Button To Change The Layout Of The Form?

Nov 13, 2009

i am making a small program just for fun. its a small form with six different buttons ( a text editor, a calculator, a music player, a button to change the layout of the form, a form that displays a bunch of links to websites i use, and a web browser, with a small text editor on the side, which is surprisingly useful) and i was wondering if you guys had any other ideas for some useful things i could add?

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Change The Size And Button Layout Of A Form By Using A Button?

Nov 5, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to change the size and button layout of a form by using a button. the only way i could make it appear to change size, was by having it so when you hit the button labeled "Change Layout", it would do


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Change The Layout Of The Web Form To Grid Layout?

Jan 13, 2010

how do i change the layout of the web form to Grid Layout so that i can place my control anywhere and not follwing lines or cursor

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VS 2010 Change The Design Of A Tabbed Layout?

Mar 28, 2012

I am working on a University project, and I am trying to customize the design (background color, foreground color, border style) of the TABS in a Tabbed Layout, but I can't seem to find these properties in the properties windows.

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Change Keyboard Layout To Dvorak - Other Languages | Dream.In.Code?

Nov 28, 2009

I'm using VBScript and I'm not sure if this should go here, or in the other VB forum, or in Other Languages, so move accordingly. I'm trying to change my keyboard layout to be Dvorak in Windows XP and so far, I've gotten it to work for the most part with Send Keys.

'*Written By:xTorvos*
'*Purpose: To change the keyboard layout from QWERTY to Dvorak on Windows XP*
'* *


However, as everyone knows, using Send Keys for everything can be a little unpredictable at times due to computer speeds and such. Is there a way to do this without Send Keys? Perhaps with WMI or something?

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How To Make Image Button In Layout Template Of ListView

Jan 25, 2011

I need to make an image button in the layout template of ListView, when I click on the button it should open the insert template so I can insert a new record.

Here is my ListView:
<asp:ListView ID="LVCategories" runat="server" DataKeyNames="CatID" DataSourceID="CategoriesDS" EnableModelValidation="True">
<tr style="">
[Code] .....

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Get A Listbox On One Form To Change A Button Value On ANOTHER Form?

Dec 20, 2009

How do I get a Listbox on one form to change a button value on ANOTHER form.

My script says


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Change Color Of Form By Button

Jul 12, 2009

change colore of form by button when i press

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Change All Button Font Color On Every Form?

Jun 4, 2011

Can i change all button font color on every form that i hve create. .i just want to click 1 button and it show menu choose color..

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Change Form Size With Button Click?

Oct 5, 2009

How can I make the form change the size I want with the click of a button?

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Change The Language Of A Form With A Button Or Checkbox?

Jun 4, 2011

Is there any possible way to change the language of a form with a button or checkbox. I have found and tried ChangeLanguage("de")But that no work.

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Sharepoint Form Layout In VB?

Mar 8, 2009

OKay, I'm from a PHP background, but I've just been tasked with developing some custom Web Parts in SharePoint. I've figured out how to create and deploy a basic "Hello world" web part in VB. Okay so far.

how do I lay out things in a VB web part?

For an example, here's a label and a textbox:

protected overrides sub createchildcontrols()
dim mylabel as new label


How would I, for example, get mylabel and my textbox to appear on different lines, rather than running one after the other as they do now? In PHP I'd just wrap them in some top break them onto differnt lines, but how do I do it here?

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BackColor Or ForeColor Change - Added A Button On Every Form

Sep 30, 2009

I created 3 Forms (Form1, Form2 and Form3) and I added a button on every form. This is code for Button1 on Form1:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Form2.BackColor = Color.Red
Form3.BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub

Code for Button1 on Form2:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Code for Button1 on Form3:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Now, the problem is that when I click on Button1 on Form3 it shows Form2 but the Form2 BackColor is not red, it is default color, A.K.A Control Color. But I specified in Button1 on Form1 that Form2.BackColor is Red. And also if I click on Button1 on Form2 when Form3 shows it, the Form3 BackColor is also default, it is not red.

I know one way to solve it but it is so not-professional. It is that you add on Button1 on Form2 this:

Form3.BackColor = Color.Red

and on Button1 on Form3 this:

Form2.BackColor = Color.Red

It is ok in this situation but what if I have more stuff, for example if I have an option for changing theme so it has to change all labels and buttons ForeColor, what then, is there any other way?

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Change Form Color With Radio Button Selection?

Apr 4, 2010

I've got 2 radio buttons on a form and am trying to allow a user to change the color of the form based on which radio button is selected. I've used select case in a separate procedure to do this because ultimately I'd like to have about 1/2 dozen or so color options to choose from.

The color changes when the first radio button is selected (pink or green, doesn't matter), but when I try and select a 2nd option, the program crashes (VB 2010 Beta).

My code so far is:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub SetColourScheme(ByVal colour As String)
Select Case colour


I get a 'StackOverflow' error, but I don't really know what this means. NB: Adding 'Return' keyword made no difference to the outcome - same error.

View 5 Replies

Change Form Icon At Runtime Or When Button Pressed?

