C# - ASP.NET Load Unmanaged Dll From Bin Folder

May 25, 2010

Question: I use an embedded Firebird database in ASP.NET.

Now, Firebird has a .NET wrapper around native dlls.

The problem is, with the ASP.NET compilation and execution process, the dlls get shadow copied to a temporary folder. Unfortunately, only the .NET dlls, and not the native dll.

See [URL] for details.

Now, this makes it necessary to put the unmanaged dll somewhere into the system32 directory (or any other directory in the path environment variable).

Now, I want to change the wrapper/native dll (opensource), so it loads the dlls also if they are only in the bin folder.

Now, my problem is, how can I, in .NET, load an unmanaged dll from an absolute path ? The absolute path is determined at runtime, not at compile-time...

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.net - Load An Unmanaged DLL From A Stream?

May 18, 2012

I have an application written in .NET 4.0 that needs to load in memory a native DLL (written C). At the moment I am using a P/Invoke call to LoadLibrary passing the path where the DLL is located. This works, but due to the fact that this DLL comes from a DB, I would like to know if it is possible loading it through a stream, avoiding then the necessity to store the DLL somewhere in the filesystem.

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Load A .x Model From A Folder?

Jan 31, 2009

how do I load a .x model from a folder and then show it in a box(a picturebox?) on a form?

I know it would use DirectX.

I've looked all over the place for how to do it but can't find any ways

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Load A Folder In A VB Program?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm trying to make a custom skin maker for a program I'm working for. The concept is, you provide all the images needed for the program in a folder and then load that folder into the program which then sorts out each image in their respective areas. I know how to load files, but instead of making the user load the files one by one I'd like them to be able to load them from a folder.On a related note, I'd also like to know if it was possible to allow my users to move their controls around the program. For example, say they'd like their exit button in a different location as it'd look nicer with their skin, is there a way to allow them to move it? Particularly, it'd be nice to have a check box that enabled or disabled the ability to drag them around so they don't accidentally drag it when trying to click it.Also, how could I save their changes to this skin so it'd load up the same every time without overriding the default skin.

Finally, I have a piece of code that allows me to drag the form around as it has no normal border but I have a button that keeps it on top at all times, I'd like that button to also disable the ability to move the program while active and restore the mobility once clicked again. Here is the code used to move the program if that helps any.


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Load Dlls From Folder And Use It?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a simple question for you I think, but for me it bugs me a lot

So as the title says, I want to load a dll from a folder in my exe and use it's classes

How can I do that? like for example my app is named "run.exe" and I want at load time to load dlls from folder "resources" and use the classes from the dll's it "imported"

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Load Files From A Specified Folder

Jun 9, 2011

I'm making a simple app that will need some DLLs that I'm using, but I don't want them to be in the same place as the main exe.How can I make my app to load these dlls from a specified folder, like %mainappfolder%filesdlls ?

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How To Load ListView With Files From Folder

May 12, 2009

I would like to open a listview with files from a folder directory, something like c:my files.

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Load A File From Www And Save It To Folder?

Jun 22, 2010

I would like to load a file from www and save it to folder. I am using Visual studio 2008 an VB in form aplication. So how to load a file from example www.test.gg and saving it to c:/myfolder/

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Load PictureBox From Folder And File?

Nov 17, 2009

I have a small databse program that retrives data from a csv file and he user can select different records based on a combobox selection. Now i want to be abeto display a picture for the record selected that is stored in the same folder as the csv file

Example: c:mydocumentsmydatafolderdatafile1

My program makes a connection to Datafile1 and within each record is a number example: 1234, 5678 etc.... Pictures are in the mydatafolder and have same name as the data record number

So record 1234 will have a picture called 1234

so i need my picturebox to get its image from the folder and match the file name based on the selected record If I am on the right track something like this PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:WINNTSanta Fe Stucco.bmp")

However I need the file folder location to be based on what folder user selcted and the file name to be the name (number that is in record of database)

So if user is getting data from c:myfolderdatafolderdatafile3 and has selected record number 1234

The picturebox will get it image from the C:myfolderdatafolder and the file name will be the record number selected in this case 1234

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Load Listbox With The Files In Specified Folder And Not Subfolders?

Apr 21, 2009

this is the code i have on form load: textbox1.text ="C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktop"

here's the code to load the listbox:

Dim filepath As String = (textbox1.text)
For Each file As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles _


now what this does is load the files w/out the file path or extensions , but, it loads the files in the subfolders as well . i just need the desktop files to load in the listbox, not the subfolder files

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Vb 2008 Load Folder Info/ Titles?

