Will Vbc.exe Work OK With Windows 7 Starter

Oct 22, 2011

I am buying a netbook so I can write applications in Visual Basic using the vbc.exe compiler that is a part of Windows SDK. Will vbc.exe work with Windows 7 Starter (which seems to be the usual OS for netbooks)?BuckBoost

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.net 2008 And Windows 7 Starter?

Sep 15, 2010

tell me if VB.net 2008 will work on Windows 7 original please ?

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VB 2010 Application Works On Windows 7 Machine But Will Not Work On Other Windows 7 Machines?

Jan 22, 2011

I have developed a VB 2010 express application that works on my windows 7 machine, but when I deploy it to other windows 7 machines the application will not run at all. I created an msi script to install the software on other machines and it includes the .NET 4.0 framework an all of my application dll's and such. Any idea what might be he problem?

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Anyone Know Of Any Starter Applications?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm a new programmer and I'm looking for some guides/series, or something like those, that basically walk you through building some sort of application. For example, I used to buy little sets/kits from radioshack that walked you through building a clock, radio, etc., or other little electronics devices. The kits came with all the parts and instructions so you just assembled them. Hence, I'm just looking for something similar to that for vb, minus the components obviously ;-). I like to learn through hands on experience so I'm just looking for some guides that have you build a program and briefly go explain the workings of the code.

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Installation Of VS2010 With Windows 7 At Work And A Laptop With Windows 7 X64?

Apr 3, 2012

I have an installation of VS2010 with Windows 7 at work and a laptop with Windows 7 X64. I transferred a whole set of project files to the laptop but the directory "Documents" does not exist on the laptop - it is called "My Documents". As such of course I get errors when loading the project on the X64 machine as the resource files cannot be found. I have tried changing the name of the directory to "Documents" to accord with the other PC, and this was apparetnly successful. But, VS still does not "see" the files in the renamed directory. How can I simply change the path name for the resource files so that VS can see these files?

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Foreign Languange In Starter Kit?

Jul 14, 2009

Is there anybody know how to translate text in a foreign language (Latin) to English in the Personal Web Site starter kit?

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RSS Screen Saver Starter Kit?

Jul 24, 2009

Can anyone shoot me a zip file for the RSS Screensaver Starter Kit for Visual Basic .NET Express

Microsoft's web site claims it is part of of the Visual Basic .NET Express download. I downloaded it but when I click on file / new project, RSS Screensaver Starter Kit is not there.

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Starter Kit For User And Roll Management?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm looking for a template or starter kit of sorts that has user management and roll manage allready built in.I would like to use this to restrict certain windows forms based on rolls?I've done a google search, and founds tons and tons of stuff for asp, but nothing for windows forms.

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Using Blackjack Starter Kit For Poker Game?

Jul 7, 2009

I'm sitting here with a print out of the class deck, class hand, and cardgameframework from the blackjack starter kit for visual basic and I'm lost as to where I need to go to use the above mentioned classes. I am looking to create a simple poker game using these classes as a base. I'm not looking for anything fancy, just something functional. Starting off I would like to hit a deal button and have it deal 5 cards into pictureboxes and then give me an option to (mouse click) hold any number from 0 to 5. Once I have clicked the cards to hold, I would like the program to deal new cards into the other pictureboxes. If I could get the program up to that point it would be a great place to start. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Has anyone used the cardgameframework before?

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Excel App That Will Not Work On Windows Vista And Will On Windows XP Pro

Feb 5, 2011

I have a program that works in Windows XP Pro, Visual Basic 2005 and Excel 2007 that does not work in Windows Vista, Visual Basic 2005 and Excel 2007.The program takes Excel data from an already opened Workbook on the desktop and moves it to the Visual Basic program.The error occurs when I try to open the Excel Application in Visual Basic:[code]Is there a different code to define an Application in Vista?The "Open" Application will not work on a Excel App already on the desktop.

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Get A Code Compiled In Windows XP To Work In Windows 7?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a VB.net project that i've published through a click once installation which was compiled in Windows XP the application contains a previous version of True DB grid which is not supported windows 7 so i'm trying to get my application to work in Windows 7 so that the true db grid and other such controls work without any issue. i tried compiling the code in x86 mode

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Compile The Scrum Solution Starter For MS Project 2003

Jan 18, 2010

My team desperately need the Scrum Solution Starter for MS Project 2003: [URL]

To use this add-in it's needed to be compiled however we don't use Visual Basic (only Visual Studio).

