Yes Another 'Passing Variables Thread"

Jan 7, 2012

VBasic / VS2008 / .NET 3.5 / Meas Studio 8.5 I've searched and seen a number of convoluted ways of doing this but.... What I am trying to do should be simple and in my mind (and from previous experience) it should work. It doesn't At least not after 10 hours of tweaking, editing, researching....

Straightforward project, 3 components - MainModule, MainForm, CNCNoForm. I declare public var NCPgmNo in the module. I open the CNCNoForm from the MainForm. This form has 2 controls - Numeric Up/Down Box & Close Button. I enter a number in the Num box (read only property is set to false), then assign the value to the var. NCPgmNo in the value-changed event sub. I close the form, returning to the MainForm. The variable does not pass even though it is public and declared in the module. I tried removing it from the Numupdown event and assigned the var before 'me.close'. Still N/G.

If I put a breakpoint right after the line that assigns the var, it is correct. It just does not pass to the MainForm. I started with a textbox, then changed to a Meas. Studio Numeric control, finally Numeric up/down. Same results with all 3. I though the CNCNoForm was broken so I removed it from the project and rebuilt it with a new name (yes name references in the MainForm and MainModule are correct). One other thing. If I call the CNCNoForm repeatedly, it reads the previous value. I am ready to give up computers and take up farming or hiking.


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Threading.thread Addressof Passing Variables

Apr 16, 2012

I am trying to pass some status from a IP call in a shared sub to a label on my form. This is the current code that i am using:


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Passing Multiple Byref Variables / Variables Fail To Change Calling Funct W/ Invoke

Sep 27, 2010

I have code, shown below, that works all except for 1 thing: The variables being passed byRef get passed, but once modified in the else section of the "if me.invokerequired" code of RecordData, the variables are never updated in the calling function. To reiterate, the calling function does not receive the updated data that is in the variables custid and amt.When debugging, I see the data change in the else section of "if me.invokerequired", but once it returns from the callback the data is missing.[code]

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Call A Method That Started On A Background Thread On The UI Thread Calling BeginInvoke And Passing In A Delegate?

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to call a method that started on a background thread on the UI thread calling BeginInvoke and passing in a delegate as follows:

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Function() UpdateApplicationDataUI())

to call this method:

Private Sub UpdateApplicationDataUI()
End Sub

However, I get an error in the call to BeginInvoke (the UpdateApplicationDataUI portion of the delegate is stating "Expression does not produce a value").

Me.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Function() New Action(AddressOf UpdateApplicationDataUI))

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Multithreading: Reading/setting Variables, And Passing Variables?

Mar 8, 2011

Question 1: What is the difference between "Background Worker" and "Worker Pool" as indicated within the MSDN samples provided.

Question 2: I noticed while using, AddressOf _Function_, variables cannot be passed; what would be an efficient solution to this?

Question 3: While using multithreading is it required to invoke before setting variables, or only form properties?

Question 4: While using System.Net.Sockets is it safe/efficient to use Application.DoEvents while waiting for new data; or would be using a Do While loop be fine without DoEvents since the action would be multithreaded? Note: there can be up to 2000-3000 sockets in use at a time.

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Passing Variables From Sub To Sub

Mar 30, 2010

I have my own little tutorial about passing variables, and if you'll look at the code below, you'll see how I am passing the variable from one sub to the secondsub. Here's my question, how can I pass a value back from the 2nd sub to the 1st? So if I want to sum intA plus intB, and want to return that value to the first sub, how do I do that? [code]

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Passing Info To Variables

Apr 21, 2011

I have a program that I am writing that asks the user for information.The program takes that info and passes the strings to a module that has a set of case statements for comparison.The program was working just fine yesterday, and now it acts like there is no information being passed to the module for comparison.[code]

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Passing Session Variables

Jan 21, 2009

I have an ASP.NET 2003 web application. There is a .vb module file within that application. Is there anyway I can pass a session variable into this .vb module from a aspx.vb page?

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Passing Two Variables To An Executable?

Sep 16, 2009

I have an application I have built which is basically a decision matrix. I would like to add it to a current database as a button on the form. When the button is clicked I would like to pass header information to the executable (two variables).

I can modify the code but I am not sure where to begin?

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Passing Variables Between Forms?

May 17, 2012

I have a Form1, the user types a "Client ID" in a textbox if it's not a valid one, it opens a Form2 in which the user selects the correct "Client ID", once selected he presses an OK button. And there comes the porblem.. it opens a new Form1 with the Client ID that he selected from Form2, but I still have the first Form1 opened.
I have two Form1 opened...

I which to keep the original Form1, but with the value sent from Form2..

I'm using this code:

Code in Form1
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Passing Variables From One Form To Another

Apr 27, 2009

I am using Visual Basic 2008 for this assignment. I have a project that I am working on and I need to be able to use form variables across the entire project.

