- Auto Suggested Text Box With Concatenated String With LINQ To SQL

Dec 8, 2009

I'm creating a text box with auto-suggested. So, it works well. It suggests only first name, but I want it to suggest the full name (first and last name which two different columns). Take a look at the following code behind that worked as expected :


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Linq - Create A Concatenated String From A List Of Objects In 3.5?

Apr 27, 2012

I figure I should use 'Aggregate' but apparently I am getting it wrong First I get a list of my Entity objects Dim employers As List(Of myEntity) = (New XXXX()).getZZZ(userName, userType) Then I figured this would be a way to put all the names in a string Dim names as String = employers.Aggregate(Function(current, [next]) current.Name & " " & [next].Name)


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Traverse A Concatenated String?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a concatenated string like...

str= 1010,5050,6079

And want to separate the string In Javascript I can do

string = Srt.split(","):

and the result...


Is there a way to do this in VB.NET?

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Output Name Using String Manipulation / Concatenated

Aug 15, 2011

I'm suppose to end up with a label box with my name spelled out in it using string manipulation. This is suppose to happen using the concatenated string to output the name into the label box. I don't have any error codes but I also don't have my name in the label either. [code] "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. [code]

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Saving A Concatenated String For Next Startup?

Feb 21, 2011

For my application, there is a login form in which users have the option for it to "save the login information" Kind of like MSN or other websites in which you go to a login page an the information is filled out. On my login form, I am using this code for my checkbox which is to "save login info"

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.Click
Dim s As New System.Text.StringBuilder


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VS 2010 Parsing Concatenated String?

Jun 25, 2011

I am writing a tool that logs stats for a first person shooter game. The game writes its information (including who killed who with which weapon) to a log file, which I read every so many seconds and parse so that I can write that information to a database.I am now having trouble parsing the weapon out of that string of information.

Some additional information is required: a weapon in this game can contain attachments (such as a scope, a grenade launcher, etc). Weapons can have either 1 or 2 attachments. Some weapons however cannot have any attachments at all.

Each log file entry that describes a kill contains a code that describes the weapon that was used. This code is a concatenation of either 3 or 4 parts:

where <weapon> is a code that describes a weapon and <attachment> is another code describing the attachment.This should be easy to parse by just splitting along the underscore characters, but there's a few catches:

1. Some attachments are able to kill players as well. Specifically: grenade launchers, flame throwers and underbarrel shotguns. In this case, the attachment is listed before the weapon:

<attachment>_<weapon>_mp Note also that in this case there is always only 1 attachment.

2. The biggest catch: some weapon names have an underscore in them (some even have 3 underscores)! So simply splitting along the underscore won't work in all cases; if the weapon name contains an underscore I'm splitting the name of the weapon..This makes the list of possible combinations a lot longer. The ones I can think of (I think these are all):


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Forms :: Create Concatenated String As Name For New Textbox?

Jul 13, 2010

I am trying to programatically create textboxes in my app. I need to do this:

dim textbox(x) as new textbox

x needs to loop 1 thru 10 but I can't get VB to accept my coding.

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.net - Dictionary Access: Composite Key Vs Concatenated String Index?

Jan 31, 2012

I have a dictionary that I want to access with a key that is the combination of a string (AcctNum) and a date (BalDate).It seems to me the simplest approach is to create the key by simply converting the date to a string and concatenating:MyKey = BalDate.ToString & "|" & AcctNum

I know I also have the option of creating a composite key by writing a separate class and overriding GetHashCode() and Equals() a la this solution. To me, the concatenated string is a simpler, if somewhat less elegant, solution. Am I missing some compelling reason why I should go with the composite key class approach?

This lookup is the crux of the project I am working on, so performance is my main objective (with readability a close second).

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VS 2010 Sort The Values Of A Listbox With Dates And Concatenated Text?

Apr 2, 2011

I need to sort the values of my listbox to have the latest date on top plus some text. here is the code I'm using:


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Rename Using Suggested Var Name With Resharper

Apr 26, 2011

I'm Using resharper 6 nighty builds and I've a big medium project with multiple files that don't follow the code style conventions of my company.I've configured resharper with my own convenctions and It suggest to me the right name for each variable (perfect!).But I can't find any automagic way to make the current name to be replaced with the suggested name.

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Make The Current Name To Be Replaced With The Suggested Name?

Jul 5, 2009

I'm Using resharper 6 nighty builds and I've a big medium project with multiple files that don't follow the code style conventions of my company.I've configured resharper with my own convenctions and It suggest to me the right name for each variable (perfect!).But I can't find any automagic way to make the current name to be replaced with the suggested name.

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Application Config Suggested Ways Pro And Cons

Apr 6, 2012

I have a general question on app.config, or the best way to NOT hard code a SmtpServer.Host = XXXXXXXX setting. I wrote this very simple SMTP texting application and wanted to have the settings not hard code but a form that read or writes to app.config or .ini or registry. my question is the pros and cons? and if anyone hae suggested or a link to sample project that is doing what I'm after. I have a single .exe and am new to and either want the exe to check for app.config, ini or registry if does not exist to create and then save added config, if the exe runs again it uses the newly created settings.

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Introductions And Suggested Reading For 'I Know Enough To Be Dangerous'- Types

Apr 28, 2010

Ive created a few in-house applications using Access, such as an IT Ticket tracking database and a database to store legal case logs, but finally found a project that I knew would completely out-grow Access and Im trying to incorporate my previous knowledge in to Visual Basic/Visual Studio.That being said, do any of you have any suggestions for intermediate-level reading material or tutorials, especially on how SQL Server and Visual Studio mix together? I've picked up a copy of Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2005 in 24 Hours, which isn't too bad but I've had to skip around quite a bit because I'm already pretty familiar with the interface, I just need some more assistance with the code. I've also purchased Murach's Visual Basic 2008, but I haven't cracked that one open yet.At any rate, I look forward to talking with you all.

