Add A Reference To Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll - Required To Run A DTS/SSIS Package

Dec 19, 2006

I am using VB.NET 2002 and we have set up a test environment running SQL Server 2005. I am trying to add a reference to Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll which is required to run a DTS/SSIS package from VB.NET. However the dll does not show in my add reference listing so when I select BROWSE and select the actual DLL I get a rather long error message telling me that only 'dll' and COM components can be referenced.

The exact message is: A reference to 'C:Programs FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKAssembliesMicrosoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll' could not be added. This is not a valid assembly or COM component. Only assemblies with extension 'dll' and COM components can be referenced.make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component.

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Can't Find The Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll In Vs2010 Installation?

Dec 7, 2010

I am using in vs2010.I can't find the Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll. How do I add that dll to the reference?


View 3 Replies - What Namespaces Are Required To Call An SSIS Package

Oct 15, 2009

I have created an SSISpackage in my project.To call the ssis package, i have written the following code.

dim app as new Application()
dim package as Package=app.LoadPackage("C:ProjectsMyPackage.dtsx")
dim result as DTSExeResult=package.Execute()

but it shows some errors.i think some namespaces are missing.What all namespaces have to be imported?

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Run 2008 SSIS Package - Click A Button And Have A SSIS Package Execute?

Apr 14, 2011

I created a simple VB application in Visual Studio 2010.My computer, which I am using to create the program, is Windows 7 Pro, and SQL Server 2008 is running on a Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, which I have full access to.

I want to click a button and have an SSIS package execute.I looked around on the Internet and found examples, but they do not seem to work for me.I try to add a reference, Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll, as a few sites advise, but it is not listed when I go to PROJECT>ADD REFERENCE.

I also type:

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime but all I get is a squiggly green line, which when hovered over states "Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'Microsoft.SqlServer .Dts.Runtime' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found." Below is some code I copied from one of the websites and pasted in my button click event (the path is correct), but a get blue squiggly lines under "Package" and "DTSExecResult":

Dim pkgLocation
As String
Dim pkg As
New Package[code]....

What can I do to make the SSIS package run when I click the button on the Windows application a created?

View 8 Replies

Sql Server - Create Application To Modify SSIS Variables And Start SSIS Package?

Aug 23, 2011

My DBA has several SSIS packages that he would like the functionality of providing the end user with a way to input values for variables in the package. What would be the best solution for creating an application that would take the user input and pass the data through to the SSIS package variables?

I can get this work locally using this code

Dim packageName As String
Dim myPackage As Package
Dim integrationServices As New Application


Problem is this requires that the user have SSIS installed locally.

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Executing A Ssis Package?

Mar 8, 2010

I created a ssis package in visual studio 2005. I want to execute the package from code. How can this be done?

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Execution Of SSIS Package?

Sep 20, 2010

I Just want to know is is possible to execute a ssis package from application?If so how to do that???

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Execute A Ssis Package From VB Application

Sep 28, 2010

I want to execute a ssis package from application.I am getting the following error while calling a ssis package from application. The specified package could not be loaded from the SQL Server database ssis package is working fine from BIDS as well as from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).Package is deployed to the File System of SSMS.I am using the following code.


app.LoadFromSqlServer("\MData_import", "", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) where app is the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application object and MData_import is the package name.There is no password set for the package.

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Running A SSIS Package From VB 2005

Aug 26, 2009

I am trying to run a ssis package from visual basic 2005.the package was created with the import export wizard in SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio in SQL server 2005 I get this error

Assertion Failed:Abort=Quit, Retry=Debug, Ignore=Continue
at STrace.ReadTraceValues()
at STrace..cctor()


View 11 Replies

Running A Ssis Package From VB 2008?

Mar 17, 2010

I built a simple package using the export wizard in BIDS. The package just exports data from a table to a csv file I added the reference Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.

I also added Microsoft.SqlServer.dtsruntimewrap. Run I run the package in BIDS it works fine but when I try to execute from vb 2008 ..the file is never written. Here is the vb code I am using ssis sql server 2005

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class Form1


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Failed To Load XML From SSIS Package File

Mar 2, 2012

I've had to backwards convert my SSIS 2008 package to 2005 including converting all the C# script tasks to VB. After finishing this and getting it to run fine from Visual Studio, I went to deploy it to the server but when I import the package through SSIS into the 'File System' I get the following error:[code]Now when I open the package file up and go to that line this is what I have:[code]

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How To Update Database Table Using SSIS Package

Oct 20, 2009

I have successfully run an ssis package and inserted data from one table in the first database to another table in the second database. But all the rows are inserted in this case. I have placed an oledb source control, a character map control and an oledb destination control. No query is written in this. I specified only the source table and the destination table in the 2 databases. But I need to transfer only some column values in one table to another, not the entire table data.

