- Getting User's Display Name From WindowsIdentity?

May 19, 2009

I'm in a ASP.NET application using Windows Authentication.I'm using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get the username of the currently authenticated user, which gets me a username in the format DOMAINUSERNAME. This is working fine.Is there an easy way to convert this to a display name (e.g. "Richard Gadsden") like the one that appears on the top of my start menu in XP?If I have to, I guess I can go through System.DirectoryServices and query into ADSI, but surely there's an easier way?

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Get The WindowsIdentity Object For Logged-on User In An Application Running As Another User?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm running an application under an account that is not the account logged-on to the PC.

Within the application I need check if the logged-on user is a member of the Administrators group. Below is the code I'm using. From what I've read, WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() should return an object associated with the logged-on user. It doesn't, it returns the same information as the call to System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal. Which is the information associated to the ID running the application, not the logged-on user.


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Use WindowsIdentity.Impersonate To Get The User's Login Rather Than The ASPNET Account

Oct 20, 2009

I have a web-app that will reside on a production server where I want to get the user's logged in computer name, circa DOMAINNAME/USERNAME Many people have told me that I must use Impersonation/Delegation in order to get this, but no details beyond that have been provided. Originally, my tests used:


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WindowsPrincipal WindowsIdentity Error

Aug 26, 2010

I am using WindowsIdentity and WindowsPrincipal classes. Using IsInRole(String parameter) method returns with an error : "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed."

The code works fine in different domain. I just copied the project and run in my machine, it results in error.

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Unable To Use IntPtr (WindowsIdentity Token) As Input Param On WebMethod (ASMX Web Service)?

Jun 26, 2009

We're in a strange situation with a legacy winforms VB.NET 1.1 application using ASMX web services. Trying to send a user Token from a WindowsIdentity object as a parameter to a WebMethod. I will be adding a 'HACK: comment. System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Token

The token is of type IntPtr, the first problem is the WSDL being generated doesn't support IntPtr with the error of 'unsupported type'I'm aware this is a big WTF question and sounds insecure, so any simple helpful alternatives are welcome but there are a lot of constraints on how we can change this system, including complications with the hosting environment. So I would just like to get our piece of data over to the web service to save a lot of other headaches.


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Cannot Get The Group "comment" With WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups(0)

Mar 28, 2012

I am converting VC++ to VB.NET and I cannot find a way to get the group "comment" in .NET. I can get the list of groups which the user belongs to with:

However the group "comment" does not seem available. The VC++ uses Win32 NetGroupGetInfo() to get the info.

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User Control And Panel - TargetPnl To Display User Control Named Vviewer When Click SearchBtn?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application going here Form1 has a panel on it named TargetPnl. I need my TargetPnl to display my user control named Vviewer when I click my SearchBtn and also need it to disappear when I click another button.

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Display User's Name In Email

Aug 9, 2011

I want to display the User's name in email. I have successfully sent an email to a mail id and now i want along with mail id i want to display user's name also.[code]

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Need To Display Instructions To User

Jan 22, 2010

I used the TextBox to display "text instructions" for user but at run time I noticed that the text in TextBox is modifyable.Most of the time the text comes highlighted also.The instructions are a few lines per page so the label is not a good idea.

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Tell If User Display Is One Or More Screens?

Sep 20, 2011

Private Sub Resizescreen()
Width = Screen.AllScreens.First.WorkingArea.Width
Width *= 2


I am using this to size the screen to two, but not sure how to be able to tell if it is a multi monitor display.

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Display The Current User Logged In ?

Aug 15, 2011

i have a problem with my one form i have 2 textboxes in one i have displayed the serial the second i want display the current user logged on can i display the current user logged in ????? the code for the serial number is :[code].....

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Display A Message To The User If Certain Criteria Is Not Met?

Oct 14, 2011

I want to display a message to the user if certain criteria is not met. Example of this would be - If "B" is equal to or less than "A", I want to display a message to the user.

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Display A User Control Through Reflection?

Jun 22, 2009

I would like the main UI to load the custom UI Control which is specific to a particular client. Since every client may have different requirements, I have decided to create snap-ins since the rest of the application remains the same. However, the UI may require specific information for that particular client.

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Display Multiples Of A User Input?

Dec 2, 2010

I need to display multiples of a user input ex user input = 1

etc through 10

I got it to display the last one, 1*10=10, but nothing else...I don't see what i'm doing wrong..


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Display User Defined Patterns?

Apr 20, 2009

This program would allow users to click a button and display three different types of patterns (shown below). The user could also enter the number of rows they wanted to display and a character that they wanted to use for the pattern (*, &, etc).[code]...

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Display VB User Control Property In VS IDE?

Feb 4, 2011

I built a VB ASP.NET 1.1 Web User Control that contains several properties. I want these properties to display in the VS2003 IDE Properties window, for easy manipulation. However, none of the properties appear! How do I make them show in the IDE?I am a C# guy, and not very familiar with VB, so this is probably a no-brainer. Here's a property, including attributes:

Private _priceHigh As String = "2000"
<Browsable(True), Category("SearchProperties"), Description("Foo"), DefaultValue("2000")> _
Public Property PriceHigh() As String


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How To Decrypt Base 64 And Display To User

Jun 26, 2011

Just need it so I can get a file from appdata and decrypt the base 64 and then display it to the user?

