Winforms - Changing Default File Location For .net?

Aug 26, 2009

i would like to be able to set the change the default file location. for example if i do a filestream on a "file.txt", i want it to look by default in the desktop. is there somewhere in the settings of express 2008 where i can change this default location of working with files?

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(Making A Setup) Changing The Default Location Of Installation Path?

Jun 14, 2009

[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName][Version] is the Default. i Want to change the programfilesfolder to documents folder.

I already try this:

[DocumentsFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName] but it doesnt work. error in installing the product. ERRROR: "Could not access network location Polongo companyMC"

Iam changing the installation directory because when the application is installed in program files, my database can't add and edit record. having an error something like "operation must need an updateable query" because of that error i tried to install the appl in documents and there n error i'd encountered like when I install it to the program files folder.

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Changing Default Save And Open Location For Visual Basic 2010 Express?

Aug 16, 2011

We are testing the visual basic 2010 ee in one of the computing suites at a secondary high school. The installation was fine When we tried opening or saving a project it saves it into a default location i.e my documents. The problem withthis is pupils dont have access to c:. They their own drive on the network (h:) where they save their work. When i went and changed the settings in VB in tool > options.

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Set Default File Location In Word?

Jan 27, 2011

I am writting an appplication that will allow a user to open word and then save that file in a specific location, so it becomes 'attached' to what they were working on.

I thought the best way to do this was to make a change in the registry then open word, so far i have[code]...

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Making A File That The User Doesn't Have Access To And Changing The Location Of The Configuration File?

Jun 25, 2011

on my program i have an activation in it and in order to activate the program you need to enter a code that is stored in the settings. so i was looking through my computer and i found the programs config file. and so I opened it and i found all of the codes for the activation. I need to find out how to make the file so the user doesn't have access to it and then how to move it to a more hidden place in the C: drive.

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Set Default Location Of User.config File?

Mar 26, 2012

I made a project in VB.NET 2008. When I update my project I change the assembly version but the problem is that when the user gets the new version they lose their user settings.[code]Note the version number in the path. Is there any way save in a location not affected by changing the version?

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Set Default Location Of Setup?

Jul 31, 2009

I need to set a string stored in registry as the default location of a setup file how to do in (visual studio 2008)

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Overriding Default Property Values In .Net, WinForms?

Jan 9, 2010

I create a class "Planet" that can be inherited. One of the purposes of inheriting is to create a template with different default property values. Eg:

Public Sub New
MyBase.ForeColor = Red


Now, to stop the defaults serializing in the InitializeComponent method, there are 2 ways:If I've implemented the properties using the 'DefaultValue' attribute, and made them overridable, the attribute can be overriden with the new value.The problem with this is, there's no way to just make just the attributes overridable, as opposed to the whole property.I could implement every property with protected Reset'PropertyName' and ShouldSerialize'PropertyName' methods. However, this is a bit of a pain in the arse.Is it, generally, an important consideration to ensure that someone who overrides your base class has the ability to change the default values of a property?

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Winforms : Where Is Default Constructor Of A Windows Form

Jan 1, 2011

where can I find the default constructor of a windows form? I mean:

Public Sub New()

End Sub

I should say that I Use Visual Studio 2008 as my editor.

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Changing A Location Of A Button

Sep 26, 2009

I have been trying for about a hour to get this to work but I cant. Want to do is change the location of my button when I check my Checkbox I tried If CheckBox7.Checked = True Then Button3.Location = (100, 277) End If is this wrong? It seems like it should work but it doesn't.

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Changing The UserAgent Of The WebBrowser Control -Winforms C#

Jun 2, 2009

I am trying to change the UserAgent of the WebBrowser control in a Winforms application.

I have successfully achieved this by using the following code:

[DllImport("urlmon.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern int UrlMkSetSessionOption(
int dwOption, string pBuffer, int dwBufferLength, int dwReserved);


The only problem is that this only works once. When I try to run the ChangeUserAgent() method for the second time it doesn't work. I stays set to the first changed value. This is quite annoying and I've tried everything but it just won't change more than once.

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C# - Program Installation - With The Default Location?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm a beginner. I recently developed an application in C#. Now I wanna develop its setup. I read a few articles online, followed them, found it very easy. I also changed the default location of application folder from C:Program Files to C:. My application folder is containing a few folders besides exe and dlls which I added manually.

Now here the problem starts, when I install the application and change the location say from c: to d:, my files (all files including exe and dll) are going to user's given location. But my folders (all folders in application folder) are going to c: (which is default location given while creating setup). But I want output files and that folders at same location

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Changing A Unknown Textbox Location?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm developing a program at the moment and I'm trying to add the capability to add a texbox everytime you click a button. This is simple other than I'm trying to be efficiant as possible, so I made a sub that creates the textbox and the button calls the sub. Here is where it gets tricky I want the new textbox to move just below the previouse textbox, I'm not sure how to do this since Im only really createing one textbox over and over and having a variable name it by one. This souds confusing I know, but check out my code and it will make since. Really all I'm trying to do is change the location of a unknown textbox say since I create a textbox name textbox0 then when I hit the button again my varibale goes up by 1 which makes the new textbox, textbox1. how to I tell VB to change textbox1's location....



