- ASP:Binding To Button

May 2, 2011

I am having a repeater within it there is label bounded with the Parking_Name Field and a button which is bouned to the Parking_ID field.

<asp:Repeater ID="repeater1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" OnItemDataBound="repeater1_ItemDataBound"> <ItemTemplate> <li> <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" "><%#Eval("Parking_Name")%> </asp:Label></div> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" CommandArgument = '<%#Eval("Parking_ID")%>' />

How can bound the button with the Parking_Name as well ?

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Binding Navigator Save Button?

May 10, 2011

I am using VS 2008, VB, and an Access db. I cannot get the save button on the binding navigator to work. I dragged the table from the datasource onto the Windows form creating all of the controls, including the binding navigator. I can add records but I cannot update. The code below is what I have (the commented code is what I have already tried):


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C# - Binding Data To A Button In Repeater?

Apr 30, 2011

I have a repeater which has a hidden field of Parking_ID <asp:HiddenField Value='<%# Eval("Parking_ID") %>' ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" /> and a Button under it.

I tried binding the value to the button from the html, it is giving me an error which indicates binding did not work. The programming language for the form is C# How can I bind the value of Parking_ID with its button in order to pass that value to another form? and how it can be passed to the other form?

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DB/Reporting :: Binding A Button To An Object?

May 10, 2009

Is it possible to bind a button to an object? I have a situation where I create lots of buttons dynamically and add them to a form, each button corresponds to a record in a database table, I want the button to hold all the info in the record without the need to search for the data each time I press it. I've already have the info in the tag property as a delimited string, but the process of extracting the info from the string is not efficient. if I add one new value I have to add the code to extract that info using string manipulation. I would rather have an object that represents the record so I can access each value directly.

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Radio Button Data Binding?

Mar 23, 2006

I am a vb beginner and I was wondering how you bind a radio button to a field in a database that has choice of 2 values. For example the field in my db is CoverType and the user should be able to select Hardcover or Paperback.Don't seem to be able to do get radio buttons to represent this on my form.

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Refresh Button In Binding Navigator?

Jun 10, 2011

I am wondering which code would apply to a refresh button in a datagridview form.

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VS 2010 Binding A Button To A Progressbar?

Apr 3, 2010

I was wondering if there was possible to make a progressbar show how the progress of an button? How should this be done if possible?

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Adding Save Button On Binding Navigator?

Jun 21, 2010

how to add a save feature to the Binding Navigator tool strip as it isn't a feature by default. I'm using VB Express Edition 2008.

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Binding Navigator Save Button Implimentation?

Apr 16, 2010

I've got a datable on my form, it loads the data from the database and displays it just fine but when i add data to it it doesn't save it to the database... I don't know why but the save button on the data navigator is disabled by default but even when i enable it, enter data and click it, it doesn't save the data. (i dont think its the button i just thought it's worth mentioning that the save button is disabled by default when you drag a data table onto a form)

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Code The Delete Button In Binding Navigator?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm trying to code the delete button in my binding navigator and I keep running into errors. This is what I have:Dim msg As String = "Are you sure you want to delete the current record? " If MessageBox.Show(msg, "Confirm Delete", _ MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then _CustomersBindingSource.Remove(DataGridView1.CurrentRow)
End If

Even when I change it to _CustomersBindingSource.CancelEdit and I debug it, the Delete button in the binding navigator looks like it set to enabled = false, but in the properites it's set to true.Even if I add enabled = true at the top

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Delete Button In Binding Navigator Not Saving Changes?

Feb 28, 2011

well, i am working on a project using tables by simply dragging and dropping them on a form.

from a single data set, i dragged 9 tables into 9 forms.. the fill method of tableadapter works whenever the form loads

now my problem here is, there's a problem with my binding navigator that the save and delete buttons aren't working..

this is actually my alternative method. since this morning.. i couldn't make my binding navigator work for my tables (i was surprised to see that there's only one working binding navigator from a single dataset, and because of that, i thought i could just use it to work for my 9 tables instead). still it doesn't work.. and i thought of using different forms for different tables so i could get the binding navigators work perfectly..

and yet, it doesn't make any change at all. still there is problems

is there any way to make this work?

how about adding codes into the delete button event in the binding navigator?

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While Pressing The Tab Button And Text Box Binding The Date

Mar 11, 2010

While I am running the project the cursor is blinking in the first name textbox then i am press the tab button then it is move to middle name textbox and then lastname and company name but when I am press after company name then it will jump to the button I want to jump the tab into Lani in Rs which is the next to company name textbox and then it will jump to Enter date.

I am having problem in the Enter Date field in the back end in the MS access I have already set the date in the back end i.e. short Date so, how to Formate the textbox in the front end i.e. in 2005

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Binding Navigator - Save Button Not Working When Deleting Data

May 18, 2012

The Save Button doesn't work when I'm Deleting data..
Here's my code
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Table1BindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Table1BindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Binding Data And Navigating - Go The Next Record When Click A Button

Jun 20, 2009

I've got the following VERY basic code


this does indeed update my label with the first item in the Author field in my database, but I can't for the life of my figure out how to go the next record when I click a button. Could anyone give me a quick rundown, or a good tutorial on this, I'd rather not use the built in wizards.

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Data Binding - Programatically Add Link Button To Datagrid - Click Event Not Firing

Oct 28, 2011

I have a datagrid where I am programatically adding a linkbutton on ItemDataBound.