Aug 14, 2009

What I am trying to do is change the icon of a form at either runtime or if a button was pressed. I have had no luck...the only way I found was

Form1.Icon = LoadPicture("c:myicon.ico")
...but I can't use "LoadPicture"

Not much I can think to give in the way of details..

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Change The Startup Form When User Clicks A Button?

Dec 5, 2009

How do I change the startup form for an application when a user clicks a button?

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Localization Is Messing With Form Layout?

Jan 13, 2011

I am working on implementing localization in a winforms app and I went the route of setting the Localization property on the form to True and setting the default language to english,spanish, german, dutch and a few more. When I click on English the form displays correctly, when I click on Spanish or French it makes the panels inside the form small and the controls within it small. It doesn't allow me to resize anything or more the panel

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Set Form Backgroundimage And Righttoleft Layout?

Aug 18, 2009

Why when ever i set my form to righttoleft layout to True i lose my background image?

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VS 2010 Form Code Layout?

Jan 8, 2012

I am wanting to make a tool where I can load up a previously coded project and then add error reporting to each sub/function.My problem is this: When I open up some forms, the layout is not as desired. Here is an example:The sub header: "Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click" is extended over two lines... (when opened up as text) is it possible in VB settings to change this to be only on one line? Or is there a 'word wrap' feature I can use when viewing text?

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Change Button Styles/form Style To Classic Theme?

Apr 11, 2010

Ok i am making a game in visual basic where its 1998 and you have windows 95 and you find time travel software and travel to different time periods with different operating systems...so far i have coded windows 95 and partly windows 98 into the game and have a good time travel sequence... (this will be a completely free game in the future)

Theres just one major problem i have. Whatever operating system you are using for your current computer (windows 7 in my case) the buttons and tabs and everything else (apart from the windows border... or whatever you all it which i made myself) everything has the modern buttons on it.Hes an in game screen shot :As you can see it looks totally horrible... even the start menu has the windows 7 blue glow effect...I recently found another application (universe Sandbox) and it has the classic buttons even though i am using windows 7.how can i actually make my buttons classic? (without making picture boxes of each button)

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Form Layout Not Shown In Designer View?

Apr 19, 2010

I moved a project so I could work on it in two places. When I opened the project, I have only worked on it from one computer, my form did not show in the solution explorer so I moved it back. I opened the project and everything was there but I was not able to see my form layout in designer view. The code is there and it builds and looks right but I can't see any of my form components and I need to edit some properties.

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How To Get Full Screen Without Changing The Form's Layout

Nov 23, 2009

I have finished my winform project. And now, i want to setting my application full screen mode. I tried, but my layout was not is the same as mode is before full screen.

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Resume Layout Of Form - Get Original Location Of Controls

May 6, 2009

i want to resume layout of form . how can i do that. every i run program. the location of controls change i want to get original location of controls.

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VS 2008 Form Layout And Control Save And Load?

Aug 26, 2009

I been have some research to this forum about the layout setting save & load...one of the method I found is store it to XML...but it only allow to store textbox value, other like textbox location, size is not work.... it can store every control like textbox, button, label, listview and etc in my form include size and layout and allow to load it?

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Navigation In A 'mutlipage' Control Embedded In A Form Layout In Excel ?

Jun 13, 2008

I have two questions concerning navigation in a 'mutlipage' control embedded in a form layout in Excel:

(1) I would like to be able to automatically move from page_1 to page_2 through a closeout button click command on page_1 (i.e. when actions are complete on page 1, page 2 will open without needing to click on the tab). Is this achievable ?

(2) secondly, While realising it is a simple step to set up navigation to another Excel workbook, is it conveniently possible (from a button command in the multipage) to open another directory, e.g. MMC console

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C# - Make A Windows Form Automatically Take The Size Of It's Child Table Layout Panel?

Sep 17, 2011

I have a windows form that contains a table layout panel extending the whole form, the size of this table layout panel may change at run time according to it's content, how can I make it's parent form automatically take its size,

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Screen Resolution - Change The Size On The Form And The Button When Its Ran On A Different Resolution

Oct 22, 2007

I am working on an program and I need it to change the size on the form and the button etc when its ran on a different resolution then it was coded on. Is there anyway to do this easy or do I have to hard code it on two different and change it by like a button etc? I am working with a 1024 X 780 and a 1240 X 1024.

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Cascading Combobox - When Change Cb1 - Change Cb2 And Click Save Button - Cb2 Seems To Be 'lost

Feb 15, 2012

I have two combobox in a form: Cb1 and Cb2

When I load the form, Cb1 and Cb2 are connected to a bindingsource.

When I change Cb1, the code (below) changes Cb2 to show only the items according to Cb1

This is working fine.

The problem is when I change Cb1 , change Cb2 and click the save button..... Cb2 seems to be 'lost'...

I'm using VS2008.


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Change Location Of A Ovalshape Using Button And 2 Textboxes In A Button Click Event

Sep 25, 2008

How can you chnge the location of a ovalshape using button and 2 textboxes in a button click event

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Create A Button So When User Hovers Over The Button It Will Change Its Image

May 22, 2010

I am trying to create a button so when a user hovers over the button it will change its image.

I used this code but it did not work.

Private Sub Button1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim Image0 As Bitmap = My.Resources.Image2


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