May 27, 2009

I want a list of folder names, i want a list of the names so i can remeber what projects i have on the go.
so example,lets say i have 3 folders in my on my desktop and the names are A, B and C i want get a list of theose names so i remeber what projects i have created.

If you don't understand ill try to re word it more specific

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VS 2008 - PictureBox Load Image From Folder

May 9, 2010

I have put folders in my resources folder and I am trying to load the pictures when the user presses the right arrow key. The code I am using is:
picCharacter.Image = Image.FromFile("ResourcesRight MovementRight-01.png")
What do I put in front of the "Resources.." that would make it load it from the projects folder?

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Load A File From Folder To Memory Stream Buffer?

Jun 1, 2011

I am working on vb.net win form. My task is display the file names from a folder onto gridview control. when user clicks process button in my UI, all the file names present in gridview, the corresponding file has to be loaded onto memory stream buffer one after another and append the titles to the content of the file and save it in hard drive with _ed as a suffix to the file name.I am very basic programmer. I have done the following attempt and succeeded in displaying filenames onto gridview. But no idea of later part.

'Displaying files from a folder onto a gridview
Dim inqueuePath As String = "C:UsersDesktopINQUEUE"
Dim fileInfo() As String


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Load Listbox With Text Files From A Internet Folder?

Apr 25, 2009

I uploaded a folder with text files to the internet. i want to be able to load my app listbox with those text files.

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Load The Files In A Folder Into A Box And Display The Songs Info Into A List View?

Feb 23, 2010

Okay I'm making a song organizer and I have a program that will load the files in a folder into a box and display the songs info into a list view. That part works fine but when you click the button to make it do anything it will get the variables that it need from the tags on the cells for each song but for some reason the one for the Album just disappears... I tried having it just show the value in a message box and it works fine. Just when I try to combine it with another variable then it wont show at all. Heres my code


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Use Unmanaged C++ Dll In .net?

Jan 8, 2010

i need to pass commands through a C++ dll to vb.net and the other way around. is there some code that needs to be in the C++ dll to make it work? im not good at C++ at all,

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Any Method Into Unmanaged Lua?

Oct 9, 2010

im trying to make a simple wrapper for lua. The only problem so far is that lua only accepts a method in a specific format.Delegate Function LuaC Function(ByVal lua_state As IntPtr) As Integer..That is how lua wants the method to look like. So it only accepts a function that looks like this: [code]

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Use Dll In Unmanaged C++ Project?

Jan 5, 2010

I created a vb.net dll called "WSdll.dll".I compiled it, created a type library (tlb), and registered it globally(gacutil)..It includes a file called wsutils.vb, which includes a namespace called "wsutils".In the namespace, there's an interface (with attribute) called "IWSconnection", and a class called "WSconnection".The interface and class are public, as are all methods and properties.[code]...

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Allow Calls From Unmanaged Code?

May 5, 2009

I have an application which has been succesfully installed on a number of different client machines.

The problem I now have is that I have been asked to allow third party applications, possibly written in a non .net language set to plug into my application and execute some of the code. Just a handfull of properties and half a dozen methods.

Now I can wrap up these properties/methods, make them public and have them in their own project which will be part of my solution but I have no idea where to go from here.

How do I make this portion of my application accessible to a third party application written in unmanaged code ?

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Call Function From An Unmanaged DLL?

Feb 17, 2010

I have an unmanaged DLL and need to call one of its functions. Here's the [code]...

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Connect An Unmanaged DirectX To .NET?

Sep 20, 2009

Maybe this is not true ... But how to connect an unmanaged DirectX to VB.NET? For anyone dll I use <DllImport()>, but Unmaged DirectX have interface.... Than I tried use "<ComImport(), Guid(...)...>", but I do not know how to use COM interfaces Maybe I did not really understand COM technolgy... I tried find documentation "how to use com interfaces", but found nothing.

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Function Calls To Unmanaged DLL From VB

Jun 12, 2009

I'm having some trouble finding the syntax for making function calls to unmanaged DLLs in VB.NET. Let's just assume there's a function "Connected" in unmanaged DLL "Connector.DLL". I want to call this function by creating an abstract function call to it.

I've seen some code out there that looks something like
Public Shared Function Connect(ByVal intPort)
But that syntax doesn't work for me.