I have looked on other forums but no definitive answers.iI have declared variables as such Public StrV21true As String and "Public StrV21False As String

Now apon assigning a string to the variable with an If Then Else Command, I go to the next form expecting that the assigned variable will be available for use in this second form but to my dismay it tells me that the variable has not been declared and will not even show up in Intellesence. Like I said before from research on the net I am using the public class in Form 1 to hold the variables and am kind of expecting the public class variables to be available through all the forms in the project. I would really like to know how to do this so as I can finish my project for class.

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Passing Variables Through Classes?

Feb 8, 2012

I'm having trouble passing Variable information through classes, here is what I mean.

On my Form I call on Test.Result
Test is my Class


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Passing Variables To A Sql Query?

Nov 19, 2010

I have two forms and I'm trying to pass a declared variable from form1 to form2 and then pass that variable in a sql query that I have in a dataset that is bound to my form. I know that my query works but it's not producing any data. I have debugged my form and can see the data being passed in the variables elsewhere on the page but I'm not sure of the syntax within the query.


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Passing Variables To A SQL Where Clause In VBA?

Jan 24, 2012

I am getting an "Automation Error" with the following:

Dim sheetdate As String
Dim sheetdate1 As String
sheetdate = "7/1/2011 23:59:0"


I need to pass two variables to the WHERE clause. If I manually input 'sheetdate' and 'sheetdate1' into the clause -

WHERE (((ticketorders.TimeStamp)>#7/1/2011 23:59:0# AND (ticketorders.TimeStamp),#7/2/2011 23:59:0# ...

everything works fine. The problem is I have multiple sheets and I would rather not have to add the entire sub-routine to each and every sheet. My thought is, it would be easier to create a PUBLIC sub and pass the time values (sheetdate and sheetdate1) to the WHERE clause.

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Passing Variables To New Form?

May 21, 2009

I've got a form in my MDI container. Lets call it Form1. I now want to show a dialog box (Form2) and pass the primary key from Form1 to Form2. Do i create a public function on Form2 called SetMe() or Do I create a public on Form1 And read from it? From a best Practice point of view, How would you go about it?

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Passing Variables Within A Web Link?

Dec 9, 2009

I�d like to pass the username and password within a link to a browser using VB code. This link works "http:" when used manually but not when used within a code:

Dim username, password As String
username = "test"
password = "test"
WebBrowser.Navigate("http:'" & username & "'&password='" & password & "'")

The username and password are passed onto the web page within single quotes as �test�.

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Variables Not Passing From One Form To Another

Aug 31, 2011

I am passing 2 variables from form1 to form2. In form2 I want it to where it will filter my dataset according to the variables in form1, before it's displayed. In form1 it works, but when passing those values (JT & WRID1) to form2, it doesn't work.

Public Class Form1
Friend JT, WRID1 As String
Private Sub ShowForm2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ShowForm2.Click
JT = Me.dgvWLog.Rows(dgvWLog.CurrentRow.Index).Cells("dgvJT").Value.ToString
WRID1 = Me.dgvWLog.Rows(dgvWLog.CurrentRow.Index).Cells("dgvWRD1").Value.ToString
End Sub
End Class

Dim s As New Form1
Dim JT As String = s.JT
Dim WRID1 As String = s.WRID1
Me.DataSet.Form2_Get.DefaultView.RowFilter = "WT = '" & JT & "' And WRID1 = '" & WRID1 & "'"

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VB 10 Passing Variables Between Forms?

Apr 12, 2011

I am working on a program, and I would like to have the program pass a name from on form to another.

This is my code :
form 1 :
Public Class Form1


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.net - Passing @(at Sign)-variables To MySQL?

Nov 11, 2011

I am fairly new to VB.NET so I research alot when I run into bugs. Problem is I cannot find a solution to this, or anything remotely dealing with it. I am developing software to connect to a remote mysql server, run a query, and come back with a dataset. I have run this query against the server through a mysql prompt and have received a result successfully. But when i try to run this query from my app, I get an object reference error.

Through debugging I have found that the @ character used for variables in sql strings, is causing the problem in my code, but i cannot find a way to pass this query to the server without visual studio throwing errors. Every answer to the use of variables that I have found, suggests specifically stipulating the variable values in my code, which I do not want to do.


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Forms :: Passing Variables Between Subs?

Sep 2, 2009

I'm having an issue where I need to pass the value in a variable from one sub to anotherHere is the scenario. I have two forms; Main_Form and frmClient. I take a value from frmClient and pass it into a sub called Form_Activate located in Main_Form. I then need to take the value from Form_Activate and use it in a sub called when the user selects a menu item in the toolstrip.Starting point is frmClient and the code there is this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Client As Integer


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Forms :: Passing Variables To Timers?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a form that holds min two timers, One is a 72 hour timer and one is a 12 hour timer.

What I am trying to do is have both run at the same time, when the 12 hour timer expires it'll bring up a form informing the user that in 60 hours the machine will reboot (or they can just hit reboot). When the 72 hour timer expires it reboots the machine.

BUT I know my managment is going to want to be flexable. e.g instead of 72 hours make is 54, and instead of 12 make it 6.

I wish to avoid using global variables

This is the code for the 12 hour one, How do I call it and set i12sec and i12min?

