Application And Installer Doesn't Register Component Irrespective Of Any Settings In Install Package

Jul 22, 2009

I am using a 3rd party dll in an application and the installer does not register the component irrespective of any settings in the install package.It will register manually though using regsrv32 after installation.My question is how can I use the System. Diagnostics. Process.Start("cmd.exe")function to call the regsvr32 with the dll name after installation from the install package, also the correct syntax for referencing the installation folser if the user amends it on install so that it doesn't fail on execution because of spaces.Dim stRegPath as String= "regsvr32 & "" & Path.GetDirectoryName (Assembly. GetExecutingAssembly().Location) & "rogue.dll".

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Install Ms Excel From My Application Installer?

Nov 18, 2011

I want to install ms excel from my application installer. I know I have to launch the exe file. But want to know the real environment problems that can come in this way.

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Deployment :: Roaming Profile - Get The Installer To Install An Application Normally

Mar 4, 2012

Using Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7. Setting up project on one machine, then attempting deployment it on another machine with Windows 7 on it:

How do you get the installer to install an application normally, my app is installing on roaming profile, and I do not want it to install that way . . . I want it to run as a normal software application, it is not created for network use!

In short, I want the application to install under the Program Files directory, and the data files to install under the ProgramData directory. I have already designated the Application Folder's DefaultLocation as [CommonAppDataFolder] and the application data folder as [CommonAppDataFolder], . . . but it makes no difference, it still installs as a roaming profile.

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How To Install Application With Other Component

Aug 7, 2009

when i m instal my application to other computer its Require Dotnefx3.5 and Windows instaler its require internet to download missing componant to install Before running my application so how to install my application with these other component (who need my application)

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Application.restart After Doesn't Load The New Settings

Feb 8, 2008

i have created a user setting named 'setmeup' as string, scope = user, value = "magical meow meow!".in my code i access it and assign it a new value like = "howdy cowboy!" the application restarts, i expect the my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" but when i check its contents its still "magical meow meow!".but when i use application.exit() instead of application.restart() and manually restart the program, my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" which is correct.what must i do? i want to use application.restart() because i don't want the users to double-click the icon again to start the program. i want the program to restart automatically.

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Create A Setup Installer To Auto-install Fonts When User Install Apps?

Jan 26, 2010

Is it possible to create a setup installer that will auto install fonts when user install the applications?

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Package Mdb File In Installer?

May 13, 2009

I have a finished application that is ready to be delivered to my client, I am looking for an efficient way to add my database file (i.e. .mdb file) into the installer package, thats one thing..another thing is that how can I customise the installer package to always put that .mdb in the D: drive during installation..

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VS 2010 Installer Package?

Dec 22, 2011

I have written a program in with mysql database.Now, my question is how can I add the mysql installation along with the query to create the database that my program is using? I wanted to include .net framework also in the installation.

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Windows Services - Configure App.config Application Settings During MSI Install .net?

Feb 1, 2012

I am trying to create an msi install for my windows service. The reason for creating an msi is that the intended users want to be able to quickly install the service with as-little intervention as possible.

i can get the service to install as a msi but i have a variable within my code that i need the user to define when the msi is being installed. the variable i require from the user is the file path which they want the xml files my service creates to be located.

i thought i could configure the app.config application settings to contain the file path that the xml files should be written to. However i'm struggling to do this and im not to sure if its the best way to do it?

I have my setup project that contains my executable and has my textbox which will contain the one variable from the user.I have an installer class which contains my serviceinstaller and process installer. This is where im struggling to understand what i need to do next. Do i need to override the install method? The current code of my installer class was automatically generated and is as follows:


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Windows Services - Configure App.config Application Settings During MSI Install?

Jul 14, 2011

windows services - Configure App.config Application Settings During MSI Install

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Including Additional Resources In Installer Package?

Nov 2, 2011

I've been switching over to with visual studio 2010 and there is two big questions that are bothering me When I want to create an installer for my program, how do I do the following?

