C# - Activation Error Occured While Trying To Get Instance Of Type LogWriter, Key ""?

Oct 18, 2011

I have asp.net web site. I added reference of Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.dll to the site. in web.cofig file, I defined like below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


When I run the code exception happening below place.

defaultWriter = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<LogWriter>();
//errr: Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type LogWriter, key ""

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A Generic Error Occured In GDI+

Mar 18, 2009

I have some code that takes a screen capture of my monitor. This code seems to work perfectly OK and can take multiple screen captures, apart from when I do a Print Screen using the keyboard or open SnagIT 8, when I then try to run my code again I get an error "A generic error occured in GDI+" I am at a bit of a loss, I have had a look on the internet, but everything I seem to find appears to be related to web apps. and access permissions. This is a window based application and therefore can not seem to find an answer.[code]

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A Generic Error Occured In Gdi?

Aug 19, 2010

I've got the coding below to make a screenshot and store it in a jpg file`.. this works fine on my computer with vb.net installed. However when I tried running it on an other computer it gave me this exception:

'a generic error occured in gdi'

'the coding


Dim screenImage As New Bitmap(My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width, My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height)
Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(screenImage)


I've read on internet that this is a write permission issue or it has something to do with the stream. Anyway I dunno how to alter the coding so that every user can make a screenshot.

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Generic Error Occured In Gdi+?

Nov 18, 2011

i try to save image to a folder on a server. i load the image from a fileupload control, resize it and save to the folder. this works fine when i run from Visual studio. But when i deployed to the server, i get the error: "Generic Error Occured in gdi+". In trying to solve this, i give network service and asp.net accounts permissions to the folder.

Public Function SaveEntityImage() As Boolean
If fuEntity.PostedFile IsNot Nothing AndAlso fuEntity.PostedFile.FileName <> "" Then


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VB Application Occured The Below Error?

Feb 23, 2011

Failed to Load Control <ControlName> from. . Your version of may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application."

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VS 2008 Specify The Sub Where Error Occured?

Oct 28, 2010

I am making a small report for when an error occurs in our application, in that report I provide myself information of all the ids and stuff and send it to my email. What would also be very handy is to get hold of the sub of where the error has occurred, is this is possible?

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Error Occured While Parsing EntityName

Jun 22, 2010

I am working on VB.Net project. All was well until I started getting the following error while trying to view Forms ...

The error says : "An error occurred while parsing EntityName: Line 4 Position 42"

All code is fine not logical problems..but the came suddenly and this error in all the forms...Projects runs perfectly but I am not able to see Forms Designer...

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An Error Occured During Local Report Processing

Mar 15, 2012

Heres what my app is trying to do:


The guy who originally developed this program is ridiculously BAD at collaborating with me on this. He is currently looking into it but he hasnt even called me back about it and this is of the most importance as today the 2012 member cards start getting printed and they wont print!

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Invoke An Instance Function Delegate On An Instance Of A Generic Type?

Aug 4, 2010

D is a dictionary whose entry values are of Type T..What I'm attempting to do is have a delegate like "Serializer" below that I can invoke on an instance of T, such as "Entry.Value" below.Please see the "return Entry..." line below for my wishful thinking.[code]

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PictureBox Image Save Give GDI+ Error On Line 2 Saying "A Generic Error Occured In GDI+"?

Jan 30, 2009

I read an image from the database and displayed it in a picture box...works fine...here is the code for that...[code].....

It throws an error on line 2 saying "A Generic Error occured in GDI+."

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Interface And Graphics :: Create Bitmap With Text And Transformation Generic - Error Occured In Gdi+

Sep 17, 2008

I am trying to create bitmap with my text and transformation. I am sure that there is no error in my code. Because this code is worked previously. Here is my code.


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Warning: Type Library Exporter Encountered A Generic Type Instance In A Signature

May 5, 2009

I'm compiling a VB.Net 2.0 app (created in VS2008) using msbuild, and now I've added a generic return type, it's giving me the following:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a generic type instance in a signature. Generic code may not be exported to COM.

Having just spent ages removing all of the previous warnings, I don't really want to add a new one. Any idea how to get rid of it (aside from not using generics)?I don't know what details I'd put in the attribute, or what number to put in the project-level ignore list.

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Web Browser URL Strings "An Error Occured. Returning To The Autowatch System In 60 Seconds..."?

