Vb2008 Changing Picture Location?

Jul 6, 2009

First of all take a look in here :[URL]...As you can see, in the image there're 3 items.So let's talk about the first one, the first right one. (CRAYON SHORTS)I want the picturebox to move always to the left side,After it knocks the "wall" it'll re-start all the progress.So simply, I want the picturebox to move left.


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Copy A Picture From One Location And Paste It Into Another Location?

May 3, 2012

I'm trying to copy a picture from one location and paste it into another location however VB throws out the following error

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED)

both locations are on my local computer. So not sure what is causing the problem.

Here's the code

Sub Main()
Console.Title = "MOARW Programs"


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How To Connect Picture In Micrsoft Access To VB2008

Mar 5, 2010

other database in microsoft access can be connected to VB 2008 successfully. i've problem to link the picture to VB 2008. Some updating commands could not be generated automitically. the database returned the following error: Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.

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Changing A Location Of A Button

Sep 26, 2009

I have been trying for about a hour to get this to work but I cant. Want to do is change the location of my button when I check my Checkbox I tried If CheckBox7.Checked = True Then Button3.Location = (100, 277) End If is this wrong? It seems like it should work but it doesn't.

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Changing A Unknown Textbox Location?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm developing a program at the moment and I'm trying to add the capability to add a texbox everytime you click a button. This is simple other than I'm trying to be efficiant as possible, so I made a sub that creates the textbox and the button calls the sub. Here is where it gets tricky I want the new textbox to move just below the previouse textbox, I'm not sure how to do this since Im only really createing one textbox over and over and having a variable name it by one. This souds confusing I know, but check out my code and it will make since. Really all I'm trying to do is change the location of a unknown textbox say since I create a textbox name textbox0 then when I hit the button again my varibale goes up by 1 which makes the new textbox, textbox1. how to I tell VB to change textbox1's location....



'I made everything public because I'm runnings a test timer which are sending realtime data to some labels

Public i


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Changing An Objects Location Programmatically

Oct 26, 2010

I am trying to change an objects location programmatically. I have the line: Trackbar1.Location.Y=100 but recieve the error: Expression is a value and therfore cannot be the target of an assignment. Does anyone know how to get around this?

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Changing Arrays Location Values?

Apr 23, 2009

All variables and Arrays have been declared properly the problem Is when the user enters a new number using a scroll bar

LottoNumber = HScrollBar1.Value
Label2.Text = "Number Selected: " & LottoNumber

The out put of the variable count stays at 1 so the output stays at (Pick # 1 of 6) and doesnt increment at all and does not build the OutPut string

'IF The LottoNumber Location Value is 0 in the Array selectedLotto THEN mark it by making the Loacation Value to 1
If selectedLotto(LottoNumber) = 0 Then


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Make Changing Database Location?

Jan 20, 2012

I often need to change the location of my Access database. Since ini files are outdated can I create a dll file to store the location?

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VS 2008 Changing Label Location?

Jul 18, 2010

if the users clicks on a setting the text of a label will change, but its not aligned so I want to get it aligned? Label1.Location and then?Label1.Location (blabla ;blabla) won't work so..

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Get Location Of An Object / Picture?

Jan 8, 2010

Im trying to get the location of a picturebox on my form or say if location = (20,20) then this happens. The action performed by the picturebox is determined by its location i need some way of monitoring it

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Possible To Get Location Of Picture By Route?

Apr 23, 2012

i want to get location of all black pixel inside the picturebox like the picture2,3 and 4 belownd here's my code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles b1.Click


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Changing Location Of Label1.Text According To NumbericUpDown1.Value?

May 4, 2011

I wanna have Label1 change to a specific location whenever NumericUpDown1.value = 10 or more.

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Winforms - Changing Default File Location For .net?

Aug 26, 2009

i would like to be able to set the change the default file location. for example if i do a filestream on a "file.txt", i want it to look by default in the desktop. is there somewhere in the settings of vb.net express 2008 where i can change this default location of working with files?

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Location Of Mouse Inside Picture Box?

