C# - Dynamic ComboBox Datasource Form Load

Oct 21, 2010

I'm creating a dynamic combo box and adding to a form. I'm trying to fill the combo box with a DataSource from an ArrayList and then selecting an item in the combo box based off a value from a property.Problem is, the combo box items don't get bound until after the Form_Load event has finished and the form is visible. So the combo box is empty when I try to set the selected index of the combo box. See code for what I'm doing in detail, and refer to comments in


How to select the right selected index for combo box without a hack (Load timer or something stupid like that)?

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Load The Combo Box'values From One Form To Another Form's Combobox?

Nov 15, 2011

how to load the combo box'values from one form to another form's combobox


cust(table name)


now i load the form1's name which is the combo values .. to form 2's combo box whixh is name of 'CName'

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Dynamic Update To A Datasource?

Sep 24, 2009

I am building an app that has one access database. In that database, there is one table that users will access.

In VB2008, I used the Add A New Data Source selection to add the database and table to the application. I have successfuly bound the table/records/fields to the needed text boxes on a form.

This app will have one table to start. End users can create new tables using the structure of the first.

At design time, only one table was in the db. Now a user adds a new table. I have a module that lets the user choose which table to work with and that name is stored to a global variable.

Once the new table is selected, I want to launch the edit window.

Since the new table [call it table2] did not exist at design time, what is the best way to tell the data binding that I want to use table2?

Remember - the operation of adding a new data binding source using the designer automatically adds hundreds of lines of code in the initialization sections of the code.

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Load Data Form Textbox Into Combobox?

Jun 9, 2011

i have 2 form. form 1 have combobox and second form textbox...how to load data form textbox into combobox..if i type hitachi in text box, automatictly "hitachi" will save in dropdownlist combobox..

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ASP.Net Dynamic Excel Creation From SQL Datasource?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a reguirement to enable the creation of excel workbooks from sql stored procedure. To do this I want to create a vb class to generate and save the excel files. Then and ASP.net page will enable opening the excel file via the browser or enable the user to download the file.The class should be able to be called from a vareity of pages within the web app and have the ability to handle 8 to 10 separate stored procedures that will return various data sets.

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Form Load Event - How To Get Previous ComboBox Selection

May 13, 2010

I have two forms, forms a and b. Each form has a combo box. The user selects an item from form A's combo box and saves their selection to a database by pressing a button. How can I display their combo box selection from form A in form B's combo box on form B's form_load event?

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VS 2005 - Fill ComboBox With Data On Form Load?

Jul 30, 2009

When the form loads I want to fill the combobox with the data present in the database. So I did the below

Private Sub BindCombo()
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=C:UsersGautamDocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsF1pracF1pracBank_Account.mdb")
cmd = New OleDbCommand("Select * from BankAccount", con)
[Code] .....

Doing this code the data is added up in the combobox dropdown list. But when I am selecting a data from the combobox dropdown list,the all the corresponding data of the other combobox also get filled automatically. I don't want to let the other combobox filled with their data automatically....

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Change Datagridview Combobox Cell Style On Form Load?

Apr 23, 2012

at the moment i can change the datagridview combobox cell style using the cellvaluechanged event handler using the following code:
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellValueChanged
If e.RowIndex <> Column1.Index Then


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VS 2005 Added A Few Items In Combobox Dropdown List At Form Load Event

Aug 7, 2009

I added a few items in the combobox dropdown list at the form load event. [code] At the runtime I dont want to allow the user to write something in the combobox as a text.The user can only select an item from the dropdown list of the combobox.

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VS 2005 Fetch Data From The Database And Filling It To The Combobox Dropdown List At The Form Load Event

Aug 29, 2009

This is the code that i did to fetch data from the database and filling it to the combobox dropdown list at the form load event:


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.net - Sort A Datasource Combobox?

May 31, 2012

I list folders in my combobox but I'm trying to sort the folders alphabetically and then numerically or vice versa.

My coding to populate my combobox is

With Combobox1.DataSource =
(From folder In New IO.DirectoryInfo("Path").GetDirectories
Select (folder.Name)
End With

Is it possible to sort the combobox?

I have folders that are numbered like 1, 50, 115, 189 etc.