Private Sub t12hTimer_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs, i12sec As Integer, i12min As Integer) Handles t12hTimer.Tick
t12hTimer.Interval = 1000 '1000 Miliseconds = 1 second


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Passing Arrays And Variables To A Sub Procedure?

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to complete a homework and seem to get stuck at the last point of passing arrays and avriables to a sub to do the calculations to produce the desired result of sales tax but can;t seem to accomplish that so far.



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Passing Variables Between Instances Of A Class

Jun 17, 2009

I created a program a while back, in the traditional VB.NET way by drawing a bunch of forms. I have started playing around with creating the forms at runtime using classes. I have a placeholder form called frmStartup which merely calls the CreateLogin() sub from the CreateFormClass. The CreateLogin() sub creates a new blank form, then calls the grpbxLogin(), btnSave() and btnExit() subs from the FormElementClass which adds all the buttons and textboxes to the form. Within the FormElementClass, I have associated btnSave and btnExit with event handlers. These even handlers call subs from the DataProcessingClass. The event handler for Exit works just fine.I am having a problem with the Save event handler. Precisely, I don't know how to pass either the username or password from the Login form to the btnLogin_Click() sub in the DataProcessingForm. I have tried using Me. and frmLogin., but the program doesn't see either of those. If the Login form is an instance that is disposed of once another Sub is called, then it won't exist later on to call from. I have tried declaring variables and passing those along to btnLogin_Click, but no matter where I put it, the program doesn't see txtbxUsername.Text or txtbxPassword.Text. Not even from within FormElementsClass, which is were the boxes are created.Any ideas on how to pass variables in this case? I am not even sure what you would call this such as passing between classes, or passing between instances.[code]

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Passing Variables From One Method To Another For Log File?

May 15, 2012

I deleting the files of certain age in a directory and also need to write a log file. So my question is how can we pass a variable from one method to another?
Example : Dotnet.Explorer

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Passing Variables To Stored Procedure

Jan 12, 2011

I have an application that I'm building which pulls dates from a database. The start value is stored as payPeriodStart date and I add 7 days to get the end date. What I need to know is, is it possible to store those values and pass them to a Stored Procedure? Currently my stored procedures have "static" dates in them i.e.:
where dateadd (n, Timestamp, '12/31/1899') - ([LoggedIn]/1000)/60/1440+1 Between '10/3/2010' and '10/10/2010'

Here is my code for the form that will be passing the variables payPeriodStartDate and payPeriodEndDate to the stored procedure:
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles startpayrollButton.Click
Dim ssql As String = "select MAX(payrolldate) AS [payrolldate], " & _
"dateadd(dd, ((datediff(dd, '17530107', MAX(payrolldate))/7)*7)+7, '17530107') AS [Sunday]" & _
"from dbo.payroll" & _
[Code] .....

And lastly since I'm calling those variables payPeriodStartDate and payPeriodEndDate, I assume that my sql query will have to change as follows:
where dateadd (n, Timestamp, '12/31/1899') - ([LoggedIn]/1000)/60/1440+1 Between payPeriodStartDate and payPeriodEndDate
Is that correct?

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Passing Variables/Arguments Between Forms?

Feb 8, 2010

Also, I'm sure I explained myself well enough, but just in case I didn't, I've attached a jpg with form/control examples w/code

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Variables - Passing Data Between Forms?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a form that has a button, when clicked it pops up a Dialog Form. Within this dialog form the user needs to select some data and when the user is finished they click the OK button. Once they click the OK button it needs to return an integer back to the previous form.I created a Dialog Form and tried calling it via the code below:

Dim intResult as Integer = frmData.ShowDialog()

However, it seems I can only return DialogResults (Abort, Cancel, Ignore...)I was wondering how I can try this without having to create a public variable and storing the result there.

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VS 2008 Passing A Queue To A Thread?

Jan 14, 2011

I've passed object sucessfully to threads in the past but I'm stumped on this one:-


Public Class TileDownload
Structure RequiredTileDetails
Public MapID As String


View 2 Replies - Passing Variables To A New Page, When Clicking Submit?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a page with 2 dropdrownlists & a submit button. I would like to pass the values(variables) of the dropdownlists to another page when I click submit.

Any thoughts or suggestions as to accomplish this. I have done something similar to this using asp:HyperLinkField, but I this does not work in my current scenario.

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DB/Reporting :: Passing Variables To A Datagrid View From Sql?

Nov 9, 2010

I am building an application that has several forms to it and on my first form, I declare 2 variables that I will need to pass to at least 2 of the other forms. I call them

Public payPeriodStartDate, payPeriodEndDate As Date

on form2, I am needing to pass those variables to a datagridview to present to users. I have the following query that I'm trying to run from that form but I'm given an error that SQL is unable to parse the query:

SELECT Employeenumber, Exceptiondate, Starttime, Endtime, Duration, Code, Approvedby
FROM Exceptions
where [Exceptions].exceptiondate between '" & payperiodStartDate & "' and '" & payPeriodEndDate"

The datagrid is bound to the form and I'm using SQL 2000.

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