Assign A Dynamic Fontstyle?

Sep 22, 2009

How do I assign a dynamic fontstyle? I tried this but all I get is normal and not an italic or normal fontstyle depending on the columns value.


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Loop Through Dynamic Textboxes To Assign And Read Values?

Dec 22, 2009

I have 12 textboxes named TextBox1 to TextBox12. How can I loop through these textboxes to assign and read the values? I.e.:
Dim strTextboxName As String
For i As Integer = 1 To 12
strTextboxName = "TextBox" & i
TextBox{i}.Text = ...... ?????

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How Te Use Textbox.fontstyle In A Wpf Form

Oct 4, 2011

I have typed textbox.fontstyle="Italic". That is not correct. But how to formulated then?

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Richtextbox's Fontstyle Between Bold/italic/underline

Jul 2, 2009

I have created a page where I can toggle the richtextbox's fontstyle between bold/italic/underline. This works flawlessly. However, when I assign it more than one font style I do not know how to tell which ones it has through code. For instance if I bold something I can simply check richtextbox.SelectionFont.Bold but what about if it is bold and italic?

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Setting FontStyle - Allows The User To Change Properties Of The Controls Including The Font?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm making an editor for my app. which allows the user to change properties of the controls including the font.I'm storing the values in a collection but I'm having trouble re-setting the fontstyle from the stored value. I'm storing the font information like so...

FontString = SpeedGroupbox.Font.Name & "|" & SpeedGroupbox.Font.Size & "|" & SpeedGroupbox.Font.Style
EditedControlsCollection.Add(FontString, "SpeedGroupbox.Font")

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Assign The Authority And Get A New Form To The New Assign With .net?

Mar 9, 2010

Admin assigns the authority and get a new form to the new assign in with & access. I am not sure about this,I need a way to do the new form assigned? How?Actually, this project is the admin will assign the authority to a manager, and the manager will get the password to log in. Then, the manager once log in and will get a form to set the rooms who is going to use and date, etc, this is multi-manager to handle the room setting jobs.But, I think, I got stuck, I am not sure how to do the new form, HOW DO YOU ASSIGN THIS NEW FORM FOR EACH NEW MANAGER?????? THIS IS VB.NET WITH ACCESS.

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Access Values Of Dynamic Controls Added To Dynamic Tabpages?

May 8, 2011

i have created a dynamic tabpage and a dynamic tablelayoutpanel inside it then added dynamic textboxes and labels inside the tablelayoutpanel...the thing is , i am having a problem on how to access the value of those textboxes and labels and add them as new columns in the new table(tagpage) in mysql database, i can already create the table in the database but i cant add the new columns in it. heres the code for accessing the values of the labels and textboxes

error: NullReferenceException was unhandled....Object variable or With block variable not set.

sql = "alter table " & tbl_selected(counter) & " add " & frmMain.Controls("TLP_" & SecArrList_sp(counter2)).controls.item(SecArrList_sp(counter2) & "label" & counter).Text & " varchar(100) NULL;"

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Dynamic LINQ Query Based On Dynamic Number Of Comboboxes?

Feb 5, 2010

I would like to bind a DataGridView to a different LINQ query every time (in order to reuse the same form/DGV for different queries), like this:


but the "Qry", and the number of comboboxes, and their field names would change every time.

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VS 2010 MDITAbControl Add Dynamic TextBox With Dynamic Webbrowser?

Feb 29, 2012

Basically i have one TabControl with a form and 2 browsers within one form I have ProBlem To call the dynamic browser to navigate with dynamic Textbox.text


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Dynamic SQL To Dynamic LINQ In .NET With MS SQL Server 2008?

May 24, 2010

I need to represent the following query using LINQ:

DECLARE @PurchasedInventoryItemID Int = 2
DECLARE @PurchasedInventorySectionID Int = 0
DECLARE @PurchasedInventoryItem_PurchasingCategoryID Int = 3
DECLARE @PurchasedInventorySection_PurchasingCategoryID Int = 0


Now, I know that a query in .NET doesnt look like this, this is my test in the SQL Design Studio. Naturally VB.NET variables will be used in place of the SQL local variables.My problem is this: All of the conditions after "WHERE" are optional. In that a query might be made that uses one, some, all, or none of the conditions. V.PropertyID and V.Value can also appear any number of times.In VB.NET I can make this query easy enough by simply concatenating strings, and using a loop to append the "V.PropertyID/V.Value" conditions.I can also make a Stored Procedure in MS SQL, which is easy enough.However, I want to accomplish this using LINQ.