Jan 3, 2011

It checks if the webpage in the web browser control has crashed. The website crashes alot. I want to acomplish this by checking the text of the webpage for vital keywords such as "ERROR" or "Could not connect:" or "An error occured. Returning to the autowatch system in 60 seconds..." The code I have so far is below.

Dim myText As String = Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText
If myText.Trim().StartsWith("Could not connect:") Then

The page refreshes every 5 to 120 seconds. The timer gets activated 10 seconds into the program's launch. It refeshes the code above every 5 seconds(to minimize CPU usage). However, it crashes and gives the error "NullReferenceException was unhandled". This could be because the page keeps on refreshing or the page is php and has 2 iframes. How do I fix this?

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At Time Of Recoredset Movenext Out Of Memory error Occured  In Run Time

Jan 1, 2010

at the time of recoredset movenext out of memory error occured in run time data have 3800000 lakh recored

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Upgrade From 2003 To 2010 Error "System.SystemException - The Type Library Importer Encountered An Error During Type Verification"

Aug 25, 2011

I've just finished installing VS2010 on my computer. I have a project I built in 2003 that I'm trying to open in 2010. It went through the conversion process and generated this error: System.SystemException - The type library importer encountered an error during type verification. Try importing without class members. : System.MissingMethodException - Method not found: 'Void


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Could Not Create Instance Of Type

Jun 5, 2011

I have created a UserControl Popup window and called that xaml file into another file. Imported the namespace.When I am trying to build this project an error at this below given code:

<Popup x:Name="POP" IsOpen="False" PlacementTarget="{Binding}" Placement="Center" AllowsTransparency="True">
<a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" />

Error at

<a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" />

Could not create an instance of type 'PopUpWindow'.

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Set Object To Instance Type?

Mar 11, 2010

any one knows how to set an excel object to instance type.

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Create A New Instance Of A Type Given As Parameter?

Mar 7, 2010

I've searched for an answer and found some c#-examples, but could not get this running in vb.net:

I thought of something like the following[code]...

I know, I can create a new instance with the Activator.Create... methods, but how to create an array of this type or just declare a new variable?

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Declare New Instance With Generic Type?

Jan 26, 2009

I have two class like this[code]...

The red code does not works. How do I get the type of data to declare, for example, a Specific Instance(Of integer) if Data is integer, and also Specific (of SomeClass) if Data is SomeClass?

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How To Determine If Value Is Instance Of Generic Type

Mar 27, 2010

I have a class C(Of T). I want to determine if some given value has type C, regardless of what T is. For example, I might want to determine if a value is a strongly-typed list, regardless what type of items the list stores. I just need to know how to do it in VB.net. In Java the syntax is like this:
var result = obj instance of Gen2<?>;

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Instance Of Type List(of Object)?

May 31, 2012

Why does this extension:


Work for instance of type List(of Object) but not for instance of type List(Of List(Of Object).
Object is the most generic type in .net so List(of Object) is an Object and the extension shoud work?

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DB/Reporting :: Error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

Jan 25, 2011

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified.

This error is doing my head in.I have a client running Windows XP SP3 logged into a domain. It is running MS VB 2010 Express to access the server.I have a Server called dataserver3 which from the client, I can do a start, run "\Dataserver3" and it comes up and yes I can browse to the Test.mdf file, which is a new database that was created using MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard edition.


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[2008] Make A New Instance Based On A Variable's Type?

Mar 7, 2009

there is a way to turn the following code into a sub so I don't have the same boilerplate show form code in use a thousand times in a program:


Public InstanceOfFrmGeneric As frmGeneric
If InstanceOfFrmGeneric Is Nothing Then
InstanceOfFrmGeneric = New frmGeneric()


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C# - .NET Generic Class Instance - Passing A Variable Data Type

Jun 2, 2010

I'm tyring to pass a variable data type to a template class. Something like this:

frmExample = New LookupForm(Of Models.MyClass) 'Works fine

Dim SelectedType As Type = InstanceOfMyClass.GetType() 'Works fine
frmExample = New LookupForm(Of SelectedType) 'Ba-bow!
frmExample = New LookupForm(Of InstanceOfMyClass.GetType()) 'Ba-bow!


I'm assuming it's something to do with the template being processed at compile time but even if I'm off the mark there, it wouldn't solve my problem anyway. I can't find any relevant information on using Reflection to instance template classes either.

(How) can I create an instance of a dynamically typed repository at runtime?

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Get "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object" Error When Trying To Find An Instance In A String?

