How To Recognize Which Item To Display For Each User

Jan 29, 2012

I need to create a program, and now I want some advice from you, as I simply don't have so much experience to get round it.Firstly, I have issue with a checked list box. For example, there will be 5 items.I want each item to have a different value, because it will be a things people will be buying, and so when someone clicks on item1, the value I assigned to it will be output into a label, so user will know how much that item costs. I know how to output it, label1.text = CheckedList Box1.SelectedIndex but how do I set for example for item1 value of 5000, for item2 3500 and etc? Secondly, I will have a page for users, where they will see history of their bought items. But what's the best way to store the price they paid, item they bought and date? It should be able display for each user their own bought item history.I hope you understand what I meant, as I'm quite new in programming so It was a bit hard for me to express what exactly I want. If you didn't understand something, or need more information please ask me. I hope someone will be able to help me, as I really have a bit of a struggle with it. At first I wanted to use plain .txt file to store and output into textboxes, but it wouldn't be aligned, look nice and etc. Then I thought about database, but how to recognize which item to display for each user and etc.

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ADVERTISEMENT - Visual Studio Does Not Recognize Dynamic User Control Class?

Jul 15, 2010

I have created a user control which is inside a folder called Controls and the class is a partial class which inherits from Web.UI.UserControl. Now from my page which is one level up I just try to access the method inside the usercontrol and so trying to cast it as the type of user control.

But I get build errors. It just cannot recognize that class. I get Type not defined error. But at times it has recognized the class. Dont know why it does that.

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Automatically Recognize And Handle Changes Of An Item In A "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection"

Feb 4, 2011

I wanted to create a custom control with a custom Item-Collection in it.(Similar to the ListView Items, but with other properties)I wrote a Class that holds properties of a single Item data (ClassItemData) and another class that "Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of ClassItemData)". The Collection class contains a public event (ItemCollectionChanged) which is raised when "ClearItems", "InsertItem", "RemoveItem" or "SetItem" is called. (I used "Overrides" on all these functions and added the Raise Event to them.) The event is handled in the custom control itself and causes the control to refresh/repaint itself. The collection class contains also "Default Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Int32) As ClassItemData" which returns the Item at the speciefic index.

The control refreshes itself when I place the control on a form and use code like: ControlName.Items.Add("TestItem") Unfortunately the control does not refresh itself when I use: ControlName.Items.Item(0).Visible = False The value of the Item itself has changed after this, but the control does know about the changes and does not refresh itself. If I do a manual repaint/refresh of the control, it looks all fine, but it does not work automatically. Does anyone know, what I have to add, so I can handle an event or something in the control when a property in the ItemData class has changed? How do I recognize changes in existing items and raise an event in the custom event?

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Click Event Procedure Should Display The Color Of The Item Whose Item Number Is Entered

Dec 13, 2009

the disply color buttons click even procedure shold display the color of the item whose item number is entered. all item numbers contail eactly five characters(12b12). my problem is i can not get it to disply a color in the lblcolor control. it displays the item number.


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VS 2008 - Code Error On Tax Calculating Program - User Enters The Item Name And Amount Of The Item Purchased

Feb 9, 2010

So i've to write this program whose purpose it this:

Purpose: The user enters the item name and amount of the item purchased. The program calculates the tax for the item and the final total, and then displays these values. Tax on all items will be 7.75%.

And so far i've this code but it's not working:

' Program: Cash Register
' Author: Nidhi Shah
' Date: February 2, 2010
' Purpose: The Cash Register Window application will
' computer the tax and the final cost of a
' purchased item.

Option Strict On

Public Class frmCashRegister
' Tax per item - used in multiple procedures
Const _cdecTaxPerItem As Decimal = 0.0775D


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C# - Set The Binding Of A Item Template Item To User Property?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a simple user control, which is essentially just an AutoCompleteBox with some custom logic.

For a specific instance (a collection of Persons), I want it to look like this:

<sdk:AutoCompleteBox Name="myACB" ItemsSource="{Binding People}" FilterMode="StartsWith" MinimumPrefixLength="2" ValueMemberBinding={Binding LastName}>


I want the DisplayMember property to be the property name to display for whatever kind of custom collection (persons, cars, etc) I have bound to the AutoCompleteBox.

I don't think I can modify the datatemplate programmatically. Is there a way I can do this with binding (relative source)?

