Dataset WriteXml - How To Sort Output

Jun 24, 2010

I have some code that creates a dataset from a backend server. I then use the WriteXML method to output it to an XML file. This works fine. But some folks have requested that I sort the output one way or the other (yes, it is easy for them to do so, but they are end users and want the computer to do all their work.) I know I can use .select to extract the data to an array, but I would then have to write that array out to a .XML file. It would be easier (I think) to just sort the data before I output it to XML. I had thought there might be something like dataset.table(0).sortColumn = 2 or something like that, but apparently not.There is only one table and the code will know which columns may be used for sorting.

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C# - Customize When Use The WriteXML Of DataSet

Sep 21, 2011

In VB.NET when I use the WriteXML of DataSet, can I customize it? That is to say; I want to make a structure like this:


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Dataset.writeXML Having Inner Nodes?

May 15, 2009

What I am trying to do is to output a dataset into an xml document using Dataset.WriteXML(), but one of the things that I can't figure out how to do is to have what I believe are called inner nodes.What I mean by that is I have client data, but a client can belong to many companies, which I need to show in the xml as strings, so what I was thinking it should look like is...


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Streamlining A Dataset.writeXml File?

Feb 6, 2012

When i output my dataset to an xml file, 87 nested tables with 218 class object (system.type.object) columms i get 247,691 instances of output like this."msdata:InstanceType="LotNet.LForm+Pointer, Learing Programs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">" In this case the decluration is more then twice the size of the Pointer. Is there any way to supress this kind of output the data is only used for internal consumption by other moduals.

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Xml - Have Dynamic File Name When Using Dataset.writexml?

Feb 14, 2012

I am stack at work finishing my program.I have a piece of code to write an xml file.

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim dt As DataTable = GetDtable()


That work will write an XML file whatever I put in the datatable (or dataset). It is just a simple code and it works fine. The problem is it will replace the old file everytime the new file is created. I really don't want that to happen. I also want to include 2 variables (username, sessionID) also time of the file created in the file name. So file name will be Username_sessionID_time.xml rathen than a fixed name.

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WriteXML / Dataset - Adding Nodes To Parent

Apr 16, 2012

I have a question about using writeXml. When I use this method, it writes to the specified xml file like this:

But, I would like to add these nodes to a parent node, i.e.:
I am creating the xml by first creating a dataset (connects to an SQL db and runs a query, filling the dataset) and using ds.WriteXML(myPath)

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DataSet.WriteXml Not Writing Rows In Correct Order?

Mar 12, 2009

I have an XML file that is being updated via ASP.NET. The user should be able to add new nodes to the XML file AT ANY LOCATION in the node tree.

The XML file is read into a DataSet using DataSet.ReadXml(filename).

A new row is added to the appropriate DataTable, using InsertAt(row, index).

I have confirmed using a DataGrid, and using a loop (For Each dRow in Table, Response.Write..) that the new Row was inserted into the table at the correct spot (in my example code, the 3rd position).

However, The WriteXml() method is writing the node to the END of the XML tree! I can't get it to see the tree with the node in the correct location.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim sXML_Lesson As String = "test.xml"


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.net - Dataset And Hierarchial Data : How To Sort

Jun 7, 2010

I have some data which is hierarchial in nature which is in an ADO.NEt dataset. The first field is the ID, the second is the Name, the third is the Parent ID.

1 Air Handling NULL
2 Compressor 1
3 Motor 4


What I'm trying to figure our is how to get the dataset in the same order that ths would be viewed in a treeview, which in this case is the levels at the appropriate levels for the nodes and then the children at the appropriate levels sorted by the name. It would be like binding this to a treeview and then simply working your way down the nodes to get the right order.

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VS 2008 - Sort Dataset And Save As Xml?

Feb 23, 2012

I have xml file and try to load into datagridview, how can I save the xml after I sort it by desc?


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Query Dataset And Output To Text Box?

