C# - .Net - How To Prepend A Stream

Nov 21, 2011

I'm loading blobs out of a database as a byte array and I put them in a memory stream so that I can load them into an xmldocument for parsing.However there are blobs that have multiple root nodes, this causes the parser to blow up.My solution is to just make a new root node that encompasses the whole blob. I can add onto the end just fine with a streamwriter however I can't figure out how to add onto the beginning.How can I prepend to a stream?

Update:I was having too much trouble getting this to work. The "XML" I was extracting was not proper XML and I kept on having to add more and more regexes to remove bad XML before the XmlDocument Load. I ended up using the HtmlAgilityPack to parse out my valid sections of XML and I put those inside their own xml documents.

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Stream Read Return Length 0 While Stream Is Open And Has Valid Data In It?

May 25, 2012

in an winForm app in VS2010 win 7 compiling to x86, I try to do what Alvas.Audio seems to work. See (c# ex: [URL] for reference.

Dim data() As Byte = wr.ReadData(second * i, second)

The result give me data.length()=0. I do not have any exception, I can read format from it and whatever reader I use I got this problem.EDIT : After some tests, it seems like the uncompressed file I create in the first step (in PCM format, with .wav extension) can not be recognized by the Alvas.audio library for the second step. I must miss something around Audio file markups or something alike.

Here is the code that might be the source (basically this is step 1):

Dim functOut As String = String.Empty
Dim wr As Alvas.Audio.IAudioReader = Nothing
Dim fs As IO.FileStream = Nothing


How can I write the resulted stream to be sure I can read it again later?

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VS 2010 Make Shoutcast Stream Info Like The Stream Name

May 5, 2011

Im making a desktop player for a online web radio, and for the program I wanna make it show all the stream info. Like the stream name, and such. However I dont know how to do this? I looked everywhere

The server url is setup like this "[URL]" And it has all the stream info and that there. So is there a way I can get the info from there onto like say a label? Live updates btw.

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C# - Prepend A Substring If The Source String Does Not Begin With The Same Substring?

Oct 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a valid RegEx replacement pattern for correctly formatting specific .XML file names. Specifically, if a file name does not begin with a prefix, let's say, ACE_. If the XML file name and extension does not begin with ACE_, prepend the string ACE_ to the file name.For example, if my input source string is the following:


I would like to execute a single RegEx Replacement that would result in the string being:


Conversely, if the string already begins with ACE_, I would like it to remain unchanged. Also,how can I include the pattern ".xml" to ensure that the string pattern for the file name and extension ends with ".xml" in the same matching pattern for the RegEx Replacement pattern? As for the match, I have some luck with the following:


Which indicates there is a match for the pattern if the input string is ACE_Widgets.xml and no match if the string is Widgets.xml
The RegEx pattern would suffice, but if you need to know the language in which I'd like to use the replacement pattern is in .NET 4.0 in either C# or VB.NET.

The following posting is close to what Im looking for, but with the inclusion of the *ix directory path prefix, and the use of preg_replace() in PHP, I'm having a bit of a struggle getting it to work with what I need to do:

Regular Expression: How to replace a string that does NOT start with something?

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Prepend A String To All Strings In A List Of Strings?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a list of strings. For each string in that list, I want to prepend another string. I wrote a method to do it, but I was wondering if there was something already in .NET I could use to do this. It seems like something that could be built in, but I was not able to find anything.

Here is the method I wrote:

Private Function PrependToAllInList(ByRef inputList As List(Of String), ByRef prependString As String) As List(Of String)
Dim returnList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
For Each inputString As String In inputList
returnList.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", prependString, inputString))


It works, but I would rather use built in functions whenever possible.

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Crypto Stream To Memory Stream?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a problem with the cryptostream, if i write the stream to a memorystream the memory that the stream used is still alocated and i have no way of unalocating it.what am i missingdoing wrong? im using-using on the streams,readers and crypto stuffs so the framework should shut them all down right? i tryed calling .close and .dispose but nothing ,in fact i moved it all over I have provided the sub that im using for the encrytion im in .net 4.5 so there is a lil async stuff but i know thats not the problem coz i moved this code out of my main app(.net 4) for testing to see if i could fix the problem.[code...]

