custom Function For Datacolumn.expression Property

Jan 23, 2009

i read an article about datacolumn.expression property here [URL]. this is really great. but i was just wondering, for my case i want to use my custom function to use in the expression. basically, on my datatable i added an unbound column AGE. when i display records, i just want the age textbox to be populated with the computation of the person's age based on birthdate.

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Expose Methods And Properties Of User Controls Contained In A Collection?

Mar 9, 2009

at some points, I need to call the same method on those controls (ex. user presses the clear button on the big control, I want to call the clear f(x) on each of the controls)I thought to toss the controls in a collection, and then be able to handle them something like this:
nextturns out, and I should have realized, methods and properties of controls are not exposed when treated this way. The only thing that can be seen is the stuff that the base class (control, I guess) has.

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[Public Sub / Public Function] Equals [Sub / Function] Declaring A Function Or Sub?

Jun 12, 2011

I want to know what implies to declare a function or a sub using public or directly Sub / Function i.e.:

Public Function Whatever()
' Process
End Function


Function Whatever()
' Process
End Function

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Expose An Object As Property?

Aug 26, 2009

I want to create a class that inherit from a polygon this is not possible because the polygon is not inheritable. I want to create a class that handle a polygon anyway and it behave like a polygon. Wile with the property i can pass the value from the class to the polygon but if I want to do something like


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VS 2008 Making Property In A Class Expose An ENUM?

Jul 12, 2009

I've got this in a public module

Module PublicModule
Public caseBAL_C As caseBAL
Public clientBAL_C As clientBal
Public Enum CSFlags


It doesn't like the Public Property StateFlag() As CSFlags -it's saying that CSFlags

'StateFlag' cannot expose type 'PublicModule.CSFlags' outside the project through class 'caseBAL'.

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Difference Between Public Sub And Private Sub And Private Function And Public Function And Sub And Shared Function?

May 31, 2011

explain me the difference between them? I'm new to visual basic, and I need to know the very basic things in Visual Basic allowing me to become a professional User

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Make A Custom Collection That Take Advantage Of The Collection Editor?

Feb 8, 2010

I have been researching for a couple of days now and to no avail. Does Anyone know how to make a custom collection that take advantage of the collection editor? I would like to be able to have 3 Color Values, 1 Boolean and 1 String.

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Expose A Function Inside A Module In Class Liberary( DLL)

May 20, 2009

I wand to Expose a function inside a module in my Class Liberary( DLL)

module Module1
Public Function Add(val1 , val2) as double
return val1 + val2
End Function
End Module

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Reflection - Find From A Property Info Object If That Property Has A Non Public (Private / Protected) Setter?

Aug 27, 2009

I searched on the forum / Internet for the solution how a PropetryInfo object (of a Public property) can reveal if it has a Private Protected Setter ... it was all in vain .... all help I found was about how to "Set" value of a public property having a Private Setter.I would like to know if I have a PropertyInfo object of a public property, how would I know if its Setter is Non Public?

I tried, in a exception handling block, where I did a GetValue of the PropertyInfo object and then called SetValue by setting the same value back... but to my surprise it worked well and didn error out.


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Sum The Properties Of Two Members Of A Collection Without Doing It Property By Property?

Aug 8, 2011

I've reviewed the links that were offered and don't find an answer. Neither has a lot of searching helped, probably because I can't think of a reasonably short way to ask the question. I hope that I've at least found the proper forum and category.

In my VB 2010 code, I've defined a structure that has about 30 elements. I want to sum the properties (they are all singles) of two members of the corresponding collection. I understand that I can do something like:

member1.property1=member2.property1+member 3.property1 for the entire set of properties of member2 and member3 to produce a completely defined member1 What I wonder is whether or not there is a way that uses fewer lines of code - I know that I can't do:member1=member2+member3, for example.

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Assign A Public Property?

Feb 22, 2011

At the moment i'm working hard to better understand aspnet (VB), still learning and still enjoying, but at the moment i'm struggling with (i think something realy easy) but can't find out how to fix it,what i need to do is: assign the propperty Weekday() of CSlot Dim CSlot As New timeslotParamTO I have to assign te propperty weekday to Cslot but the propperty must be 1 or more items from the Public Enum WeekdayEnum. i just can't figure out how to assign 1 or more weekday's to CSlot.weekday().


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Public Read Only Property

Jul 15, 2009

What is a public read only property?If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room

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What Is Purpose Of Public Property

Jan 9, 2010

What is the purpose of Public property? why would i do this instead of just doing Public abc as string? [code] Because you may want to do data validation on it before assigning the value to the Private variable. Because you might want to raise an event when the value in the Private variable changes. Because you might later want to make it a ReadOnly property.

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Property Editor For Custom Property Is Disabled?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a problem with a property on a custom property of a class. Here is the actual code for the inherited form

Public Class Form : Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private _Active_Application As Custom.Classes.Active_Application = New Custom.Classes.Active_Application
<System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Always)> _
Public Property Active_Application() As Custom.Active_Application


but when i use a separate class to inherit the above class this property ('Active_Application', not Custom.Classes.Active_Applicaton) is disabled.

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'Public Property' Not Working Properly?

May 24, 2009

I've defined a public property in a mdiParent form

Public Property StatusBar_LastChecked() As String
Return Me.Statusbar1_LastChecked.Text[code]....

Now when I run the code, the msgbox shows the current text and then the new text. BUT the actual text in the StatusBar remains unchanged.

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C# - Public Property On A Single Line?

Sep 23, 2011

Is there any way I can put Public Properties on a single line in VB.NET like I can in C#? I get a bunch of errors every time I try to move everything to one line.


public void Stub{ get { return _stub;} set { _stub = value; } }


Public Property Stub() As String
Return _stub[code].....

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Have The Get Part Of A Property Available As Public But Keep The Set As Private?

Sep 22, 2009

is there a way to have the Get part of a property available as public, but keep the set as private?Otherwise I am thinking I need two properties or a property and a method, just figured this would be cleaner.

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Make A Property Public Get But Private Set?

Apr 25, 2009

I just stumbled over this in some C# code...:public Foo Foo { get; private set; }

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Asp.net Loading A Control Programmatically With A Public Property To Be Set

Oct 12, 2011

I have a vb.net asp application where I'm loading a control (from another control on a page). I want to set a variable between the two controls when it loads. This is where I load the control:


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Implement - Public ReadOnly Property Within A Class

Feb 24, 2009

How does one implement something as Public ReadOnly Property within a class.


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Property ReadWrite In Private And ReadOnly In Public?

Feb 23, 2009

Can i have a property that is Readonly for Public but can Read/Write in Private?

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Return Public Class Readonly Property

Feb 13, 2009

I have created a class called clsLogIn [code]Now I am on a different form, frmSchedule, and I want to get the ProviderNum property from clsLogin into a text box.

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