VS 2010 : Get Changing Picture From A Site?

Jun 24, 2011

im trying to get a picture from a site to a picturebox. I know that you can use imagelocation, but the imagelocation is changing. For example:


(not real images obv)How can i get this changing picture?

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VS 2010 Changing Picture By Clicking On It

Aug 9, 2010

I have a small picture box that I want to change its image on click, then on another click another picture, so on... There are totally 3 images. I really don't know how to do it, but I tried with the code below, but it does not work.[code]First picture shows at the beginning, lets say Image1, then on click it the image will have to change to Image2, then again on click it has to change to Image3, then on the third click onwards, only Image2 and Image3 has to swap on each click.

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Upload And Size A Profile Picture For A Site?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a site that has a profile page and I would like to allow the users to upload an image for the profile picture. I forsee a problem if the user select an image that is larger than what I am allowing for the site. Is their a good refrence or example how to accomplish this?

The site is developed in Visual Studio 2008 with VB.NET 3.5.

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C# - Changing One Picture To Another Onclick

Jan 12, 2012

Assume that I have a normal picture box with a picture loaded, how can I change the picture within when the user clicks on it? Example: Clipart of a book changing to clipart of an ocean.

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Changing The Background Picture?

Oct 23, 2011

Im just changing the background picture, and it is acting really stupid.Here is the troublesome

CharacterSprite.BackgroundImage = ShootinGuys.My.Resources.Resources.char_standing_r)The bold underlined character (the ")") is giving me the error:Error1End of statement expected.C:Users***documentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsShootinGuysShootinGuysForm1.vb12101ShootinGuys

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Vb2008 Changing Picture Location?

Jul 6, 2009

First of all take a look in here :[URL]...As you can see, in the image there're 3 items.So let's talk about the first one, the first right one. (CRAYON SHORTS)I want the picturebox to move always to the left side,After it knocks the "wall" it'll re-start all the progress.So simply, I want the picturebox to move left.


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Changing Of A Picture In A Picturebox By Button Command?

Jan 6, 2010

Today i am working on a project for one of my college courses. I have a picture moving by button command. ex: up, left, right, down.

I need the image to react as each button in pressed for example the arrow is pointing up when i press left button the arrow needs to change to point left.If i could get some help that would be great. I have all of the images and i also need to know how to link them.

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Changing Picture Boxes Image On Click With One Sub?

Jun 29, 2012

i have been working with a friend on a tower defence game in visual basic 2010, we have made 32X32 picture boxes to act as tiles and we want it so if you press a button then a picture box it will build a tower in that picture box.we need this to be done within a single sub though cause there are about 500 picture boxes and its would be very impractical to make a mouse click sub for each of them. this is the code for the sub i have now:

Private Sub TileClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox99.MouseClick, PictureBox98.MouseClick, PictureBox97.MouseClick, PictureBox96.MouseClick, PictureBox95.MouseClick, PictureBox94.MouseClick, PictureBox93.MouseClick, PictureBox92.MouseClick, PictureBox91.MouseClick, PictureBox90.MouseClick, PictureBox9.MouseClick,


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Interface And Graphics :: Changing Picture Box Image

Mar 29, 2012

anyone know how to do this, but wit a browse for folder aspect..like i open up my browse for folder window, select the folder i want and it displays the .png file in picturebox..i'm trying to figure it out..here is what i have so far..i have it setup where i'm opening up a folder and loading certain files in my checkedboxlist..but i also want a .png file that is in the subfolders(the only .png file in the entire directory) to be displayed in the picturebox..but the folder is going to be changed depending on which folder is selected..so it can't be a set directory or path..basically has to change like the checkedboxlist.


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Unwanted Image Changing Between 2 Picture Boxes

Oct 14, 2009

I started computing at college about a month ago and have been learning to program in Visual Basic 2008 Express. I decided one weekend that I would try and make a pretty simple game that I may be able to use for my coursework at some point (I know Visual Basic isn't everyone's first choice for games programming but I thought I could try), I have learn a great deal from doing this but have encountered a rather odd bug in the program.