Oct 24, 2009

I have a dataset called Me.VelocipedeDBDataSet and there is a table within the dataset called Contact.How can i check the contact table and output the results of rows which have a value for an attribute called AccntRep that matches a global variable known as repNo

I had though that the solution may be something like

If Me.VelocipedeDBDataSet.Contact.Rows.Contains(repNo) Then
Panel3.Visible = True
MsgBox("Account Rep Found", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Account Rep")
End If

but it has not worked,

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IDE - Mail Merge VB 2005 - Output Dataset To Word

Jul 3, 2007

I would like to perform a mail merge between 2005 and Word 2007 using a dataset from my application, so the user doesn't have to touch word they will just be presented with the mail merged data. I have already created my connection to SQL server and populated the dataset but how can I output the dataset to Word.

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WriteXML With Null Values?

Jun 3, 2005

I have a dataset which I wish to export to XML. The writeXML function works fine, but if a value in my dataset is a NULL, it doesn't export that element at all, for that row. I would have expected it to export at least an open and closed element.

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Replacing Space With Underscore In WriteXML?

Aug 15, 2011

I have code to write xml file but unfortunately the database had field name with sapce eg. "form no" but when the xml file saves it converts to

"form_x0020_no" Pls tell me if there is any solution so that xml could be written with "form_no". and at this stage of application development i cannot chnage the variable names.

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DB/Reporting :: ReadXML And WriteXML As Backup Solution For SQL Database?

Mar 2, 2009

I have developed a program that tracks expenses for business trips that uses just a local SQL CE database on the user's pc. I chose SQL CE because the install process was much quicker and easier than Express. I have distributed the solution and I am looking for a way to allow users to backup and restore the data. I though that the readXML and writeXML methods from the dataset sounded like a good method, but I can't get it to work. I have tried a couple methods which have ended in either foreign key errors or not being able to keep the same primary keys as when the data was exported using readXML.

The basic structure for the data is:SQL CE Database -> DataAdapter.Fill -> Dataset -> Displayed to user through binding sources and other means The problem is not exporting the dataset with .writeXML, but getting the data back into database. The one shot .updateAll from the main table adapter creates foreign key failures, so I have reverted to iterating through the dataset and sending one row at a time, but I still can't get it to work.


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Insert Image Data From XML File To Database Table Using .net, Sql Server CE And Writexml?

Jan 5, 2012

How to correctly insert image data from XML file to database table using sql server CE and openxml,XML file is written by DataSet.WriteXml method?image data is stored in database table is : XML file Content after written by WriteXml method is :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

but after inserting with openrowset and openxml using stored procedure to another database table its value changes to this :0x2F0039006A002F00340041004100510.and is not the first value and raises an error in for opening image from database.

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Make The Items In The TreeView To Sort Faster Or Something Totally Different To Sort Them Easier?

Dec 15, 2010

How can I improve this bit below to make the items in the TreeView to sort faster or something totally different to sort them easier?


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.net - Use List.Sort And Comparision(of T) To Sort Descending/Ascending?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a MyObject; myObjects as List(Of MyObject) and a delegate Comparison(Of MyObject) that uses a lot of comparison functions (ByA, ByB, ByC etc) Ã la:

Shared Function CompareMyObjectsByName(x As MyObject, y As MyObject) As Integer
Return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)
End Function


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No Output In Asynchronous Program - Retrieve Output After The Events Are Invoked?

Mar 1, 2012

What I am trying to do: There are three powershell scripts with different time delays as shown below.I am trying to run them asynchronously in .NET and I followed this article to implement Asyncrhonous programming. Where I am stuck:The I am not able to retrieve output after the events are invoked.The scripts are being called but then the program ends and it shows "Press any key to continue" in console windows.I don't what I am missing here.

Info: JobRequest is a class that I use to pass around information keep track of jobs.

Sub Main()
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript2.ps1", "-arg1 4 -arg2 5", 1)
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript1.ps1", "-arg1 2 -arg2 3", 2)[code]......

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Use The DataTable.WriteXml Method To Create An XML File Without Erasing Previous Content In That File?

Feb 18, 2011

I have to generate an XML file from several database tables. I could use the WriteXml method of the DataSet to do it, but the database tables are really huge and I can't add all those tables in the DataSet at the same time or it may cause a problem because of the big amount of memory used. Then I decided to use the DataTable's WriteXml method and save table after table, but the the generated file only stores the information of the last DataTable.WriteXml's call. How can I preserve the previous XML data when adding all that information?

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Unable To See In Output Window Number 5 As Output?

Sep 25, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(3 + 2)
End Sub

Why I don't see in Output window number 5 as output?

