- AddHandler Throwing Object Reference Not Set

Mar 5, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page with code-behind in VB.NET. On the ASPX page I have a Repeater with an asp:ImageButton inside the repeater and I want to catch the clicks on the button. As far as I read I have to use FindControl and then handle the copy of the original control:


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.net - Throwing "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object" Exception

May 26, 2012

Why do I get this Exception? Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


With that I am getting el is nothing. How do I solve this now? How to fill html form using web browser control

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VS 2008 - AddHandler By Anonymous Reference

Sep 3, 2010

Not sure what to call this, but I have a number of dataseries that are being updated through an API connection. My form has charts that shall display the data, and I want the charts to subscribe to the update events raised by each data series. So I need the form class (or one of its member objects) to send a request to the BLL. But I don't want it to dig into the tree structure of my BLL by get to the desired data series. So.. I guess I must either send my chart object as just a "type Object" down to the BLL, to add the handler.. Or, I must request an anonymous object of the dataseries event to be sent to the form class? Am I on to something here? What to prefer? And how do I actually do this stuff?

Also it's a question what to add the handler to? I try to refactor my code as much as possible, so I try to make type of "Manager objects", like for example instead of adding chart object directly in my form class, I make a ChartManager class that the main form has a single object instance of. Then this manager has a list of chart objects etc.. This is like a UI logic layer, and will take a reference to the mainBLL object instance from the Main form class. I guess it's proper to add the handler directly to the low level ZgChart object...


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Addhandler Events Of An Object ?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a number of UserControls that have the same event .

When I use an Object instead of UserControl, I can not use Addhandler.

Here is the simplest example of my problem: In this example error is "TextChanged is not an event of Object"

Dim obj As Object = TextBox1 AddHandler obj.TextChanged, AddressOf text_changed_event I have to use this structure, because in a FOR loop I use some different UserControls as obj. All UserControls have the same event.

Is there a way to use this structure without error?

Maybe there is a way to define a new object that covers all my UserControls.

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Addhandler Events Of An Object?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a number of UserControls that have the same event .When I use an Object instead of UserControl, I can not use Addhandler.Here is the simplest example of my problem:In this example error is "TextChanged is not an event of Object"

Dim obj As Object = TextBox1
AddHandler obj.TextChanged, AddressOf text_changed_event
I have to use this structure, because in a FOR loop I use some different UserControls as


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Addhandler For Unknown Object

Jul 16, 2010

The addhandler function works this way: AddHandler Button1.Clicked, AddressOf Button1_Clicked, However, I have an unknown object: Dim o as Object, But I can't add handler for this object AddHandler o.SomeEvent, AddressOf SomeFunction, How do I add handler for unknown objects as stated above?

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Object Array Throwing An Exception

Feb 24, 2012

I am getting an exception when running the following code.

Public Function getSongs() As Song()
' Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(Application.ExecutablePath)
Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(directory)


I get an uncaught exception that says:

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

The song object has a:

Public Sub new(By Val filename as String)

... sub that sets a variable and retrieves file info (this code works)

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Get Object Text From Sub That Is Attached Via AddHandler?

Dec 19, 2010

I read from a text file to see what I need to add to my MenuStrip. Each line in the text file is a new item. When I read I add the new item's OnClick event using AddHandler to get its text when it's clicked. Here are my two subs[code]....

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Silverlight VB AddHandler To Dynamic Object?

Dec 16, 2011

We are migrating an application from C# to VB to meet our project's needs but stumbled upon a problem with event handling in VB.

The application uses a COM Wrapper access a scanner in Silverlight. The object is created dynamically in the code, and an event is added to "AcquirePage". This requires elevated trust of course.

Code in C#:

dynamic TwainSession;
TwainSession.AcquirePage += new AcquirePageDelegate(AcquirePageEventHandler);

As the only real "equivalent" of dynamic in VB is Object, we use:

Private TwainSession As Object

Everything is fine up to the point we want to handle an event of this Object. Because we are in Silverlight, we cannot have knowledge of the Object's structure or events, hence the need to create it dynamically. In C# we simply use "+=" to add a handler to an event but:

AddHandler TwainSession.AcquirePage, AddressOf AcquirePageEventHandler

In VB gives: 'AcquirePage' is not an event of 'Object'

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VS 2008 AddHandler To Dynamic Object?

Jun 3, 2009

I have some code to create dynamic serial port objects, now Im trying to add an event handler to the object so I can capture the dataReceived event. But the vb designer is saying ".datareceived" is not en event of 'object' in this case serialports(dComPortNum)

Public serialports(5) As Object
serialports(dComPortNum) = New SerialPort


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Object Arrary Throwing Error On Element Type On ReDim

Mar 23, 2012

I have been trying to assign value to an object array that is defined as follows.Dim englishTextAry As Object(,) = New Object(,) {}I am looping through a dataReader and trying to assign the values to this array with the following code.[code]But the ReDim is throwing an error on dataVal not being an Integer.What am I doing wrong here? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Cast A Reference To An Object To A Reference To An Object Of The Same Class?