Aug 9, 2009

I researched this and found I had to use something called "ScreenToClient" [URL]...what I want to do is to have a picture box that I can just get the coords from easily (for example 0,0 bottom left hand corner)

So how do I get that to work? (im guessing something like comparing the picturebox size to the form size then working it out but im not quite sure how to do that.)

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Make A Little Game - Picture Location

Jan 25, 2010

I was wanting to make a little game. You press a start button, and a picture moves into different spaces. If you can hit stop when the picture is in a certain spot, then you win. How do i make it so when i press the stop button, it will check to see if the picture is in the location (180, 307)?

This is what i have:


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Recognize Mouse Location On Map In Picture Box?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a country map in a picture box with provincial divisions. I can fill each province on mouse over by calling following floodfill function on my pictureBox MouseMove event[code]...

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VB2008 Express Displaying Access Data In Combi, Text And Picture Boxes

Mar 11, 2010

A simple database has been created in Access, which is just basically a table of text, with some images as entries. A form has been created in VB2008 Express and linked to the database. Either a combibox, text boxes or pictureboxes are linked to a column form the database. The first row entries are all displayed correctly in the relavant boxes (except for the images, which for some reason aren't displayed). If another value in the comibox is selected, the other box values don't change and there is still no images visible...

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Designer Changing Location And Size Of Custom Controls

Oct 8, 2011

I have come across a problem with visual studio 2010 & vb.net. i have a few custom controls on the form and few standard controls. When i build the application, the custom controls automatically change size and location. Anchoring and Dock properties are fine. Anchored to Top Left without dockstyle. Even if i fix the location and size in design mode, after i run the application the controls again change back to weird position.

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C# - Changing One Picture To Another Onclick

Jan 12, 2012

Assume that I have a normal picture box with a picture loaded, how can I change the picture within when the user clicks on it? Example: Clipart of a book changing to clipart of an ocean.

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Changing The Background Picture?

Oct 23, 2011

Im just changing the background picture, and it is acting really stupid.Here is the troublesome

CharacterSprite.BackgroundImage = ShootinGuys.My.Resources.Resources.char_standing_r)The bold underlined character (the ")") is giving me the error:Error1End of statement expected.C:Users***documentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsShootinGuysShootinGuysForm1.vb12101ShootinGuys

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Getting Pixel Value From A Selected Location In A Picture Box Display

Feb 15, 2010

I am writing a program in VB 2010. My computer is an E Machines dual processor Intel Celeron running at 1.8 gb/sec with 2 GB of RAM. I have a 1680 X 1050 display and the graphics driver in the computer is fully capable of utilizing this display. I am running Vista Home Edition.

The purpose of the program is to analyze a large number of infrared and visible light images from the geostationary satellites GOES East and West. Note: These images are TIFF and range in size from 400 KB to 70 MB. The pixels are either 8 bit or 10 bit depending on the image type.

The program allows the user to select a series of images from a file folder. These images are then displayed in a picturebox. A map covering the same area is also available to the user. The user may then move the cursor, via the mouse, to a selected location on either the map or in a picture. With a left click that location in terms of image coordinates is used to compute the geographic coordinates of the selected location. These coordinates are then displayed for verification purposes. So far, all of this works properly.

The next thing I need to do is to determine the brightness value of selected pixels in the displayed image. Because brightness is related to temperature this permits a detailed examination of cloud temperature and density in each image. By making this measurement at several different wavelengths (provided by images taken at different wavelengths) the program will then compute the atmospheric extinction factor at each selected wavelength and from that derive the atmospheric transparency function.

Here is where I have run into problems. I cannot find a way to extract the pixel value from the selected X, Y values input either by cursor position or by direct entry. I have tried the various approaches described in the documentation but I either get errors or a pixel value that is unrelated to the image. The following is a section of code that I am currently trying.


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Picture Into Picturebox Based On Pixel Location?