1. Pick the folder on C:\ drive where I want it installed? (ie c:\program files\myprogram)

2. I have about a dozen access databases and monarch models that I've created to work with my program. How do I include these in the installer?I'm not quite sure if this is a forum question, so pardon if it isn'i'm just starting here because this is afterall that i'm writing all of this in.

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Create A Windows Installer Package In Program Using Tools From Microsoft?

Sep 17, 2009

I want to create a windows installer package using visual studio. It is my understanding that there was a simple way to do this in vb6, you could add an installer like you can add a new form.

How can I do this in I downloaded and installed the Windows SDK from [url]... because it said somewhere that it could create installer packages and had tools to do so for .net

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Best Way To Register Component

Sep 19, 2010

i got a error while using my app on other System class not registered i search for the solution and this just to register the ocx component i registered the component by using setup factory its working fine on XP but in Window$ 7 i got the same error what is the best way to register the component

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VB2010 Use An Application To Package All Files Together Into A Setup Package

Feb 26, 2011

I am wanting to use an application to package all my files together into a setup package. I have tried InstallShield 2011, but when i click on Visual Basic .net wizard, it tells me I do not have Visual Studio.NET installed on my system. I am currently using VB2010 Express How can I fix this... or is there a better application available for packaging?

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Register A Type Library For A COM Component?

Jan 8, 2009

You know we have to register a type library for a COM component.My question is do we need to do in .net environment if I created a library?

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.Net Integration In Install Package

Aug 6, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to bundle a .net framework client runtime (.net framework 4 to be exact). Because not many computers have .net framework 4 Installed and i don't want them to download from the microsoft site. As i checked the program itself is a redistributable package <link>. Now the problem comes how do i integrate this into my own installer so that instead of asking for a download it would just ask to install the framework and then install from the setup that will be included in the package. I am using a standard setup project. Using VS 2010 Pro.

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Re-download The Whole Package And Install It?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm getting a new computer, and I want to keep VS 2005 instead of upgrading because:

- I don't want to have to upgrade all 143 of my projects.
- I don't like the way VS 2008 looks.
- VS 2010 is just slow to the point of absurdity.
- I don't want to have to re-download the whole package and install it, which took about 4 hours for VS 2008, 10 hours for VS 2010.

Is there a way to just copy everything over? It's Express Edition. Also, would the old setup file work, or is support for VS 2005 completely gone?

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VS 2008 .net 2.0 Needs To Be In Package To Install

Oct 29, 2009

This is not for a class. I would like to know if anyone has information to use the bootstrapper from MS or how to include MS DotnetFix.exe in an application to install onto a computer that does not have it. Also is this possible for mobile devices if the application would need to be packaged for them also?

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VB6 - Properly Register The Type Library Of A COM+ Component?

Jun 5, 2012

I am looking to upgrade legacy VB6 COM+ components to VB.NET components. I have seemingly upgraded one already, called EventPackage, which has one class, IEventListener. Another, TradeOrders, Implements EventPackage.IEventListener. When attempting to build TradeOrders, I get the following Errors/Warnings;


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Package Access DB With One-click Install?

Jul 29, 2009

I am building a winform program that uses an access db. I have added the database to the program using the design-time tools in visual studio 2008 (added a dataset to the project), and I am now using the dataset to bind items within my forms successfully. When I debug the program everythin works great, but then when I publish the program, I get an error saying that the database was not found in the appdata/app/2.0/(a very long encoded folder name) folder.

How do I modify the project so that it publishes the database with the project using the one-click install?

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VS 02/03 Installer To Overwrite Previous Install?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm using VB.NET 2003, and I'm using the installer that comes with the language. I remember reading on this forum a couple of years ago how to configure the installer so that it will automatically overwrite the previous installation. I had configured mine to do that and it worked great. Recently, the installer was lost do to a drive crash, and this trick was lost with it. I have looked through the forum for the post I read, but have not been able to find it. Does anyone know how to configure the built in installer to overwrite the previous installation when installing the program?

