XML To LINQ Start The Search From Root?

Oct 29, 2009

So far I don't got problems searching elements for example , the next block of code will load the xml file and then will search descendants ("recordinfomation") which is a parent element in the XML file and returns child elements ("title", "aut_FirstName, "aut_LastName, and "xmllink") . My question is I would like to start my search at the root of the xml file and search all parent elements and not a specific one and return what I am returning in the following code. In another words search the whole document for specific child elements.

Dim XDoc As XElement = XElement.Load(MapPath("App_DataBookstore.xml"))
Dim elements = From row In XDoc.Descendants("recordinformtion") _
Where Regex.IsMatch(row.Element("title").Value, strfirstterm,


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Find The Root Of A Number Such As The Square Root, Cube Root 5th Root Or Whatever

Sep 23, 2011

For those of you interestested in mathematics you can find a root of a number in two different ways. Lets say you want to find the 5th root of 27.


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.net - LINQ-to-XML Selecting Tags Inside The Root?

May 12, 2012

I'm trying to learn the query structure. I have the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<due>07 May 2012</due>


And I'm trying to delete <item> elements with a query:

Dim DeleteItems = From e In Root.Elements("list") Where e.Element("name").Value = Text

However it isn't working. I think it's trying to select tags called <item> in the file's root, however it needs to be selecting <item> tags in the <list> element - which I don't know how to do.

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Select A Root Directory And Search All Sub Folders

Nov 28, 2011

I am currently using the Directory.GetFiles("Path of folder", "Specific Data") to search a folder for specific files and then do something with those files - this works perfectly. However i would like to search all sub folders within the top level folder also.I have seen ways to return what directories exist within the top level - which i could then use to search but was wondering if there is an easier way.

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Integrate With The Search Bar In The Win7 Start Menu?

Apr 13, 2010

it is possible to make an application which uses the input of the search bar in the windows 7 start menu..

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Search Xml Using Linq?

Sep 24, 2009

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>


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VS 2008 Use Queries And Dealing With Databases Using LINQ Or SQl / Which Is Better To Start

Jul 6, 2010

I will start a new project, use the queries and dealing with databases using LINQ or SQl ,Which is better to start ???

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C# - Search Two Columns In LINQ To SQL?

Apr 15, 2011

I am trying to make a simple search method using sql to linq in visual studio. In my database, i have the fields "Firstname" and "Lastname", and my search string is "name". How can i make a simple linq query which searches both fields?

in plain SQL i would do something like this: "SELECT (Firstname + Lastname) as 'Fullname' FROM table WHERE Fullname LIKE '%searchstring%'

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C# - How To Search For Node Using LINQ To XML Query

Oct 14, 2009

Below the xml doc
<section name="A">
<subsection name="A">
[Code] .....

Now I want the property1 whose section name="B" and subsection name="B" and innersection name="B" in one single query using linq to xml.

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C# - Using LINQ To SQL To Search Entire Database?

Jul 7, 2010

Is it possible with LINQ to SQL to search the entire database (obviously only the parts that are mapped in the .dbml file) for a string match? I'm trying to write a function that will take a string of "Search Term" and search all mapped entities and return a List(Of Object) that can contain a mixture of entities i.e. if I have a table "Foo" and table "Bar" and search for "wibble", if there is a row in "Foo" and one in "Bar" that contain "wibble" i would like to return a List(Of Object) that contains a "Foo" object and a "Bar" object.

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Linq To Xml - Unexpected Search Results

Mar 10, 2011

Just when I was thinking that I had Linq To Xml sussed I'm faced with yet another error! I think if I was to understand the linq search process in general better I might have more success, so any good links regarding that are also welcome. To my problem however; using the code below:


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Mvc - LINQ Concatenate 2 Fields To Search On?

Jun 1, 2012

I'm trying to concatenate two fields in LINQ so that I can then filter with a keyword. I found a question posted here that I thought was my answer, but I'm getting 0 records back for some reason. This is supposed to return a JSON result for an autocomplete textbox (it works when I don't concatenate fields).

