WinAPI Click OK Remote Desktop Works Only When Window Is Active

Jun 8, 2012

I have a timer in winforms that looks for a specific OK dialog on my server (it clicks OK on a third party application that runs out of memory, then restarts it -- there is no other work around). So, when I remote desktop the server and the remote desktop window is active (the actual remote desktop window is active, not the actual window that has the OK that has to be clicked. I can have a window that has nothing to do with the OK, and it works), the program works as it should. It finds the window of the OK, then clicks the OK button fine. When I am not in remote destop, or when the remote desktop window is not active (or selecte) it finds the window and finds the OK button, but cannot click the OK button.


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How To Bring Up Something Like A Remote Desktop Window

May 19, 2011

How to bring up something like a remote desktop window? Is it like a com service or is there a control which I an include in my form?

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Open Excel On Local Desktop Using Remote Desktop Application ?

Jun 11, 2012

We have a Windows Forms VB.NET application running on Windows Server 2008. Users access this app using Remote desktop.The app displays information in Excel, but Excel opens on the server.Is there a way for the .NET app to launch Excel on the users local desktop?

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Insert A New Right Click Context Menu Item To The Existing Right Click Context Menu For The Active Window?

May 15, 2010

VB express 2008 .net 3.5 or .net 4.0 VB express 2010?I have written application to convert RTF to HTML. The main Purpose of the application is to copy VS code to the clipboard and covert it then put it back into the clipboard as a HTML Document so that it can be pasted into a HTML document such as Windows Live Mail. I found that code copied and pasted is spaced out in in the wrong positions.

The applications works perfect with no bugs so far. I then asked Myself how to go about doing the copy with the least amount of operator interaction. So I added an Icon to the Icon Tray with a right click menu to use to convert once the Rich Text Format was copied to the clipboard. This works fine except you have Five steps, Select the text, Copy to clipboard, Right Click the icon, Select the Converter and Paste. The normal is three steps.

To this the best solution is to add a context menu item to the active form such as the RTF editor or window. So that when you select the Rich Text to copy and right click on the form to bring up that menu then to Just Select the menu Item such as "Copy RT and Convert" I searched and found about 544000 Items and tried to restrict down to no avail. I read until I finally gave up. I did not find any code examples of this. Almost every thing I found related to the web or some other explicit document like Excel and not to the Various windows that could be active with RT in it.

how do you add a context menu item to the context menu of an active rich text format window such as WordPad or VB?I have test in my application that tests to see if it is a RTF in the clipboard so if it is not the converter does nothing.

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System


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Remote Desktop - Make An Application Of Remote Management For Images

Aug 5, 2010

I want to do a small application that made the broadcast of images from a PC. The idea is to make an application of remote management but without the management part, only with the viewing of images. Anyone know any code already done or any API that helps in the project?

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VS 2008 - Use "Go To Desktop" Function That Goes Directly To Desktop Without Minimizing Any Window

May 17, 2009

I'm working on one of my applications and I'm trying to find a way to use the "Go To Desktop" function that goes directly to the desktop without minimizing any window (This can be achieved by clicking on the Win + D buttons or on the desktop icon in the quick launch toolbar), but how can I activate it using vb? I thought about sending keys but I guess there is more offical ways to do it.

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Button Code Works On First Click / Error On Second Click

Nov 2, 2009

1. Retrieving data from an .mdb
2. Displaying the table(s) in a datagridview
3. Populating an array of structures with the table data
4. Searching the array of structures for a member value equal to a string
5. Displaying the matching array elements in a listbox.

[code] Any suggestions? Am I missing something simple? Should I be using a Multidimensional array instead of a structure?

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Connecting Remote Pc Desktop?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to create a software for remote computer Desktop connection(we can see and operate remote computer in our computer display), can any one give Windows itself has a long procedure to do that(Remote Desktop Web connection), sometime it develops security issue, other options are 3rd party. I want to create it on my own.

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Remote Desktop Client?

Oct 17, 2011

Both I and a Friend are working on a Visual Basic Remote Desktop Client, we've got as far as laying it out the way we want it but are unsure of how to code the program. Can anyone shed some light upon what we could use to make our program generate an ID which another user can enter at their site to connect to the computer?

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VS 2008 Remote Desktop .net(RMI)?

Aug 6, 2010

Myself Sandeep Francis I am working with a project tat can monitor the remote pc without knowing the user who uses that pc, the project module goes as below


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Active X Control - Click Event - User Has To Double-click On Button In Flash Movie

Mar 23, 2009

I have a application that uses Flash movies (AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash). I have buttons in the flash movie. When they first start using the application, they can single click on the buttons in the flash movie and button responds accordingly. But after a while (and I haven't been able to pin-point an exact thing that changes it or my issue would be solved), the user has to double-click on the button in the flash movie for them to work.

