- Checkbox Within A Datagrid, Findcontrol?

Nov 5, 2009

I am limited to using ASP .NET 1.1, as for this environment I cannot upgrade to 2.0 or beyond Essentially, I have a very simple datagrid that has a checkbox in one of the columns, which is a template column...the code for the datagrid is this:

<asp:datagrid id="dgDates" OnItemCommand="gridEventHandler" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="3" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" HorizontalAlign="Left" AllowSorting="True"
OnSortCommand="SortData" OnItemDataBound="gridItemDataBound">


Now, my issue is that when I set cbStaticRolling to the CheckBox control through FindControl on the e argument, it seems to set the variable okay, but doesn't seem to be setting the right one, or setting it properly, because "Checked" property is false regardless of whether I check the box or not?

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.net - Datagrid Update Checkbox IsChecked On DataGrid.Refresh()?

Mar 20, 2012

I have a datagrid who's ItemsSource is a strongly typed IEnumerable object In this datagrid, I have a checkbox column, a price column, a part name column, and a 'total selling for' column. On checking the checkbox I need to update the total selling for column with the value in the price column. This part I have working, however, how can I get the checkbox to remain checked when this happens?

Private Sub UpdateSellFor(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
Dim _CB As CheckBox = DirectCast(sender, CheckBox)
Dim _ID As Integer = _CB.Tag
Dim _PP = DirectCast(DG_PartsToSelect.CurrentItem, PartTyping).PartPrice


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Datagrid Checkbox - Print Row That Are Not Checked In Datagrid?

Mar 2, 2011

I am printing a files that are shown in datagrid.. But I want to choose a file that I don't want to print by checking the checkbox that I added in datagrid..

I have here the code for printing.. Anyone can edit my code that will print those file that is not checked.


Dim sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dummydisconnectionorder"


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Datagrid With A Checkbox?

Feb 27, 2009

I am working with See the code below; I have the following problem - when I click the checkbox (Cells(3)) the value remains 0.00 in Cells(4) unless I click another checkbox is when Cell(4) gets populated with the value from Cells (5).

What I want it to do is when cells(3) is checked, Cells(4) should be populated instantly with the value from Cells(5). Rather than still show 0.00 until another checkbox is clicked. I think th eproblem is in the eventhandler as highlighted


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Using Datagrid With A Checkbox?

Jan 24, 2007

I am working with See the code below;I have the following problem - when I click the checkbox (Cells(3)) the value remains 0.00 in Cells(4) unless I click another checkbox is when Cell(4) gets populated with the value from Cells (5). What I want it to do is when cells(3) is checked, Cells(4) should be populated instantly with the value from Cells(5). Rather than still show 0.00 until another checkbox is clicked. I think th eproblem is in the eventhandler as highlighted

Private Sub Dgvoneoff_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles Dgvoneoff.CellValueChanged
Dim irow As Integer


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Checkbox In Datagrid Not Able To Be Checked

May 17, 2011

I have the following code:


and when a user clicks on cell4, it's supposed to add the value of "Holiday" to my database and all of the data from that line. What's happening is that I can't even click on the checkbox.

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Checkbox In Datagrid Not Able To Be Checked?

May 17, 2011

I have the following Private Sub holidaysaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles holidaysaveButton.Click For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


and when a user clicks on cell4, it's supposed to add the value of "Holiday" to my database and all of the data from that line. What's happening is that I can't even click on the checkbox.

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Checkbox In Datagrid View?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a datagridview that is connected to a table from my database. It displays all the records from that table. The question is this, how can i put a checkbox column on my datagrid for me to be able to delete multiple records from my database? I am using visual basic .net 2005.

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Checkbox Within A Datagrid View?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a tbl called tblProjectpatients which also has 2 fields Yes and No (these have the data type - Bit).

These two fields have been populated with false and true values.

On my form, I have a datagridview which is populated with various values from tblProjectpatients.

The problem am facing is that the checkbox's for Yes and No on the datagridview are empty at runtime eventhough at the backend they have either False or True values.