Sep 30, 2009

i have a chart of images.. and i want to load individual images into picturebox from that chart..chart = big image, eg alphabet chart. (yes i am creating a game for my small nephew.. pictures and alphabet) now, i want to show different pieces of images into picture box. like the A box, b Box etc one option is to cut the chart into pieces, save each piece with different filename and load individual filename into picturebox.but i saw somewhere that we can use pixel location to load images into picturebox..as i recall it required two pixel location, 1 was upper left and other was lower right.. and passing that pixel locations would load the rectangular image between those pixel locations into picturebox?

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Saving A Picture Without Manually Choosing The Location?

Feb 4, 2012

I'm making a screen capturing program, and I am trying to save the image. I can do it as a 'save as' like this

save as
savefiledialog1.Title = "Save File"
savefiledialog1.FileName = "Capture"
savefiledialog1.Filter = "JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif|PNG (*.png)|*.png"


How could I do a quick save option so that it auto saves to a certain location that the user doesn't have to choose and as a .jpg?

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VS 2008 Placing An Image At A Certain Location In A Picture Box?

Feb 6, 2010

how I loaded my image

Dim test(100) As Image
test(0) = Image.FromFile("C: est.jpg")

now i want to put it in a picture box at location 50-50

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(Making A Setup) Changing The Default Location Of Installation Path?

Jun 14, 2009

[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName][Version] is the Default. i Want to change the programfilesfolder to documents folder.

I already try this:

[DocumentsFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName] but it doesnt work. error in installing the product. ERRROR: "Could not access network location Polongo companyMC"

Iam changing the installation directory because when the application is installed in program files, my database can't add and edit record. having an error something like "operation must need an updateable query" because of that error i tried to install the appl in documents and there n error i'd encountered like when I install it to the program files folder.

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VS 2010 : Get Changing Picture From A Site?

Jun 24, 2011

im trying to get a picture from a site to a picturebox. I know that you can use imagelocation, but the imagelocation is changing. For example:


(not real images obv)How can i get this changing picture?

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VS 2010 Changing Picture By Clicking On It

Aug 9, 2010

I have a small picture box that I want to change its image on click, then on another click another picture, so on... There are totally 3 images. I really don't know how to do it, but I tried with the code below, but it does not work.[code]First picture shows at the beginning, lets say Image1, then on click it the image will have to change to Image2, then again on click it has to change to Image3, then on the third click onwards, only Image2 and Image3 has to swap on each click.

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Game Programming :: Appear On A Random Location On Another Specified Larger Picture Box?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a picture box and I tell it to appear on a random location on another specified larger picture box.

here's my code:

Sub P2_AppleMove()
Dim P2ax As Integer = CInt(Int((P2Foodarea.Width * Rnd()))) ' sets the random area of the food


P2foodarea is a large picture box I created. I only want the apple to spawn on P2Foodarea, atm, it spawns on P1Foodarea which is very weird. P1foodarea is a whole other picture box. I even made new variables as you can see P2ax and P2ay, but it still doesn't spawn on P2Foodarea. I have even tried recreating a new picture box for P2foodarea

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Changing Of A Picture In A Picturebox By Button Command?

Jan 6, 2010

Today i am working on a project for one of my college courses. I have a picture moving by button command. ex: up, left, right, down.

I need the image to react as each button in pressed for example the arrow is pointing up when i press left button the arrow needs to change to point left.If i could get some help that would be great. I have all of the images and i also need to know how to link them.

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Changing Picture Boxes Image On Click With One Sub?

Jun 29, 2012

i have been working with a friend on a tower defence game in visual basic 2010, we have made 32X32 picture boxes to act as tiles and we want it so if you press a button then a picture box it will build a tower in that picture box.we need this to be done within a single sub though cause there are about 500 picture boxes and its would be very impractical to make a mouse click sub for each of them. this is the code for the sub i have now:

Private Sub TileClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox99.MouseClick, PictureBox98.MouseClick, PictureBox97.MouseClick, PictureBox96.MouseClick, PictureBox95.MouseClick, PictureBox94.MouseClick, PictureBox93.MouseClick, PictureBox92.MouseClick, PictureBox91.MouseClick, PictureBox90.MouseClick, PictureBox9.MouseClick,


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