- Proper Logic For Looping Through User Controls?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a dynamic webpage that loads a user control multiple times, including loading the user control within itself as many times as needed. Within the user control there are four controls: Title Label, Repeater, Placeholder and within Repeater a AjaxControlToolkit Rating control.

The structure can look like the following:

UserControl (repeater hidden, no data)
Placeholder - [UserControl]


how do I efficiently loop through this type of structure to find the rating controls?

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Looping Logic To Sort A Numerical Array

May 26, 2009

I have declared and array


I have created a SWAP function that does the swapping if the index value is greater than the index+1 value, with a loop that will iterate through the array (assuming that you dont have to specify how many iterations are required) until the array is sorted.

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Looping Controls / Migrating Among Controls In Control Array

Jun 19, 2009

i have created control array , now i wann to loop around as well wann to find which control has triggered the respective event my code :


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Logic To Correct An Incorrect User Input

Jul 30, 2009

I am looking for logic that converts an incorrect user input to a correct integer input. For example, a user might mistakenly type in letters within an integer input and the logic changes that input to the correct form(integer).

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Reloading User Entered Data At First Run Logic

Aug 20, 2011

Ok so I have designed a program to figure out commissions for phone sales at my company. Since the devices we sell and their associated prices change over time, I had to make that data within my program dynamic. I have a form within my program (frmprice) that has 160 textboxes - 80 for the devices and 80 for the associated prices. Now I hard coded the .text members with default values for our current stock of phones and prices.

I also added code so whenever that form with the phones and prices (frmprice) closes it saves any changes that have been made to either the phones or prices and when the form loads it overwrites the default data with any data that the user had entered at last run.

HERE is my logic problem. At the very first run the program is overwriting the default hard coded values with "" because no user data has ever been entered before. So when the form with the prices loads, it passes the user entered data from last run which is null because it has never run before. If I test to see if default value <> the user entered data before it executes the code to pass the user entered values it will always test to be true because the user entered data is null at first run. If I test to see if the default value is = to the user data it will always at first run test to be false because there is no user data yet.

HOWEVER once the user entered data is initialized (anytime after the first run) I need the program to pass the user data from the previous runs back in. Just NOT at the first run. Here is the code i am using: (in the code below the variables ending in "val" are the ones that are of the type string and are saved in the application settings) The frmprice_Load Event:


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Looping Through Controls In A Groupbox

Nov 5, 2011

I have recently started to try to convert some of the applications I have written in VBA in excel into stand alone programs. I don't have any formal programming training and I am learning the hard way that VB is really not very close to VBA!! I am trying to change the properties of radio buttons in a groupbox when a certain event occurs. In VBA I used this code:


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Looping Through Controls Using CheckBoxes

Feb 22, 2012

I've got a page with a ton of checkBoxes on it. I would like to have a loop that can can just go through all of them but I can't get it to work. I know similar code works for a desktop application but apparently not for an ASP page. [Code]

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Looping Through Controls With A Control Name?

Dec 18, 2009

I have 20 controls that I created on a form. the names are like btnRing1, btnRing2, btnRing3, etc.

So I have a do while loop , and I have my variables in place. One line of code is "btnRing1.Start = PlrName" So PlrName is a variable, pulling that info from a database. I don't want to list each btnRing1, 2, 3 in each block of code in my loop.

Is there a way to use the name btnRing + 1, or something like that so I don't have to list all 20 controls in my code.

I know I can dynamically build the controls, but I can only have 20, so I need to have a little control on the numbers. So I need to have the controls already built.

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Looping Through Custom Controls On A Form?

Dec 4, 2009

I have created a customised checkbox control (only the text and border appearance has been modified), and wanted to loop through them in a User quizto see which have been checked and are correct. I have used the Tag property (set to 1 or 0) to identify incorrect answers, and tried to loop through with the following code:For Each thing As GMAW.MyCheckBox In currentParent.ActiveMdiChild.Controls

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Looping Through Form Controls Using UseCompatibleTextRendering?

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to find a way to use the UseCompatibleTextRendering properties on each control on my form. However, it does not seem to be an option when i use the following code below:

For Each ocontrol As Control In Form1.Controls
ocontrol.UseCompatibleTextRendering = True

ocontrol does not seem to have that option but has all other options for the button. If i do Buttion1.UseCompatibleTextRendering = True then it works just fine.

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VS 2008 Looping Through Controls On Win Form?

Feb 11, 2012

i have a winform and i have about 30 labels and 30 picture boxes on it. What i would like to do is fill each label and picturebox with a value and image from a backend database. I could have easily done this in vb6 using control struture , for eg.

for x = 1 to 30
picturebox(x).image = value from database
label(x).caption = value from database


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VS 2010 Looping Through Form Controls?