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Passing Parameters To Unmanaged C Api

Mar 3, 2010

I need to call a function in an unmanaged .dll written in C lang from vb.net. The function declaration looks like this [code]Now the behavior of this function is that it copies some data in argument "reply" and returns a numeric value which signals its pass/fail status. How do i pass it a string object so that it can copy data. Following is how i access this function.[code]When the call completes, returned status is absolutely fine but there is nothing in string "str". What is it that i am missing. I'm not sure about the string object that i am passing as argument.

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Passing Parameters To Unmanaged C Api?

Mar 3, 2010

I need to call a function in an unmanaged .dll written in C lang from vb.net. The function declaration looks like thisLONG _stdcall ReadInfo(char *reply);Now the behavior of this function is that it copies some data in argument "reply" and returns a numeric value which signals its pass/fail status. How do i pass it a string object so that it can copy data.Following is how i access this function.

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Vb6 - Passing A Structure To Unmanaged Dll?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm migrating some VB6 code to VB.net,the code contains a structure that contains 1d arrays, 2d arrays, and few other variables.The general outline of the Vb.net structure is as under


The call to the dll is declared as under Public Declare Sub getState Lib "val.dll" (ByRef state As Test)Elsewhere on this site I realized that we have to "marshal" the structure to allow it to be compatible with the unmanaged code that is about to accept it.However I still receiving runtime errors when running the code, I don't have any clue of how to use the System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal class.What would be the correct way to pass this structure to the dll?EDIT: The original VB6 data type is


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AutoLoad - User Load Application Will Automatically (without Prompt, Or User Selecting) Upload All Files In A Folder

Jun 13, 2010

How can I do it so every time the user loads my application it will automatically (without prompt, or user selecting) upload all the files in a folder i select beforehand and add them into ListBox1

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.net - P/Invoke BSTR From Unmanaged Code?

May 23, 2011

What should be the VB signature for the unmanaged function void PopulateBSTR(BSTR outstring)?The function PopulateBSTR does a SysAllocString and populates the string. Note the unmanagaed signature has the argument BSTR and not BSTR*. I can marshal the BSTR string using IntPtr signature when the C++ signature has BSTR* as the argument.

(The unmanaged code is an external dll which I cannot modify but I need to use.)

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C# - What Is Point Of Using GC.AddMemoryPressure With An Unmanaged Resource

Jul 19, 2009

I've read about this issue on MSDN and on CLR via c#.Imagine we have a 2Mb unmanaged HBITMAP allocated and a 8 bytes managed bitmap pointing to it. What's the point of telling the GC about it with AddMemoryPressure if it is never going to be able to make anything about the object, as it is allocated as unmanaged resource, thus, not susceptible to garbage collections?

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C++ Unmanaged Code Versus Managed .net?

Sep 19, 2010

I am trying to develop a dll in VisualStudio2005 in vb.net that will communicate with a spectrometer attached to the USB port of the computer.Now the dll exists in C++ and it works like a charm. It is unmanaged code.Now if I try to translate this code in VB.net (because our app is in VB and my boss wants it in VB for maintainability) I have problems.

First of all, I am trying to create a file to open that port. The code in C++ looks like below and it works. Needles to say I tried to call the C++ dll from our app and it works. If I call the vb dll it doesn't. It gives me "access denied" no matter what I tried. I am not sure if my CreateFile is wrong or it's .net. I read somewhere that I need a manifest file included in the dll? Has anyone experience something like this? Why would i get "ACCESS DENIED" all the time?

// close and clear current stuff
swprintf( sDevice, L"\\?\usb#vid_0765&pid_%s#******#{%s}", Device, PRIVATE_IID_STR );


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Calling Managed Code From Unmanaged C

May 30, 2012

I need to write a DLL in C that is used a plugin for an existing application.The DLL has to be compiled by the Visual Studio 2008 compiler with the following options.[code]It's then linked to applications library's.What it actually needs to do and what's causing me the issues is that within one of the methods it needs to pull data from a sql server 2008 r2. From what I've seen today you wouldn't be able to do this directly in C as SQL Server past 2005 is designed to communicate with CLR languages( C#, C++, VB.Net).It was suggested that I handle all the database communication with a VB.Net dll and then call said function from within the C dll. Most of what I've found on the topic of calling managed dll's from unmanaged code has talked about pinvoke or com wrappers and mainly from the perspective of c++.

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