These should display as


however they display as


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Combobox Datasource From A Datagrid?

Aug 12, 2010

I have defined a datagrid which has combobox in one of the columns, is there anyway to modify the datasource of the combobox (the source of the list) at run time?

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Getting Valuemember From Combobox With Datasource?

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to get the valuemember of my combobox but it just won't work. I have tried a lot of things (won't post them all here) can somebody just show me how to do this?

Private Sub cmbGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbGroup.SelectedIndexChanged ' Get valuemember here End Sub

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Modifying The DataSource Of A ComboBox?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a ComboBox that is bound to a List(of T).Now I type-cast the ComboBox.DataSource into List(of T)and add some more elements in the List.The items collection of the ComboBox doesnt get reflected and the new element does not show up in the ComboBox. Am I missing something ?

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Populating A Combobox Through Datasource?

Jun 6, 2012

Private Sub UsernameEdit_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sqlconn As New SqlConnection
sqlconn.ConnectionString = "stuff"


The combobox just populates with "System.Data.DataRowView" I know it is some command to read the correct data out of the table, is it setting up something like:

dim i as integer
for i = 0 to CompanyNames.length-1

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Set The Datasource Of A Combobox Or Datagrid?

May 17, 2012

just curious what happens when i set the datasource of a combobox or datagrid or what-not to a dt then when i want to change what's in the combobox etc., i just set the datasource to a new one. i am cleaning as i go but just want to know what happens to the old datasource:


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Using SortedDictionary As Combobox Datasource?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a combobox which i am binding to a sortedDictionary list, so it displays in ascending order. My question is, I need to display "--Select--" as the first option. Is there any way to either:

1) add another item besides for the datasource


2) add an unsorted item to the top of the sortedDictionary

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.net - Use Reflection With LINQ On A Sub That Set Datasource Of All ComboBox?

May 11, 2011

I'm trying to use reflection with LINQ on a sub that set datasource of all my ComboBox:

Usual Method:

' ACAmp Panel
cboACPanelAmp.ValueMember = "IDACAmp"
cboACPanelAmp.DisplayMember = "Description"
cboACPanelAmp.DataSource = m_Entities.ACAmps.OrderBy(Function(c As ACAmp) c.SortOrder).ToList

Want to use that sub

FillCbo(cboACPanelAmp, "ACAmp")
Private Sub FillCbo(ByVal cbo As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraComboEditor, ByVal entityName As String)
cbo.ValueMember = "ID" & entityName


I can't figure out the last part of the last line, the LINQ

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Adding Items To ComboBox Even If It Already Has Datasource?

Jun 2, 2011

I have to add item "Final Grade" to my cboQuarter. The thing is, my cboQuarter already has a datasource and I can't add the item "Final Grade" during drop-down. The error says, "cannot modify or insert (can't remember word by word) when it already has a datasource."

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ComboBox - A Collection Of Classes Is The DataSource

Apr 5, 2011

I have a 2 classes, one is Employee, the other is Employees. Basically Employees is a collection of Employee, I have a combo box where the Datasource is Employees.

When the user selects a value from the combo box, How do I get an Employee object from whatever is selected?[code...]

It is an Infragistics combo box by the way.

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ComboBox Bound With Custom DataSource?

Mar 5, 2011

Appropriate Title would be: Bind comboBox Tag to database.I have a comboBox on form which is bounded but and I need to populate it manually. With some reading on net i have found a way but it is not working

I can populate my combo, select item in combo, update database but the problem is when I load my form it displays empty combo (combo is fulled with my custom data but nothing is selected it must select correct ItemText) and after selecting a value in combo, the value disappears as soon as combo losses focus .


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ComboBox DataSource AND SelectedValue DataBind?

Apr 19, 2011

Is it possible to BOTH set a comboboxes datasource AND databind the selected value?Ihave 2 comboboxes on a form that I want to populate with data from 1 table,ut I want the actual selected values on each of the comboboxes to come from separate columns n another datasource Right now if one combobox changes, so does the other if that makes sense.

Here's a sample of code:
'Bind DataSource
With cboYields


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DataGridView With Combobox's Datasource From Enum?

