Duplication Databinding.format In Wpf

Jun 19, 2009

Does anyone know how to duplicate the winforms databinding function - format in wpf? e.g. applying the format of #####0.00 to a text box?

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Duplication In A VB List Box

Mar 23, 2011

Using ASP/VB, I'm trying to get rid of some duplication in a list box that is coming from an XML document.[code]...

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Check For Duplication Before Insert?

Jan 13, 2009

In the below code I want to also check before inserting if that record exists or

Dim conn As New SqlConnection("xxxxx")


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Duplication Of Tabpage Layout?

Jul 21, 2010

I've gone through various thread, posts, classes and walkthroughs on sites but seem to be coming up short either in my understanding or what is/should be going on.I have a very simple data entry tabcontrol (think like microsoft excel but textboxes, labels and the odd combobox rather than a grid). When I click one tab it creates a new tab and names it according the sequence (no problems so far). Here is the crotch kicker (for me at least). I need the first tabpage layout on all additional tabpage so that data can be entered in each separately and stored with constant "processing" (adding and subtracting ).What would be the best approach to doing such a tabpage duplication?

Currently a User control library inheriting from tabpage seems like a good idea but with the 40 or so controls on it is this actually going to function like the first tabpage (as in the one i have now not the one I'd have if i used the user control instead).Do I take the raft of code the designer creates automatically for the tabpage and its controls and simply add them to the click event? Would this create duplication problems with name or would it be ok as they would be tabpage1.lblName and tabpage2.lblName?

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How To Protect Project From Duplication

May 23, 2011

i developed a project using VB.Net 2005 and sql server 2005 standard edition at back end. now its complete and have to deliver to company now. but i am afraid that the company may reproduce a new copy of this software from the original and may sell to any other company or in open market. I want to implement some mechanism on my project for its security, which enables it to not to work on other computers or some similar type security.

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Prevent Duplication In GridView?

May 30, 2010

I have this code and it is not working correctly. Note: The code must check the if the data is valid every time the user enters a new datai have 2 columns in my table

Private Sub Table_CellValidated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellValidatedEventArgs) Handles Table.CellValidated


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Validate Duplication Of ID In Database?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a program connecting with a database.. so when add record in it, i want to validate for the duplication of ID in database..

here's my code for add button:
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAdd.Click
dSet.Tables(0).PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {dSet.Tables(0).Columns("WatchID")} 'The table primary key is the WatchId


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CD Collection Prevent User For Duplication

Nov 12, 2011

I'm writing a program on CD Collection. My problem is write a code that prevents a user to enter a CD collection name that is already stored in the filename.txt.

The rest of my program is okay, but the only problem is something do with btnAdd control.

Here's my whole program:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Error In Netxt Pages Without Duplication

Dec 21, 2011

However the error in this i why he is viewing pages on the same number of lines of SQL result 59]

ie he's reading every record and putting everyone on the same sheet, and in 59.

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Generating Random Numbers Without Duplication?

Feb 6, 2011

I am working on an application, where I have already normalized the databases. Now I am creating an application in asp.net with vb.net as my code behind fine. These random numbers would be stored in the Id column. So, no way there would be repeating the keys. But my application could generate the key, which would probably get repeated. How would I check the database for, so that random numbers wont get repeated? is there any function? Could you give me the code for the same.

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How To Remove Duplication Of Datas In Datagridview

Jul 6, 2011

I am developing VB.Net application, here i am using DataGridView control to display data from database now it is displaying as follows

emp no emp name city Sal Description Salary
54 john NJ HRA 1000
54 john NJ DA 2500
54 john NJ BP 12500

but i need to display as follows


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Prevent A Duplication In A Combo Box In VB2008?

Dec 7, 2009

I've got this problem. I have no clue how to prevent a duplicate from being entered in a combo box in VB2008. The information that is to be compared to is in a text file. What I have now works, but I have left out the prevent duplicate part.


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Prevent Access Data Duplication

Mar 28, 2011

i want to prevent user from adding same data on my database... (using access as database)

let say i have 5 fields on my database... ID, Name, address, contact, email... binded to textboxes... idTextbox, nameTextbox, addressTextbox, contactTextbox, emailTextbox.

if the user add a data.... and clicks the save button (saveButton) a messagebox will show a message saying that the data he/she entered already exist..

the messagebox will only show if the user entered a data with the same Name.

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Random Number Generator Without Duplication

Sep 11, 2009

I am new to Visual studio 2008 using the express version. I wish to generate up to 10 000 random numbers without duplicates. Any appropriate container to store and print these numbers.

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Refactor To Remove Code Duplication?