The linkbutton is adding to the grid cells correctly, but when you the click event is not firing.

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Saving Updates To Data Table Using Binding Navigator Save Item Button?

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to understand how the binding navigator buttons are actually working.

I started by creating a table called "Students" in MS Access,

I then "dragged and dropped" that table onto my VB form after importing the data connection.

When I debug, I click the add new (the yellow plus "+") then I type info into my fields (700_Number, First_Name, MI, Last_Name). (700_Number=Primary Key)

After I am finished typing into the four text boxes, I click save. If I end my program then start the debugger again, the record is still goes away only if I change some of the code anywhere in my program.

Also, I am trying to use the record I just put into my database for another part of my program. I use this line of code:


This is just to see if what I am trying to put into my database is actually making it there. Every time I run, this message box turns up blank.

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VS 2008 Binding Multiple Binding Source To One Binding Source Navigator?

Oct 29, 2011

is there any way that i could link/bind multiple binding source to only one binding source navigator?

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 binding Navigators / Datagrid View / Binding Source Are All Sql Database Parts

Oct 18, 2010

binding navigators, datagrid view, binding source are all sql database parts.Will these parts still work if you havent got sql on you pc and your not using an database file (.log and .mfd) and your not coding to them, im using MS Jet/Oledb to code to Excel.What not to put on an Employee evaluation: This employee has hit rock bottom and shows signs of starting to dig.

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Binding Master Table To TextBox And DateTimePicker And Binding Details Tables To Datagridview Then Add / Update / Delete In Both

Jul 2, 2011

Binding Master Table to TextBox and DateTimePicker and Binding Details Tables to Datagridview then Add / Update / Delete in both

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C# - Set The Height Of A Button To {Binding ElementName=MW,Path=Height}/2?

Jan 7, 2012

Is is possible to do basic mathematical operations like addition, division etc. in XAML?For example, I want to set the height of a button to {Binding ElementName=MW,Path=Height}/2.

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Binding Of DatagridviewComboboxColumn When Using Object Binding

May 29, 2010

I use objectbinding to display client data in a datagridview. The datagridview also contains a counry-column allowing the user to choose the country of the client.Unfortunately, databinding of comboboxcolumn does not seem to work if an own business class is used. Using a simple collection instead works well.Copy the sample code into a new windows project and the programm runs fine. Then comment and uncomment the two lines with "XXX" and the code will fail. Why and does anybody know how to make the sample code work by using the business object class(variable named "newClientListVariable" in the sample)? [code]

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Early Binding Late Binding

Aug 19, 2009

I started programming in VBA, then graduated to VB6, and I am now using VB.NET 2008 Express.I have read, in the various posts, that I should keep Option Explicit and Option Strict both on, in order that I use correct VB.NET code and not VB6.I am trying to do that but am totally confused with the results of one of my programmes that was running perfectly with Option Strict off, but now advises:Option Strict On disallows late binding. To me it appears that I am using early binding, but to be honest I am not clear on the binding situation. I have checked through a number of google items, and a number of this Forum's items without seeing the light.[code]

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Convert Late Binding Syntax To Early Binding Syntax In .net?

Sep 5, 2011

i have this code:Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Error 1: Option Strict On disallows late binding.Im using visual basic 2010 express on a gateway laptop thats running Windows 7 OS How do i resolve this error?

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Convert Late Binding Syntax To Early Binding Syntax?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a listbox and it it I am showing numbers.It should look like this (line by line) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.....but is is showing it like this 1,10,11,...2,20,21...3,30...ow can I make it that it will show it in number order 1,2,3,4,5......

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Press A Button - If I Clicked The Button In Form2 It Would Automaticlly, Click The Button In Form1?

Oct 30, 2010

Using 2 forms how would I click one button, from another form? ie In VB 4,5,6, I would used to do it as:-

Form 1:

private sub Command1_Click()

msgbox "Say Hello"

End Sub[code].....

If I clicked the button in form2, it would automaticlly, click the button in form1. Do I, do it the same way in VB Express or has it changed?

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Binding DataGridView With XML?

Jan 10, 2009

I have the given XML file.

<!doctype mydata "">


I want to bind it to the DataGridView and show it in a tree-like structure with the authors and editors shown seperately in expandable (+) symbols. I dont want to use DataSet. How do I do it using the XSD and the class file generated from it?

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Binding Dgv To Datatable?

Jul 10, 2010

how can i bind a dgv with text columns + a combobox column to a datatable?

do i need to use a datarelation for the combobox column?

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Binding Navigator Add New?

Dec 29, 2010

First of all, I'm quite new to using Visual Basic. This is my first time using a Binding Navigator in a program that I am creating.I have the base of the binding navigator working, data source has been connected (fields etc.). What I need to know now is how I can create a new entry by clicking the '+' button on the navigator, and the new entry appear in the Access database

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Binding Picture Box And

Jun 7, 2010

I want whenever i search for a name, his picture appear on the picturebox..[code]Unable to cast object of type 'System.Byte[]' to type 'System.Drawing.Image'.

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Binding To A Combobox?

Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to add 2 databindings to a combobox. 1 will bind to the text, andthe other one will bind to the selectedvalue. However, I am only able to add one databinding to the combobox.

"Text", TblCustomerBindingSource, "strCustomerID", True)
"SelectedValue", TblCustomerBindingSource, "idxCustomer", True)

This is what I have done. Only the selectedValue DataBindings.Add is being captured.

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