VS 2010 Grabbing All Buttons On A Page, Then Clicking One?

Oct 2, 2010

I know how to grab all the links of a page, and I tried using that same principle to grab the buttons, but I'm not exactly sure how to click one based on a certain parameter.

Here's what I'm trying to do. When the page completes (this code is obviously under Document_Completed), the program should grab all of the buttons on a page and go through each of them, and if any of them have a value of "value1", the program should click that button. This should be done with a for loop.. but like I said, I'm not sure how to accomplish this.

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VS 2010 Grabbing Image On Page That Isn't In The Source?

May 5, 2011

What I'm trying to do is grab a specific image from the page and throw it into a picturebox on my form. This isn't difficult and I know how to do it except this time in the source of the page there is no image url yet on the page if i right click copy source on the image there is a full link to it. I am confused and not sure how I could grab that image from the 'front' of the site rather than the 'back'.

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VS 2010 Check Titles Of Buttons On HTML Page?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a static HTML page, where im looking for a button that has a title of "Search" but i dont see an option to get the title of the current element during my loop

Dim theDivElementCollection2 As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("button")
For Each curElement2 As HtmlElement In theDivElementCollection2


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Automatically Clicking Buttons?

Feb 19, 2011

I have a button (named Test) and I have the X and Y coordinates of the 3 buttons (Which are A, B and C) to click. Now what I want to do is, when the Test(button) is pressed, timer1 (22 seconds) would start and after 22 seconds it presses automatically button A and if it isn't the right button then it will wait another 22 seconds and then presses button B and if it is right it will start another 22 seconds and if it is wrong it would start another 22 seconds and press button C. If the correct button was B then another 22 seconds would start and this time it would start again from A.

1.When Button TEST is press the timer will count down 22 seconds.

2.After 22 seconds it will press the button A (timer will stop)

3.If button A was the correct letter then Timer will count another 22seconds.

4.If button A was wrong it will start the timer (22seconds) and then press B (timer stopped).

5.If button B was correct, timer will start another 22 seconds (back to step 2)

6.If button B was wrong then timer will start and will click button C. (timer stopped)

7.If button C was correct then timer will start (Back to step 2)

8.Will continue like this until 25 clicks had been made then it will stop.

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Clicking Buttons Through WebBrowser Control?

Jul 4, 2009

I have a question regarding clicking a button on a web page through the web browser control in VB .Net Express Edition. I have figured out quite a few tricks and stuff with the web browser control but I can't figure out how to automatically click a button. I know I can invoke the 1st instance of a "submit" type button but I want to click the 3rd instance (or chose which ever one I want). Unfortunately the button declarations in the HTML don't have ID or NAME tags to make it easy to pick them. How would I go about extracting all the buttons on a form in an array form, so I could invoke a certain member of that array and click a button of my choosing. Is this possible?

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Create Other Buttons By Clicking Just One Button

Dec 16, 2007

I want to create other buttons by clicking just one button, not just put them visible. But I have no idea how to start.

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WebBrowser Clicking Buttons With TagNames?

Mar 8, 2011

Getting errors

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Clicking Buttons On Webpages Through The Internet Control?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a question regarding clicking a button on a web page through the web browser control in VB .Net Express Edition.I have figured out quite a few tricks and stuff with the web browser control but I can't figure out how to automatically click a button. I know I can invoke the 1st instance of a "submit" type button but I want to click the 3rd instance (or chose which ever one I want).Unfortunately the button declarations in the HTML don't have ID or NAME tags to make it easy to pick them.How would I go about extracting all the buttons on a form in an array form, so I could invoke a certain member of that array and click a button of my choosing.

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Clicking On Buttons On Webpages And Inputting Into Forms?