'I made everything public because I'm runnings a test timer which are sending realtime data to some labels

Public i


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Changing An Objects Location Programmatically

Oct 26, 2010

I am trying to change an objects location programmatically. I have the line: Trackbar1.Location.Y=100 but recieve the error: Expression is a value and therfore cannot be the target of an assignment. Does anyone know how to get around this?

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Changing Arrays Location Values?

Apr 23, 2009

All variables and Arrays have been declared properly the problem Is when the user enters a new number using a scroll bar

LottoNumber = HScrollBar1.Value
Label2.Text = "Number Selected: " & LottoNumber

The out put of the variable count stays at 1 so the output stays at (Pick # 1 of 6) and doesnt increment at all and does not build the OutPut string

'IF The LottoNumber Location Value is 0 in the Array selectedLotto THEN mark it by making the Loacation Value to 1
If selectedLotto(LottoNumber) = 0 Then


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Make Changing Database Location?

Jan 20, 2012

I often need to change the location of my Access database. Since ini files are outdated can I create a dll file to store the location?

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Vb2008 Changing Picture Location?

Jul 6, 2009

First of all take a look in here :[URL]...As you can see, in the image there're 3 items.So let's talk about the first one, the first right one. (CRAYON SHORTS)I want the picturebox to move always to the left side,After it knocks the "wall" it'll re-start all the progress.So simply, I want the picturebox to move left.


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VS 2008 Changing Label Location?

Jul 18, 2010

if the users clicks on a setting the text of a label will change, but its not aligned so I want to get it aligned? Label1.Location and then?Label1.Location (blabla ;blabla) won't work so..

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VS 02/03 Changing Default Icon

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to change the default icon of my program to something else. Specifcally, the one that is associated with the executable file.I was under the impression that if you set the icon property on the main form, that it will carry over to everything else. when I try to set the icon, I get an error message stating that "The arugment 'picture' must be a picture that can be used as an icon. I have a 32x32 icon that is saves as .ico but it doesn't work.

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Changing Dock Property In Winforms User Control

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a button that will hide the panel that I have docked at the centre of my user control. [code]This works to an extent. However, when the bottomPanel is set to Fill it seems to fill the entire control, and not just up to toolStrip1. Can anyone tell me why this is happening, and how to correct it?

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Winforms :: Why Changing Form Font Resize Some Controls

Feb 15, 2011

All my forms inherits from one base form where we handle background paint and set standard properties. Recently, I think of cheching if the app is running on Vista or Later to use Segoe UI font, and I added this. The problem is than inherited forms changed sizes and their inner controls changed also... even PictureBoxes! The controls and forms seems to be thinner (in width), so square picturebox became vertical rectangules!


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DB/Reporting :: Database Connection Default Location?

Mar 7, 2008

I need my program to connect to a database within my application i.e.What I have:

m_cnADONetConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:Documents and SettingsmeroneyfMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsAsset Manager 2008inDebugDatabaseAssetManager.mdb"
What I need is: m_cnADONetConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = DatabaseAssetManager.mdb"

I have used:System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath & "ImagesSystemDefaultImage.bmp"

for loading of images within the default directory. but this returns the app path but also includes "System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath" in the string?

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Opening And Saving Files In A Default Location?

Jun 14, 2009

within my project i need to open and save some files. i wont go into detail as theres no need. what i need to do is open the files from the install directory, which could be where ever the user puts it! i also need to be able to open them whilst im building too. if i hard code the directory in then it will fail..obviously

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Changing Location Of Label1.Text According To NumbericUpDown1.Value?

May 4, 2011

I wanna have Label1 change to a specific location whenever NumericUpDown1.value = 10 or more.

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Designer Changing Location And Size Of Custom Controls

Oct 8, 2011

I have come across a problem with visual studio 2010 & i have a few custom controls on the form and few standard controls. When i build the application, the custom controls automatically change size and location. Anchoring and Dock properties are fine. Anchored to Top Left without dockstyle. Even if i fix the location and size in design mode, after i run the application the controls again change back to weird position.

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C# - Changing Postback URL To Hide Default.aspx?

Jan 14, 2010

I am attempting to hide the document name from the user by using a folder with appending querystring in the following format:


When I post back the page, it directs it to the physical page:

http:[url]......It it possible to motify the postback address so I can omit the default.aspx from the client browser?

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Changing Default Company Name In Setup Project?

May 22, 2009

I'm creating setup using VS2008 and I can able to create. The problem is the setup location is always c:program filesdefault company name.

I can rename that while installing. but, how can I change default company name while creating setup.

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Changing Default Page Size For Printing?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a application that uses 2 crystal reports to print out reports. The first report is A4 and the second is A5.

How can my code access the printer default settings and change the default paper size to A4 and A5 each time without having to do it manually.

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Changing Default Value Of A Property Of A Control (DataGridView)

Jan 12, 2012

I am inheriting my own datagridview (say MyDataGridView) from the standard datagridview control. What I want is that certain properties of MyDataGridView should have a different default value than what its base have. For example, AllowUserToAddRows,


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