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Put A Process In A SSIS Package That Will Rebuild A Solution?

Jun 16, 2010

I want to put a process in a SSIS package that will rebuild a solution. In that solution it creates a setup.exe that includes a sql server compact database that is updated by the SSIS package.

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SSIS Package 2008 - Column Has A Null Value

Aug 10, 2011

I am currently working on an SSIS package that we are migrating from SSIS 2005 to SSIS 2008. The issue is that the developers of the current version used the fact that in SSIS 2005 the accessor of a NULL column returns 0, whereas SSIS 2008 throws an exception. Also, they extensively use expressions such as this one:
IIf(Row.X_IsNull, System.DBNull.Value, Row.X)
The problem is that in SSIS 2008, regardless of whether the condition is set to true, the program still tries to read Row.X and throws an exception. The package is big and it would take a very long time to convert all of these IIfs to manual Ifs with temporary variables.

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Setting Properties Of A SSIS DTSX Package At Runtime From VB?

Sep 14, 2009

i am writing a VB front end (VS 2008 .NET 3.5) to a data loading program that involves moving the contents of CSV flat files into SQL Server 2005 staging tables. I have had some experience with DTS in SQL 2000 so I decided to use SSIS packages to load the CSV data. Creating the packages in BIDS worked fine for the development environment where I hard-coded the Connections and file paths. The problem arises when I will release this program to 30 different sites that do not have SQL Server admins to help changing the configuration.

I have a SQL table in which I will put all the necessary path information and I can pull that into the VB program on startup. I need to see an example of how I can set the properties from VB once the package is instantiated and opened.Here is an example of where I plan to set those properties and run the packages.

Private Function RunPackages() As Boolean
Dim oApp As New Application
Dim oPackage As New Package


Even though I am using a configuration file in the example, I am finding it difficult to edit the configuration files for each site. I see that there are methods and properties exposed for the oPackage instance. However, I can't find a good reference for the Class model to use as a guideline. All the examples expect packages to be run and configured with SQL Server and BIDS. direct manipulation of package properties in VB or C#?I am now considering using the old standby SQL Bulk Insert. It almost appears as if the Data Tasks are just wrappers for the Bulk Insert operation. Furthermore we have several sites still using SQL Server 2000. With the economy the way it is, most of those sites do not want to spend ANY extra money upgrading to SQL 2005 or 2008.

However, having a good resource to learn how to manipulate SSIS packages from the CLR would be very helpful. I have heard that in SQL 2008 things have changed even more. It is maddeneing that once I learn a "new" Microsoft technology it seems to be discarded by MS in their next release in favor of a "better" alternative.

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SSIS Package To Load Daily A File Of 8GBs?

Jun 23, 2010

I am using SSIS Package to Load Daily a file of 8GBs. If the free Disk Space is more than 100GBs.. Everything goes fine. Problem Starts when we have less free Disk Space. I tried to Load a 8GB file with 60 GB Free Disk Space it Inserted 1658 records,Then I deleted SQL Logs and made space more than 100GBs free. For same file it inserted 60,000 records. I am not able to Understand how it happened and It have happened many times.

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Click-once Deployment - Additional Files Required In Package?

Jan 9, 2009

Hi, can anyone help me with a click once deployment query?I have packaged an application, using Click Once - it all works absolutely fine, with the exception of some files I need on the C: drive. For example: My application populates an Excel.xlt template with data, using an export function. The path of the template is c:program filesaem

If the application is packaged, there is no option that I can see where you can include this template and the path to the file. The only way around it is to manually copy the template (and half a dozen other files in the same folder), after the click-once deployment - but this kind of defeats the object.

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Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTDiagM File Missing?

Jan 9, 2012

I was trying to load MS Access 2007 database using SQL 2008, but it was not successful because of error below,

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2100 Parameter Limit - Getting This Error Microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException

Jun 2, 2011

I am getting this error microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request. The maximum is 2100.

Im new to coding stuffs, i know that i am passing morethan 2100 parameter that is why the error is encountered.