May 21, 2011

I'm making a program which will work minimized in the system tray.Now, what it have to do is to load a page [URL] and then input a specific string which i have stored, into this element:

HTML Code:
<input name="ctl00$ctl00$JobnetBaseMiddelContent$LoginContentPlaceHolder$txtUsername" type="text" id="ctl00_ctl00_JobnetBaseMiddelContent_LoginContentPlaceHolder_txtUsername" class="text required" style="width:183px;">

and another string into this one:

HTML Code:
<input name="ctl00$ctl00$JobnetBaseMiddelContent$LoginContentPlaceHolder$txtPassword" type="password" id="ctl00_ctl00_JobnetBaseMiddelContent_LoginContentPlaceHolder_txtPassword" class="text required" style="width:183px;">

and then press this button:

HTML Code:
<input type="submit" name="ctl00$ctl00$JobnetBaseMiddelContent$LoginContentPlaceHolder$btnLogon" value="Log ind" id="ctl00_ctl00_JobnetBaseMiddelContent_LoginContentPlaceHolder_btnLogon">

After that, it would login to the website, and would afterwards press on another button.Each week, i have to login to a website, and press a button in order to keep my current economic status. Which is quite meaningless. Therefore, having a program to press it for me, working in the background, would be so much easier, and make me not forget it?

Ps.The elements info's were received using Google Chrome's "View Element Details".

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Clicking On Buttons By Mouse Makes Cursor Disappeared Until Move It Again?

Nov 11, 2010

on my form I have few buttons. clicking on them by mouse makes cursor disappeard until I move it again. How to fix it?

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Make An Array Of Controls And By Clicking Buttons Add New Textboxes Or Comboboxes?

Jan 6, 2010

i try to make an array of controls and by clicking buttons add new textboxes or comboboxes here is my code

Public Class Form1
Dim CArray() As Control
Dim lngArrayNum As Long = 0

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Add_Control()End Sub Private Sub Add_Control(Optional ByVal intType As Integer = 0)


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Touch Screen VB Application -Get Log In Form To Allow The Input Of Values From Clicking On Buttons?

Apr 17, 2010

Using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.Note: Program is to be used with Touch Screen. (No keyboard or mouse)TODO: Get Log in form to allow the input of values from clicking on Buttons 1 thru 0.*,# '1. So far Buttons on Log in form allow one entry only. Form needs to allow 9 entries. 2. When Clear button is clicked. Password box entry clears, but then, there is no Cursor.Will worry about the rest (authentication) Later its taken two weeks to get this far.NOTE: Not using a User Name Just a Password


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Clicking Id On Page Problem?

Jun 4, 2011

It fails are the
Form2.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("txtEmail").SetAttribute("value", TextBox1.Text) Form2.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("File").InvokeMember("click")


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How To Redirect To Another .aspx Page On Clicking On A Rectangle On A .aspx Page?

Mar 18, 2011

how to redirect to another .aspx page on clicking on a rectangle on a .aspx page? mention the whole program including headers, preferably in vb

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Asp Button Is Bringing Me To Top Of Page When Clicking?

Feb 28, 2011

I don't know if this is the right area for this question or not...Whenever I click my asp button on my website it brings me back to the top of the page... Is there any way to change that?

<asp:Button ID="Button84" runat="server" Text="Get Weather (DPG)"
Style="width: 125px; position: absolute; left: 5in;" />

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VS 2010 Grabbing Link In Website From Webbrowser In A Different Way?

Mar 25, 2012

I've tried the "href" method, it works fine. Are there other ways?

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VS 2010 Grabbing Text In A Field On A Webpage

Dec 19, 2010

I have a script that will enter values into a field, click submit and then it takes you to a page that shows a field containing text. How do I grab that text from that field?

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Asp.net - Passing Variables To A New Page, When Clicking Submit?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a page with 2 dropdrownlists & a submit button. I would like to pass the values(variables) of the dropdownlists to another page when I click submit.

Any thoughts or suggestions as to accomplish this. I have done something similar to this using asp:HyperLinkField, but I this does not work in my current scenario.

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Redirect To Another Page On Clicking On Button In Gridview?

Mar 14, 2009

I have a gridview with button in one column.I want to redirect to another page along with parameters on clicking on button.Is there any option to do this in rowdatabound event in gridview.