Feb 1, 2011

This is a simplified version of a class that I have in my project. Since the Bonus is figured the exact same way in each function I want to remove the obvious code duplication that appears here and make the three different functions into one. However I am not sure how to provide the argument that this new function would require.

For instance I am currently just passing the argument like this from code

lblVolumeBonus.Content = TestClass.VolumeBonusAmountStore(bonus).

I think I have to basically turn this logic around and call it with something like

lblVolumeBonus.Content = TestClass.VolumeBonusAmountStore(BonusTrackerBO.StoreBonus)

but I am not sure of the correct syntax or whether I am on the right track at all.

Public Class TestClass
Public Shared Function StoreBonus(ByVal bonus As BonusTrackerBO.StoreBonus) As Double


Edit: It may not make a difference but I should have made clear that there are other factors in the equation (I was just trying to keep it simple). So is the answer the same when there are other callbacks to the bonus like bonus.MaximumAmount, bonus.MinimumAmount? There are 5 callbacks to the bonus object and the amounts are different depending on whether it is a Store, District or Company asking.

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Remove Duplication Of Data In Subreport?

Aug 6, 2010

Am developing a resume data retrieving software where data is stored in one parent table and 4 child tables as such:

Resume_table ----> Parent table
holds ----> Res_ID, Emp_ID, Lang_ID, Task_ID & some other static data

Employee_Table--->which is referenced directly to Resume_Table.Emp_ID similarly ol other 3 tables are referenced to the main parent table Storing and retrieving data is all working fine as long as I am retrieving 1 record for each child tables But some times there might be couple of languages and only single records for other child tables.In dat case as the four child tables are ol in separate subreports whch are called onto the main report whch prints as cv gives redundancy in data i.e by giving duplication of ol records twice which were single records during entry, which i think follows the language table if it consist of 2 records.am using a join query to call these records onto crystal report...


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Stop Duplication In Random Numbers?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a 'lottery machine', I've included the code i've been using below. I've got 7text boxes, ad numbers are between 1-49. I need to stop the duplication and to sort them in ascending order (1-49), i've tired a bubble sort but that hasn't worked, and a 'if, while' process, but i think it might be wrong! I know its a little pushy but i could do with this being sorted before 3pm friday 29 january 2009! I would be so greatful if anyone can even point me in the right direction as i am new to visual basic.


My code:

Public Class Form1
'version 27/01/2009
Dim Timer2Count As Integer


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VS 2005 Protect The Project From Duplication?

May 23, 2011

i developed a project using VB.Net 2005 and sql server 2005 standard edition at back end. now its complete and have to deliver to company now. but i am afraid that the company may reproduce a new copy of this software from the original and may sell to any other company or in open market. I want to implement some mechanism on my project for its security, which enables it to not to work on other computers or some similar type security.

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[2008] Reducing The Code Duplication?

Mar 2, 2009

Reading through "The Pragmatic Programmer", I've come across the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and Orthagonal (keep code modular) principles.I have a suite of modules, some of which have common procedures. Because each module is a separate project in Visual Studio, up until now I have simply copied code from one project to another when 1 module (project) needs to do the same function as another module (project). This is when functionality overlaps, not when 2 modules (projects) do everything the same.

I always suspected this was bad practice (and have seen the fruits of my suspicions when the subs get out of sync), and the book confirmed me in this belief. So, what I want to do is make a central code repository for the 4 or 5 common subs, but I don't know how to do it.Should I make a .dll file for each sub I want to use in multiple places? If so, how do I do that? Is there another way to do what I want to do?

1. I have a subroutine that takes a filepath (and if disconnected also a SqlConnection) and loads the referenced file into a database as a BLOB.

2. I have 3 separate projects in 1 VS solution that all run basically the same version of this code.

3. I want all 3 to run EXACTLY the same code.

4. I want 1 version of this code so that any changes made don't need to be made in 3 places.

5. I have a few other instances like this for other subroutines.

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C# - Ado.net ExecuteReader Giving Duplication While Binding With Datagrid

Jun 20, 2012

I am using below mentioned Ado.net function and resultset bind with grid view, however I am getting the duplicate rows in the resultset.


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Code / Query That Will Prevent Duplication Of Data

Jun 5, 2011

i'm working on a voting system but im having problems in adding records... i have two a primary key, the idnumber and the address. the address is where I base if that certain address already voted. but the problem is everytime i try to add a record with the same address (ex. Block 1 lot 4), the data is duplicated which is not output i want. the program should detect that there is already an existing address.