Feb 17, 2010

public Enum ClaimStatus
Ongoing = 0
Completed = 1


With code above, how do I assign the value to the combobox while retrieving data from the table so that it point to the corresponding combobox item. For example, if the value of status_ID is 1 then the combobox should show "completed" in the datagridview.

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Get An Integer Value From A ComboBox Using A DataTable As Its DataSource

Jun 23, 2010

I am using code similar to this to populate a combobox with items from a database. The display works fine, but when I try to get the combobox.SelectedValue it is returning a DataRowView, where I need an integer. Obviously this is becuase I haven't casted the value to an integer, but the function, CInt(cboPosition.SelectedValue) is throwing an InvalidCastException. Is there any way that I can get the ValueMember's type to be an Integer?

Dim cn As New SqlConnection(CreditDisputesLogConn)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("CustomersLookup", cn)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)


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Get Item Value From A Combobox Using A Datatable As It's Datasource?

May 20, 2010

How can I get an item value from a Combobox using a datatable as it's datasource? Here's my code for constructing the combobox. This code works, that's why I'm not showing it all, but I want you to know how I'm creating the combobox.

query = "SELECT category_id, name FROM categories ORDER BY name ASC;"
dbCommand = New MySqlCommand(query, dbConnection)


I want to display what is the item you physically see in the combobox that you select.

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Shared DataSource Between ComboBox And TextBox

Sep 23, 2011

I have this controls
ComboBox: list of myobject
TextBox: view a description
DataSource: list(of MyObject)

property id as int
property combodesctription as string
property description as string

What I want: I set the datasource of combobox with list of MyObject when I select a value on combobox, I would like see description in TextBox is it possible bound text property of TextBox to same datasource of combobox or it is possible change description of TextBox only with changedEvent of ComboBox?

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VS 2010 ComboBox DataSource And AutoComplete?

Aug 24, 2011

I have a ComboBox which is bound with a DataSource from (obviously) a Database. However, there are 659 different entries inside this Database and I was hoping to tack on AutoComplete.

I tried setting the Source to the ListItems since, after initialization and the data is bound, all the items necessary are in fact inside the ComboBox so I had assumed that it would pick that up. I was wrong. I tried using a Custom source but VS errored out saying that I couldn't do that since the ComboBox was bound.

My question is, how can I utilize AutoComplete's "Suggest" mode with a bound ComboBox?

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.net - Set A Code Object As The DataSource For A ComboBox, Using XAML?

Sep 24, 2010

I've gotten to a point where I'm trying to add a ComboBox to a UserControl, and to populate it from a collection which exists in code.

I've been getting along pretty much on monkey-see-monkey-do coding for the most part; copying and adapting existing code in order to get the next stage working, but this DataSource stuff has me stumped. I've been through a whole bunch of articles on MSDN this morning and am no closer to understanding than I was when I started.

Let me go through a few of the things that are messing with me, and hopefully you guys will be able to point me in the right direction:

1) None of the [UserControlName].vb files contains any code. All of the code for the UserControls is stored in [UserControlName]Model.vb files, and then code of the following sort is used:



1.5) (using bullet points means I can't use <> brackets or code blocks later on. What the hell, markdown?) Anyway...

2) I'm pretty sure I only want a Static Source for the moment, as the items in the ComboBox aren't going to change during execution, at this time. Problem is, all the articles I can find about this are gigantic, complex things about creating XML readers, and populating DataGridViews and sorting data, and on and on and on. I just want to declare that I'm using a frealing List! A List I've already created in code.

So, yeah, I basically need to use a Public Property ComboBoxLines As List(Of String) from a class which isn't the same class as the UserControl itself as the DataSource for a ComboBox.

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Access Datagridview Combobox Column Datasource?

Mar 10, 2012

I have a bound datagridview which populates from the database using parameters. I've added a combobox column through the datagridview properties. How do I access this combobox column datasource?

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Assign A Datasource To A ComboBox Control During Runtime?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm trying to assign a datasource to a ComboBox control during runtime. When I do so, I get the attached message. Here is my

cmbAddressDesc.DataSource = dbDataSet4.tblAddressCodes.addrDescColumn

dbDataSet4 is a typed dataset. I want to learn how to use an Interface. The error message is suggesting using an IList. How would I do this. I'm having trouble finding good documentation on this.

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