C# - .Net Equivalent Of The Old Vb Left(string, Length) Function?

May 9, 2009

As a non .net programmer I'm looking for the .net equivalent of the old vb function left(string, length). It was lazy in that it worked for any length string. As expected, left("foobar", 3) = "foo" while, most helpfully, left("f", 3) = "f".

In .net string.Substring(index, length) throws exceptions for everything out of range. In Java I always had the Apache-Commons lang.StringUtils handy. In Google I don't get very far searching for string functions.

Edit:@Noldorin - My first encounter, although it took me several seconds to do the same in c#:


Note the static class and method as well as the this keyword. Yes, they are as simple to invoke as "foobar".Left(3). See also c# extensions on msdn.

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String Class Does Not Have Left Function

Mar 15, 2010

Since the string class does not have a Left method, how would you do this in VB.Net. I could use String.SubString(0, x), but the problem with this method is that it throws an exception if the String is not at least x characters long. Should I use the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left function instead?

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String Manipulation Using Right / Mid / Left Function

Dec 19, 2008

I am trying to do string manipulation of an OpenID in my codebehind. For example, if the user enters " url...I want to do the following:

1. Remove the http:// or https:// if it exists

2. Remove the "/" at the end of the OpenID if it exists

So that all would be returned is url...I have used the Right, Mid and Left functions before with a string that contained spaces but I'm not sure how to accomplish what I'm trying to do here.

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Vb String Function - Get The Sub String That Is Talking About Length

Nov 4, 2010

If I have a string Metal is hot : Metal length is 5 cm ; Metal is red. I want to get the sub string that is talking about length: hence I want to extract "Metal length is 5 cm".


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String.Format Function Return Only Left 10 Characters?

May 2, 2011

For years I never had trouble with this String. Format function until today when I got a value longer than 0 characters and the function returned all the characters in the string instead of just ten. Now sometimes I get less than ten characters so I can't use the substring with out getting an error. I can try the left function but I was hoping there was a solution with the Format function.

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Asp.net - .NET Equivalent Of C# Mask.NullString(str).Length?

Apr 18, 2012

I've come across code in a library that I want to use that I have never seen before (probably because I don't use c# all that much) and can't find any documentation on. It doesn't work in VB.NET and I'm not even sure of what it does so that I could go about doing it some different way. The expression is Mask.NullString(str).Length. Can anyone help me out please?

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Substring - Error: Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length

Apr 17, 2009

this is not working?


End WhileI am trying to read from the ": " to the end of the line. I keep getting this error: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length

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Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length Exception

Feb 17, 2011

am getting the above exception while swaping Items in the list(lstRoutePriority).PFB my code

if (lstRoutePriority.SelectedIndex > 0)
//Swap the two items


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Output Error "Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length" With Substring

Mar 23, 2009

"Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length" whenever I run this code


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Substring Size - "Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length"

Jul 21, 2010

If using the following in an if statement I get an error: If trg.Name.Substring(4, 6).ToUpper <> ("ABCDEF") Then I get the error: "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length"

I assume this is because the string (trg.name) is too small for the 4, 6 substring. What would be the correct method of working around this problem? VB.net Studio 2008.

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Can't Use Left And Right Function

Jul 29, 2010

I'm trying to format a string with the left and right fxn but am getting an error "Public read only property () as integer has no parameters and it's return type cannot be indexed"[code]...

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Use The Left Function?

Jul 11, 2009

i m using datetimepicker to choose date..i m extracting date from sql database...but i need to send only the date part not the time part.i m not able to do left funtion...here's my code...

cmd = New SqlCommand("select * from employee_log where log_datetime between '" + left(DateTimePicker1.Value,10) + "' And '" + left(DateTimePicker2.Value,10) + "'", cn)

the syntax with the left is incorrect...how do i do it...?

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Convert Left() Function Into C#?

Jan 20, 2012

I have some vb code i would find it helpful if someone was able to convert it to c# for me. I dont really know what the left function does?[code]...

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Left Function Does Not Work?

Oct 31, 2010

I expected the "Left" function in the code below to return the letter "A" but it returns nothing? Also, as a further test, Left(CP, 3) returns nothing?

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Use The Left() Function In VB 2010?

Oct 17, 2010

I have a very small VS 2010 app that basically reads the records of a text file, adds some additional information to the end of the record read, and writes the new record to a new text file.The issue Im having is with the Left() function.I need to take all chars left of position 10 of a text box and add it to the end of the new record before I write it. When I use the Left() the "Error List shows an error related to this function.The error says:Public Property Left As Integer has no parameters and its return type cant be indexed.It gives two solutions: 1) Generate Method Stub Left in Project1.Form1 and 2) Generate Property Stub Left in Project1.Form1 When I select solution

1) that creates a warning indicating: Function Left conflicts with property Left in the base class Control and should be declared Shadows. When I select solution

2) that creates a warning indicating: Property Left shadows an overloadable member declared in the base class 'Control. If you want to overload the base method, this method must be declared 'Overloads.

