App That Basically Gets Paths To Servers

Oct 12, 2007

I designed an app that basically gets paths to servers I have admin rights to, I am doing such things such as checking available space on the servers etc., the problem I am having is my app only works if I manually login via something like (start, run, \server) and supply my admin username and password just to store that authentication.How do I code this so it prompts the user in my program ONE time for all 5 servers (they all use the same username and password)

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Deleting A File Or Folder On Multiple Servers From A List Of Servers?

Sep 29, 2011

I don't really know how to code but am pretty good at tweaking. I'm trying to set up a script that I can run to delete a single file, multiple files, a folder or multiple folders on a list of servers.I was thinking that the script could read the files to be deleted from a .txt file and apply the deletion to a list of servers in another .txt file.Example:

\(insert_server_name_from_list)c$Program FilesBINexample_file.rpt


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Vb .net App And Basically It Connects To The Server?

Aug 5, 2009

I created a vb .net app and basically it connects to the server (my brother's computer at his house) and sends messages. The problem I'm having is, we both have routers. The only way I'v gotten all of this to work, is by both of us connecting ppeo broadband and then our ips work, otherwise the "real ip" is used for all the pcs in my house. How can I connect tcp to him wothout him having to connect broadband. Because to connect broadband he needs to be connected to an ethernet port, so then he cannot be wireless.

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Line - Make A Console App That Basically Makes A Big X Between Pipes

Feb 3, 2011

i am trying to make a console app that basically makes a big X between pipes, but with a fixed line on the bottom where you can freely move a <#> with the arrow keys i did the giant x but i have no clue how to make the fixed line and i cannot find any information about it. i tried using the Console.write() but that only gives move a line that i cant use. Il paste the code i have to far.


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Make A Program Which Basically Performs Unit Conversion?

Jun 18, 2012

Im trying to make a program which basically performs unit conversion. I have basically made two text boxes, one for the S.I. Units and the other for British Units. The general idea is that when i input any number in the S.I. Unit text box, it should display the answer in British Unit text Box and similiarly if i input any number in British Unit Textbox, the answer should be displayed in S.I.Unit textbox. Now the problem lies here that the code that i created is by using if else. now the compiler automatically gives me the correct result in the British box when i input the value in the s.i. unit box, but when i input the value in the british text box, it gives an error that :

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Additional information: Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid."

Heres the part of the code.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim p As String = "Pressure"


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Position In A Feed File Which Is Basically Transaction Amount?

May 10, 2009

I am explaining an issue that I have faced in my SSIS Package today. A script task reads a string from particular position in a feed file which is basically Transaction amount. I am providing the psuedo code below to explain the issue


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Create A Button Which Basically Clears Entire Table In Your Database?

May 17, 2012

Is there any way to create a button which basically clears a entire table in your database?

I was hoping to have 2 buttons, 1 to empty a table 1 to fill the same table again.The idea is to store a year long values, and at the end of the year delete all of those with a button.The other button i want to use to fill the same table again.Starting from 1st day of the year untill the last day of the year.

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Write A Thread Into My App Which Basically Does A Loop In The Background Performing Detection?

Mar 15, 2012

I've been able to write a thread into my app which basically does a loop in the background perfroming detection for a device being added or great!i am trying to implement another thread to check for a file on the found device...but i still haven't figured out threading enough to make this work, the versions i try to implemt are either looping along with the initial loop or cancelling itself because its already running.i've been trying to put a variable in that would switch the thread off, but it doesn't seem to work.

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'global' Type Timer That Will Allow To Basically Run Clock Entire Time Someone Is On Site

Oct 21, 2009

I'm in need of a "global" type timer that will allow me to basically run a clock the entire time someone is on my site, no matter what pages they go to. I've played around with the timer available for forms but I didn't see a way to make it continue to run after someone left that page.The effect I'm attempting to create is for a timer to start whenever someone hits my site, then every X minutes an event will trigger. This event should happen no matter where they are on the site. I've read a couple articles on timers but to be honest I'm fairly new to VB and I didn't know if I really needed to learn about 'threading' etc, to get a timer to work.

