VS 2010 Changing Picture By Clicking On It

Aug 9, 2010

I have a small picture box that I want to change its image on click, then on another click another picture, so on... There are totally 3 images. I really don't know how to do it, but I tried with the code below, but it does not work.[code]First picture shows at the beginning, lets say Image1, then on click it the image will have to change to Image2, then again on click it has to change to Image3, then on the third click onwards, only Image2 and Image3 has to swap on each click.

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VS 2010 : Get Changing Picture From A Site?

Jun 24, 2011

im trying to get a picture from a site to a picturebox. I know that you can use imagelocation, but the imagelocation is changing. For example:


(not real images obv)How can i get this changing picture?

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.net - Clicking The Button That Is Picture?

May 19, 2011

I am making program that will login to a site, then rate something (Bot), so on login there is no button, but picture and i used this:

For Each logn As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
If logn.OuterHtml.Contains("/images/login_button.png") Then


Its picture like the first button, but i can't click it with same function... Site is [URL]

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Finding & Clicking A Always Changing Link ID On Webpage?

Jan 15, 2011

I can now navigate to pages, fill forms, submit forms, click elements etc.My next big step will be collecting html element ID's which are constantly different each time I navigate to a page.On the webpage I am working on, each page contains 10 of these ID's.


Now I am just looking to click on one of them at random for right now. It doesn't matter which one. Or perhaps the first one to appear on the webpage.Here is the code that I tried first........it works fine for clicking static buttons (without the random id #'s at the end)

Dim ill As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ill_btn_")
End Sub

I guess what I am looking for here is some sort of partial id tag, to let it know to search for the first ID that begins with ill_btn_ ?

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C# - Changing One Picture To Another Onclick

Jan 12, 2012

Assume that I have a normal picture box with a picture loaded, how can I change the picture within when the user clicks on it? Example: Clipart of a book changing to clipart of an ocean.

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Changing The Background Picture?

Oct 23, 2011

Im just changing the background picture, and it is acting really stupid.Here is the troublesome

CharacterSprite.BackgroundImage = ShootinGuys.My.Resources.Resources.char_standing_r)The bold underlined character (the ")") is giving me the error:Error1End of statement expected.C:Users***documentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsShootinGuysShootinGuysForm1.vb12101ShootinGuys

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Vb2008 Changing Picture Location?

Jul 6, 2009

First of all take a look in here :[URL]...As you can see, in the image there're 3 items.So let's talk about the first one, the first right one. (CRAYON SHORTS)I want the picturebox to move always to the left side,After it knocks the "wall" it'll re-start all the progress.So simply, I want the picturebox to move left.


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Changing Of A Picture In A Picturebox By Button Command?

Jan 6, 2010

Today i am working on a project for one of my college courses. I have a picture moving by button command. ex: up, left, right, down.

I need the image to react as each button in pressed for example the arrow is pointing up when i press left button the arrow needs to change to point left.If i could get some help that would be great. I have all of the images and i also need to know how to link them.

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Changing Picture Boxes Image On Click With One Sub?

Jun 29, 2012

i have been working with a friend on a tower defence game in visual basic 2010, we have made 32X32 picture boxes to act as tiles and we want it so if you press a button then a picture box it will build a tower in that picture box.we need this to be done within a single sub though cause there are about 500 picture boxes and its would be very impractical to make a mouse click sub for each of them. this is the code for the sub i have now:

Private Sub TileClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox99.MouseClick, PictureBox98.MouseClick, PictureBox97.MouseClick, PictureBox96.MouseClick, PictureBox95.MouseClick, PictureBox94.MouseClick, PictureBox93.MouseClick, PictureBox92.MouseClick, PictureBox91.MouseClick, PictureBox90.MouseClick, PictureBox9.MouseClick,


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Interface And Graphics :: Changing Picture Box Image

Mar 29, 2012

anyone know how to do this, but wit a browse for folder aspect..like i open up my browse for folder window, select the folder i want and it displays the .png file in picturebox..i'm trying to figure it out..here is what i have so far..i have it setup where i'm opening up a folder and loading certain files in my checkedboxlist..but i also want a .png file that is in the subfolders(the only .png file in the entire directory) to be displayed in the picturebox..but the folder is going to be changed depending on which folder is selected..so it can't be a set directory or path..basically has to change like the checkedboxlist.