Feb 7, 2010

I did a quick net search and found this which works great for looping through all the buttons to disable them. These buttons are located right on the form.

For Each ctlControl In Form_BLAH.Controls
Select Case TypeName(ctlControl)
Case "Button"
ctlControl.Enabled = False
End Select
Next ctlControl

However...when I tried it on a form where the buttons are contained within a Table Layout Panel it does not work.

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Time Logic - Retrieving Specific Times From A User Form

Oct 10, 2011

I need some help working out the logic when retrieving specific times from a userform I have created. In my userform, users are required to input a start and a end time in 24 hour time format. I am struggling to work out how best to analyze the selected times in order to multiply them by a set of rates, the rates are quite simple:

DayHours rate (day time is between 07:00 - 22:59)

NightHours rate (night time is between 23:00 - 06:59)

I cannot workout the logic to ascertain how many hours have been selected for which rate in an elegant manner, my best attempts so far are clunky and not quite there.

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ASP.NET - Looping Through Similarly Named Form Controls?

Jan 5, 2012

I am now working on converting this entire application over to a Web Application, and I am stuck in the same position. I am attaching the code that works in VB.Net:[code]....

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Looping Through Similarly Named Form Controls?

Jan 2, 2012

I am converting a program I wrote in VB6 to Visual Studio 2010 VB.Net and have run into a problem. I am trying to cycle through 20 form elements on a form that all have the prefix 'chkCustomerItems' and then have a number 1 to 20 behind them. I am using this with a database lookup so that it there is a database entry it then applies the database item name to the checkbox's text field and turns visibility on. Here is the code I wrote:

Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Sql = "SELECT * FROM CustomersItems;"


When it runs, I get a NullReferenceException error. This is basically the code that I used in VB6 (with some changes for .NET infrastructure).

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VS 2008 See If Checkboc Is Checked When Looping Through Controls?

Jul 29, 2010

I am looping through all controls on my form and for all checkboxes, I want to see if they are checked. I cannot get the Checked property when doing this. Am I doing something wrong?


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URL Validation - Making A Small Webbrowser - User Inputs A Proper Url

Feb 28, 2010

I'm making a small webbrowser, and I need to make sure the user inputs a proper url!

The text box is called TextBoxAddress.

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VB And Attachments - User To Be Able To Browse Through Folders And Select The Proper Pdf File

Jun 22, 2011

I have a db, and one of the columns in my db is an attachment column. It stores the link to a pdf document. I want the user to be able to browse through folders and select the proper pdf file. And when the user finally hits the submit button on the form my algorithm should put the necessary link into my db. I'm just not sure how to do this with regard to VB searching and finding the file, and then using my SQL statement to insert the attachment into my db.

Here is my code so far.

Private Sub SearchFile_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchFile_Button.Click
Dim saveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog()


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Controls - Looping Through All Form Items Including CommonDialogs?

Jan 30, 2010

I'm translating my VB.Net application, and I need to loop through all the controls on my form. Using a recursive function such as


But there is obviously an inheritance problem, since CommonDialog objects are not controls.

Is there a way for me to loop through really all the items displayed on my form?

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Forms :: Looping Through Controls - Design Can't Be In Separate Panels

Oct 21, 2009

I am familer with looping thru controls like so:


Next I have some labels on another form, that due to the design can't be in seperate panels. They are (lblChipColor1 - 6) and (lblChipValue1 - 7). I am trying to populate the color ones from the Array above. I can obviously loop thru the array, but I can't find a decent way to loop thru just the lblChipColorx lables ignoring the lblChipValue1x labels. It would be easy if they were on seperate panels. I tried adding the labels names to an array of type string and of type label, but got nowhere with that. Is there another way to group them, or build const array of label names, that I can work with?

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Looping Though A List Or Collection Of Controls Available In The Development Enviroment?

Apr 12, 2009

How can I find a List or Collection of User Controls available within the development enviroment and dynamically add them to a combox by their Name Property. I am looking for something along the lines of:

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Write A Program That Requests A Name From The User And Insert The Name Into The List In Its Proper Location?

Oct 1, 2010

Write a program that requests a name fomr the user and insert the name into the list in its proper location, if the name is already in the list, the name should not be inserted. --do not use any arrays or LINQ use only streamreader/streamwriter.What i've got is will add the name but not in the "proper location". if i could use an array i'd just reorder the array and then write to file, but...

Imports System.IO
Public Class Project_3a_p398
'Purpose: A program that requests a name from the user


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Implement A Controlling Design Logic That Prompts The User For A Length And The Area To Calculate?