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C# - Get The Bytes From A Stream?

Jun 4, 2012

I'm writing a VB.net application (but you can answer in C# if you want, no problem) that uses a 3rd party .NET library. In particular, one method in this library takes an IO.Stream as input (among other things) and writes the results of its processing to said stream. My problem is that the method CLOSES the stream after writing to it, so I can't read back the data that it wrote in it!To be more specific: it works, of course, if the stream is a FIeStream , since it writes the data on disk, but what if I want to read the data directly to memory? I tried using a MemoryStream, but as I said, when the method returns the stream is already closed, and I can't read back anything from it.

Imports System.IO
Public Class CloseHijackedMemoryStream
Inherits MemoryStream


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C# - Play MP3 From Stream

Jul 28, 2010

Is there any way to play MP3 directly from a memory stream (without any temp. files) using VB.NET or C#? or play from SQLCe database?

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Get HtmlElement From A Stream?

Jul 25, 2010

How can I get html elements from a stream?

This is a part of a code that get me the stream[code]....

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Get HtmlElement From Stream?

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to get html element from a stream

this is the stream:

Dim request As WebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("http:www.mysite.com/")
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim stream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()

How can I get the html elements from it? (I DO NOT WANT TO USE WEBBROWSER CONTROL)

Then I will do something like...

For Each element As HtmlElement In XXXXXXXX

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Get Key's Value Using A Stream Reader

Jun 18, 2012

How can i get my key's value using a stream reader [code]

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Possible To Extend Stream From 128 To 256

Jan 17, 2010

about the id3 tags.can be possible to extend the stream from 128 to 256.some parts of the title is missing

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Read A XML Stream?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to read the following xml stream but am really struggling.

<channelSnapshot xmlns="urn:betfair:games:api:v1">
<channel gameType="BLACKJACK" id="1444077" name="Exchange BlackJack">


If the element is between a start tag and end tag such as


Then I can access the value ok. I have been using Select Case xmlnodetype but using this when the nodetype is a whitespace I can't get to the element beyond the whitespace.So that in the following line

<property name="Card 1" value="NOT AVAILABLE"/>

I cant get to anything beyond the word property.

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Reading XML From A Stream?

Mar 29, 2010

I'm trying to read data from some local XML files and process data from them using VB.net.

The format is:
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>


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Stream Media To WMP?

Mar 23, 2012

I want to be able to go open URL in wmp and put in http://mycomputer:8090 and have it play a media file ... like it does if i host the media file on a web site...sofar i have:

Private Sub HTTPStreamer(ByVal Reciever As IO.Stream)
Dim listener As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener("localhost", 8090)


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Stream My Webcam Over Lan?

May 14, 2010

I have to develop an application where I have to stream my webcam over lan. I have a server where my webcam will be connected and when requested I have to send my webcam over lan. i need to view the server webcam from another network pc.

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Stream Video Over LAN?

Mar 16, 2011

I want to stream video from a simple webcam over LAN for object detection purpose. Is it a good idea to grab frames and send them continuously over network with NetworkStream.Write()?

I did this but usually on client side i lost half of image data and I got noise, I don't know what is wrong. I'm looking for a fix or a better idea.

I put the client and server source codes here, first run the client and click "START LISTENING" then run server and click "Send pic".


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.net - Error Stream Was Not Readble

Jan 22, 2011

I wrote the code below and I got an error (Stream was not readble) while execute this line SR = New StreamReader(FS) why and how to fix it

the code :

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FS As FileStream


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.net - Load An Unmanaged DLL From A Stream?

May 18, 2012

I have an application written in .NET 4.0 that needs to load in memory a native DLL (written C). At the moment I am using a P/Invoke call to LoadLibrary passing the path where the DLL is located. This works, but due to the fact that this DLL comes from a DB, I would like to know if it is possible loading it through a stream, avoiding then the necessity to store the DLL somewhere in the filesystem.