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VS 2008 - Updating Items In ListBox Without Duplication

May 17, 2010

If strCustomerOrder = "A1#" Then
decSubtotal = ANTACID_ONE
mintQuantity += 1
ShoppingCartForm.lstShoppingCart.Items.Add(("A1" & vbTab & vbTab & "Alka-Seltzer Antacid" _
[Code] .....
I want my listbox to not display duplicate items. I just want it to update the quantity(Qty).

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VS 2008 : Making An Anti-file Duplication System For PC?

Oct 20, 2010

I was thinking of making a anti-file duplication system for my PC. I feel that i have a lot file duplicates so finding them would be nice.

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Compare The Value Of Two/multi Column Array And Add Into Listbox Without Duplication In Visual Basic?

May 2, 2012

I've small project to do and now I'm stuck in middle. The program is to read the sequential text file and load it into a array/array of structure.The data information is like this (sample):

ID | Name | Type
1 | Cat | Animal
2 | Dog | Animal


This is Just as sample data, my original data is more than this.I've open the DATA.txt file using FileStreamReader:

Dim FileStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamREader(DATA.txt)

Read all the elements in the list and pass through ReadArrayString.Split the string using:

DataString.Split(New Char() {";"c})

Pass through


Where index 0 is the ID, index 1 is the name, and index 2 is the Type Then I load the types in the dropdown combobox menu from the array with out duplication. Like this:

If TypeComboBox.FindString(ReadArrayString(2)) < 0 Then
End If

Now When you click TypeComboBox it will show drop down menu with following list only.


After this, when Animal type is selected/clicked from combobox dropdown menu then it should only add the Id and Name of Animal type in the ListBox.Pseudocode may looks like this:

If Animal is selected/clicked from TypeComboBox then
Add Cat into listbox
Add Dog into listbox


I've only figure out load items from only one column/array into combobox with out duplication.But can't figure out to compare the value of one column/array with another column/array and load it into listbox. I don't want to hardcode or write matching value inside the code. What I want is use the Array.

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IDE :: Dual Check Program(check Duplication In Form By Comparing From Access Database Table Fields)?

Apr 9, 2010

Details: I want to compare these above two table1 and 2 . The unmatched records should be save in a new table .


1 Should take input the table and fields we want to match each other.

2 Then after searching or reading the record from table and selected fields save the unmatch records in a new table

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Databinding 101 - How To Do It In .Net

Sep 8, 2011

I have a list of strings. How do I bind it to a listbox so that the listbox updates as the data of the list changes? I'm using vb.net.I've tried this so far. I've manage to display the data, but not change it:

Public Class Form1
Private mycountries As New List(Of String)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I've also tried this:

ListBox1.DataBindings.Add("items", mycountries, "Item")

But items is readonly, so it doesn't work.Also, if I want to bind the enabled property of a button to a boolean, how can I do that?I've tried this but I don't know what to add for the last parameter.

Dim b As Boolean = True
Button3.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", b, "")

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ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format Is Changing Axis Label Text Instead Of Format?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm returning a database query into a List object and using that list object to fill the X and Y axes of my chart as seen below. (_runData is a "List(of DatabaseTableName)" style Object filled with the results of my query.

Primary_Chart.Series(0).Points.DataBindXY(_runData, "DateTime", _runData, "UPPER_PRESSURE")
My Datetime field is returning as a Serial Number (i.e. 40116.76111) so I want to format the X Axis to display the field more readably. Enter my problem code.


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Convert A Black And White Image In JPEG Format To A Grayscale TIFF Format?

Jun 5, 2011

Im looking for a class or code in VB.NET that can convert a black and white image in JPEG format to a grayscale TIFF format.

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Converting JD Edwards Date (6-digit Julian Format) To MMDDYY Format In UltraGrid

Jun 7, 2011

I'm creating a VB app that uses the Infragistics UltraGrid to display data from 2 JD Edwards files. Before the data is displayed, first I need to convert 2 date fields that are in JD Edwards Julian date format (i.e., 111158 for 6/07/11....the 158th day of this year) to mmddyy format.

MCTS: Web Apps, MCTS: Windows Apps, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, MCP: Windows XP Professional, A+, Network+, Linux+, Security+, Master CIW Designer, SCJP

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Format The DataGridView DefaultCellStyle Format Property (Zip Code And Phone Number)?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using VS 2005 pro and VB.NET. How do you format the DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.format property for zip codes and phone numbers. I have a zip code and phone number column(s) that I want to be formatted. I have tried a lot of different things:

Zip code: "99999-0000" or "Phone Number: "(999)000-0000" or "(000)000-0000" and the like So far nothing has worked. I can get my date columns formatted correctly, but not these. Can any one give me some examples that work?

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