Mar 17, 2012

The book "Beginning ASP .NET 4 in VB 2010" contains the following:NOTE: TaxableProduct inherits from Product.You can also cast in the reverse directionfor example, cast a Productreference to a TaxableProduct reference. The trick here is that this

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Object Reference Error "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object"?

Aug 26, 2011

I have this bit of code

Private Sub SpellChkMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SpellChkMenuItem.Click
Dim activeRichTextBox = TryCast(Me.ActiveControl, RichTextBox)

When I am in the rtb and click on spell check button it tells me the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." On this line

SpellChecker.Text = activeRichTextBox.Text

But it is suppose to be getting the focused rtb correct? So why is it not referenced

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Reference Application.ThreadException In Application To Make An Addhandler?

Mar 22, 2011

I have been trying to reference Application.ThreadException in my application to make an addhandler, but I also am using imports growl.connector which has a growl.connector.application method. When I create my addhandler:AddHandler Application.ThreadException, AddressOf ThreadExceptionHandler

And I get "ThreadExecption is not an event of 'growl.connector.application'"

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Error, "Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Nov 28, 2010

I am receiving this error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference on the code I've
bolded within the code body. Here is my code:


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VS 2008 - Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

May 8, 2010

I get this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.When i compile on the following code section:

Private Sub statusBarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Not ToolStripMenuItem.Checked
statusStrip1.Visible = ToolStripMenuItem.Checked

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VS2010 : Error: Reference To A Non-Shared Member Requires A Object Reference

Jun 20, 2011

when I do something like this: Process.Start [URL] it says that error only on Form2 not Form1.

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Error 'Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference'

Jul 23, 2009

Error 'Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference'?I want to know what a non-shared member is.

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Error - Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Dec 7, 2010

I am opening frmB (variable for FormB - the actual form) from frmA. From btn1 I open frmB like this:

frmB = New FormB()

From btn2 (frmB is already open) I bring frmB to the front from behind frmA:


No problem so far. Now I need to pass an arg to frmB. This is where I am having the problem.

from btn1 (in frmA) I do this:

frmB = New FormB(myArg) '--pass myArg to constructor of FormB -- no problem here

then from btn2 -- this is where I have the problem


I tried placing myArg in FormB.Show(myArg) but that did not fix the problem. What is the correct way to pass myArg to FormB (frmB) in this scenario? Do I need to share FormB or frmB? How do I do this? "frmB" is frmA level variable.

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Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Sep 22, 2009

why i am getting an "reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference" error on format.Yesterday gets the previous days date and presents it in a yyyyMMdd format.vsettlementDates takes the "Yesterday value and requests data from it.

Dim Yesterday As String = format(Today.AddDays(-1), "yyyyMMdd")
Dim vSettlementDates As String = (Yesterday)

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Error Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Apr 27, 2011

I am getting the following error:

Error 1 Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. (on WindowsIdentity.Groups)

Here's my code from that uses the WindowsIdentity.Groups property to display the identity references for the groups the current user belongs to. This code is part of a larger example provided for the WindowsIdentity class.

Public ReadOnly Property Groups As IdentityReferenceCollection
Dim irc As IdentityReferenceCollection


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Error Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference?

Dec 13, 2009

" GridView1.datasource = _MyUsers.Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." error. WHat's wrong with this code

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Error: Reference To A Non Shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Jul 22, 2011

I have the following code below, how the line where it says : For Each c As councillor In councillorList i get the error: reference to a non shared member requires an object reference. Can someone please advise where i am going wrong? [Code]

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Error:Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Apr 6, 2012

Alright, so im getting this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.This is the bit of code the error is pointing to:My.Settings.Bookmarks.Add(WebBrowser.Url.ToString)Why is it giving me this error?Its saying WebBrowser.Url is the problem.

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Errors Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Aug 23, 2011

im sure it is something really simple. Im by no means comfortable with VB. The below code is not mine but i have altered it for my needs. However im getting a couple of errors.

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. I have underlined the errors in the code and they all refer to the above description


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IDE :: Error: Reference To A Non Shared Member Which Requires An Object Reference

Sep 1, 2009

Im trying to create a login page which accesses a mysql database I keep getting this error: reference to a non shared member requires an object reference


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Shortcut - Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference .net?

Dec 29, 2009

How do I fix the following error: Error 1: "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference."

On Line:
shortCut = CType(WshShell.CreateShortcut(creationDir & "" & shortcutName &
".lnk"), IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut)

Here's my full code sample (if needed for context):


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VS 2005 Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference?

Jan 25, 2010

I am getting the following error when I call another form from Form1 and fill out the text boxes and Press Ok button. For some reason I cannot access the datatable (dt) from Form1. It gives me the following error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference


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VS 2005 Reference To A Non-shared Member Requries An Object Reference?

Feb 8, 2010

what is the matter with this

Public Sub showdataset()
For Each dt As DataTable In dsEvents.Tables
Response.Write("<table border='1'>" & vbCrLf)


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VS 2008 Reference To A Non Shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Jul 7, 2009


I am using this exact code on another form in the same project without an issue, just with a different data source. Any ideas?

EDIT: Never mind, seems like it was a stupid naming scheme and VS was adding a bindingsource with a different name than I wanted.

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