WriteXML / Dataset - Adding Nodes To Parent

Apr 16, 2012

I have a question about using writeXml. When I use this method, it writes to the specified xml file like this:

But, I would like to add these nodes to a parent node, i.e.:
I am creating the xml by first creating a dataset (connects to an SQL db and runs a query, filling the dataset) and using ds.WriteXML(myPath)

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Dataset.writeXML Having Inner Nodes?

May 15, 2009

What I am trying to do is to output a dataset into an xml document using Dataset.WriteXML(), but one of the things that I can't figure out how to do is to have what I believe are called inner nodes.What I mean by that is I have client data, but a client can belong to many companies, which I need to show in the xml as strings, so what I was thinking it should look like is...


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VS 2008 : Adding Parent And Child Nodes To TreeView?

Oct 31, 2010

I am not sure I am getting the concept of referencing nodes in a treeview. When I hard-code nodes like:

tnParentNode = New TreeNode("ABC")
tnParentNode = New TreeNode("Some Other Company")


I get two parent nodes and one child off Some Other Company. However, when I pull information from a couple of tables to set up the parent and then the child nodes, I only get the parent nodes.So I pull the main parent nodes from one table and the child nodes from another table.This code pulls the parent nodes without any problem:

strSQLText = "SELECT lID, sCatName FROM Category ORDER BY iSortOrder DESC"
reader = GetReader(strSQLText)
While reader.Read


But this does not add the child nodes. I am assuming it is because of the first line in the above reader.read while loop. I must not be referencing the proper parent node but I am not sure how to do it.

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Checking Treeview Nodes - If Parent Is Checked Check All Child Nodes

Aug 31, 2011

I'm all new to this treeview business. I have a fixed treeview, very simple and basic. Only two levels, parent and child nodes. I just need two things out of this treeview.

1) If parent is checked, check all child nodes.

2) If just one child node is unchecked, uncheck parent node.

That's it! I've been looking for this for 30 mins and I cant find it. Maybe because my vb.net is old, it doesnt seem to be the same as others =/ I'm using vb.net 2003.

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Javascript - Check Child Nodes With Text (*x) In Different Parent Nodes ASP Treeview?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a problem with my treeview. I have two child nodes with different parents which contains a literal (*x). In this case (*1) (view image)


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C# - Customize When Use The WriteXML Of DataSet

Sep 21, 2011

In VB.NET when I use the WriteXML of DataSet, can I customize it? That is to say; I want to make a structure like this:


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Dataset WriteXml - How To Sort Output

Jun 24, 2010

I have some code that creates a dataset from a backend server. I then use the WriteXML method to output it to an XML file. This works fine. But some folks have requested that I sort the output one way or the other (yes, it is easy for them to do so, but they are end users and want the computer to do all their work.) I know I can use .select to extract the data to an array, but I would then have to write that array out to a .XML file. It would be easier (I think) to just sort the data before I output it to XML. I had thought there might be something like dataset.table(0).sortColumn = 2 or something like that, but apparently not.There is only one table and the code will know which columns may be used for sorting.

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Streamlining A Dataset.writeXml File?

Feb 6, 2012

When i output my dataset to an xml file, 87 nested tables with 218 class object (system.type.object) columms i get 247,691 instances of output like this."msdata:InstanceType="LotNet.LForm+Pointer, Learing Programs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">" In this case the decluration is more then twice the size of the Pointer. Is there any way to supress this kind of output the data is only used for internal consumption by other moduals.

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Xml - Have Dynamic File Name When Using Dataset.writexml?

Feb 14, 2012

I am stack at work finishing my program.I have a piece of code to write an xml file.

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim dt As DataTable = GetDtable()


That work will write an XML file whatever I put in the datatable (or dataset). It is just a simple code and it works fine. The problem is it will replace the old file everytime the new file is created. I really don't want that to happen. I also want to include 2 variables (username, sessionID) also time of the file created in the file name. So file name will be Username_sessionID_time.xml rathen than a fixed name.

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DataSet.WriteXml Not Writing Rows In Correct Order?

Mar 12, 2009

I have an XML file that is being updated via ASP.NET. The user should be able to add new nodes to the XML file AT ANY LOCATION in the node tree.

The XML file is read into a DataSet using DataSet.ReadXml(filename).

A new row is added to the appropriate DataTable, using InsertAt(row, index).

I have confirmed using a DataGrid, and using a loop (For Each dRow in Table, Response.Write..) that the new Row was inserted into the table at the correct spot (in my example code, the 3rd position).

However, The WriteXml() method is writing the node to the END of the XML tree! I can't get it to see the tree with the node in the correct location.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim sXML_Lesson As String = "test.xml"


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Treeview Parent Nodes?

Apr 13, 2012

So, I have a treeview populated like so:



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Display Only All Parent Nodes In ListView?

Jun 8, 2010

I have TreeView as below .

Account Payable
Account Receivable

If I will select Parent nodes then how I can display in ListView of particular child nodes? Also when I click on root node then how I can display only all parent nodes in ListView?

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Select XML Nodes By Parent Attribute?

Mar 5, 2009

I have an xml similar to this one[cod]e...

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Collecting Arrays Of Parent And Child Nodes

Jul 17, 2010

Most of my treelist code is working ok, however I would like to produce two arrays of string, one which contains all the parent nodes in a Treeview, and the other with all the child nodes. I'm obviously doing something stupid as I have "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." I'm not declaring something.

This is my attempt:
Private Sub listbuilder(ByVal nodelist As TreeView)
Dim parentlist() As String
Dim childlist() As String
Dim j, n As Integer
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 TreeViews - Parent And Child Nodes

Apr 25, 2010

I'm new to this Visual Basic stuff. I have TreeView under the name of TreeView1 and it has two Parent nodes, one is Library and the other is Store. Under Library and Store I have childnodes and thats were I'm stuck. For example under Store there is Downloads and Apptrackr.