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If Eval Compare Item 1 And Item 2 If Item 1 ="0" And Item 2 > "0.00" = Display Result

Jan 21, 2012

Is it possible to compare 2 dataitems and then display the result depending on the 2 values using if eval at run time?I have a ListView with databound controls. 1 is RedemptionChoice and the 2 is CashBack.When 1 reads "0" and 2 reads > 0.00 the output should read AUTO I have read many comments online and most point to create a new function within code behind but have found it impossible to implement on my own.I tried this as a test on the actual page:

<%# If(Eval("CashBackRedemptionChoice").Equals("0") & Eval("[CashBack]").Equals("0.00"), "Auto Cashback"))%>

2 needs to be greater than 0.00 for AUTO to be displayed. Hence I know this would not work. Just trying to give an example of what I would like.

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Reciept Printing - Form Which Consist - Item Code , Item Name , Item Price , Quantity Of Item

May 25, 2012

Regarding my college project. i'm working on a sales system . i have a form which consist of all the following information( item code , item name , item price , quantity of item ) which is display using a data grid . data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database(sales database) i'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box . and amount paid will be input in a text box too , my major problem now is how to i create a reciept that will have all this information of the purcase. i have a reciept button . what the next step ? i dont have any idea how to get the reciept done.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form5
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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Combo Box Item Display ?

Jun 5, 2011

When insert in the first char then it display the related item the combo box

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Listview Display Item?

Apr 14, 2009

My listview is pulling data from a database and has 2 columns... "Project Name" and "Project ID"I want to be able to double click on an item in the list and have the Project Name appear in textbox1 and Project ID to appear in textbox2... with the code I have I get something strange in the textboxes... "ColumnHeader: Text: ColumnHeader"

my code is:
Private Sub ListView1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.DoubleClick


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User Control And Panel - TargetPnl To Display User Control Named Vviewer When Click SearchBtn?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application going here Form1 has a panel on it named TargetPnl. I need my TargetPnl to display my user control named Vviewer when I click my SearchBtn and also need it to disappear when I click another button.

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Display Item From A Listbox In Msgbox?

Dec 12, 2011

I would like my code to search through a listbox looking for "QB". Once found display message then stop. Write now my code continues to search through the listbox after. How can i change the way that i am searching the listbox?[code]....

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Display The Selected Item In Other Form?

Feb 13, 2010

how to use datagrid, that when i clicked or double clicked a data shown in datagrid it will appear in a textbook.

i'm using this codes

Dim Col As Integer = 0 wIndex, Col))

but i don't know how to display the selected item in other form even i had declared a public variable in my module to use.

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Display The Text Of Each Item In The Listview?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a listview setup to act as my main GUI. Kind of like a copy of windows explorer. I'm trying to get it to open individual forms on the double click of each individual icon.

Here is what I have so far to display the text of each item in the listview. I'm not sure how to get it to do what I need though.

Private Sub MainListView_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MainListView.DoubleClick
Dim objDrawingPoint As Drawing.Point


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Listview List Item Display?

May 5, 2010

I'm trying to create a application that mimics windows explorer. I have a treeview and a listview. The problem I'm have is when I change from the initial "detail" view to "list" view the items in the list appear truncated. I have tried setting the column width property but it does nothing in "list" view.

I have a button that has the following code: Me.ListView_Documents.View = View.Details and Me.ListView_Documents.View = View.List

How can I display the full length of my items in a listview?

for example: If I have an item that had the following name: Actuator Review.doc in "detail" view the full name appears. but in "list" view the name appears as: Actuator Rev...

View 6 Replies

Pie Graph - Can't Get More Than One Item To Display In The Chart

Mar 5, 2012

I"m having a bit of trouble getting my pie graph to work. I'm not too sure if I should be posting here, but it's about vb so I thought it would sort of fit. I've used the chart control from the toolbox, and dragged one of those across to use. I can't get more than one item to display in the chart.


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VS 2008 : Listview - How To Display Item 4

May 3, 2011

How do you list for example item 4 in a listview that only got 1 column?

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Wpf Combobox Display 1st Item From List?

Aug 17, 2011

i have a combobox bound to an ObservableCollection:-

<ComboBox Name="combo" ItemsSource="{Binding Things}" SelectionChanged="ComboBox_SelectionChanged" >

in the code behind I have

Dim thingArray = New ObservableCollection(Of Things)
Me.combo.DataContext = Me.thingArray

Assume thingArray is initialized to 5 Thing objects and Thing has a toString() implementation. I want to display the first item Thing(0) by default on the ComboBox. How do i do that?