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Array.Sort(array) - Specify A Numeral Sort Based On The First Character In The String?

Jan 29, 2009

Sub Sort()
ReDim RollsCC(NumOfPlayers - 1)
For N As Integer = 0 To (NumOfPlayers - 1)[code]....

Here I am creating a temp single dimensional array, merging my 2d array into it, and then attempting to sort it by Rolls(N,1), which is a integer 1-6, Everything seems to be working right with the exception of this.

RollsCC.Sort(RollsCC, 0, 1)

How would one specify a numeral sort based on the first character in the string? im aware that I am switching Rolls(n,1) and Rolls(n,0) information during the sort.

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Sort ListView By Image.Index If Index Over 4 Sort Rest Alphabetically

Apr 12, 2012

Currently my ListView sorts items by image.index. So 0 is at the top, then 1, 2 and so on. Think of it as an IRC chat room nick list. Ops at top then the rest are sorted alphabetically


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.net - Why Only Getting One Output Value (and No Debug Output) From This Code?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm just going to throw all my code in here in case there's something wrong with a piece of the code not in the "SelectName()" sub.

Module Module1
Dim selectednames As String = ""
Dim index As Short = 0
Dim inarray As Boolean = False


Here's an image of what it does (I suppose you can see what went wrong)13 inputs, 3 outputs expected, only 1 output given.As from what I've figured out so far, it's doing the correct amount of loops etc. It's just as soon as it starts generating the "winner" for the 2nd game key it doesn't get a string value from namesarray.Also, why is

For x = 0 To totalnames - 1
Debug.Print("namesarray(" & x & ") = " & namesarray(x))

not giving me a debug output?

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Sort An Arraylist Using .Sort()

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to sort an arraylist using .Sort() but am not sure what to put in the () for the field/column I want to sort on. Here is the portion of my code that creates the array from a SQL Query


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Using The Array Type .Sort Function To Sort An Array?

Mar 1, 2010

I am using the Array type .Sort function to sort my array.By default it places the result Array into Ascending order Least to Greatest How do I change that to Descending order Greatest to Least?and How do I change it to Closest to logic? or does that not exist?Assume there is an Array of Numbers 0,13,21,-2,4,5,1.34 and I want them to sort closest to 0 or some other arbitray value; the Output should look similar to:


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DataSet Editor - Allows The User To Edit A DataTable In A Strongly-typed DataSet

Mar 15, 2010

When the user clicks an "Edit" button on my form, I want a box to come up which allows the user to edit a DataTable in a strongly-typed DataSet. What's the best way to do this?

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IDE :: Dataset Code Behind Datatable.ColumnChanging Event Firing / But Dataset.HasChanges Property Not True

Jan 28, 2010

I have code running in the Datatable.ColumnChanging event in my dataset. This dataset underlies a form and conventional drag/drop controls are in place for data entry.when the event triggers and runs, I am running code in the form that checks the dataset.HasChanges property. It is showing False. But this is immediately after the ColumnChanging event has been triggered.Okay, I see by others posts and MSDN that .HasChanges will only be true after moving off the row with the changed column. I have also noted lots of discussion about the advanced binding property of DataSourceUpdate Mode, but that does not address this issue.I guess I can do this by checking the state of the row for the binding source. Just seems odd that the event behind the dataset can be triggered and that does not change the dataset.HasChanges property.

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System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet DataSet)

May 14, 2012

I have tried everything I can to get beyond this error which shows below as <<<<< error here. It is trying to fill a dataset from a data adapter. If I change the SELECT statement to just SELECT * FROM xTable I get the correct number of records in each table. But anytime I try with a more complex statement I get the error message shown below which indicates System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet. I've completely erased all data and entered a new set of test data so I know there is no problem with relationships. Each table has primary key which is foreign key in other table. IS there something wrong with the Imports section: Imports System


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.net - Copy Data From Dataset To A Type Dataset Using Automapper?

Aug 24, 2010

i am trying to copy data from a standard Dataset to a Type Dataset (XSD) of same table structure. i want to use Automapper to do that one. So how can i do that using automapper?

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Fill A DataSet On Application Startup And Use Dataset Other Form?

Jun 5, 2010

I need to pick all data in my application from my database and use it in my form

my question : how to pick all data in my application then i use it

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