View 1 Replies - LINQ To Objects Auto-increment Number?

Feb 25, 2009

This feels like a completely basic question, but, for the life of me, I can't seem to work out an elegant solution.

Basically, I am doing a LINQ query creating a new object from the query. In the new object, I want to generate a auto-incremented number to allow me to keep a selection order for later use (named Iter in my example).

Here is my current solution that does what I need:

Dim query2 = From x As DictionaryEntry In MasterCalendarInstance _
Order By x.Key _
Select New With {.CalendarId = x.Key, .Iter = 0}


Is there a way to do this within the context of the LINQ query (so that I don't have to loop the collection after the query)?

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Optimize LINQ Query For Use With JQuery Auto-complete?

May 20, 2010

I'm working on building an HTTPHandler that will serve up plain text for use with jQuery Autocomplete. I have it working now except for when I insert the first bit of text it does not take me to the right portion of the alphabet.[code]...

My question is, how would I implement this concept into my HTTPHandler without doing a fresh SQLQuery on every character change? IE: I do the SQL Query on the QueryString("ID"), and then on every subsequent load of the same ID, we just filter down the "Part".[url]...

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C# - Does LINQ To SQL Auto-update The LOCAL/CLIENT Id Column After A SubmitChanges Call?

Jan 18, 2010

just want to know if linq to sql auto updated the id column of a class (table row object) after SubmitChanges is called inserting a new row to that table, that would be fantastic, would anyone be able to confirm this?

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How To Make The Text In A Text Box Into A Text File That Auto-creates In A Specific

Jan 24, 2011

make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?

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Make The Text In A Text Box Into A Text File That Auto-creates In A Specific?

Aug 15, 2011

make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?

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Binding Combobox With Concatenated Values?

Jun 3, 2011

My code is:

sqlsub = "SELECT distinct field1, field2"
sqlsub += " FROM tbl I
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim lsdataset As New DataSet


My prob is how should I bind the combo with field1+"("+ thpr+ ")" thpr is the string i get from function by passing field value 2 from query my combobox should be displayed as field1 + (thpr).

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Concatenated Value Has To Be Assigned To Variable AlphaStr?

Aug 6, 2009

Following code sample should concatenate the value. Concatenated value has to be assigned to variable AlphaStr. But result is always null in the variable AlphaStr.


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VS 2005 Display The Concatenated Records In Combobox?

Jun 2, 2011

How do I display the concatenated records in my combobox? I have the following codes

Private Sub frmAssignSubjects_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If cnn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then cnn.Open()
If rdoHS.Checked = True Then


What should I put in the DisplayMember and ValueMember? If I will not concatenation, I just use "LastName" and "IDNO" in my DisplayMember and ValueMember respectively then records get to display in my combo.

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Distinct Values - If Sample Column Value Is The Same - Want All Comments Value To Be Concatenated

Jan 31, 2011


sample comment1

sample comment2


if sample column value is the same, i want all comments value to be concatenated

do while



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Auto-tab To The Next Text Box After Limit Of Characters Has Been Reached In A Text Box In VB 2010?

Apr 14, 2012

I am trying to auto tab to the next text box after my limit of characters has been reached in a text box. Visual Basic 2010 Can this be set in the properties? I have 7 boxes, each allowed to hold only one character.

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Auto-incrementing A String In VB 6?

Jan 27, 2011

i'm doing this for auto incrementing i called the last value in a row from a database for say, its p-0004 what i wanna do is take p-0004 and add 1 into it to make it p-0005 sorry for my stupidity, i tried using the trim method i used in vb 6 but there was an error like "read only property" something

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Auto-incrementing A String?

Aug 16, 2011

i'm doing this for auto incrementingi called the last value in a row from a databasefor say, its p-0004what i wanna do is take p-0004 and add 1 into it to make it p-0005sorry for my stupidity, i know this is a noobie question but hey, i'm a noob

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VS 2008 Parse Text For Fields - Get A String List Of All Values Within [] In A String Of Text?

Oct 18, 2010

What would be the fasted method of get a string list of all values within [] in a string of text? For example: [client_name], are you are doing today? My name is [my_name]. The list of strings would be:


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Create A String Auto-Increment

Dec 13, 2010

How to create a string auto Increment like this

For Example.



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VS 2005 Is There A Way To It Does Not Auto Pad To Full String Length

Nov 26, 2010

I have a project which has a table with a list of stores. Originally the store code was a string of 3 and was padded so 1 would be 001 etc. I have had to increase this column to 8. The problem is when I read in data from a XML file the store code is padded so it looks like this '500 ' rather than '500'. This is now causing a major problem when I do a comparison.Is there a way to it does not auto pad to the full string length?

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Auto-Correcting Date Format STRING 'dd/MM/yyyy'

May 3, 2012

I am manipulating xml with lots of date of birth. XMLs are already loaded onto datatable. The format we need is "dd/MM/yyyy" The dates are messy such as "dd-MM-yyyy" or "dd.MM.yyyy" so I am thinking to write a function that will auto correct on a set of predefined separators to a correct format. so I am thinking to do something like this but of course, this won't just work.i cannot use replace to replace an array. If i can just do that, everything would be fine. Hope someone can point out a way around. [code]

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Preventing Auto-selection - Select A Portion Of A String From A RichTextBox

Apr 2, 2010

I have a problem when I select a portion of a string from a RichTextBox. For instance, if I have the following string: (23*6)+5 and I want to select (23*6) the "+" is also selected. I have search for a means to correct this problem, but I have not been able to find a solution.

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