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.net - Overlaying Images From Stream

Dec 27, 2009

I'd like to overlay a number of images (PNG, same size for all, with transparency). So far, my code is as follows.


Now, I would like to overlay one more image, but this is based on a user's input from a textbox. So, to get that image, we need to take the user's input, and get the respective resource file. I do it as follows:


The overlay works correctly. So question is: Why is the overlay not working from the stream? Edit: It turns out that the overlay does actually work, but seems to overlay an enlarged image rather than the true size. Would there be any reason for this?

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.net - Stream Connection Using Httpwebrequest?

Apr 3, 2012

I have created a httpwebrequest connection to a streaming API after trying a tTCPClient which just never ended up working. My concern is whether my code is correct and that I am actually reading in new data and that the connection is maintained. Initially I had been reading into a buffer and just loaded everything into a file after max size, but figured it would be simpler to read a line, since each entry was being sent delimited by line feeds.

rStream = webrequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream
rStream = New GZipStream(rStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)
If rStream.CanRead then


It looks like I am continuously reading and not sure if I am reading redundant data here. Also another question is that if I were to use a thread to appendToFile, would that maintain the connection to the stream?

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.net - WCF Function Won't Return Stream?

May 11, 2011

So I have a function which returns a pdf stream. The calling procedure gets the stream and writes it to disk Normal VB code is as follows:


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Audio Stream Capture From Web

Nov 18, 2009

I have link: [URL]

I want capture the audio stream on my computer in mp3/wav.

I have no idea from what i should start. What should i use for start developing? I'm working in VS2008 on VB. Can i do it in VB? What additional software i need?

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Cannot Convert To 'System.IO.Stream

Jul 31, 2011

I am trying to convert the image from 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' to 'System.IO.Stream', but i am getting an error.

the error is: Value of type 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' cannot be converted to 'System.IO.Stream'.[code]...

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Clear Memory Stream?

Apr 17, 2009

'in form class
Dim PIC_PATH As String
Dim PICTURE As Image


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Compressing A Stream Rather Than A File?

Apr 3, 2010

I've downloaded ZLIB.NET from here and the example VB.NET code they provide works fine. It's very short so I'll paste it here for reference:

Public Shared Sub CopyStream(ByRef input As System.IO.Stream, ByRef output As System.IO.Stream)
Dim num1 As Integer


Note that the CopyStream() subroutine is identical. The problem is that although decompressing seems to work fine, compressing does not. If I take a byte stream, compress it and then decompress it using the above code, I get a truncated version of the original stream (as an example, a 360485 byte stream becomes 311518 bytes). The resulting bytes match the original stream up until the point where it's cut off.

The only information I can find about streams being truncated is due to missing stream.Flush() commands but the output stream is flushed in the CopyStream() subroutine.

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Detect The Encoding Of A Stream?

Sep 6, 2011

I would like to know the way a stream or a string is encoded before converting it. If a string is not utf-8 it would be converted to utf-8.

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Determine Stream Is Empty?

Sep 26, 2011

I have a WCF service which is returning PDF files as a stream over a NetTcp endpoint. This is all working fine. However, if the file is not found, or if I can't find the related row in the database to retrieve the filepath then I return Stream.Null from the service.

However I can't seem to find a way to compare the returning stream to check and see if it is empty or not.[code]...

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Download A Webpage Into A Stream In .NET?

May 30, 2009

I am looking to go to a URL/URI download the resulting string as if I had opened a file and then get it out into a String variable.

I have been stuffing about with IO.Stream and Net.httpxxx but haven't managed to get the elements to line up in the right way.

I get "the given path's format is not supported" from opening the page in the standard stream, because it's not in the local file system ... that bit i understand, the bit I don't get is ... how do I achieve the equivelent of:

Public Function GetWebPageAsString(pURL As String) As String
Dim lStream As IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(pURL)
Return lStream.ReadToEnd
End Function

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Editing A String Stream?

Mar 4, 2010

I don't know exactly how to load a stream of text then edit the stream (instead of loading it into a textbox for manual editing), and save (overwrite/append) it to the original file.

I've looked on Google, but they're not exactly what I'm looking for.

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