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Unwanted Image Changing Between 2 Picture Boxes

Oct 14, 2009

I started computing at college about a month ago and have been learning to program in Visual Basic 2008 Express. I decided one weekend that I would try and make a pretty simple game that I may be able to use for my coursework at some point (I know Visual Basic isn't everyone's first choice for games programming but I thought I could try), I have learn a great deal from doing this but have encountered a rather odd bug in the program.


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Clicking A Email In VB 2010?

Jan 7, 2012

does anyone have or found a source code to click a email? it doesnt matter what emailprovider used, i just need to find one.webbrowser navigates, logins, and clicks the verification email that was sent.

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VS 2010 Clicking With Coordinates?

Jun 25, 2011

so I want to click a button with it's coordinates. I know it can be done with the mouse event but the only problem is that it has to be focused and I don't want that to happen. The button has no id nor a name. So this is the button

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2010 - Clicking The Following Link On A Website?

Feb 28, 2012

i am trying to click the following link but its not working

<a class="defaultTableButton" id="ADRS_MENU" href="javascript:wsMenu_jumpUrl('../../address/adrsList.cgi',000)" style="text-decoration: none;">Address Book</a>


<img id="loginBtn" align="absmiddle" width="27" height="20" border="0" title="" alt="" src="/images/headerBtnLogOn.gif" name="loginBtn">
<span class

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VS 2010 - Clicking This Buton - Both Not Working ?

Sep 30, 2010

How can i click this button?

<fieldset class="submit">
<input type="submit" accesskey="s" tabindex="0" value="Send Message" name="dosubmit" class="input_submit">


For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("submit")
If element.GetAttribute("className") = "input_submit" Then
End If



Both do not work.

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VS 2010 Clicking A Label In An Array?

Aug 1, 2011

I think I have created a label array, the labels are not there when the form loads they are created as a result of another event. I want to create a subroutine that executes when one of these labels is clicked but VB doesn't seem to like lblEventArray(1)_Click so


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VS 2010 Clicking Javascript Button?

Apr 21, 2012

I am having a hard time clicking this button, in a webbrowser element!!! here is the

<form name="browseHeader" id="browseHeader" action="/index.cfm/startbrowsing" method="post">


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VS 2010 Clicking Login Through WebBrowser?

Aug 24, 2010

Here is the source

<td rowspan=2> </td><td><img src="http://www.locationary.com/web/img/LocationaryImgs/icons/txt_email.gif"></td>
<td><input class="Data_Entry_Field_Login" type="text" name="inUserName" id="inUserName" size="25"></td>
<td><img src="http://www.locationary.com/web/img/LocationaryImgs/icons/txt_password.gif"></td>


Everything works fine except the login, it gives me an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

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VS 2010 Getting X / Y Coords From Mouse And Clicking

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to make a program so that u can click a button to save multiple spots on the screen of the x/y coords of the mouse and then after you choose them there will be a hotkey u can press that will automatically click on each of the x/y coords that were chosen earlier. I am not really good at this stuff but if someone could help me out that would be really awesome! =D

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Right Clicking Suddenly Unbearably Slow In VS 2010?

Aug 12, 2010

I have been using VS2010 without any issues, always on the same application. Suddenly within the last my solution has become unbearably slow when right clicking. When doing other projects, it is fine. The only thing I can think of that I changed was disabling the SQL Server debugging.It happens if I right click anywhere within the code editor. Everything freezes for about a minute and a half, then the right click menu shows up. Intellisense seems to work fine. It is only the right click.The project is fairly big, but it has been working fine. I am working on a 2 month old top of the line MacBook Pro (running Windows 7 64 bit in Boot Camp). I did do the patch Tuesday big batch of Microsoft patches in the last 24 hours...