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VS 2008 Dynamic Timer In A Dynamic Form

Feb 19, 2010

Ive managed to dynamically create a form, and dynamically create a timer, but i have not been able to create the timer on the dynamic form. Specifically, i need to be able to have the timer itself create another form with a timer. (I realize that this would create a new form every interval on the timer, that is what i want to do)

1. A way to add the timer to the dynamic form, and maintain the timer sub on my main form.

2. A way to create the whole thing over (dynamic form and timer) through the previous dynamic form and timer.

I was thinking i could use a collection/array to store the forms and timers, but i'm still having trouble figuring out how to add entire forms or timers into a list. (A timer is not considered a control, so i cant use a controlcollection...)

Heres my code;

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim frm As New Form


*EDIT* Btw, my idea was to use i as a variable that increases every time a form is created, then insert the form into the array, with i as the integer. i just need to know how to create a new form with a different name each time. (as with timers)

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Dynamic ContextMenuStrips On A Dynamic Form?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a form that i need to be 100% Dynamic. So it could contain 10 labels maybe 100 who knows.

When you hover over a label there will be a different contextmenustrip to appear for each and every label. So all the contextmenustrips are Dynamic and contain 1 option maybe 2 options even 3 or 4 up to the users settings.

My problem is not creating a handler for when the user clicks on the contextmenustrips options. The problem is knowing which one of the options for that contextmenu was clicked!!

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Dynamic ToolTip For Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 11, 2012

OK, I'm trying to display tooltip text for a dynamic edit box. Well, at least I'm trying to.

On my form, I've got a tool tip control which I've conveniently named ToolTip. My edit box displays OK. But, what I want to do is when the user hovers their mouse over the text box, I want the tool tip to display some text.

I think there are two problems that I'm having. I'm not convinced that I'm properly addressing a dynamic text box name. Ideally, I would want to be able to refer to the text box (but using a dynamic variable that will contain the prefix of the name). To hardcode, I would want to be able to achieve (not in this example but in theory): ABCDEFGt_0300.Text = "hello"

Dim controllerName as string = "ABCDEFG"
Dim t_0300 As New TextBox()


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.net - Assign Value To String?

Apr 29, 2012

Consider following code:

Dim S1 As String = "a"
'this is the string in a file
Dim StringFromFile As String = "S1=hello"


how to assign value to S1?I have declared a string named S1. Now I want to assign new value to S1. The new string value is stored in a file using following format: [variable name][= as separator][string value]. How do I assign the value to S1 after retrieving the string variable name and value that stored in a file?


temp(0) = "S1"
temp(1) = "hello"

It should be noted that the string with the data comes from a file that may change from time to time! When the file changes, I want the variables to change as well.

Further clarification I need a piece of code that when processing a string like this "S1=hello", the code will first find a declared variable (i.e. S1), and then assign the S1 variable with "hello" string. The "=" just acted as separator for variable name and variable value.


My attempt to use Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen's EDIT 2 example but failed with "NullReferenceException" on this line "Field.SetValue(Me, VariableValue)". Please help me fix the problem. Following is my code based on Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen's EDIT 2 example:

Public Sub Ask()
Dim S1 As String = "a"
Dim StringFromFile As String = "S1=hello"


View 7 Replies

Assign Each Value To Its Own Variable?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a file txt file that holds 3 values each seperated by a space how can i assign each value to its own variable and use that for other things?

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Assign Hot Key For Textbox?

Jun 2, 2011

assign hot key for textbox?

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Assign Hot Key In VB 2010?

Jan 9, 2012

how to assign Hot Key? like F2, F3 and F5 from form?i am created two forms. if press F5 key. then goto to the Second form?

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Assign Same Value To An Array?

Aug 24, 2010

Does Visual Basic arrays have the possibility to assign values in one line?i.e. No need to have a loop to assign a value for the whole array.for example,

Dim Array1 (1000) As Integer = 478
Dim Array2 (1000, 1000) As Integer = 852

this means that all values of array1 will be 478 and the other is 852.