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.NET Applications Hangs On Remote Desktop?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a problem with a large application that consists of windows forms mainly, but some WPF windows and controls (we also use DevExpress controls v9.1). The problem is that the application sometimes hangs when it runs in a remote desktop session, and that session gets locked due to inactivity, and the user comes back and unlocks the session. The hang seems very similar to the hangs you get when accessing GUI controls from a none GUI thread, but I'm pretty sure that's not what causes the problem. (We had a lot of those problems earlier, and have fixed all multithreading problems we were able to find. And the hangs now never occures when the application runs outside the remote desktop environment.)

I've done a lot of research on the problem but I've still not found a clear point to what causes the problem. However, I think there might be a problem related to some combination of remote desktop and .NET framework. The reason for this is posts like this:


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Best Way To Implement A Remote Desktop Viewer

Sep 23, 2010

I want to be able to view the desktop in almost-realtime from a computer on my lan (its part of my business) As this is a business situation teamviewer is not free, but id rather like to make my own server and client anyway - will be fun! I need to know the best way of sending the desktop fast to the second computer. I know of several ways to do this: take image of screen be it jpeg/bmp or whatever and send it as many times a second as i can (too slow) take an image of the screen and compare it with the previous image and send the bytes that have changed. take multiple images of the screen compare with previous images and send through the bytes that have changed.

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C# - Detecting Remote Desktop Connection?

Jun 10, 2009

Is there anyway, in a program, to detect if a program is being run from inside a remote desktop session or if the program is being run normal in .NET 2.0? What I'm trying to do is, I create a timeclock application which will clock a person in and out and keep track. But this particular person, I suspect, is remoting into their computer at work, from home, and clocking in and out.

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Controlling Windows Remote Desktop?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to overcome a problem I am having with remote desktop.Basically I have 2 machines running in different locations. I use remote desktop to access one of them (the "Remote Machine") from the other.("My PC")The "Remote Machine" is performing automated tasks that require the screen to be active, not the user login screen.

When I do so the Remote Machine logs off and presents the normal windows login screen.When I am finished reviewing the remote machine I log off and then I need to log back into the "remote" machine. It has no monitior but I can log in by pressing the enter key which sends a keypress to log into the user account( there is only one). In fact I do this the other way around. I press the enter key on the "Remote Machine" and this logs the user back in - terminating the remote session on "MyPC".

The problem is I have to physically go to the Remote Machine to press this enter key.This is a hassle - One solution is to remotely re-boot the remote pc but the lead time involved is too great.I am unable to fix this problem by tweaking setting or registry hacks so I guess the solution must be to cause the remote user to log back in programatically.I am an experienced VB user but I have never worked outside the windows environment. Ideally I would like to programmtically send a keystroke "{enter}" to the login screen but this doesn't work.

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How To Check Remote Desktop Connectivity

Apr 2, 2011

How do I check the connectivity to Remote Desktop through Visual Basic (if possible). I would like to run a program checking if servers is up running normally. In some cases servers will respond to ping, without being able to connect to RDP. It would be great to a program being able to detect loss of RDP-connectivity almost as soon as any problems appear.

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How To Send Keys To Remote Desktop

Oct 27, 2009

How do I use the sendkeys command to send keys to a remote desktop. I tried using send keys with a delay set by a timer and then simply to put my mouse cursor on a notepad in the remote desktop but it didn't work.

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Open Remote Desktop And Login Using VB?

Oct 17, 2009

I created an application that opens certain Microsoft Windows built in functions depending on what button you use. I have Text Fields setup for certain things like IP/URL, Username, Password, Port, Service. Depending on what function you want it pulls data from these fields.

When someone clicks on Remote Desktop I would like it to pull from the IP/URL, Username and Passwords fields. Right now it pulls only from the IP/URL field. How can I have it populate the Remote Desktop login, pulling the data from my Username and Password fields?

I have found a Login DLL that someone wrote and also found a Remote Desktop DLL but I do not know how to tie these into my program. I somewhat know the process of using a DLL in a VB project but I don't know how to tie these in.

FYI, I would like to be able to make my application a single executable instead of having multiple files that are installed by an Setup program.

Another feature of my program is being able to stop and start a service. I can use Taskkill and have it pull the username and password just because Taskkill has this built in with switches. This is ok for ending tasks but when I try to use SC to start the tasks, it only works locally because the remote server has a different username and password. SC does not have a switch for username and password.