Aug 12, 2009

I am trying to implement a controlling design logic that prompts the user for a length and the area to calculate until he or she enters a number less than zero in the length to end.So far I have it where I believe it�s doing the calculations but it�s not ending when I input a number less than zero or zero.

Sub Main()
' Declare Length As Float
Dim Length As Double
' Declare s, c, t As Float


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Manage A Large Number Of Similar Controls In A User Interface (such As Button Or TextBox Controls)

Aug 23, 2011

There is newer code in a follow up post. I suggest using the code in the later post rather than the code in this one. You can still read this post though. When designing a user interface, one should be conscious of how many individual controls are required to implement the functionality. In some cases an initial design may begin with many buttons or textboxes (for example) but then further review of
the actual required functionality allows for a reduction in the number of unique controls.

But other times, there isn't a better way (which will still make sense to the user of the application) then to have a series of many repeated controls. So in the cases where one can be certain that the best UI implementation for an application will require the use of multiple copies of a given control, then it often becomes necessary to maintain some method of managing all of those controls at various points
throughout the application. Doing so typically requires that one build up some collection of controls which can then be accessed by index in order to work with any given control; but this can lead to a lot of clutter in the code file which handles these control's events. For instance there will be some kind of collection declaration, some recursive routine to find all of the controls of interest, and then any number of event handler methods with long lists of Handles clauses, or additional code loops to wire up the event handling for each control.

Purpose Since most of this functionality could be considered a requirement regardless of the type of control being managed, or its required functionality, it may make sense to wrap all of the control management functionality into a single class. And since our first requirement is a collection of controls, then a base collection class could be the perfect starting point for our control manager. There are a number of existing thread around this topic, with some recent (at the time of this writing) ones being:[URL]..In this, and related, threads I have posted examples of a simple TextBoxManager and ButtonManager control. But again, with so much similar functionality required regardless of the control being managed, it would be technically possible to create a generic ControlManager(Of T As Control) class which can manage any type of control.


So in summary, one can facilitate managing a large number of user interface controls by building a "control manager" class which both encapsulates the list of control instances, and deals with adding and removing defined event handlers for every control it manages. The generic control manager class itself can be inherited and extended into a more specific class on a per-application basis in order to provide more application-specific functionality. Reed Kimble - "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

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Gradually Transition To NHibernate Persistence Logic From Existing ADO.NET Persistence Logic?

Sep 3, 2010

The application uses ADO.NET to invoke sprocs for nearly every database operation. Some of these sprocs also contain a fair amount of domain logic. The data access logic for each domain entity resides in the domain class itself. ie, there is no decoupling between domain logic and data access logic. I'm looking to accomplish the following:


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VS 2010 Looping And Input - Lets The User Select A Folder

Sep 23, 2010

I have a little situation and i am not sure of the best way to do it.

- My program lets the user select a folder

- From that folder i need to select all .png files

- One by one i need to load them into a picture box, await a button press and then go to the next image.

The above that i have typed in red is where im not sure what to do. The other steps i can do.

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Custom User Controls - Correct Size With User Choice

Sep 27, 2011

I have some custom user controls in my .net winforms program that do not display correctly when the user has selected larger text size. This setting:

My controls look like this:
Instead of like this:

The bill to area and ship to area are both custom controls. I don't know if this is contributing to the problem but I do have code in each to scale the phone/fax areas to stretch nicely, like this code from the bill to control,

Private Sub panFaxPhone_Resize(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles panFaxPhone.Resize
panFax.Width = (panFaxPhone.Width / 2) - 1
panPhone.Width = (panFaxPhone.Width / 2) - 1
panFax.Left = panFaxPhone.Width - panFax.Width
End Sub

How can I get my controls to size correctly while still respecting the users choice for larger text (I don't want to just set the AutoScaleMode to None)? After playing with this for a long time it seems to be a problem with anchors in the child controls. See this below image, the inner black box is the control with its border turned on, the text boxes (like name) are anchored left and right and should stretch to fill the control, but don't.

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Use Parent User Controls From Externally Loaded User Control?

Jun 2, 2012

i have a windows from project and in that project i created a user control lets call itcustombutton1 now i can use that control quite easily either at design time or runtime by creating a new instance of it like

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VS 2008 Controls Vs User Controls

Dec 2, 2009

How many controls can I have before I should start looking at user defind controls because of too many controls making my program go slow?

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Add User Controls To FlowLayoutPanel?

Feb 13, 2010

When I add my user control to a flowlayoutpanel its going left to right even though the flowdirection is set to TopDown

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