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Visual Basic 2008 Click Html Buttons, Clicking URL Link, VB Automating Web Browser Control

Aug 29, 2009

I'm new to visual basic & have learned many new things in such a short period of time from being on the MSDN forums. I have learned particularly in the subject of automating web browsing control using the getattributes etc., but I have tried everything that I have seen in the forums to auto click the "Settings" link in a created gmail account and then have the browser automate the "Forwarding" to another gmail address. I haven't found a solution anywhere to accomplish this.

So here is an account to try out in which this should only take a few mins to a veteran coder:


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Create An Event Handler By Double Clicking On Design Page

Dec 14, 2011

I am trying to learn Visual Basic and am working through a text book that my son used for a class. Each time I create an event handler by double clicking on the design page, the code that automatically populates is almost identical to the code in the book, except the byval portion is omitted from the code.[code]

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Open Page In New Tab In Asp.net On Clicking A Dynamically Generated Link Button In Gridview Using Vb?

Mar 6, 2012

I want to open the url in new tab when clicking on the link button that is generated dynamically in grid view.

I am using VB.response.redirect(url as string) opens the url in same window. what should i write in on click event?

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Removing Certain Dynamic Buttons On A Page?

Nov 28, 2008

I am dynamically creating buttons on a page, and want to be able to remove only certain block of them. I have no clue how to do this.. Right now I am clearing the WHOLE form and then redrawing everything.

Here is my code I am using to create.

Dim Buttons(99) As Button
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, oSQLConn)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()


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2005 - 5 Buttons On The Main Page - When Click On Button It Will Install An Exe Map Program

Sep 4, 2011

I have but a vb project and i have but 5 buttons on the main page i am trying to have so when you click on the button it will install an exe map program.

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VS 2010 Continue To Print A List Onto Another Page Once The Bottom Of The Page Is Reached?

Aug 1, 2011

How do I continue to print a list onto another page once the bottom of the page is reached?

Dim PrintFont As New Font("Arial", 14)
Dim HeadingFont As New Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold)
Dim LineHeightSingle As Single = PrintFont.GetHeight + 2


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VS 2010 PrintForm And TabControl Tab Page : How To Print Tab Page

Jul 20, 2010

I have a tab control in my Main Form which has 2 tab pages, each of which are a different form. I create them as:

Dim UserManagementForm As New UserManagement()
Dim FileManagementForm As New FileManagement()

Then set them up via:

UserManagementForm.TopLevel = False
UserManagementForm.Parent = TabControl1.TabPages(0)
UserManagementForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
UserManagementForm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill


I have a PrintForm component on my form and I am trying to send the currently active tab page to the print form and then send it to the appropriate dialog. However, I keep getting the document contains no images. Any ideas how I pass the tab page to the print form component?

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Resolution And Buttons - Tabs, Inside Each Tab There Are Buttons (the User Can Add The Buttons When They Want)

Mar 3, 2012

I have a piece of software with two tabs, inside each tab there are buttons (the user can add the buttons when they want). when tab1 is full tab2 should start to fill. I currently know how many buttons fit on the screen so I just say something like if buttons > 150 then start to populate tab 2 The problem i have now though is if the resolution is changed then a different amount of buttons can be displayed. so if I put my screen to 1280x720 some buttons are left of. I was thinking of detecting the resolution and then using different cases for different resolutions but this seems very inefficient im wondering if there is a different way?

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Clicking A Email In VB 2010?

Jan 7, 2012

does anyone have or found a source code to click a email? it doesnt matter what emailprovider used, i just need to find one.webbrowser navigates, logins, and clicks the verification email that was sent.

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VS 2010 Clicking With Coordinates?

Jun 25, 2011

so I want to click a button with it's coordinates. I know it can be done with the mouse event but the only problem is that it has to be focused and I don't want that to happen. The button has no id nor a name. So this is the button

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2010 - Clicking The Following Link On A Website?

Feb 28, 2012

i am trying to click the following link but its not working

<a class="defaultTableButton" id="ADRS_MENU" href="javascript:wsMenu_jumpUrl('../../address/adrsList.cgi',000)" style="text-decoration: none;">Address Book</a>


<img id="loginBtn" align="absmiddle" width="27" height="20" border="0" title="" alt="" src="/images/headerBtnLogOn.gif" name="loginBtn">
<span class

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