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Build An Application That Will Login To A Web Site, Navigate The Site And Download Files?

Mar 26, 2010

I am not sure if this is possiable but I am looking to build an application that will login to a web site, navigate the site and download files. I would like to do this all in code and able to run multiple instances of the program to get information from many different web sites. Is something like this possiable in VB.net?

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VS 2008 - Threaded Ping - Click Another Site While Its Still Pinging Them It Doesn't Wait Before It Switches Site

Feb 9, 2010

Ive got an app that holds a list of site we have, At each site there are a few devices. The idea is when they click on a site all the details for the site are loaded and then a second thread sits and pings each device to see if its live. Im trying to do this in a seperate thread so if they click another site while its still pinging them it doesn't wait before it switches site. This all seems to be workling fine except if you click through the sites quickly, when you do that it will eventually come up with


{"Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute."}

The error flags up on the "Next" line in "ThreadedPing"

Thread stuff

Public Sub ThreadedPing(ByVal dt As DataTable)

Dim dr As DataRow


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User Can Change The Update Site With Out Building The Program Again With The New Site?

Oct 13, 2010

When i publish my program i choose to let the application check for updates via a website and if their is one update automatically when the program starts. Is their a way were on the main user form i can make it so that the user can change the update site with out me building the program again with the new site. I want to do this becuase the site i use goes down alot so when i changed the update url no one was able to download the update for the new update server.

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Internet Explorer - User Click A Command Button To Open IE To A Financial WEB Site And Download Informaion From The Site?

May 19, 2011

I'm deploying a VB.Net app (VS 2010 Pro) that requiers the user click a command button to open IE to a financial WEB site and download informaion from the site. The app works fine in every detail when installed on the development computer. But, on the target computer when the command button is clicked an unhandled exception occurs which says: System.IO. FileNotFoundException:File Not found.My code behind the button is Shell("C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe www,fidelity.com",AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

This works fine on the development computer. Do I need a way to code this as a relative path? If so,can you tell me how this is done?Throughout the app I have written relative paths to needed files using paths like (Open(Environment. GEtFolderPath (Environment. SpecialFoldder.Desktop) + "File Name). They all work fine when deployed.

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Label Staging Site To Prevent It From Being Used As If It Were The Production Site

May 18, 2012

I'm being asked to maintain several internal-only web apps for my company. For testing, after making my changes, I've created some staging sites which make use of separate databases. As such, if my users were to mistakenly use this site as if it were the production site, they may enter important data and wonder where it "disappeared" to thinking it was the production server.

I'd like to create a big banner of some sort across the top of the staging site (which ONLY appears on the staging site) to remind my users that they are on the test site. I'd like recommendations on the best way to do this, with the following considerations:

IDE: Visual Studio 2008
Server: Windows 2003 with IIS 6
Language: VB.NET 2.0

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Open Site When Click (Visit Site Button)

Jan 8, 2010

i want to know how can i code my button when i click it will open my site ... i Think i was clear.

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IDE :: VB 2010 Express Site Installation?

Nov 8, 2010

We're trying to install this across a school for use by our students. How can I obtain a site licence as the 30 day trial has ran out and VB Express is asking to be reinstalled?

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Re-Directed To Another Site With Your Own WebBrowser In V.B. 2010?

Apr 20, 2011

Is It Possible If Re-Directed To Another Site With Your Own WebBrowser In V.B. 2010, Have The Combobox (URL Entering Bar), Display The Current URL Of The Site You Are On? I Have A Tabbed WebBrowser If That .

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VS 2010 Getting Information From A Site Without Webbrowser?

