C# - Ado.net ExecuteReader Giving Duplication While Binding With Datagrid

Jun 20, 2012

I am using below mentioned Ado.net function and resultset bind with grid view, however I am getting the duplicate rows in the resultset.


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 binding Navigators / Datagrid View / Binding Source Are All Sql Database Parts

Oct 18, 2010

binding navigators, datagrid view, binding source are all sql database parts.Will these parts still work if you havent got sql on you pc and your not using an database file (.log and .mfd) and your not coding to them, im using MS Jet/Oledb to code to Excel.What not to put on an Employee evaluation: This employee has hit rock bottom and shows signs of starting to dig.

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Giving Properties To Datagrid Item

Mar 1, 2012

The following code was taken from a javascript script. What it's (supposedly) doing is assigning properties to the line item. A name, a relations array, rounds array (which they lost in), total wins, three tiebreaker scores, and if they had a bye. (This is for a swiss pairing algorithm.)[code]I want to do something like this in Visual Basic. I'm pulling data from a table using a OleDBReader. I want to give each item that is pulled a set of these properties. Then by some means changing them.

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Datagrid's Scrolling Giving Error After Selecting Row?

Jun 8, 2012

When I am scrolling datagrid after selecting one row I am getting error as "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll" on line :

MyBase.Edit(source, rowNum, bounds, [readOnly], instantText, cellIsVisible)

Whole code is given below :


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Binding Array To DataGrid?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to bind an Array to a DataGrid using VB.NET (2008), and I get an error. Array was not one-dimentional arra

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Dynamically Binding To Datagrid

May 3, 2012

I'm trying to bind a dataset to a datagrid. I've found many examples online... all look similar to below. My problem is that the bind seems to work, but nothing shows on the datagrid. It's blank. Both rowcounts in the message boxes display the correct number of rows for both the dataset and datagrid. Does something need to be initialized in the datagrid properties?


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Wpf - Binding DataGridComboBoxColumn In Datagrid?

Dec 29, 2009

I am novice in WPF. I have a wpftoolkit datagrid where i am using a combo box as datagridcombox column. I am using a observable collection of Codes for binding the combo box. Below is the collection and its class...

#Region "Class & Coll"
Public Class CodesColl
Inherits ObservableCollection(Of Codes)


Unable to display the codes in dropdown. Somehow i manged to do so but it disappears after loosing focus from the combobox. Unable to retrive the description on its selection change as , i am unable to find the event too.

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.net - WPF DataGrid And Avalon TimePicker Binding?

May 26, 2010

I'm using a the WPF DataGrid from the wpf toolkit and a TimePicker from AvalonControlsLibrary to insert a collection of TimeSpans. My problem is that bindings are not working inside the DataGrid, and I have no clue of why this isn't working.Here is my setup:

I have the following XAML:

<Window x:Class="TestMainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:wpf="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wpf/2008/toolkit" xmlns:a="http://schemas.AvalonControls/AvalonControlsLibrary/Controls" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" MinHeight="250" MinWidth="300">


EDIT 1: I forgot to mention that the binding to SelectedTime TimeSpan works as expected. The problem are the bindings inside the DataGrid.

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Binding Validation Controls In A Datagrid?

Feb 15, 2012

I have the following datagrid:

<asp:DataGrid runat="server" ID="gastosReembolsables" ShowFooter="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<AlternatingItemStyle CssClass="DATAitem2"></AlternatingItemStyle>
<ItemStyle CssClass="DATAitem1"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle CssClass="DATAheader"></HeaderStyle>
<FooterStyle CssClass="DATAitem1"></FooterStyle>


all bindings work except the ones in the validation controls for the itemtemplate of the last column (they are passed as text to the web page). Why is this happening? is it even possible to do what I'm trying to do?

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Linq To XML Binding Into A Winform Datagrid

May 14, 2009

I have a really simple xml:

dim myXml as XDocument = _
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RecordNumber id="1">


I get element information and the data in my grid. Plus the grid is showing the columns of data as rows.

I got this idea from the Beth Massi show, but She use Linq to SQL, (which looked really easy). So I thought, well, what the heck, its all iEnumarable...

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VS 2005 Binding Data To A Datagrid?

Mar 5, 2009

VS 2005 [RESOLVED] biniding data to a datagrid

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Adding And Binding A Combobox To A Bound Datagrid?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable. I want replace one of the cells with a combo box and bind that combobox to one of the columns in the datatable. I have been able to replace the cell OK but currently have two issues I have not been able to resolve.

1. When I add items to the drop down (items.add ("Yes")...) they don't appear in the drop down box.

2. I can't figure out the syntax to bind a particular column in my datatable to the newColumn(combobox) in the datagridview.

dbConnection = New OleDbConnection
cmdCommand = New OleDbCommand


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.net - Silverlight Datagrid Binding With Object With A List Property?

Oct 27, 2011

I'm having trouble with some Silverlight functionality. My goal is to get some data from the database and display it in my grid. Sounds simple, however, there are 7 columns that are always going to be there.
The rest of the columns depends on the account. There could be 2 (called Actions) associated with a certain account, compared to another account that could have 5, and the action names can be completely different.
I have successfully been able to return a list of all the possible actions for the given account, and then adding the columns to the grid in the code bihind(VB), and I can bind my data to the grid for all the columns that are already known. The way I store the item's actions, is a Property of type List. My problem is finding a way to iterate through the actions list of the Item object in order to bind those actions to the grid.

