Making A File That The User Doesn't Have Access To And Changing The Location Of The Configuration File?
Jun 25, 2011
on my program i have an activation in it and in order to activate the program you need to enter a code that is stored in the settings. so i was looking through my computer and i found the programs config file. and so I opened it and i found all of the codes for the activation. I need to find out how to make the file so the user doesn't have access to it and then how to move it to a more hidden place in the C: drive.
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Feb 7, 2011
I have 3 components :
1.Manager : dll containing Iterface definition and other things
2.Implementation: dll containing Implementation of the Interface
3.Executable: (maybe this one could be a external application or another dll using the libraries)
I have particular methods (iside the interface dll file) that extract information of real Implementation from AppSettings keys in order to instance it using reflection. I use the Manager inside the Excecutable, but when I try to retrieve a especific key defined in "Manager.dll.config" (appSettings), the value returned is empty because the configuration file used is "Excecutable.exe.config" I need this configuration information in Manager config file because this Manager will be used from other programs and the configuration must be centralized into that config file to replicate the possible changes to every app calling this dll.How can I to specify that the ConfigurarionManager.AppSettings must extract values from manager.dll.config file?
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Jan 3, 2010
I'm looking for a way to specify the location for the User.config file that is used for storing the My.Settings object. It appears that this is not possible. The problem for me is, I don't want to be responsible for creating several different files on the users computer that really have no use and are difficult to find and clean once an update is released. For most users, this is not a serious problem, as many will probably never update the software, and most will probably only go through a couple of updates. On my system, there are config files for every build of the application, and the same to a lesser extent will be true for my beta testers.
I can understand that MS wants to make sure that no two applications will use the same location for storing application data, but a simple [UserData] [CompanyName][ApplicationName] for storing application data will probably suffice for 99.9999 percent of the legitimate applications in the world. Bogging a user's system down with erroneous files, no matter how small, is an unnecessary drain on system resources and a potential source of problems for the user. It's bad enough that most programs leave bits and pieces of themselves all over a user's system after De-installation - this to me seems only to exaggerate this problem.
Is the only way to get around this problem to write a whole new Settings Class? Is there a way to change the location of the UserConfig file to a more friendly (and more predictable) location that I am not finding for myself? It would seem that having at least the OPTION to specify a location for the User.Config file would be OBVIOUS and easy to implement, so why did they leave this out?
View 5 Replies
Aug 26, 2009
i would like to be able to set the change the default file location. for example if i do a filestream on a "file.txt", i want it to look by default in the desktop. is there somewhere in the settings of express 2008 where i can change this default location of working with files?
View 1 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
Is there anyway to take a static stream reader, and switch it to another text file based on the user changing the file?
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Jun 14, 2009
[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName][Version] is the Default. i Want to change the programfilesfolder to documents folder.
I already try this:
[DocumentsFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName] but it doesnt work. error in installing the product. ERRROR: "Could not access network location Polongo companyMC"
Iam changing the installation directory because when the application is installed in program files, my database can't add and edit record. having an error something like "operation must need an updateable query" because of that error i tried to install the appl in documents and there n error i'd encountered like when I install it to the program files folder.
View 4 Replies
Aug 13, 2011
I have an application that I'm writing that needs to allow the user to be able to create templates and save them for how the applicaton will work. For instance, lets say I am provisioining mobile devices, and my application allows the user to create a template to only install "application1" on the device, with "application1" settings for "devicetype1". But then if the user has "devicetype2", he or she can select the template that they created to install the software for that kind of device. I've looked around and all I find is the .exe.config for read only application settings, and I have found the user.config for the read/write variables. But that won't work as my application could have several templates depending on what the user chooses. I'm looking to have my app have a "create template", "edit existing template, and"use existing template" buttons, and have my config file extension like *.ipx for example.
View 1 Replies
Oct 5, 2011
I have a problem with this program
Imports System.ComponentModel<br/><br/>Public Class Form1
Public Delegate Sub updatePB(ByVal value As Integer)
Private bgworker As BackgroundWorker = New BackgroundWorker
View 6 Replies
Mar 26, 2012
I made a project in VB.NET 2008. When I update my project I change the assembly version but the problem is that when the user gets the new version they lose their user settings.[code]Note the version number in the path. Is there any way save in a location not affected by changing the version?
View 1 Replies
May 18, 2009
I am just not happy with the fact that the user.config file gtets saved in the user's account folder. Is there a way to save it in the Application's Startup Folder instead? I couldn't find any configuration properties within the PROJECT PROPERTIES which would let me change the file location.
View 2 Replies
Jul 1, 2009
I have lines in my text file like this:
x y
x Y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
Lets say I have 20 lines like this. I want to change this lines according to user input. So user will input how many lines they want to change in terms of row and column. In my program
Row=TextBox5.Text column=TextBox6.text
User must enter initial value for x and y. Let say the initial value is
x=1 y=1.
Row=2 column=5..
Now my lines should look like this.
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
x y
Since I enter row=2 only two set of lines is change other lines remain unchange. But in my coding all the lines is changing like this:
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 3
1 4
2 4
3 4
4 4
5 5
which is wrong.
This is my code
Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\wirematches.txt")
Dim xValue As Decimal = Val(TextBox1.Text)
Dim yValue As Decimal = Val(TextBox2.Text)
Dim altValue As Decimal = 2.54
Dim lineTracker As Integer = 0
[Code] .....
This code working fine for changes the column. But i dont know where i should write the code for row.