Here is the actual code.

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Create A Windows Installer Package In Program Using Tools From Microsoft?

Sep 17, 2009

I want to create a windows installer package using visual studio. It is my understanding that there was a simple way to do this in vb6, you could add an installer like you can add a new form.

How can I do this in I downloaded and installed the Windows SDK from [url]... because it said somewhere that it could create installer packages and had tools to do so for .net

View 5 Replies

IDE :: Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml' Has Failed To Load Properly?

Jun 19, 2008

When I start VS2008Prof I get a Package Load Failure "Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml' has failed to load properly". Repairing VS and resetting ('devenv /resetsettings') it did not help.

View 3 Replies - Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Object Required

Sep 29, 2011

There are the javascript codes inside a web application which was developed with through Microsoft Visual Basic.When to run javascript code on my local machine,it doesn't working on Windows Server 2003.I'm getting the Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required error with below code.Also,I check out the IDs, no problem.


function AlertHata(oObject)
var iID='';
var dKDVOran=0.0;


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Can't Find "IDTSLogging" In Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

May 17, 2012

I am calling my packages through a master package and i am using Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime but i can't set./use Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.IDTSLogging and the interesting thing is that i can use Dim abc As IDTSLogging but i can't use


I don't know why i cant use?

View 4 Replies

Installing A VB 2005 Application Fails "... Requires That Assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.Pipelinehost Version"?

Oct 7, 2009

When I try to install an application to another user's computer I receive a message box that says "Unable to run or install application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.Pipelinehost version be installed in the global assembly cache (GAC) first.A key feature of the app is to export data from sql server to an excel spread sheet so I have the following import statements

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Very Simple Ssis Script Transformation Giving Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 1, 2012

I have an ssis package that takes a flat file and dumps it to SQL. During that process, 150 columns need to have '-' and '.' removed from them. I have done this using a Script Transformation.

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim column As IDTSInputColumn90
Dim rowType As Type = Row.GetType()


Edit I've discovered that this line is the problem

Dim strCol As String = columnValue.GetValue(Row, Nothing).ToString()

View 1 Replies 4 Membership.CreateUser Reference Required To Assembly Error?

Jan 25, 2011

I have managed to get ASP.NET Membership mainly working with my SQL server.The problem i'm having is I get an error in VS2010 in my code behind file when attempting to create a user. I get a Red Exclamation mark appear on .CreateUser on the code below.

Error Message:Reference required to assembly 'System.Web.Security.ApplicationServices, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e65' containing the type 'System.Web.Security.MembershipUser'. Add one to your project.


Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Membership.CreateUser(r_user_name.Text, r_password.Text)
Label1.Text = "User created"


I've tried adding the following to the web.config:Not sure if thats correct!! but i get an error message when I open the page:Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Security.MembershipUser, System.Web.ApplicationServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e65' or one of its dependencies. The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047)

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VS 2010 Error With Applications Reference Required To Assembly

Oct 27, 2009

im building an application i started it in VB 2008 and i upgraded to VB 2010

then i made some mods and tryed to run the application and then

i get this error

Error2Reference required to assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' containing the type 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'. Add one to your project.C:UsersAdminDesktop


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Microsoft's VB 2010 - Add Required Components And Click On Button - App Simply Disappears, Closes Goes Right Back Into A Stopped State

Dec 11, 2010

I'm using the following code

' Visual Basic
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


Its straight off the Microsoft site found here: [URL]

When I add the required components and click on the button, my app simply disappears, closes, goes right back into a stopped state. No errors, No Warnings, No issues. Nothing. Its as-if there is a stray "END" just before the IF statement. (But there isn't) Its stopping right at the IF statement. My app (THEIR CODE) just makes it disappear and "Stop". The code was working about an hour ago, but now nothing, and thats the only code on the project.

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IDE :: Inconsistent Error "Reference Required To Assembly Containing The Base Class?

Mar 3, 2009

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution with project A referencing project B as a project reference. Project B references System.Data.Linq, but project A does not. Everything compiles and runs fine. I like this arrangement because avoiding a reference to System.Data.Linq in project A ensures that it uses project B methods instead of directly accessign System.Data.Linq methods, which I want to avoid.

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Can't Add Reference Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll

Oct 9, 2010

I'm trying to play a music file. When I went to add reference and clicked on Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll, it won't load. How do I resolve this problem?

Is this the preferred method for playing audio files?

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