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Get Templated Starter Database Driven Forms Generated In C# Winforms SQL Server Using Some RAD Tool Or Visual Studio 2010

Aug 11, 2011

I hope I got all that in this question title. Let me explain. We are starting on small desktop app that will snowball into a big app with many forms. The database is SQL Server. It will have classic stored procs/functions performing classic CRUD functions. Given a table or stored proc in SQL Server what is the quickest way to create a form with all the hooks to maintain a table.

For e.g. lets assume I have table like this (most code below is pseudo code)

Table Employee
Name varchar(30)
DOB Datetime
Address varchar(100)

From this as source I want to create my Target which is form with 3 labels and 3 textboxes with add delete modify buttons (or OK button to add if not exists or modify if exists)


The code generation tool or technique that will be used should generate the correct db hooks (create SQL parameters, SqlCommand, execute sql.. basic try catch etc. Is there any open source tool to do this ? Some trick or templated approach via VS 2010 ? Worst case any third party tool ?

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Does MSWEBDVD.dll Work In 64-bit Windows 7

Feb 25, 2011

I wrote a DVD player in VS2010, based on the COM component mswebdvd.dll, which works fine on a 32 bit XP machine. When I try to write something similar on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine something odd happens. I have mswebdvd set up as a project reference and as a control in the toolbox, and when I create an instance of it on the form I apparently have access to all its methods and properties...but when it is 'playing' the DVD the form object remains as a black box and there is no sound. I have title numbers, run times, play state etc displayed in textboxes and everything is normal, with play stopping as expected at the end of each title. The dll evidently thinks it's doing its job but there is no sound or vision. Can anyone suggest what is happening? [code]The Windows 7 machine has one optical drive and plays DVDs perfectly well on installed software (PowerDVD).

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IDE :: VB App Will Not Work Properly On A Windows 7 64 Bit PC?

Mar 8, 2012

My VB app will not work properly on a Windows 7 64 bit PC.When I launched it on the Win7 PC it will open up OK but when I open a crystal report, the form page comes up ok but the report is missing.Then I get a pop up window asking me for a user name an PW:


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Programs Work Under Windows XP?

Mar 5, 2009

how can i make my programs work i am using in my programs framework 3.5 and i make to my programs build publish so is effect on any thing

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SHELLDLL_DefView Does Not Work In Windows 7

Apr 18, 2011

I am having a problem with my code now that I have changed from Vista to Windows 7. For some reason the following code does not work anymore in Windows 7. It seems that Progman is replaced by WorkerV.

<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("User32.dll")> _
Public Shared Function FindWindowEx(ByVal hwndParent As IntPtr, ByVal hwndChild As IntPtr, ByVal className As String, ByVal caption As String) As IntPtr


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Application Doesn't Work On Windows XP?

Jan 26, 2009

I've developed a small windows form application in Visual Studio 2005. I have tested the application on a completely fresh install of Vista 32-bit as well as Vista 64-bit and it works fine... But when I copy the application onto an XP machine the following problems occur:The application no longer has its icon, just the default .exe console box icon
Whenever I try to open the application, absolutely nothing happens

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FaxServer On Vista And Windows 7 Does Not Work

Nov 24, 2009

I wrote a fax server obj that worked on windows xp. When it got moved a windows 7 machine, it does not work. What changed? One issue is...


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ListviewColumnSorter Doesn't Work On Windows XP

Mar 9, 2010

I have a listviewsorter that does work on Windows 2000, Windows Vista and Windows 7 (and maybe others), but it doesn't on Windows XP.

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Make Program Work In Windows 7?

Jul 11, 2011

I completed my VB project a while back and it worked great in XP.Now the same program is needed on computers that have Win7 installed.The program installs without any problems, but when I open it, it gives me an error saying the database is not accessible.

I used Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Compact to design the project.The database was included in the project and in the installation file. I also checked the Programs folder and the database was installed correctly into the correct path.What is the problem with my programs compatibility with Windows 7?

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Making A Windows Service Work?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a program that i'm trying to convert into a service (it has no interface anyway).