I am expecting the checkbox showing on the datagridview to be either checked or Not Checked depending on the True or false values.

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Datagrid Checkbox Column .net?

Jun 5, 2011

i want to ask about the check/uncheck the checkbox in a column in datagrid.if all row in the checkbox column is not selected, what is the code is.because i want the msgbox appear if the user not check any row.

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Datagrid Checkbox Processing?

May 25, 2009

I haven't seen a related thread (yet)I have a VB windows application that uses a datagrid to display a text column and a checkbox column. Only one row in the display can have a checkbox entry = true. If a checkbox is selected, the app is to search the rows and all other checkbox entries are to be set to false.My event handler is: Private Sub dgMember_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As ystem.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgMember.CellValueChangedI first had to have this handler code check a flag and exit if true (when initializing the display) because it was called for each row during initialization.

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Get Values From Db According To Checkbox To Datagrid

Aug 17, 2010

I created 10 checkboxs dynamically. I am using DataGridView. According to Checkbox Checked the corresponding data will display in the Datagridview. How can i connect checkbox to DataGridview. Example: Assume Each Checkbox have one subject. like English,Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Arts..... If i click English Checkbox then Corresponding Students list will show in the datagrid. when i checked Maths , corresponding students list will show in the Datagridview. How can build the code to develop this???

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Hide A Row In The Datagrid If The Checkbox =value Of 0?

Jun 15, 2010

For i
Integer = 0
To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1


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VS 2005 Checkbox Value & Datagrid?

May 16, 2010

Interesting problem. I have a datagrid with several columns which are bound to an Access database. Here's the situation...I'm concerned with the 3rd column.This is what I'd like to happen... when the 3rd column(is a checkbox) is checked then column 4(TIME_USER) would be populated with the current time

Basically, this application is meant to keep track of tasks that the user has to do at a certain time of the day. When the user checks the checkbox it would record the time in the database for that task as to when they did it. I found some code from a forum that i changed to fit my needs, but it's not working.


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Windows - Get Value Of Checkbox In Datagrid

Jun 12, 2010

I am working with windows application. I have a datagrid in Its first column is a checkbox. I want to know which checkboxes are checked and which are not. My code is :


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Add An Unbound Checkbox To A Datagrid In .net 2003?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm writing an Windows Form Application and need to add an unbound checkbox to a datagrid.The datagrid displays the fields of an Access 2007 table and I need the checkbox to give the user the option to select/deselect any of the records shown in the datagrid. After the user clicks on a button, the application must read the whole datagrid to detect what records were chosen by the user and process each one accordingly.I tried using TableStyles but as this new column is not part of the database, it won't work.

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Checkbox In Datagrid A Field In Sql Table?

Mar 18, 2011

I am using a VB.Net form in which I have a table of sql. In it is a boolean field.

I want to show this field in a form as checked if that field value is true and if false then it should not be checked. Is this is possible?

If possible please help me with the code which I have to type to make that column in the datagrid view to checked or not.

I have created the sql inside using add new item and then a database.

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Datagrid Checkbox Range Select?

Feb 24, 2009

I have a datagrid, with an unbound checkbox column. How can I get a range select use shift and ctrl keys that will check the checkbox?The moment you check a box, it selects only that row, so the rows selected are down to just the row you clicked on. I've been playing with several events and settings and I can't seem to get it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?When your problem is solved, add (RESOLVED) to the end of your topic. This will save the guru's time and be able to solve more problems. Remove the question mark icon as well.

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Get Row Index Of A Datagrid Row Based On Checkbox Value?

Sep 5, 2011

Does any on know how to find the index of a row in a data grid based on Checkbox = true. ?I may have several check rows and need the index to update an insert query that updates anther table.

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Slow Performance With Checkbox Datagrid?

