Xpath Preceding-sibling (using HtmlAgilityPack And VB)?

Sep 12, 2010

Im using HtmlAgilityPack/HAP so that I can use Xpath with HTML documents.selecting the preceding-sibling of div class="address" in this url[url].....The sibling that I want is h3 class="listingTitleLine" Here is a screenshot:

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.net - HtmlAgilityPack Interfering With Code (not A HtmlAgilityPack Question)?

Sep 13, 2010

Here is a snip of my code:

Dim content As String = ""
Dim web As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb
Dim doc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument()
Dim hnc As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='address']/preceding-sibling::h3[@class='listingTitleLine']")


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HtmlAgilityPack Interfering With Code (not A HtmlAgilityPack)

Sep 13, 2010

Here is a snip of my code:


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Trim Everything Preceding The Last / In A String?

Sep 22, 2009

I need to trim everything preceding the last / in a string. for example if the string were "C:FilesNewprogram.exe" all I want is the "program.exe portion.

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Regex / Check For Preceding And Following Character

Jun 10, 2011

Sometimes when backing up an sql file using phpmyadmin (database stuff), for some reason it forgets to double up a single quote, resulting in an error when loading the sql file back into the database when required. A line in such an sql file looks like this;[code]As shown in the example, phpmyadmin did double up the quote in "you're" as it should, but it forgot to double up the one after "27", resulting in an error.As you can see it's like this (*value*, *'value'*, (and so on) but beforehand I can;

A) Never know how many values are in such a string
B) Can't simply split the values by "," because the value itself can hold a comma aswel.

It would be easy if every value was like this; *'value'* because then I could split by " ', ' " but that's not the case, and I also never know what location the values not enclosed in single quotes are. I also can't simply double up all single quotes in the entire string because then it will also double up the ones that are enclosing the values, resulting in an error during upload again.So yeah, what I need to get done is single out all the values with regex ($1, $2 etc.) and then string.replace single quotes in those values but *only* if said single quote is not preceeded or followed by another single quote, else it would become a tripple quote resulting in an error again.

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Incoming HEX Data Missing Preceding Zeros?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm working on a project which involves communications with a remote device via a modem. Communication is accomplished via HEX commands. However, with my code below, I am not receiving zeros where they are meant to be.For example, a test file contains the following HEX:


However, I am only receiving this:


The zeros are critical.

Private Sub receive_data(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
Dim buff As String
Dim i As Short


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Upon Viewing Generated Csv File Preceding Number Zero Is Missing?

Nov 22, 2009

I've been developing an export program which generate a csv file.

Column_A, Column_B, Column_C
00014, Sample, test

Now upon this data is viewed in csv the trailing zero from column_A is gone. it becomes 14.I revise the writing of data from Column_A which if the start of it is zero i insert a single quote. Upon viewing it in csv i got a '00014 which single quote is visible. how can i remove this single quote? which i expected to view it 00014 only in csv file.

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C# - HTMLAgilityPack And Timeouts On Load

May 3, 2011

I'm using HTMLAgilityPack in a parser that I have up on a server, but I'm having issues with one of the websites that I'm parsing: Every day around 6am they tend to shut down their servers for maintenance, which throws off the Load() method for HTMLWeb, and makes my app crash. Do any of you guys have a more secure way of loading a website into HTMLAgilityPack, or maybe some way to do error checking in C# to prevent my app from crashing? (my c# is a little rusty). Here is my code right now:

HtmlWeb webGet = new HtmlWeb();
HtmlDocument document = webGet.Load(dealsiteLink); //The Load() method here stalls the program because it takes 1 or 2 minutes before it realizes the website is down

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.net - Using HTMLAgilityPack To Parse An HTML String Not From A URL?

Feb 5, 2012

I am trying to take a string that I have marked up through vb.net code and cross-check it with the text file it came from originally. This is for proofreading the html output.To do this, I need to parse an HTML snippet that does not come from a URL.The examples of HTMLAgilityPack I have seen get their input from a URL. Is there a way to parse a string of marked-up text that does not include a header or similar parts of a well-formed webpage?

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Extract All Form Elements Name Htmlagilitypack?