Jan 23, 2009

I am using the IndexOf function of the string class to find a specific instance of a string. And based on that I have a logic to do something. Below is the example of what I am doing. The code is in production and is working fine. But for some instance I am getting an "Object reference not set error". Yeah its intermittent.The requestXML is a string of xml data passed in as a paramter to a subroutine. I am fetching the xml string as a form post in a request object. The only thing I could think of getting this kind of error is when the requestXML string varia

requestXml = Request("requestXML")
Sub SubmitRequest(ByVal requestXml


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.NET Be Forced To Initialize Instance Variables BEFORE Invoking The Base Type Constructor?

Jan 5, 2011

After debugging a particularly tricky issue in VB.NET involving the order in which instance variables are initialized, I discovered that there is a breaking discrepancy between the behavior that I expected from C# and the actual behavior in VB.NET.Nota bene: This question concerns a slight discrepancy in the behaviors of VB.NET and C#. If you're a language bigot that is unable to provide an answer other than "that's why you should use C#, noob", there is nothing for you to see here; kindly move along.Specifically, I expected the behavior outlined by the C# Language Specification (emphasis added):

When an instance constructor has no constructor initializer, or it has a constructor initializer of the form base(...), that constructor implicitly performs the initializations specified by the variable-initializers of the instance fields declared in its class. This corresponds to a sequence of assignments that are executed immediately upon entry to the constructor and before the implicit invocation of the direct base class constructor. The variable initializers are executed in the textual order in which they appear in the class declaration.

Contrast that with the portion of the VB.NET Language Specification concerning Instance Constructors, which says (emphasis added): When a constructor's first statement is of the form MyBase.New(...), the constructor implicitly performs the initializations specified by the variable initializers of the instance variables declared in the type. This corresponds to a sequence of assignments that are executed immediately after invoking the direct base type constructor. Such ordering ensures that all base instance variables are initialized by their variable initializers before any statements that have access to the instance are executed.

The discrepancy here is immediately obvious. C# initializes class-level variables before calling the base constructor. VB.NET does exactly the reverse, apparently preferring to call the base constructor before setting the values of instance fields.If you want to see some code, this related question provides a more concrete example of the divergent behavior. Unfortunately, it does not provide any hints as to how one might coerce VB.NET into following the model established by C#.

I'm less interested in why the designers of the two languages chose such divergent approaches than I am in possible workarounds for the problem. Ultimately, my question is as follows: Is there any way that I can write or structure my code in VB.NET to force instance variables to be initialized before the base type's constructor is called, as is the standard behavior in C#?

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Error: Microsoft.VisualBasic: Conversion From Type 'DataRowView' To Type 'String' Is Not Valid

May 25, 2011

I now have SQL Parameters set up and I'm using them to save/delete/add my data. This all works well, except when it's trying to save a combobox to the datatable it appears with the error above.Majority of my comboboxes have datasources, and the valuemembers of these are the actual list items, not the ID's of the list items.I'm not sure why this error could be happening, I'm fairly sure I've connected everything to the binding source correctly; I've checked it a few times.Does anybody know what the cause of this could be? I've looked around a bit and I haven't found much

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Generics Compiler Error: Type Argument X Does Not Inherit From Or Implement The Constraint Type Y?

Mar 1, 2012

I've spent quite a bit of time reading up on generics, covariance, etc., and I am failing to understand why I get the aforementioned compiler error in this type of codeLet's say I have a base "Bill" class made up of a collection of Lines..

Public Class Bill(Of L As Line)
Private _lines As List(Of L)
Public Property Lines() As List(Of L)


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Error : Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'ClassA' To Type 'ClassB'

May 24, 2011

I can't cast my objects. I get: "Unable to cast object of type 'ClassA' to type 'ClassB'".

The service Class:

Public Class svc_Insp
Implements Isvc_Insp
Public Function Test(ByVal pm_income As ClassC) As String Implements Isvc_Insp.Test


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Forms :: Error - Conversion From Type 'DBNull' To Type 'Date' Is Not Valid

Oct 10, 2010

I'm getting the error "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid."here's the line generating the error.

dtReady.Value = dSet.Tables("Db").Rows(Inc).Item("Fixed_Date")

I'm using a date/time picker control and sending the db value to it. I know that the value is null, but I don't understand why the Picker can't be blank. Is there a way to let it be blank? Or should I set up a way to check for nulls and assign today's date or something just in case?

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