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VS 2010 - WebBrowser Control With Clicking Links

Jul 10, 2010

I have my app which is an internet browser using the webbroswer control, But if you click on a link in the webbrowser that is an Open in new window link then it starts IE and i know the webbrowser control is basically IE but how can I stop this an make it go to the url in my webbrowser?

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VS 2010 Clicking Button Link Within A DIV On Browser

Nov 12, 2010

I've been able to click buttons normally by [code]But I'm up against this class:button_link within a DIV which is giving me grief. It won't getelementbyId using send_button and it's not in a form.[code]So I'm looking for a way to click a button within the DIV.

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VS 2010 Clicking On A Link In A Webpage Via Href?

Nov 29, 2011

I am developing a small software to load an excel file to a website and then create a .kmz file. I have coded up to the file creating point.Now I need some help with the file downloading.The file is something like this "1322559442-10125-"And the href value is "/display/1322559442-10125-"This is for one file.The next time you upload an excel file to the program you get a different href value.So I want to create a code which can download the first href with the extension


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VS 2010 Grabbing All Buttons On A Page, Then Clicking One?

Oct 2, 2010

I know how to grab all the links of a page, and I tried using that same principle to grab the buttons, but I'm not exactly sure how to click one based on a certain parameter.

Here's what I'm trying to do. When the page completes (this code is obviously under Document_Completed), the program should grab all of the buttons on a page and go through each of them, and if any of them have a value of "value1", the program should click that button. This should be done with a for loop.. but like I said, I'm not sure how to accomplish this.

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VS 2010 Javascript (WebBrowser1) Clicking To Other Button

Sep 29, 2011


I need that will click a specified button and filling data then clicking sumbit to log into. I've tried many tricks but still doens't help. (I used google too.)


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VS 2010 Show Both Forms When Clicking Taskbar?

Mar 8, 2012

I've created a form that plays some internet radio. The thing is the user wants an extra form for volume control that is docked to the side of the main form. This is no problem, i've made that, but im having some trouble making this form shown at the same time as the main form.In short what i want is that when you set focus on form1, form2 should also get in the foreground. Not focused, it should just follow form1

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Clicking The [X] Closes But Clicking Exit Button Does Not?

Jul 11, 2011

When the user clicks the Exit button it closes the forms and if there was an open file it asks the user is they would like to save. But after the application closes there is still memory being held in Processes by the application. However, when pressing the [X] in the top of the form the application closes again but in this instance it is not held in Processes. How do I write the close for Exit to take into account how the [X] works and close the application cleanly?

Friend Sub CloseAllForms()

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Single Clicking, Double Clicking And Contextmenu?

Mar 27, 2010

Someone asked me to add a function when the notifyicon is doublcliked. I figured that'd be easy with the mousedoubleclick event being available. I find out that then both the single and double will then be called. Well that sucks, I want it to only do the one the user requests. So I tried to get it to work:

Private Sub DblClick_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DblClick.Tick


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VS 2010 - Any Event For Clicking Control Not Inside Particular Panel?

Apr 29, 2012

If I have a panel with a handful of controls in it, and I want to create a click event for anytime that the user clicks on any controls that are NOT inside that particular panel, how would I do it? In other words, if there was an event called "ClickSomethingElse", that would be perfect. Any way to accomplish something like this? I realize that I could create individual click events for each of the controls outside of the panel, but there are a LOT of controls outside of the panel, so I was just wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this.

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VS 2010 - Clicking Client - Program That Can Click Every 8 Seconds

Oct 18, 2011

What I need is a program that can click every 8 seconds. Heres the catch, It needs to click a location of a webbrowser but not interfere with the users mouse.....

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