Here is the code:

Public Class frmProcessFile
Private Sub cmdProcessFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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VS 2008 Using The Left Function?

Aug 14, 2010

VS 2008 [RESOLVED] Using the Left function

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ASP Equivalent Of VB InputBox Function

Mar 4, 2009

VB has a function InputBox() that will prompt the user to enter a single value, then click OK. Is there a parallel functionality in ASP.NET, that will get the browser to pop up some kind of input box to return a single value? If not, how do you recommend I achieve this effect?

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Equivalent Function In .net Framework 2.0 Of VBA?

Jul 23, 2009

I have VBA as a namespace in the vb6 code and i would like to know if there is a way of making .net know what there is, is there a specific application namespace? I have been guessing but haven't had any luck (the beauty of the help boxes, if only i knew more of the language)

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room

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Equivalent Of Following Inline Function In C#

Jun 22, 2010

Tell vb.net equivalent of following method:


Which on build in visual studio 2005 gives an error.

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Equivalent Of The Access NZ Function?

Apr 3, 2010

In Access if a query were to compute the sum of different fields where there is a likelihood of one or more fields being NULL, you use something like NZ. Is there any equivalent Function for handling NULLs in VB .NET?

I'm use the code below to retrieve the SUM of the column "BudgetAmt" from my DB but get InvalidCast Exception was unhandled error because the BudgetAmt and/or AllocationPersonnel holds no data:

Dim strSbCode As String = cboSubSubOrg.SelectedValue.ToString
Dim budgetYr As Integer = CInt(cboBudgetYr.Text)
personBudget = CDec(transDetailsDT.Compute("SUM(BudgetAmt)", "FundSource = '02101' AND DataSource = 3" _


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Get A Getproperty Or Equivalent Function In VBA?

Jun 1, 2010

I'd like to know if something like this pseudo code:

myVar = "functionName"
call someObject.(myVar evaluation)

which would then be equivalent to:

call someObject.functionName

is possible in VB. I know this is done in some other languages using a GetProperty method.

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What Is The C# Equivalent Function Of IsNumeric() In VB

Nov 17, 2009

What is the C# equivalent function of IsNumeric() in VB.. If possible include an example.

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What Is The Equivalent Function For LTrim?

Aug 22, 2010

im trying to port a small bit of code from c to vb.i dont know if this is c# or objective c or what.anyway, a line of the source i need to port is

for x = 1 to 31
a$ = LTrim(Str$(x))

i know what to do for the first line, but the second line doesnt make sense to me. what is LTrim supposed to do to x? also, what is the equivalent function for LTrim?

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An Equivalent To SortedList(of String, String) That Accepts Non-unique Keys?

Apr 16, 2012

What I need is to be able to put in a SortedList a combination of two fields that are non-unique, but the pair is (like database composite keys).More precisly, i have my list, and i want to be able to do this with it

Dim myList = New Generic.SortedList(Of String, String)


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C# Equivalent Of VB DLL Function Declaration (InternetSetOption)?

May 10, 2011

What is the C# equivalent of this VB code?

Private Declare Auto Function InternetSetOption Lib "wininet.dll" (ByVal hInternet As IntPtr, ByVal dwOption As Integer, ByVal lpBuffer As IntPtr, ByVal lpdwBufferLength As Integer) As Boolean

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Equivalent Of Excel Quotient Function

May 24, 2011

Does VB.NET have a function to get the quotient like you can in excel.
Quotient(12, 6)

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VS 2008 Equivalent Of Following Inline Function In C#?

May 27, 2010

tell vb.net equivalent of following method:

C# Syntax
public class RecentPosts : Control


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When Transfer The Bytes Sent By The Client Program To A String The String Length Is Affected?

Feb 20, 2010

when i transfer the bytes sent by the client program to a string the string length is affected.when i put the bytes sent by the client program to a message box. it returns the corrrect text. but when i check the length it will return 8192 or higher. but the actual size is just 5.

My Code

Dim tcpClient As TcpClient = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient()
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text & vbNewLine & "Connection accepted."
' Get the stream[code]....

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Left Function Doesn't Allow To Specify Separator Character?

Sep 22, 2009

say if I have a string 010451-09F2

How to I get left of - from the above string in vb.net

I want 010451

The left function doesn't allow me to specify separator character.

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Equivalent Of Access DMin And DMax Function In .net?

Jun 18, 2012

what is the equivalent of Access DMin and DMax function in VB.net?

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