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Developed Software Called MouseMe Which Basically Records Mouse Movement / Mouse Press Events

Dec 12, 2010

I recently developed a software called MouseMe, which basically records mouse movement and mouse press events. The software itself is in BETA, and I am looking for some testers to have a go at my program.

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Get All Possible Servers On A LAN Network?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm using the details on connecting to a server from a client here: [URL]

It's quite out dated but I just need it for a quick project. I need the client to auto-connect. This program will be running on the LAN only, is there a way to find on what computer the server is running on (i.e. all computers hosting the specific server on port x). I've seen it on a couple of games that run on LAN. Without access to the internet, they manage to display all available games on the local LAN. I'm doing this with

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Get The Disk I/O On Various Servers?

May 22, 2012

I am using the following code to get the Disk I/O on various servers. For now I am just retrieving the DiskReadsPerSec to get a feel for it. The return data gives a uint32 for each drive on the server and a total. My questions is what is the time frame that this represents? Is this at the second that my code polls the drive or is this over the last few seconds or do I need to do multiple runs to get an average.

My intention is to build a graph for each drive so I wonder how often I need to poll the drive to get a acurate value.

Public Shared Function GetDriveIO(ByVal strip As String) As Boolean
Dim oConn As New ConnectionOptions()
Dim lnglist As New List(Of Long)


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Connecting To 10 Mysql Servers

Nov 15, 2010

i am trying to connect to 10 mysql servers and get aprox. 5000 rows. If i make the test from local network it works but if i take the test using mysql servers (same version) from different city it shows me the error "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding".[code]

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Click Once With Terminal Servers

May 27, 2010

Can ClickOnce software be ran on a terminal server?

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Get All Servers From AD And Ping Check?

Feb 1, 2012

A little background, the client that I am working with has an enterprise AD that is a mess. They have no containers for servers or any organization what-so-ever. They also shutdown servers and did not remove them properly from AD. So I needed to come up with a program that would find all the windows server, identify them by OS, and then check to see if they would actually respond to a ping. (I am aware that this is not a perfect method if they are refusing ICMP's but its good enough for my purposes). The completion of the program will display all the information and then allow the user to save the excel workbook in a location that they choose.
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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Get The List Of All Sql Servers On Machine

Apr 12, 2012

how can i get the list of all sql servers on my machine i am trying this code i have vs 2010 and sqlexpress 2008 r2 i put breakpoints seems everything working fine but its not getting any server i don't know whats wrong with it here is the code on button click this suppose to work to get all servers and list them in the combobox cmbServer [Code]

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Time - Using .NET To Query NTP Servers?

Jan 15, 2012

As the title describes I am looking for a way to query for the UTC time from NTP/SNTP Servers from 'VB.NET'The only libraries I have found for VB.NET to such tasks appear require a fairly large sum of different forms of currency.

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Transfer File Between Two Servers?

Mar 11, 2010

How I can send file from server to another server in network??

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Transferring Data Between Two SQL Servers Using VB?

Jun 12, 2011

The title of this thread perhaps does not explain my problem correctly.Actually i am developing a financial software for a company.The software is similar to a banking system. The software is being developed using VB 2008 and SQL Server 2008.The company has its branches located at different locations. They are having a centralized SQL Server at their Head Office.The branches are connected to Head Office using a VPN.Now what we are worried about is when the VPN gets disconnected.For that we will be having a SQL server installed at each of the branches.When VPN is connected the the details entered will be directly at the Head Office database,Meanwhile a program will be executed which will get details from the Head Office database at each of the branches in a XML file.When a branch gets disconnected from the VPN another program will get the XML details into the Sql Server installed at the branch. When the branch is connected again Another application will create a xml file from the local server and insert its details into the HO server.The sizes of the XML are reaching upto around 150 to 200 mb. I am using Dataset.WriteXML and Dataset.ReadXMl. I have tested this on my local machine it is taking upto 30-40 secs.I dont know how much it will take when the actual application is installed. How can i speed things up ? Does anyone have any idea on how i can do the whole process more smoothly and faster?

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Use The WTSEnumerateServers API To Get A List Of Servers?