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Datagrid View Binding Swapping Cols/rows?

May 7, 2012

I have a client who needs a database to display products.He would like to have the product attributes in the rows headers and new records added to the columns. I have a collection of a class that would contain the products and am binding it as a data source. however all I can get is the attributes to show up in the columns and the records to show up in the rows.


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Forms :: Binding Array Into Separate Columns In DataGrid?

Jul 16, 2009

I have an ArrayList that are separated by the pipe:
colA | colB | colC | colD
How can I bind that array into separate columns in a datagrid each with their own column header?

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Data Binding - Programatically Add Link Button To Datagrid - Click Event Not Firing

Oct 28, 2011

I have a datagrid where I am programatically adding a linkbutton on ItemDataBound.


The linkbutton is adding to the grid cells correctly, but when you the click event is not firing.

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Binding Excel Data To A Datagrid Without No Header Just The Data?

Oct 31, 2010

i want to binding excel data to a datagrid without no header, just the data.for example :my excel files consist of 3x3 matriks data in 3x3 excel cell like this

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

and i want to show all this data on data grid i have tried with some code like this

Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet
MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _


but the first row of that data ( 1 2 3 ) is not shown up in the datagrid, just the 2nd and the 3rd row that shown up in datagrid?

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Duplication In A VB List Box

Mar 23, 2011

Using ASP/VB, I'm trying to get rid of some duplication in a list box that is coming from an XML document.[code]...

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Use ExecuteReader With A ParamArray?

May 31, 2011

How to use the ExecuteReader calling a stored procedure with a parameter array?

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ArgumentOutOfRangeException ExecuteReader With Singlerow

Apr 19, 2010

I am getting an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when I try to run the following code,[code]the table that is being read has a single row of data, the database and connection are fine as I can run INSERT/UPDATES etc but wherever I have used a datareader I am getting this exception each time on the "Using reader As MySqlDataReader" line.

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Check For Duplication Before Insert?

Jan 13, 2009

In the below code I want to also check before inserting if that record exists or

Dim conn As New SqlConnection("xxxxx")


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Duplication Databinding.format In Wpf

Jun 19, 2009

Does anyone know how to duplicate the winforms databinding function - format in wpf? e.g. applying the format of #####0.00 to a text box?

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Duplication Of Tabpage Layout?

Jul 21, 2010

I've gone through various thread, posts, classes and walkthroughs on sites but seem to be coming up short either in my understanding or what is/should be going on.I have a very simple data entry tabcontrol (think like microsoft excel but textboxes, labels and the odd combobox rather than a grid). When I click one tab it creates a new tab and names it according the sequence (no problems so far). Here is the crotch kicker (for me at least). I need the first tabpage layout on all additional tabpage so that data can be entered in each separately and stored with constant "processing" (adding and subtracting ).What would be the best approach to doing such a tabpage duplication?

Currently a User control library inheriting from tabpage seems like a good idea but with the 40 or so controls on it is this actually going to function like the first tabpage (as in the one i have now not the one I'd have if i used the user control instead).Do I take the raft of code the designer creates automatically for the tabpage and its controls and simply add them to the click event? Would this create duplication problems with name or would it be ok as they would be tabpage1.lblName and tabpage2.lblName?

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How To Protect Project From Duplication

May 23, 2011

i developed a project using VB.Net 2005 and sql server 2005 standard edition at back end. now its complete and have to deliver to company now. but i am afraid that the company may reproduce a new copy of this software from the original and may sell to any other company or in open market. I want to implement some mechanism on my project for its security, which enables it to not to work on other computers or some similar type security.

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No Code Runs After ExecuteReader()?

Aug 3, 2011

I am using Microsoft visual basic 2010. I am using the following code to connect to a local access database. After the line myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader () no code runs. I am not receiving an error message.

Dim connectionString
As String =
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=C:UsersmikeDocumentsFCE_Database.mdb"


I have used this method to connect to the same database multiple times in the same program without a problem I've also tried using OleDb with the same result.

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Prevent Duplication In GridView?

May 30, 2010

I have this code and it is not working correctly. Note: The code must check the if the data is valid every time the user enters a new datai have 2 columns in my table

Private Sub Table_CellValidated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellValidatedEventArgs) Handles Table.CellValidated


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Validate Duplication Of ID In Database?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a program connecting with a database.. so when add record in it, i want to validate for the duplication of ID in database..

here's my code for add button:
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAdd.Click
dSet.Tables(0).PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {dSet.Tables(0).Columns("WatchID")} 'The table primary key is the WatchId


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VS 2008 Binding Multiple Binding Source To One Binding Source Navigator?

Oct 29, 2011

is there any way that i could link/bind multiple binding source to only one binding source navigator?

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Asp.net - ExecuteReader Taking Time, Not In SQL Server?

Jun 2, 2011

I am executing stored procedure using ExcuteReader() command. If I execute Stored Procedure in SQL server it is taking 2 secs. But in code taking around 2 mins. I tried DataAdapter.Fill(). Still the same.

What is wrong in the code?

spString = "usp_graph"
sqlcmd_q.Connection = sqlCnn
sqlcmd_q.CommandText = spString


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CD Collection Prevent User For Duplication

Nov 12, 2011

I'm writing a program on CD Collection. My problem is write a code that prevents a user to enter a CD collection name that is already stored in the filename.txt.

The rest of my program is okay, but the only problem is something do with btnAdd control.

Here's my whole program:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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