Here's my code:


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Wpf - Linq Querying For User Search?

Mar 10, 2012

I am trying to query from search box using list of data and the linq I used is:data = (From k As BSPLib.ContactLib.Contact In data_org.Values Where k.stringdata Like "%" & Searchtxtbox.Text & "%" Select k.prime).ToListBut this is not working, I am getting no data at all. Data_org is a dictionary so I used the values; k.stringdata contains all the data that need to be searched. Searchtxtbox.text contains the user defined search item.I Tried with sqlmethods through linq, but sqlmethods does not exist for me, I tried with with Imported namespace yet the code is not showing sql methods, could you please provide a workable query or just tell me where I have gone wron

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Start A Working Search Form In Visual Basic Express Using An Access DB?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm working on my first Visual basic program and I've hit a snag. I want to make a working search form that pulls data from an access database that i already have linked into my visual basic program.

Basically when they click search, i wan't it to check the textbox (lets say firstName.text box for now) for there name, then find all the entries in my database that have those names and display them in a grid.

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DataGridView Cell Search Using A LINQ Query?

Jul 23, 2010

I have a VB.NET search routine, part of which is provided, below, that checks all Text cells in a DataGridView for a given string (inclusive), using a basic set of nested loops to perform the search:

' Search for the first occurrence of the given string
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvMembers.Rows
' Skip the new row


is there a way to replicate this behavior using LINQ? Basically I would like the query to select (or return) the first DataGridViewCell whose text contains the search string. I've done some tinkering with sub-queries and the like, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my brain around the concepts (too many years of writing T-SQL, I guess).

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LINQ To SQL Basic Column Search Doing OR / AND Of A List<string>?

Nov 23, 2011

Is there a way to check if a column contains all or any of an items in a list? Example "ABCDEFG" is my column value. "A" "C" "L" is my list stored in a list. I need to find rows that contains at least one item in my list. Then items that contains ALL the items in my list (a basic OR / AND search such as a SE would have)

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Close Application Root Folder Or Sub Root Folder At The Time When Application Is In Running Mode?

Oct 8, 2009

how to close application root folder or sub root folder at the time when application is in running mode?

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VS 2010 Dynamically Building LINQ Query To Search Objects

Mar 24, 2011

I am creating a mediaplayer / playlist creator tool that basically imports MP3 songs into playlists (grids). I'm looking to add search functionality where the user can search all open playlists (or a subset of the open playlists). A Playlist is basically a collection of AudioFiles, where an AudioFile is a class that holds the filename of the MP3 file and then exposes the tags (Title, Artist, Album, etc) in public properties.

The idea is that the user can search for a certain expression (for example "the"), and that he can then choose whether to search in the title, in the title and artist, in the title or artist, in the title, artist and/or album, etc. However, I'm having a hard time implementing this and also having it kind of dynamic.

At the moment I am simply gathering all the AudioFiles from the open playlists (or from the subset of playlists the user chooses) and then running a simple LINQ query to find those AudioFiles where the Title contains the search text. Then I display the resulting AudioFiles in a new playlist window:


In case the AND / OR distinguishing is too hard, I would be happy to start with just letting it default to 'OR', so that the user can check Title and Album for example. If he would then search for 'a' then all songs that contain 'a' in their title as well as all songs that contain 'a' in their album should be returned. I guess that makes it easier, but I still wouldn't know how to dynamically create the LINQ query.

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VS 2005 Make Live Search Form Like When User Enter 1 Char Then It Ll Find All Data Start With Or Contain Letter?

Jun 19, 2009

I want to make live search form like when user enter 1 char then it ll find all data start with or contain letter.i have use the sql like query with textbox textchanged event but it is too slow any other method to make it fast?

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C# - Detect If Application Start Using A Manual Handling (Pressing An Icon) Or Start When Windows Start?