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Timer Cannot Work In Windows Service

Feb 27, 2008

The Timer canot work at Windows services, Anyone face b4 ?? Any extra setting need to set b4 use it ??

in VS2003 windows services can work.

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Use AT Commands To Send An SMS Not Work With Windows 7

Mar 3, 2011

I'm running Visual Studio 2010, and i'm trying to use AT commands to send an SMS. My question is will it not work with windows 7 due the exclusion of hyperterminal in windows 7. (I was able to dowload a version of Hyperterminal and can use AT commands in that.. but my code itself does not work.) My code is below.


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Windows 7 Keylogger Wont Work?

Jul 9, 2011

Note: This project is for educational purposes only.I've tried many tutorials on how to create basic keyloggers but none work. I then heard Windows 7 won't work for keyloggers with Visual Basic 2008.

My Code is Below:Public Class Form1 Dim result As Integer Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer

For i = 1 To 255
result = 0
result = GetAsyncKeyState(i)
If result = -32767 Then
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + Chr(i)
End If
Next i

I get no errors from the code it just doesn't put the keys I press in the textbox.If having Windows 7 is the problem is there any solutiions?

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Windows 7 VB Project Wont Work With XP?

May 9, 2012

I made a small windows project under visual studio 2010, It working perfectly with

windows 7 , when I tried to run it under XP didn't work :-(

what can I do to have it work in both windows 7 and windows XP , or at least to work under

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Windows Service Doesn't Work?

Feb 28, 2011

I've created a windows service which must produce a beep every 0.5 seconds.

I've installed and started that. but nothing happends.

what should I do?this is my service:[URL]...

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How To Make A Windows Service Work Properly

Aug 3, 2010

My project requires that a windows service checks up a table on a sql database(MDF) and if product existence is 0 then sends an email to some mail address and keep checking every 24 hrs.Now Im able to send mail messages but what Im not able is to make the service itself to work or at least make sure that is working.I do the following(correct me if I do something wrong or missing a step):

1. create a new project and choose windows service

2. add a timer and set to 4000 ms just to test not wait the 24 hrs lol

3. then open its event timer_elapsed and put some code on it, like a msgbox that would keep spamming every 4 secs just to test

4. at the event onstart I enable the timer by: timer1.enabled=true

5. at the event onstop I disable the timer by: timer1.enabled=false

6. right click then choose add installer

7. in the newer installed with the two objects:

a. serviceinstaller1 set its properties to: displayname: myservice and servicename: myservice

b. serviceprocessinstaller1 set account property to LocalSystem

8. build the project and install it by opening the VS console and type: "installutil c:path blah blahservice.exe" then hit enter

9. all successfull installed open the pc manager and run the service from the list and this should be the deal

Now my real problem is that by following those steps my service is sucessfully builded, installed, and started but after the 4 seconds no msg pops up so this leads me to think that is not doing anything or I did something wrong in the steps above. Is there another way to test if this service is working else than the msgbox or the log entry? Plus, Im working on my home pc which is a xp OS. I tried the same at college pcs wich are win7 and when I did install by the console it returned an error weird but in my home pc it doesnt(and I have to present my project at college at college and tomorrow

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IDE :: File Versions Work With Windows Installer?

Mar 25, 2012

I've read about revising the File Version (and Assembly Version) to ensure that an updated file does replace an older/previous file when a WI update installation is carried out, but I don't understand the four-part construction of the File Version ... and my re-versioned files sometimes refuse to transfer to the target computer.

For example, a .exe I have recently updated had it's File Version set to (it is resident now in my Program Files (x86)/MyApplication folder) and File Date 23/03/2012, but even now with the File Version set to and a File Date of 24/03/2012 when I use WI to install the new program over the original the file remains in place and the new file does not get installed instead.


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MenuItem Control Does Not Work On Windows 7 Machine

Apr 12, 2010

I have an application written in VB.net, compiled and loaded on machines running XP, Vista and Server 2003. When I loaded it on a machine running Windows 7 64 bit, the application runs fine, but one window that has MenuItem controls does not work properly, instead of being able to change items from the collection, that area is just greyed. I loaded the .NET 4.0 framework on it in hopes of some miracle, but it still does not work.

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