What I want is when a user clicks on Apptrackr it runs this piece of code
WebBrowser1.Visible = true
DownloadsBrowser.Visible = false
And when the user clicks on Downloads it then does the opposite
WebBrowser1.Visible = false
DownloadsBrowser.Visible = true

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Get Program To Append A Child To One Of Parent Nodes In An XML File?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to get my program to append a child to one of my parent nodes in an XML file. I have looked online for quite some time trying to determine the best way possible, and have come up with the following


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Treeview - Check All Child Nodes On Checking Parent Node?

Jul 6, 2011

I was wondering how I would go about placing a check in the checkboxes for each child node of a parent node in a TreeView control, if I was to check the parent node.

For example:
Parent 1Child 1
Child 2
Child 3

If I was to check "Parent 1" how would I be able to make that event place a checkbox beside all of the child nodes of "Parent 1"? (Child1, 2, and 3.)

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XML Adding/Appending To Nodes?

Apr 19, 2011

I have an XML Structure in mind



What do I need to do here to get the hole under the "Fit" node as I loop through the hole sizes?

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Adding Images To Nodes Dynamically?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a simple tree, parent and child, that I create from files in a folder at run time (VB2010). All I want to do is assign one icon to the parent, and another to the child. I am using FileSystemWatcher set to watch the folders and update whenever there is a change. Here is the code:

'If there is a change in the Scan Folders relist
Private Sub scanFileChange(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)
If e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Created Or e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Changed Or IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted Then


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Asp.net - Adding New Child Nodes To XML On Each Function Call?

May 12, 2012

I have an XML file and I have a function to which this XML is passed as string. I have loaded this string in Xmldocument and I need to insert few children nodes under one node. This function returns the modified XML string. I want that whenever this function is called, new child nodes are added, currently, It adds child nodes once.Do I need to overwrite the XML file ? If so, How can I replace the node with new node ( with new child nodes added) so that It has child nodes added before the function is called again ?

My code looks something like this:

Dim doc As New XmlDocument
Dim parentNode As XmlNode = doc.GetElementsByTagName("prList").Item(0)


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VS 2010 Adding Multiple Nodes To An XML Document?

Oct 24, 2011

I know how to add a single node to a top level node in an XML document, but I cant figure out how to add multiple (nested) nodes to another node. For example, I want to add this node structure to node called "PaymentInformation":


Do I have to add each node separately or can I add them all at once?

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VS 2008 Insert Rows In Between Rows In Gridview Based On The Parent And Child Nodes?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working on Treeview control and Gridview Control VB.NET08. In the Treeview i have Parent and Child Nodes. Like:

- 31


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Adding 10000 Nodes To Treeview List From An Array?

May 12, 2009

I am having a performance issue when adding a large array to a treeview. I am pretty sure that I am using the wrong method but I was unable to find a better way to load the tree.here's and example code of what I mean. this takes about 30 seconds to load into the tree.

Public Class Form1
Public StringArray(10000) As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 TreeView - Adding Child Nodes With No Image?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a treeview. The root nodes have images set at 30x30 - is there a way to add child nodes with NO image or a smaller image? I can do a blank image, but each child is spaced far apart! I would like the child nodes to be like there is no image... tight and close to each other.

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VS 2010 Adding Child Nodes In Background Worker?

Aug 25, 2011

I i'm attempting to add child nodes to a treeview inside a background worker's doWork() method.

I'm getting an exception because I'm in a different thread, and need to use the invoke() method.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Populate TreeView With DataSet Using Parent-Child Relations

Sep 25, 2011

I'm working on a program that allows me to edit XML data in a DataGridView. I have most everything working but I don't like my current TreeView Structure. I load the XML data into a DataSet and edit it there, so that is what I'd prefer to base my TreeView on. I've tried a few things such as..


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Adding The Properties Of A Control To Its Parent?

Oct 21, 2009

adding the properties of a control to its parent? Without having to rewrite all the properties... For example, if I have an user control with a button inside, and I want to have the "text align" property of the button, in the list of properties of the usercontrol. If not, is there a way of making the child control of an usercontrol editable?

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Adding Parent And Child Records To MySQL Db?

Oct 28, 2011

I was asked to create a program that inserts records into one parent table and multiple child tables. My question is, how do I know what the PK is for the parent table, so that I may add it as a FK in the child? The PK for the parent is an auto number. As I stated in my title, I'm using VB.net, mySQL, through an ODBC connection. I have to do this through the code and cannot use stored procedures.

my transaction looks like this:

Dim cmdText As String = "INSERT INTO candidate(first_name, last_name, phone1, phone2, email1, city, " _
& " state, country, zip,primary_contact_id ) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?,?)"


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Update Dataset Parent & Child Tables With Auto-generated Identity Key?

May 31, 2009

I am using ADO.NET Datasets in my VB Applications. I have a typed dataset with one Parent table and many child tables. I want to generate Identity Key when I insert data into Parent Table and then update the data in all child tables with the Same key (As Foregin key).At last, I want to update the dataset in Database(SQL Server08).Well, the above thing can be possible by first inserting Parent Table in Database directly, get the Identity column and than use to for Child tables.

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C# - XPath: Select All A Nodes And All B Nodes That Are Not Inside An A Node?

Mar 28, 2009

Is the following possible in one XPath expression (see sample below) Select all (span tags of class msg) AND all ((img tags that have a non-empty alt attribute) AND (are NOT located inside a span tag of class msg))


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