Apr 21, 2011

I've got a DataGridView control that is bound to a datatable. The first cell of each row in the DataGrid is a checkbox. When the screen loads all of the checkboxes are unchecked by default. I have a "Select All" button to check all of the boxes. This is performing very slowly when I have a large number of rows in the grid. If I have 1,000 rows it takes over 30 seconds for them all to be checked. When I had 5,000 rows I gave up after 5+ minutes with no result. To check all of the boxes I am looping through each row of the datatable and setting the first item to True:


Since that yielded such slow results I changed the logic to loop through each row of the datagrid and set the cell to True but that took three times as long.
Is there a way to quickly "check all" on a large set of data?

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Using A Checkbox Outside Of A Datagrid To Affect Its Contents?

May 21, 2012

I am using a Checkbox outside of a datagrid. When i select the check box autopostback is true, and this would then show the image, but i cant access the images within the datagrid with that script. If i use a seperate image outside of the datagrid the script works. How can i get this script to work finding when the checkbox out side of the datagrid is checked to then show the image within the datagrid?

The script i am using is
<script runat="server">
Sub Check(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)


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VS 2010 : Adding A Checkbox To Datagrid?

Mar 25, 2012

objdataAdapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand()
objdataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection = objconnection
objdataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "Select SerialNumber, EmailAddress, Results FROM Email WHERE SerialNumber='" & txtCriteria.Text & "'"


What I want to do is for every row of data in the datagridview, i want to add a column for checkbox. The checkbox will be enabled or disabled based on the value found in the field results. The first time I am pressing the button, it works fine. But the second time i query, it keeps adding another checkbox to the same row. Even for the nth time. Everytime i press the button, a checkbox is added. I just want one checkbox every time i query the dataset.

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Adding Checkbox Control In Datagrid At First Column?

Sep 29, 2009

I am assigning a 'ds' dataset to datagrid.In addition to that I want to add new column with check boxes.That new column will be first column of datagrid. Currently I am using below code,

DataGrid1.DataSource = dsResult.Tables("Result")

Result table has 4 addtion to that i want to column "Selection" with check boxes

View 1 Replies - Checkbox Within Datagrid Retaining Checked Value On Postback?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a project in VB.NET which is working fine which essentially has a Datagrid that has a TemplateColumn included which is a column of Checkboxes. The code to declare the datagrid is here...

<asp:datagrid id="dgDates" OnItemCommand="gridEventHandler" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="3" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" HorizontalAlign="Left" AllowSorting="True"


everything you see sbove is working perfectly the sense that when I click one of the checkboxes, the page_load fires, the gridItemDataBound fires on DataBind() and when all is done, the checkbox retains the value that the user clicked the checkbox.

With all this exact same code converted to C#....the events all fire in the same order, but the checkbox selected value always clears...

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Delete Record From Datagrid Using Checkbox In Program?

Aug 27, 2011

How can i delete record from datagrid in using checkbox i.e when i click on checkbox it should display conformation message.

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Insert A Checkbox With The Data From The Database In A Datagrid?

Mar 5, 2009

How do you insert a checkbox with the data from the database in a datagrid?

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Make Datagrid Noneditable Except Checkbox Column

Oct 2, 2011

i have a datagridview with checkbox column including some others columns,my problem is that i want to make the datagrid noneditable except checkbox do accomplish this task? my second question is that i have roll no column in datagridview.i m able to generate roll no through looping but unable to save them to database.

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Put A Checkbox In A Datagrid Use For ToDo-List Application?

Mar 7, 2009

Anyone knows how to put a checkbox with the data in a datagrid? I am displaying a data from a database to the datagrid. But I need to place a checkbox for every data because it is use for my ToDoList Application.

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VB 2008 Coding Datagrid Checkbox Column?

Mar 11, 2010

logic on coding a checkbox column on a Datagrid on a Windows Form. What I want the Datagrid to do, is once the checkbox is checked on the Datagrid, to enable several other columns also on the Datagrid. I think I almost have it, but I cannot figure out how to id the checkbox.

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[2005] Add A CheckBox Column To DataGrid And Set The Check Box

May 21, 2007

How do I add a CheckBox Column to my DataGrid and set the Check box in a way that Depending on the value returned in my row, it is either Checked or not checked?

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