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Register A Component Class Dll So That It Shows In ToolBox With Its Own Category?

Oct 31, 2011

I have a DLL with me in which i have created a component class. But as long as the project is open the Tool shows in the ToolBox, but the moment i open a new project, without the DLL project opened along with it, the Toolbox does not show me the Tool/Control/Component Class , which i have created. How do I register my component so that it shows in the ToolBox, other than the usual way of Selecting by Browsing

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IDE :: Install A MSI Package As A Prerequisite For An Installation Using Wix Setup?

Aug 17, 2010

I need to Install a MSI Package as a Prerequisite For an Installation Using Wix Setup...How Can I do it....? I first need to install this MSI package and only want to Continue the Set up,If this Installation Would be Successful...

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Creating An Installer File To Install SQL Server?

Jun 4, 2010

I have an application that uses a SQL Server backend. I wish to be able to create an Install project where the it can install SQL Server and/or an instance on the users machine. Has anyone ever done this before? If so, how is it done? Any examples, etc.

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VS 2005 Security Warning When Downloading Install Package

Apr 14, 2009

When you download the .msi from our website and try to run it, you are presented with this very unfriendly message (attached). I'm using an Installer deployment project in VB.Net 2005 Pro - is there something I can do to avoid this error?

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VS 2008 - Path For ClickOnce Installer Changed During Install

Oct 9, 2009

I have a ClickOnce app that has been working fine for a couple months, until a day or two back some internal politics borked the server. The result of this was that the path for ClickOnce during install changed just slightly at one intermediate level. It used to have /is/ in the path, and the is has changed to something else. I changed everything I could find, including recreating the whole target directory in IIS on the server. However, when I publish, though the link is correct, installation is failing. The log shows that, after checking and installing some prerequisites, the installation is attempting to go back to that /is/ path to find the app for installation.

Can anybody suggest where that invalid path is located? I have gone through every property I can find in Project|Properties, and they are correct. I have looked in App.config, and that is correct. Where else should I be looking?

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Deployment :: Make An Install Pack That Contains Microsoft Installer And Framework?

Feb 23, 2012

I just finish my first application, and it is runing very nice on my computer, outsite IDE.But when I put it on another computer or in a virtual machine, i get some error and it is not running.In my application i have only controls, no dll, no nothing, except one picture.I have to mention that i have win7 on 64 bit and i use visual basic 2010 Express with netframework 4.0.

I also want to ask you what i have to do to make an install pack that contains microsoft installer and framework.I want to make a setup file with all this included.

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Cerate Installer Project - Install Framework 3.5 SP1 From Local Source Instead Download It?

May 7, 2009

I created a small application and an installer project for it. I can install and also run it, only thing htat i dont like is that during setup, it downloads .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and this takes long sometimes. I want to have it on the installation CD later.

I have seen in the installer's detected dependencies, that there is the 3.5 framework contained and it has a InstallURL property = [URL]..I am a little confused about all the Framework stuff on this site - so just 3 simple questions:

1) which file exactly do i have to download,
2) where to put it and
3) what to write into the property InstallURL then? (Maybe needed to change also other properties)?

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Make A Extractor/installer - Users Will Press Install And It Will Extract Myprogram?

Aug 9, 2009

I want to make a extractor/installer for example the users will press Install and it will extract myprogram.exe at C:/windows/system32/ automatically when they press install.

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Error - Setup Could Not Install The Following Component

Sep 16, 2010

im trying to install visual basic 2008 express edition, but when it gets to installing it starts the first part but comes up with an error which says "setup could not install the following component, visual C++ runtime pre requisites, I'm running on windows 7 and have tried to do a web install and i have tried saving the file on the computer and burning it onto a disk then doing a offline install, but that hasn't worked either. So what can i do to install it.

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