Feb 28, 2011

I have made my application to start automaticly when windows start (registry ../currentversion/run/appname + path). In this mode the application start minimized and an little icon appear in the notification icon area. With this icon you can maximize the app or exit it.If you exit the app and start it again using the Menu (Start/programs etc) than the application start in minimized mode (and in this case I would like to have it in normal mode) because the setting autostart is still true.Is there a way you can detect when the application start when windows startup using the above registry or when people click on an icon in the programs menu (or desktop)?

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Keep Root Array Value As Remove Another Array Value That Is Assigned By Root Array

Sep 8, 2011

I have short code like this :

Dim arr1 As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 1 To 100


My problem is : after RemoveAt command is value of array 2 is change this is true, but why it effect to array 1 , i don't want array 1 value change

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Search Xml Using Linq - Get All The Node Values Of <customers></customers>

Apr 22, 2010


how to do this. kindly show me some sample code for this

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.net - Search The Collection Of A Collection In LINQ Where Clause?

Apr 15, 2009

I've got the following ADO.NET Entity Framework Entity Data Model:I want to find all the Policyholders with both a Service of a given Id and also a Keyword of a given Status.

This LINQ Does Not Work:

Dim ServicesId As Integer = ...
Dim KeywordStatus As Integer = ...
Dim FoundPolicyholders = From p As Policyholder In db.PolicyholderSet.Include("Keywords").Include("Services") _
Where p.Services.Id = ServicesId _
And p.Keywords.Status = KeywordStatus _
Select p

The Where clause cannot search the p.Services and p.Keywords EntityCollections in that way.


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Search The Collection Of A Collection In LINQ Where Clause?

Apr 15, 2011

search the collection of a collection in my LINQ Where clause?

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.net - Why Cancelling 6 WebRequest Using Task.Start Takes Longer That Thread.Start

Jul 24, 2011

I have custom asynchronous WebRequest class that I am testing to find out how fast the request will be cancelled and found some odd results, that starting 6 WebRequests with TPL and cancelling them right away takes 25 sec, but when I used just regular background threads it took only 5 sec.

Update: Running them without cancelling takes with Task.Start 9 sec and Thread.Start 3 sec accordingly.
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading


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Creating A Security - Software Start Automatically When Window Start?

Oct 21, 2011

im using vs to create a simple security form, i am successful to create a a form of log but i need some more improve like

1) if the software remain untouch for a minute the login form should be shown as the user try to use it again

2) and how the software start automatically when window start

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Process.Start To Start An External Command Line Application

Aug 4, 2009

I'm using Process.Start to start an external command line application and using the StartInfo.Arguments method to send parameters to the application. I imagine I'll need to use a loop... but I can't figure out exactly how yet.I need to send anywhere from 1 - an infinite number of files names to this application. Each file has to be sent one after the other. So once the first one is done, I need to loop back around and past the second one.I can probably use the Directory.GetFiles method to get all of the files, but I don't know how to assign them.

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Take Turn Start Which Means Timer1 Stop Then Timer2 Start?

Jul 23, 2009

I created 3 timers, i want each timer to take turn start which means timer1 stop then timer2 start, once timer2 stop timer3 start. But my code seem to be running together once i click the play button.And is there any ways to easy control how my picturebox move? Because my code for controlling it movement need to keep finding the correct number for it to move.


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Use Process.Start To Start An Application Without Administrator Privileges On Windows 7

Feb 24, 2012

Visual Basic 2010 - Net Framework 4.0 Client

I have an application (application #1) running with Administrator privileges on Windows 7.

I want application # 1 to start another application (application #2) without Administrator privileges so application #2 is running as a standard user.

Is there a way to do this? I have been using Process.Start.

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VS 2010 Unable To Start Specific Command With Process.start

Jun 18, 2011

Here's what I currently have:


I've commented out various things to limit it to specifically this command (example, I can swap mklink out with notepad and it works fine). The command runs fine from a DOS window, but can't be found when I use it this way. I also tried using the SHELL command just to test and I get the same results. No idea why it can't be found, as like I said it executes from the command prompt just fine.

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