Also another FYI, I do not want to use a 3rd party software that may not be on the remote computer/server. i.e. PSKill, PSExec, VNC or another program..... unless these can be imported into my single executable program and not have to be on the computer. As I mentioned, I do not like having to rely on 3rd party applications.

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Remote Desktop In VB 2010 Using Winsock

Jan 12, 2011

procedure or program codes in creating a remote desktop application using visual studio, with the tool Winsock. I've heard in blogs and forums that Winsock can be a good tool in creating a remote desktop.

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Send Text To A Remote Desktop?

Jun 19, 2010

I am building a program that passes a string of text to a program on a remote desktop connection. I tried using SendKeys on a timer, so I could press a button on my program set the text box on remote desktop focus and then have my software 'send' the string. This doesn't seem to work, however, it does work locally if I send the text to an empty Notepad.[code]...

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VS 2005 Remote Desktop Information

Mar 12, 2012

I need a code that runs on a machine that I am remotly connected to and displays the IP address or the PC name of my computer that I'm connected from.

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How To Harvest Object Info From External App As Active Screen On Desktop

Aug 14, 2012

I'm writing an app that I need to retrieve and order or invoice number from an external application whose screen is active on the desktop.

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Communications :: Make A Remote Desktop Program?

Aug 5, 2009

Lately, ive been using winsock quite a lot. I made a chat application, and now i want to make a remote desktop program. I dont want a half asses one, where u can press buttons that send info to the server, but i want to have a client server relationship where you see the screen, have control to the keyboard, and the mouse. Any tips on how i can go about this?

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Remote Desktop Client (RDP) In Form / TabControl?

Jun 17, 2011

I woudl like to use a the RDP control in my form. However, when I add the Active-X object and open the form during runtime with the app fails.

There are several apps available who do excatly the same. How can I get this running?

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Sql Server Connection String On A Remote Desktop

Feb 3, 2012

I built a window's app in VB. The app is made to be used worldwide. The app works fine when it is installed on a computer using the same network than the local machine hosting the sql database. The problem actually, is that, when the app is installed on a computer using a diferent network, the connection fails.


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VB6 App In Terminal Services Remote Desktop Error?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a VB6 app using MS Access2003 database ODBC connection in Windows Server 2008my connection string is simple ODBC-- DSN=hotel -- using Microsoft Access Driver (.mdbusing admin user - i can run all forms on windows server 2003 successfullyusing other users - i get "permission denied error 70"I have 2 problems,1- cannot use software in terminalservices using remote desktop to server @Windows Server 2008i have 10 machines connected using Remote desktopfor a limited user, >> permission deniedif i cange the limited user to admin >> things work but ONLY FOR THAT USER!ALL OTHER USERS THEN HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE SOFTWARE, some exit, some cannot fetch data, etc.

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Way To Setup Remote Desktop Services Profile Up?

Mar 21, 2012

This code so far works like a charm, and I need a couple more things before I'm finished.

1. I know the UPN (userPrincipalName) is setup using user.Properties("userPrincipalName").Value = ComboBox2.Text and that works fine... however, we have an additional UPN name.. check out the picture below.

2. Any way to setup the Remote Desktop Services Profile up? Peticularly Remote Desktop Services home folder. Where Connet: would be selected, as well as Drive letter, and To: would be filled out as well. [code]

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Cannot Get The Correct Buildnumber Of The Remote Desktop Services Client

Jul 6, 2010

I want to use the c# write a programe to get the logon session information.I use the WTS_INFO_CLASS Enumeration refrenced to the msdn library,the url link is [URL]

Everything is ok except the WTSClientBuildNumber property. The WTSClientBuildNumber that I get is 5875288,but it should be 6001.I use the 6.0.6001 RDC for my test.Can anyone tell me the problem.

The following is my sample code

If WTSQuerySessionInformation2(ptrOpenedServer, active_session, WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSClientBuildNumber, istr, returned) = True Then
ClientInfo.WTSClientBuildNumber = istr.ToString()
End If

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Detect Local Computer Name On A Remote Desktop Session?

Apr 30, 2010

I can get the local computer name on a RDC session using Environment.GetEnvironmentvariable("ClientName") if the application is 32 bit and Server is 32 Bit or when app is 64 bit and server is 64 bit

How can I get the local computer name from a 32 bit application when the server is 64 bit

Environment.getEnvironmentvariable("ClientName") returns an empty string

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Detecting Local Computer Name Etc On Remote Desktop Session

Nov 13, 2009

I have a 2008 Windows forms application which runs on W2k3 server and is accessed by 15 Remote Desktop users I would like to be able to store information such as the default printer for each RDC session plus other info To be able to do this I need to know the local computer name (or some other identifier) so I can store computer specific information (such as default printer) how I can get info about the RDC session from VB

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