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ComboBox Filter - Only Certain Item Display On Click

Nov 23, 2011

I have two combo box in my program. One has the subteam for example if you click the 1st combo box, the items would be
What I want to happen is that if I chose A1 only the members of team A1 would appear in my combo box2. and by that, you need an sql statement.

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ComoboBox DropDown Select One Item And Display Another

Apr 17, 2011

I am not sure how I could achieve this: allow the user to select a value (string) from the dropdown list of a ComboBox and display another value in the editable text. The user can modify this displayed value as well. In VB6 I had a combobox where the list property contained a two dimensional array. When the user selected a value from the dropdown list, the displayed value was set using the second dimension of the array. Something like this:


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Data Display - Using Tab Controls With Textboxes For Each Item

Oct 29, 2011

I am building an inventory program. One of my forms shows the store info. It will also have a section that shows all the equipment we keep track of at that store. I am currently trying to set it up by using tab controls with textboxes for each item. The code seems ugly and sloppy and I just don't like the interface. I am looking for ideas on a better way to do this. I know I could use a datagridview, but there is lots of data and I don't think there would be enough room for it.

Here is the code I have so far.
Private Sub GetTabData(ByVal StoreNumber As String)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim DaAlrm As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection
[Code] .....

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Display A Listbox And Select Only One Item Using Radiobuttons?

Feb 25, 2009

I need to display a listbox, but i want to select only one item using radiobuttons. I was looking for info about checkedlistbox, and found some routines that deleselect one item if i check another, but i think is wrong the use of checkboxes (designed to multiple selections) to select one value. Radiobuttons are more suitable for this task, but i dont know how to put the radiobuttons inside a listbox (items are variable, i retrieve that list of items from a database, and populate in run-time).

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Display Corresponding Values From Selected ComboBox Item?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a form with a ComboBox, two labels named "Price" and 'Dealer Cost" respectively a NumericUpDown control and two buttons named "calculate Commission" and "Enter Another product" respectively.I want to be able to retrieve the corresponding Price and Dealer Cost from the local database and display them next to the labels when a product is selected from the ComboBox.[code]...

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Display Only One Item In A List Box If Multiple With The Same Name Exist?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a listbox populated from a column in a table. The data in the column contains some of the same data for etc. The word watch would be there 10 times but I only need it to show once.

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Display Selected Item From Listview To Textbox?

Jun 6, 2011

i have a project my next task is to display the item selected from my listview to the textbox in the other form heres my code on the listview

Public Class listemployee
Private Sub listemployee_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


the items in the listview should be display in the textboxes in the other form whenever i click select data

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Display Selected ListBox Item In PictureBox1

Jun 30, 2010

I'm making a program that can search for all .JPG files and display them in a ListBox. Now I want it to display the selected ListBox Item in the PictureBox1.I have tried many codes but none of them worked.The files in the listbox are listed like this: C:\Documents and Settings\My pictures\ Image01.JPG.

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Display The Selected ListBox Item In The PictureBox1?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm making a program that can search for all .JPG files and display them in a ListBox. Now I want it to display the selected ListBox Item in the PictureBox1.

The files in the listbox are listed like this :C:Documents and SettingsMy picturesImage01.JPG

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Display XPS Document Using A Selected Combobox Item?

Dec 26, 2011

I am very new to programming, I have developed my first application - an xps viewer. What I want to achieve is to be able to allow the user to select which document to open from a range of options that I have predefined in a combo box. I've searched all over the net and can't find an article that shows me how to do this. MSDN is bit too cryptic for me at this moment, so I get confused. PS> I think I'm using the FixedDocumentViewer (hope I wrote it right).

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ExpressEdition Does Not Display Categories In Add New Item Window

Aug 14, 2009

I can not use Inheritance Picker Dialog windows. Choosing Project in menu bar and then Add New Item, there is Templates frame only and Inherited Form is missing. Categories frame, which should be located on the left side, is missing as well. So i could not choose Windows Forms from Categories Frame on the left and Inherited Form from Templates on the right. Is it possible that Express Edition does not support Inheritance?

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ListBox - Display MessageBox If No Item Found?

Jan 6, 2010

How to make it where I highlight a item in a listbox, then press a button, and it goes to the next one down? Also, how do I make a If for if theres no item when it goes +1 then make it display a message box like "End of the list"?

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