Access Attribute Of Xml File?

Nov 14, 2011

<xml xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882"
xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-


This is my Effect.xml file .I am using to access this xml file.
Actually i want to access effect name when i enter particular effect id.So that i will get attribute value of effect name when i give effect id as input value
How can i do using

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Unrecognized Attribute 'configProtectionProvider' When Trying To Access Settings After Encryption Of Config File?

Dec 19, 2011

I recently changed application settings to be in an encrypted config file.The first time I run any application and try to retrieve a setting (My.settings. ...) from the config file I get an Unrecognized attribute 'configProtectionProvider'If I restart the application I don't get an error due to the fact that it doesn't re-encrypt during that run. Why when I run the application for the first time am I getting this error?

I am encrypting the config file on application startup using the following code:


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Access A Method's Parameter From An Associated Attribute?

Mar 19, 2009

Given the following classes, how can i intercept Class1.SampleMethod's Value from SampleAttribute?[code]...

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MVC Authorize Attribute Deny Access / Permission

Oct 25, 2010

I'm using the Authorize() attribute to secure my controllers/actions and want to only display the Login action to unauthenticated users - or to put it another way, deny access to authenticated users. I haven't been able to find anything on the web dealing with either denying permission or allowing negative permissions (i.e., ! LoggedIn)

MVC2, .Net 4
To clarify, I want something like this:
Public Class PublicController
Inherits ControllerBase
<Authorize()> 'Only logged-in users can logout
Public Function Logout() as ActionResult
[Code] .....

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Reading 'object-attribute-attribute Value' Triples From Column-based CSV Files

Nov 27, 2011

here any algorithms/pseudocode for reading/parsing 3-column csv data and determining unique objects/attributes/values?

example data:



i have already implemented a solution of my own but it's too slow and i can't find any relevant literature on the internet.

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Unrecognized Attribute 'targetFramework Note That Attribute Names Are Case-sensitive?

Nov 10, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive

I am using window xp and iis 5.1 to run the application.

error is occurred Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.


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'SSLAccessFiltercannot' Be Used As Attribute Because It Does Not Inherit From 'System.Attribute'

Feb 2, 2012

I get an error when I try to build my project.'SSLAccessFiltercannot' be used as an attribute because it does not inherit from 'System.Attribute'. [code]

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Get A File Attribute Which Is The Duration Of A Media File?

May 9, 2010

I am trying to get a file attribute which is the Duration of a media file to display with length and name in my list box

I'm using:

Private Sub OpenFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)


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How To Get CD File Attribute Type

Jul 4, 2010

I have an app that reads the file attribute to determine if it is normal, readonly or archive. Nowhere can I find the numerical values that equate to normal, readonly or archive, however I have debugged & found that archive is 32. The files on the cd are 33, what type of attribute is this and where is a list of all numerical values that equate to a file attributes type?

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Add A File Attribute To Existing Attributes?

Jun 16, 2009

I know how to set an attribute and set multiple attributes but how would I add a attribute to the existing attributes...

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File Attribute Delima VB 2008

May 9, 2010

I am trying to read through a bunch of sub directories checking to see if the archive bit is set on any file and if so then I intend to create a zip file of the entire folder as a backup copy and then I need to reset the archive bit.

The problem is that I do not want to change any other attributes that may be set and for some reason I do not see a way to retain these while clearing the archive bit.

I am also not sure if the method I am using for checking the archive bit will work correctly in cases where the file is also read only or hidden or other such attribute.

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Remove ReadOnly Attribute From A File?

Sep 13, 2011

Let say, a file has the following attributes: ReadOnly, Hidden, Archived, System.

How can I remove only one Attribute? (for example ReadOnly)[code]...

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VS 2010 AppSettings File Attribute?

Jun 9, 2011

I've been linking to an external config file using <appSettings file="blah"> since VS 2003. I just created my first 2010 project, and I get no data from my file, nor any error. [edit]This functionality works as expected when I point to 3.5 framework.Another note, if I copy the other config to the debug directory and reference it by file name it works. When I use the UNC path it doesn't. The UNC path has worked for many of my past projects. Maybe it's a 4.0 security setting somewhere?

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.net - Save A Config File Sorted By The 'key' Attribute?

May 30, 2012

I have an XML configuration file to which I will occasionally add new elements and, for ease of reading outside of the application, I want to keep it sorted alphabetically - by the "key" attribute of the "add" elements.After a lot of trial and error - using code I've gleaned from here, there and everywhere - I've come up with the code below. It appears to work okay, but I'm only just starting to learn Linq to XML, so I'd like to know whether this is an appropriate method or if there is a better/ more efficient method I've missed. It just feels like I might be taking an unnecessary step in recreating the entire file element.

Dim newEx = cfgEx.<appSettings>(0)
newEx.Add(<add key=<%= sNewKey %> value=<%= sValue %>/>)
Dim sortEx = <configuration>[code]....

EDIT: I think I've worked out a better way to do this - without explicitly recreating all the parent tags in thesortExvariable:

Dim newEx = cfgEx.<appSettings>(0)
newEx.Add(<add key=<%= sNewKey %> value=<%= sValue %>/>)
Dim sortEx = From c In newEx.<add> Order By c.@key Select c

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Change The LastModified Attribute Of A File Without Opening It?

Sep 10, 2011

how do you change the LastModified attribute of a file without opening it?

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Create An App That Can Modify File Attribute Like Hidden?