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.net - - One Label - Assign Different Values

Jun 22, 2011

I have a label, lblmessage, which I want to assign 4 different values. It should show up like this:


I know this: lblmessage.text = "5" and to assign it another value lblmessage.text = lblmessage.text + "4". This just puts them next to each other, but how can I get them to show up underneath each other?

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.Net Assign Values To Datatable?

May 22, 2012

I have the String and integers to which some values are assigned. now i need to read the string and integer values and assigned them to the datatable which i have created using VB.Net.


View 1 Replies - Assign A Gridview Value To A Label?

May 2, 2011

How can i assign a value in the Gridview to a label?

Dim Command3 As New SqlCommand
Adapter = New SqlDataAdapter("Select [Parking_Cost] FROM Parking Where [Parking_ID] = @Parking_ID2", myConn)
Adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Parking_ID2", Parking_ID2)


Tried binding did not work

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Assign A Different Color To Datagrid Row?

Aug 10, 2007

I have developed an applcation using, its a windows based or Desktop Application. In one of the Form i am displaying the new complaints in a DataGrid With Employee Names.

Now, Each employee has a prority set for him, so depending upon the priority I want to assign a different color to Datagrid row.

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Assign A Key Press To An Event?

Jun 30, 2010

I want to build in the functionality so that when eg, the Key "1" is pressed it can trigger an event like eg. set the counter to zero.

I have used the following code to test the function but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know if I have placed it in the correct area or it is doing what I want it to do as there is no message box that appears.[code]...

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Assign A Public Property?

Feb 22, 2011

At the moment i'm working hard to better understand aspnet (VB), still learning and still enjoying, but at the moment i'm struggling with (i think something realy easy) but can't find out how to fix it,what i need to do is: assign the propperty Weekday() of CSlot Dim CSlot As New timeslotParamTO I have to assign te propperty weekday to Cslot but the propperty must be 1 or more items from the Public Enum WeekdayEnum. i just can't figure out how to assign 1 or more weekday's to CSlot.weekday().


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Assign A Resource According To A Variable?

Apr 2, 2010

I've been making this BlackJack program for a school project

I have 52 image files, labelled from '_1' to '_52' in my resources folder, each number corresponds to a card.

My question is, how do I get a picture box to assign the correct resource according to a variable

So, say I have

"pictDealerCard1" -> picture box which displays the first of the dealers card
DealerCard1 = 37 -> random number generated through INT(RND() * 52)
and resource '_37'


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Assign A Type At Runtime?

Oct 8, 2011

I'm doing binary serialization and want to know if its possible to assign the type of the serializable object in the serializer method at runtime by passing the type as a parmeter. Is it also possible to assign the return type?

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Assign A Value From A Listbox To A Textbox?

Feb 29, 2012

I have an application in VB.Net that displays the results of a math operation to a listbox. For example I have the 12345 + 12345 = 24690. What I'm trying to do is to have the first 2 numbers (12345 and 12345) copied to 2 different textboxes when listbox item is selected. Here's the code I have so far:

'Make sure that we have a selected item before continuing
If listBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 Then


During runtime it only works with index 1 when it gets selected. I have 10 records being displayed (0 to 9). None of other indexes are being shown at the textboxes.

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Assign A Value To A Databound Textbox?

Apr 24, 2011

I am experiencing aproblem in my VB.NET App. The salary form is a databound form in my app to a linq data source. There are several text boxes to enter and calculate different salary fields. e.g. Basic Salary, Budgetary Allowance and Adjusted Basic Salary...

all the above three controls are bound to the datasource. now on the Leave events of the Basic Salary and Budgetary Allowance there is a function to calculate Adjusted basic salary.

The problem is i dont see the calculated amount in the adjusted basic salary but i see only the underlying data in the database instead of the programmatically calculated amount.

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Assign A Value To A Field In DataSet?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to assign a value programatically to a field in current DataSet which is not bound to any control on the form. I am using the following method but it does not save the value "F" in DB on calling UpdateAll command.

Me.WorkOrderDataSet.Orders.status1Column.DefaultValue = "F"

My update command:



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Assign A Value To A Gridview Cell?

Oct 10, 2011

how to assign a cell value to a grid view control cell from a string variable(local variable) using After the gridview is populated, I would like to insert some data into one of the cells in a row in edit mode.

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