Jun 24, 2011

i have this code to extract all form input element in html document. currently, i cant get select, textarea and other elements except input element.

Dim htmldoc As HtmlDocument = New HtmlDocument()
Dim root As HtmlNode = htmldoc.DocumentNode


how to get all elements in all forms in the html document?

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HtmlAgilityPack - Scrape Some Text On A Webpage?

Sep 6, 2010

Im trying to scrape some text on a webpage, I asked in the regex section and they recommended to use HtmlAgilityPack with Xpath to scrape the info I want.


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HtmlAgilityPack Clean Inner Text From Html

Oct 14, 2011

I have this html. I'm trying to get its InnerText without any tags in it,[code]What am trying to do is get the text as the user would see it from the class thisclass.I want to strip any script tag, and all tags, and just get plain text.

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Modify Form Element With Htmlagilitypack?

Aug 5, 2011

am processing html forms with htmlagilitypack, but encounter some problems. take for example

<form action="" method="post">
<input name="email" type="text" />
<input name="fruit" type="hidden" value="5" />
<img src="/image.php">

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Parsing - Preventing Errors With HTMLAgilitypack

Dec 26, 2010

I'm using the HTMLAgilityPack to parse HTML pages. However at some point I try to parse wrong data (in this specific case an image), which ofc fails for obvious reasons. Code:

How to check whether the content is 'parse-able' before trying to parse it to prevent the error? For now it is an image which makes an error popup however I think it might be just anything which isn't (x)html.

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Remove Linebreak Node In Htmlagilitypack?

Sep 10, 2010

im trying to retrieve this text on a webpage without the line break:

<span class="listingTitle">888-I-AM-JUNK. Canada's most trusted BIG LOAD junk removal<br />specialist!</span></a>
How can I do it?


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Select All Input Element Htmlagilitypack?

Jun 23, 2011

how do i select all input element using htmlagilitypack, extracting the input element name and type

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Use HTMLAgilityPack To Parse An HTML String Not From A URL?

Aug 2, 2011

I am trying to take a string that I have marked up through vb.net code and cross-check it with the text file it came from originally. This is for proofreading the html output.

To do this, I need to parse an HTML snippet that does not come from a URL.

The examples of HTMLAgilityPack I have seen get their input from a URL. Is there a way to parse a string of marked-up text that does not include a header or similar parts of a well-formed webpage?

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VS 2010 - Finding Tutorials For The HtmlAgilityPack?

Sep 6, 2010

Im having a hard time finding tutorials for the HtmlAgilityPack, all of them are for c#, so im having to use c# code and convert it to vb.Here is the my code, im still getting errors with the 3rd line:[code].......

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Winforms - Getting <a> Tags And Attribute With Htmlagilitypack

Jun 6, 2011

i have this code


but am getting an error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. the document contains at least one anchor-tag? how do i check if an attribute exits? i tried this if link.HasAttributes("title") then and get another error Public ReadOnly Property HasAttributes() As Boolean' has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed.

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Adding Xelement As A Sibling Of Xelement Without A Parent?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying figure out if this is possible. Basically, I need to create an XElement and then add one or more siblings to that XElement, but without a parent. I'll add that list of XElements to a Parent later, but need some flexibility in building this and other lists of XElements before doing so. Is this possible?

So I would have something like:

Public items As XElement = <ItemA>Something</ItemA>

And then I need to add an element so that the result looks like:

<ItemB>Something Else</ItemB>

That result is what I need to pass around as a single object. I've messed arounnd with IEnumerable(Of XElement), but there is no .Add.

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System Namespace Conflict With Sibling Namespace

Nov 16, 2011

This class is located in the namespace Acme.Infrastructure.Interface.A class with the same name EventArgs exists in the System namespace.In another project in my solution I have a class Acme.BusinessModules.MyModule.MyClass.When attempting to use the EventArgs class I have to fully qualify the class name or the compiler thinks I am using the System.EventArgs class.My understanding of namespace resolution was that the compiler would first look for the class in the current namespace, and then its parents. It seems that the compiler checks in System before it checks in sibling namespaces. Is it correct that System is checked before the sibling? Or is this behaviour caused by other issues (Imports order?)?

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Extracting Table From Html Into Htmltable In B (htmlagilitypack)?