View 7 Replies
May 15, 2011
I have made a project(made a new data set and forms made by dragging data set entries to form ) in in which i used ms access as database and now i created a setup file for it but when i run is its giving error regarding some connection to database.?
View 3 Replies
May 10, 2010
im trying to generate an error message to the user to let them know a file doesnt exist.So far ive got the user to enter the file name into a textbox, they click search and if successful will load a new form with a PDF file reader built in( AxAcroPDF1 )everytime i enter the right file name i get the file loaded, if enter the wrong name the File page still loads with no pdf and no message saying file doesnt exist.
Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
View 8 Replies
Jan 20, 2010
WIth vb 2010 beta2, is it possible to use a Microsoft access save file instead of sql server (with no reduced functionality)?
View 2 Replies
Jun 25, 2009
Tried searching and found some related issues but none exactly like I was having
I iterate thorugh a DGV and write to one of the fields of the row. After it writes this field, I do an update() command.
View 11 Replies
Apr 14, 2010
I am using Synclock to prevent multiple threads from logging text messages to the same file at the same time, but this doesn't seem to work:I get frequent sharing errors on the logfile, within the synclock block.The Synclock is using the variable holding the filename, because it exists all the time and because it is always the same object, whatever class instance or thread I'm in.[code]Despite using Synclock and a Using block around the code, I keep getting this error in the sw.WriteLine(Msg) line:System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file '(filename)' because it is being used by another process.Should I use some other type of object than a string to synchronize on?I cannot use a user interface object (button or so) because it is a windows service project.It was written and compiled in Visual Studio 2008, but targeting the 2.0 framework because it has to be able to run on some old Win2000 machines.
View 12 Replies
Jan 12, 2010
this process problem only happen when i add the line below (red colored (line 12 and 19))the error pointed at the colored (blue (line 32)) at saving the image to the database
here's the code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Set Image File"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "JPEG Files|*.jpg"
OpenFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "bmp"
View 1 Replies
Jul 5, 2011
I'm creating a BASIC application, and I can't figure out how to save a user selected file (FolderBrowserDialog) to a location selected in another dialog (SaveFileDialog).
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Dec 21, 2011
add user to access database but it's doesn't work the problem here
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May 8, 2009
Not sure if this is the right Forum to post this question. If not guide me where to post... I have an Access database that I would like to be able to share with Multiple user cuncurently... I have seen it is being done but I am not sure how? Or may be I should be using SQL Express.
View 1 Replies
Nov 28, 2010
When we are typing the msconfig in Start>Run the window is appearing that is named System Configuration Utility . Now I want with WMI and API objects access this data and change them by programming in VB6. Specially, I want to change data on Start-up lists and Boot up services Can any one suggest me a solution?
Note: When I am going to use registry datas in compare of System Configuration Utility I have found that all of applications are not listed in registry + startup folder of windows. I think there is a provider for this issue in windows that returns or manages all applications on startup. I am searching for that.
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Mar 16, 2009
i just want to ask how can i save the file location or directory of a file in mysql without deleting its slashes...i tried to save it directly.. for example: the original directory is c:folderimg.jpg and when i checked it on mysql it is save as c:folderimg.jpg
View 5 Replies
Dec 6, 2010
I have a VS2010 solution with a Settings.settings file. The user settings are saved to the Local Settings folder and this is a problem as these settings do not roam.Currently the settings file is saved automatically to:
Dim config_initial As System.Configuration.Configuration = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal)
View 1 Replies
Nov 28, 2011
Can I safely move ReferencePath information from a .vbproj.user (or .csproj.user) file into the corresponding project file? Note: All developers will be using developing from the same location on their machines.We'd like to allow users to maintain their own settings for other things, but have this basic info be setup once and checked into source control to be shared to all.
View 1 Replies
Feb 17, 2011
It is saved on my desktop for easy access.I can close the program. I can click the solution to open it right back up, no problems.I then zip my file (also to the desktop)
My problem: I moved the original file (Project A) to another folder and extracted the unzipped Project A onto the desktop. When I open the new Project A's solution file, nothing happens besides VB starting up. It doesn't show me anything.
View 6 Replies
Mar 26, 2010
how to add and use configuration file in the application like web config file can i change the value in the configuration file
View 14 Replies
Dec 16, 2009
I need to get the extension part of a file path for example,
i need to return the ".jpg" to a string. Im sure this is easy enough, im guessing i need to get all the text after the last .
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Jul 30, 2011
I have a 2008 desktop application to make changes to it. Since the production database will be changing within a month, I know that i need to change the .net remoing.
1.I change the configuration manager file (app.config) in debug mode to point to the 'new' test database, however the changes are not pick up. The application is still pointing to the current database. Thus can you tell when what kind of files.I need to change so that this application picks up the 'test' data base?
2. After I have tested the changes that need to be made, I will need to deploy the changes. Thus i am assuming that I will need to do something different so I can put the application changes into production. Thus, can you tell what kind of extra dlls,exe, xml, and other files I will need to include in the deployment package? Is there anything else I need to do in the deployment package? This application uses .net remoting to have the database connect to the various proejct files in the entire solution file.
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Mar 6, 2009
I finally managed to encrypt the user settings in my app.config with the following
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Jun 11, 2009
My configuration file has the following settings for logging. I want to read the Switches Value attribute to see if Debug is set to 4 (Debug logging) so that I can retain some temporary files. How to I read the value using configuration manager?[code]...
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