Aug 2, 2007

create an app that can modify file attribute like hidden, archive, read-only.

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Access "class" Attribute Value Of A <td> Element In Codebehind?

Jul 13, 2011

I also want to store it in a string to check a condition . And again set it wilth a new value if a condition is met. string s = HtmlCell.Attributes["class"] not working I have added runat="server" and added an id for it as well. But i guess HtmlCell.Attributes["class"] is cant be cast into a String. I want to access the value of 'class' attribute.

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C# - Make Sure That The Class Defined In This Code File Matches The 'inherits' Attribute?

May 28, 2012

Sometimes in my web applications I used to get this sort of error, I have no clue why is it coming however if I refresh the page few times the page is loading normally.I am using .net framework 2.0 and visual web developer 2005.

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Open Html File And Fill Html Tag And Attribute In Vb Array With Explan?

Aug 19, 2010

then fill all tags and attribute of this page in vb arrayi know this is too much but would you expl

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Reset File Attribute "Read Only" In MoveDirectory Function?

Jul 11, 2010

I have the following issue - I amcodinga move directoryfunction into my program. It all works fine except the resulting moved directory (the files within) appear(s) with a lock on them and they have become read only when they didn't start that way. I'd like to prevent the read only attribute from happening. Below is the code which moves the directory. I put it into a backgroundworker.

Private Sub bwMove_DoWork(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)


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Open Html File And Fill Html Tag And Attribute In Vb Array?

Aug 21, 2010

i want open html file in vb

then fill all tags and attribute of this page in vb array

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Modify The "run As Administrator" Attribute In A File?

Jul 15, 2009

It's possible to modify the "run as administrator" attribute in a file?I don't need this for my .exe, i need to modify external files, for example I need to set "run as administrator" by default in "c:file.exe"

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.net - Access A Accdb File (MS Access 2007) From Resources?

May 27, 2011

I am writing a very simple program that connects to a accdb file (Microsoft Access 2007 file) and returns some results in a datagridview. Everything is fine. Now because we have to deploy this program in many computers i publish it so everyone we want can install it and have updates. What i wanted to do is to make the database file part of the program which i did it by adding it to the resources. My problem is that i do not know what connection string to enter in order to access it in my resources.
My previous connectionstring before i deploy it was this

ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:l.accdb;Persist Security Info=True

What should i change in the data source in order to access the same file in my resources?

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File I/O And Registry :: Random Access File Larger Than Text File?

Jan 7, 2009

I am writing a program to calculate Pi to several hundred billion decimal places and this will require lots of GB of memory. I wrote a test program in VB2008 that saved the first 16 digits of Pi (without the decimal point) to both a text file and a random access file, just to be sure it was outputting the numbers properly. For reference the first 16 digits of Pi are:

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File Access - When Open The File With Something Like Notepad, It Shows Random Ascii Chars?

Oct 19, 2011

Years ago when coding with VB6 and earlier, I used a file open command to create, read, and write a file that made it easy to store useful information.I believe it was binary and you wrote/read the data to a specific line in the file. When you opened the file with something like notepad, it just showed random ascii chars. When I needed a line of data, I could specify what line to load it from.

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Making A File That The User Doesn't Have Access To And Changing The Location Of The Configuration File?

Jun 25, 2011

on my program i have an activation in it and in order to activate the program you need to enter a code that is stored in the settings. so i was looking through my computer and i found the programs config file. and so I opened it and i found all of the codes for the activation. I need to find out how to make the file so the user doesn't have access to it and then how to move it to a more hidden place in the C: drive.

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DB/Reporting :: Move From An Access MDB File To An SQLExpress(2005) MDF File

Sep 19, 2009

Trying to move from an Access MDB file to an SQLExpress(2005) MDF file and getting lots of problems. I have model my MDF file Like my Access MDB file ,same file name,same number of columns, same columns property,same columns name, see out of the 13 columns 8 have default value, I think I am getting a syntax problem when inserting the data into the table, being new to SQL Express I don't know how to write the proper SQl syntax

See my code for inserting and updating (using Access.mdb) which I whoud like transpose to SQL

'// Insert a record into the database for the node.
sSql = "INSERT INTO [TreeViewItems] (bRoot, dLastModified, iImageIndex," & _
"iParentID, iSelectedImageIndex, iSort, sName, sFullName) VALUES " & _


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File I/O And Registry :: Publishing Access File And Then Referencing After Install?

Apr 28, 2010

i have a problem where i've hard coded the file path of an access database i'm using with a program. this means that if i publish the program the database doesn't publish with it and i have to "ship" the program with the the database file separately and create another form so the user can say where the file is held. i don't want to do there any way to get the access database file to publish with the program and then access that file path by code? for example the database file is held in the same folder as the installed program and then is accessed by code so there is no need to use a specific file path.

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How To Change File Permissions, Error: File Access Denied

Apr 17, 2012

I am using net 2010 net framework 2 & w7 In windows explorer I want to move or rename a file but I get a windows message with a heading "File Access Denied" you need administrator permission to do this In my vb code I want to move the same file but get an error, the security on the file is "Read & execute" and "Read" How do I detect this before the code for moving & also set the permissions so I can move it with vb code.

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Open The Assignment File On Destop To Access The Solution File?

Sep 18, 2009

I have been trying to open a solution file downloaded from my class for the past two days. When I open the assignment file on my destop to access the solution file, it's not there. I have the variables design, obj, bin, and others but not the .sln file which is the one that I need. How can I fix that problem?

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