May 22, 2010

I have been trying to find a way to extract information from a website WITHOUT a webbrowser control. I do not want to use the webbrowser because it is too laggy.

so this is what i've tried:

Dim browser As System.Net.WebClient = New System.Net.WebClient
browser.BaseAddress = ("website here")
Dim info As String = browser.DownloadString(browser.BaseAddress)


as you can see, what i've tried is to download the websites source code then find with an index value the information i want. However, how do i get specific information from the website without having to find the information by its index location?

In short, is it possible to use GetElementById without having to use webbrowser1?

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VS 2010 Redirect To Mobile Site?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm trying to integrate a feature into my application that emulates a cell phone. This means that when the "mobile browser" is used, the browser automatically redirects to the mobile version of the site (if there is one). How would I do this? Is there a way to make the site think my browser is from a mobile phone? How do I detect if there is a mobile version of the site?

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Place To Learn Web Site Development Using VB 2010?

Sep 22, 2011

I always wanted to make some websites. Is VB 2010 a good tool to make websites?

Where is a good place to start. Tutorials, examples and all of that.

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VS 2010 Auto-update Without Owning A Site?

May 6, 2012

Currently I'm using a third party file hosting website (like mediafire) to upload my program and I update the link every time a new version is out.I know there are some ways to autoupdate the program but most of them need to own a website, which currently I don't have.So I was wondering if there could be a way to make an autoupdate using sites like mediafire.Example: I always delete old version of the program, on mediafire when someone try to access a deleted file page he gets redirected on a page which says "file deleted or invalid". So if the program find out that the file link redirect to that page it should inform the user about the new version.

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VS 2010 Click Button Once Site Loads?

Feb 4, 2012

I knew a code and can't find it anywhere. So here it goes.I want to click a button on a website (so far I know how) but what I want to do is when I press the button, I want the program to let the webpage finish loading then invoke the click.

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VS 2010 Connect VB App To HTML Site And Login In It?

Mar 27, 2012

I need to connect my VB app to html site and login in it...after that I need to view informations in labels may be it will be with ID or anything alse I do not know...[URL]I only need to log in from VB application form with out any webbrowsers and something alses...

P.s. I have my username and password on this site but I want do log in with my VB app...

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VS 2010 Get Some Html Text From Iframe Site

Feb 19, 2012

some text in iframe I already search for the id but can't get it into my vb using webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid("")

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VS 2010 Sending Variable Data To A Internet Site

Apr 19, 2011

I am looking for some advice on how to proceed with a little project I am doing envolving sending data to an external site. So the rough situation is I have data stored in variables in a VB program (and corrisponding excel sheet working as a storage place for variables after the project closes) and I need to some how get this data to a portal site and have it entered automatically :P. I current have a button on my VB program that opens to the specific site and the users navigate to the data entry portion of the site and enter the data manually but my eventual goal is to hopefully have this all automated through a single button on the form.

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VS 2010 WebBrowser - HTML: Click On The Button To Get Values From The Site?

Feb 26, 2011

I want with the click on the Button to get values from the site.The site has a code example:

1.Name: <b>Daniel</b><BR>

Daniel is the value I want to get into TextBox1.text

2.Same as the first:

<a onclick=" infowin(478488) " href="#"> ' It's not the full code

in the

Green: variable
Red: Text that I want to get what inside the brackets (variable)

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Login Directly From One Site Another Site?

Oct 21, 2010

when i am surfing in one site,i want to see the another URL...without going URL directly access the login......for example this is the login page url i want know automatic login to this page [URL]

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History Save And ComboBox1 Visited Site Navigation Codes For 2010 Professional Homemade Web Browser

Jan 21, 2011

I'm currently making a Web Browser, and I was wondering how I can save History after I close the program/form and clicking on the site I visited last and navigate to the link with a single click?

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VS 2010 Changing The FPS Of A Program?

Sep 3, 2011

So, I want to know. What are the possibilities of changing the FPS of a given program. If the odds are anything about 0,

edit: I didn't make myself very clear. I'm just curious if it's possible change a program's limit to FPS. For example, I can change Firefox.exe to only get 10 FPS, and nothing more.

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