Apr 7, 2011

show me how to use the WTSEnumerateServers API to get a list of servers?

Here is the MSDN page: [URL]

...but I can't figure out the last 2 parameters:

ppServerInfo - Points to an array of WTS_SERVER_INFO structures, which contains the returned results of the enumeration.

pCount - Pointer to a variable that receives the number of WTS_SERVER_INFO structures returned in the ppServerInfo buffer.

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Web Services And Proxy Servers?

Feb 16, 2010

I have the following code which connects to my webservice online:

Dim c As New com.*********.checkLicense()
c.CookieContainer = New System.Net.CookieContainer()


Now what I need to know is, if a user has proxy settings configured in IE, will this code automatically use the proxy?Also what happens when said proxy needs authentication?Anyone know how this can be adapted. I know about the System.Net.WebProxy class, however I would really need this to pick up the settings from IE by default and then if required (and only if required) pop up for proxy authentication.

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Check Multiple Services On Different Servers

Jul 10, 2011

Im trying to check multiple services on different servers. The idea is that every time a client clicks on a checkbox for the specific server and press the "check service" button it will check the status on the service and if it's not running it will restart the service and so on for the rest of the servers.[code]

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Copy Folders Between Two File Servers

Jan 6, 2012

I was assigned a project to create a program of cloning two file servers. It will copy all folders (about 500, one day one folder, there are about 200 files in each day) from one file server (S1) to another file server (S2). If any error occurred while in processing, program will send an email to someone.

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Create RDP Session On Remote Servers

Mar 31, 2010

I am trying to find the way to create RDP session on remote computer using VB and net framework.

Because my company is using RDP(not a console session), some processes that have window that is to show logs and event must be executed on the screen.

However there is a lot of computers, I have to find some solution that is to execute remotely.

The problems that I encounter are as below.

1. if there is no session(in case of restarted) - I have to create session.

2. if there is session - I have to get appropriate sessionID

3. Remote execution - to execute remotely on the session.

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DatadGrid - Merging Two DataSets From Different Servers

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to merge 2 datasets from 2 different servers, SQl 2005. I need to take 2 fields from one table and five from another to create one merged dataset and bind it to a datagrid, in an 2008 application. The first table I will be saving to is empty just the table schema is there, The second table that the datagrid is populated by, has two columns containing dropdown box and a text field for user to edit these fields, these will be saved into the first table along with the user information, and a time stamp, but when a user pulls this information again the changes in the datagrid will reflect these changes.

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DB/Reporting :: Accessing DB On Web Host Servers

Sep 28, 2010

I've never tried accessing a database on a remote computer, across the internet. A few questions though.

1) Do I just change the connection string address from a local path to a web address?

2) Do I still need to install the local driver? In my case I believe I'll be using Connector/Net to connect to my MySQL database url...

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Get A List Of The Servers Avalible On The Network?

Nov 22, 2009

get a list of the servers avalible on the network, then check to see if those servers contain my database?

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Gif Animation On Desktops Versus Servers?

May 17, 2012

I have a DotNet 3.5 Winforms app. Mature app working well. It is a desktop client side application. One of the forms I've recently modified to include a picturebox which shows a standard gif animation.Running the application(and displaying the form with the picture box) works as expected on on Win XP + Win 7. i.e. the gif animation plays.

However running the same application on Windows 2003 or Windows 2008, I get the form loading but not animation in the picturebox, just static image.At first I thought it was because I was accessing the server via Remote Desktop but I did the same with XP, yet that still had the gif animating. Oh and I can play a gif using Internet Explorer on the servers.

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Remotely Connect To Servers On A Network?

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to remotely connect to servers on a network. However, an exception occurs and I can never connect. The code I am using to connect to the servers does work because I have had someone else test it. The exception is shown below. Is this a setting with VB or with my computer?

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was caught
HelpLink="C:Program FilesPIPCPISDK..Helppisdk.chm"
Message="The specified time is invalid "


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Reset IIS On Multiple Servers At Once Instead Of Looping Through?

Feb 24, 2009

I am trying to reset IIS on a set of servers all at one time instead of looping through and resetting each one individually, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.[code]...

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