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How To Recognize Which Item To Display For Each User

Jan 29, 2012

I need to create a program, and now I want some advice from you, as I simply don't have so much experience to get round it.Firstly, I have issue with a checked list box. For example, there will be 5 items.I want each item to have a different value, because it will be a things people will be buying, and so when someone clicks on item1, the value I assigned to it will be output into a label, so user will know how much that item costs. I know how to output it, label1.text = CheckedList Box1.SelectedIndex but how do I set for example for item1 value of 5000, for item2 3500 and etc? Secondly, I will have a page for users, where they will see history of their bought items. But what's the best way to store the price they paid, item they bought and date? It should be able display for each user their own bought item history.I hope you understand what I meant, as I'm quite new in programming so It was a bit hard for me to express what exactly I want. If you didn't understand something, or need more information please ask me. I hope someone will be able to help me, as I really have a bit of a struggle with it. At first I wanted to use plain .txt file to store and output into textboxes, but it wouldn't be aligned, look nice and etc. Then I thought about database, but how to recognize which item to display for each user and etc.

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IDE :: Toolbox Still Does Not Display User Controls?

Nov 21, 2005

My project, which has 2 user controls in it- does not display the user controls in the toolbox. Has anyone else had this problem, and/or know of a solution?I have tried adding other user controls to the project, they do not appear in the toolbox.I have tried creating a new project, and it's user controls DO show up in the toolbox. If I add the user controls from the first project to the new project -THEY show up in the toolbox for that project.So it must be something tweaked out with the project right?

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Sql Display Only Specified User Records From Table?

Jul 31, 2011

I have a table called tbldebt which I am trying to use the binding navigator to display only records that match the curent username the following code works but displays all users records?

Dim dbConnection As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.loginConnectionString)
' create the data adapter


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Ask User To Input The Number Of Textboxes To Display

Feb 15, 2011

I was about to create a program about CPU Scheduling (SJF Nonpreemptive), Now, I want to ask the user to input the no. of processes ,then based from the user's input I would display exact no. of text boxes where the user could enter the value for each process then store it in an array. But I don't know how to code the text box., I'm new to and I'm used to it's 'drag and drop' nature. I just want to know how the code to output this text boxes. and is it possible to have an array of text boxes?

BtW I'm thinking of using 2 forms here


Form 2 for the output of TEXT BOXES

View 4 Replies - Display Message To User And Then Abandon Session?

Jan 11, 2012

I have added Two Factor Authentication to my Mobile ASP.Net Web App. When the user successfully enters their User Name and Password then a pin number is emailed to their email address which is stored in the database. The issue I am having is that after notifying the user that they don't have an email defined and then reload the login page but my code isn't notifying the user rather it is just reloading the Login.aspx page:


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Display A Message Box To Inform A User Of A Requirement?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to display a message box to inform a user of a requirement. In this case, the requirement is to insert a USB flash drive. This is easy enough:

MessageBox.Show(blah, blah, blah)

This message box will only have an OK button. What I need to happen is this:The OK button should not be available (enabled) until after the flash drive has had a chance to initialize. We will say this takes 2-4 seconds. So how to I keep the OK button disabled during this time and then enable after the time has passed?

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Display A Textbox But Not Allow The User To Edit The Content?

Mar 30, 2011

I want to be able to display a textbox but not allow the user to edit the content.

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Display All Even And Odd Integers Between 2 User Input Numbers?

Mar 23, 2009

using loop the program is supposed to accept 2 user inputed integers and display all even numbers between the two in one label and all odd numbers between in another label.

Private Sub displayButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayButton.Click
' displays the odd and even numbers between two integers
Dim intNum1 As Integer


I'm not exactly sure what this code is doing. When I put 1 in the first number and 10 in the second number, the odd label only shows 9 and the even label only shows 10. Another example is when I put 2 and 15, the odd label comes out as 15 and the even label is 14. I'm very new to VB and programming in general and have just started getting into loops and don't fully understand what the counter is or how the loop is supposed to work. I guess I'm having 2 problems. One is that I don't know how to make the program find the right numbers(my logic is off? or how I set up the loop isn't right?) and the other is the labels are showing only 1 number each instead of all the numbers in between on their own line.

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Display All User Accounts On A Listbox Using VB2010?

Jan 22, 2011

i just started using vb2010 and i am working on a project wherein i want to display all the computer user accounts on a list box

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Display Form When User Interaction Isn't Required

May 24, 2011

I've written a program using Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition in Visual Basic. It's a Windows Forms Application. The program is very simple, it just reads a directory of text files, parses the text and outputs another text file as .CSV file
for import into Excel. There's no user interaction required but it never displays the form and therefore the progress bar. If I put a GO button on the form and modify the program so that the subroutine that does the processing isn't called until the user clicks GO it shows the form and the progress bar etc. How can I make the program run at startup, show the form, show the progress bar and then pause for 10 seconds or so and then exit?

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Display PartialView When User Enters Text?

Sep 6, 2011

I've watch the videos on and I've looked online and have found nothing.

I have a search box on a site, that searches for recipes. Each recipe has a what you're making image, a title, and type(dessert, lunch, dinner).

All of these items are in a DataService, which I can query against and get a list of the items they are searching for.

Now I'm using VB's ASP.NET MVC3 w/ Razors for the site and I'm trying to get some auto completeness going on when the user enters text.

What should happen is when the user enter text, it will call an ActionResult in the Search Controller. Which queries the DataService and puts all the search results in a model. With that model I return a PartialView, results, with the Model included.[code]...

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Display The Tab When The User Click The Specific Button?

Oct 24, 2011

I am using tab control in my application, i need some info for using it as i want to display the tab when the user click the specific button

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Display User Info In A Listview Rather Than A Listbox?

Mar 20, 2010

im trying to edit a code so that i can display user info in a listview rather than a listbox because listview has some options i want to use , i have 2 errors one in Public Sub removeClient and one in Private Sub AddClientToListview i would be very greatful if some could give a helping hand to resolve these errors
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class form1


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