Sep 22, 2011

I am trying to grab a html table from a remote page and display the contents of this table in a htmltable on my site. I am using htmlagility pack. So far here is my code:

Imports HtmlAgilityPack
Partial Class ContentGrabExperiment
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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VB 2010 + HTMLAgilityPack + Large Processing = Error?

May 22, 2012

I have spent way too much time trying to sort this little issue out. I have narrowed down the issue to the exact procedure that throws the error. Yes, I have used Google..

Dim tempSource as String = Nothing
Console.WriteLine("Loading document...")


I am loading a text file, that contains about 1100 lines, and each line is going to be processed with HTML Agility Pack. From what I can tell, when it runs "doc.loadhtml(richtextbox1)", it throws the error. I also have tried to load the file into a string, and load the string with "doc.loadhtml(thestring)". It doesn't make a difference, still errors.

Here are is a sample of how each line looks:

<Site Index="" Name="" Group="" PR="" />
<Site Index="" Name="" Group="" PR="" />


I am using HTML Agility Pack, however the above is what is on every line, about 1100 lines! For testing, I have a smaller text file made of about 50 lines before I load up the 1100 line file ;) There aren't any HTML, HEAD, or BODY tags! They aren't needed for my parsing. I am using HTML Agility Pack because it is easy to parse elements with. I can grab each value easily from each line.

I am not sure if maybe the error is because it technically isn't HTML? Meaning since the loaded code doesn't have an HTML or BODY tag, that it errors? I wanted to get this question posted, and while I am waiting on some answers, I am going to parse the document another way. Just curious as to what the deal is and why HTML Agility Pack isn't working. More of a proof of concept then anything, for my own learning and knowledge.

Here is the error I get (btw the on the doc.load() line, is where it throws the exception):

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Last Note: The routine is on a background thread. I have used multi-threading before, and have delegates created for deeper in the code.

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Implicit Vs Explicit Declaration Without The "Dim" Statement Preceding

Mar 9, 2010

Is an implicit declaration basically an explicit declaration without the "Dim" statement preceding it?

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VS 2008 Different Ways To Call Another Form From A Parent Or Preceding Form

Aug 4, 2009

I need to know the proper way, or maybe I should say, the different ways to call another form from a parent or preceding form. I am currently using ex: formname.showdialog() to call my next form, but I am uncertain if I should be using that in every situation. [code] Whats the difference between these different methods? (ex: .showdialog() , .show() )I tried both of these to open a temporary form to retrieve a persons name from a database, so as the users progresses through my training program they can keep track of their scores.But, I also call other forms as I branch through my program, from the main page, to a secondary page, to a testing page, to a results page and then back to the secondary page

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HtmlAgilityPack - Getting Error When Looping Through Nodes Doesn't Make Sense

Dec 31, 2011

I'm trying to get all nodes below but I am getting an error message of: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'GetAttributeValue' accepts this number of arguments.


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Convert Class To Sibling Class?

Jun 6, 2011

I've got a class hierarchy similar to the following: Animal is abstract, Dog and cat inherit from animal.

Is there a best practice for converting / casting a dog to a cat? Of course there may be dog specific properties that won't fit in a cat, but they share several properties that they inherit from animal. Just curious what people think. I'm thinking reflection could come into play, but I wasn't sure if anyone had experience with this.

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XML XPath Not Working

Oct 17, 2011

I have the following 2 lines of code:[code]I'm looking to get the value for first instance of lastWriteTime which should be 2011-10-13T10: 48: 48. 3833771-04:00 but the code just pops up an empty string. Sorry for the big post but here is the entire XML file for reference. Can anyone see why this isn't working, or give me an example of how to make it work some other way? [code]

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XElement And An XPath Expression ?

Feb 1, 2010

I have an XElement and an XPath expression that selects a node from it. It works fine in the original program that I wrote it in but doesnt work if I paste it to another program. I've checked the references and import statements.

I think the problem might be that the original program had the code within the class of a wpf window while it was moved to a abstract class where it doesnt work.[code...]

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.net - XPath, XPathNodeIterator To Be Exact?

Feb 7, 2012

Basically I have an XML file that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sender sndid="FT">


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