Left Function Doesn't Allow To Specify Separator Character?

Sep 22, 2009

say if I have a string 010451-09F2

How to I get left of - from the above string in vb.net

I want 010451

The left function doesn't allow me to specify separator character.

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Filter Xml Using Xpath And Linq (price With Decimal Separator And Thousands Separator Spanish)?

Jun 7, 2012

I'm trying to filter the results of a xml file. One of the fields I've been requested to filter is the attribute price of each node. The problem is the xml is from a spanish source and the prices are with decimal separator being , instead of . and thousands separator is , instead of .I'm trying to get an xml file filtered where only nodes withprices lower than one supplied appear.

The xml structure is:

<RoomStay InfoSource="" Price="201,60" Discount="0" MealPlan="Sólo alojamiento" MealPlanId="1" Provider="Marsol" ProviderId="3" HotelName="HOTEL LA ESTACION" Rating="" Latitud="" Longitud="">


I've tried to filter using XPath and Linq2Xml. I've come to the conclussion I have to replace , with . and . with , but I get 0 results.With values below 1000 where there is only , I've got it using:


But when there are prices above 1000 with thousands separator . it doesn't work, so I tried:


But it returns 0 results (I tried to use replace function instead of translate to remove the . characters but I get an exception).

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Split String On Multi-char Separator And Maintain Separator

Jul 31, 2009

Using VB.NET - I have a string:

"##RES00012##Some value ##RES00034##Another value"

That I want to split using the "##RES" as a seperator to:

"##RES00012## Some value " and "##RES00034## Another value"

The string.split function doesn't seem to offer an overload to split on multiple characters or array of characters and maintain the seperator, which is required for functional purposes.

I'm looking at simply searching for indexOf("##res") and using string manipulation to do this unless I'm missing something obvious? I've searched SO for a solution but unable to find anything that actually does what I'm after.

The following is the closest i've found: how-do-i-split-a-string-by-a-multi-character-delimiter-in-c

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Take A String, And Take The Left Most Character?

Sep 11, 2011

Been digging around on the net, but struggling to find a decent example. Essentially, I want to take a string, and take the Left most character, (the first character of the string) and change it to upper case.

Back in VB6 days, it was Left(somestring, 1) to equal some variable, then convert it to Uppercase.

View 14 Replies

Can't Use Left And Right Function

Jul 29, 2010

I'm trying to format a string with the left and right fxn but am getting an error "Public read only property () as integer has no parameters and it's return type cannot be indexed"[code]...

View 4 Replies

Use The Left Function?

Jul 11, 2009

i m using datetimepicker to choose date..i m extracting date from sql database...but i need to send only the date part not the time part.i m not able to do left funtion...here's my code...

cmd = New SqlCommand("select * from employee_log where log_datetime between '" + left(DateTimePicker1.Value,10) + "' And '" + left(DateTimePicker2.Value,10) + "'", cn)

the syntax with the left is incorrect...how do i do it...?

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Convert Left() Function Into C#?

Jan 20, 2012

I have some vb code i would find it helpful if someone was able to convert it to c# for me. I dont really know what the left function does?[code]...

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Left Function Does Not Work?

Oct 31, 2010

I expected the "Left" function in the code below to return the letter "A" but it returns nothing? Also, as a further test, Left(CP, 3) returns nothing?

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Use The Left() Function In VB 2010?

Oct 17, 2010

I have a very small VS 2010 app that basically reads the records of a text file, adds some additional information to the end of the record read, and writes the new record to a new text file.The issue Im having is with the Left() function.I need to take all chars left of position 10 of a text box and add it to the end of the new record before I write it. When I use the Left() the "Error List shows an error related to this function.The error says:Public Property Left As Integer has no parameters and its return type cant be indexed.It gives two solutions: 1) Generate Method Stub Left in Project1.Form1 and 2) Generate Property Stub Left in Project1.Form1 When I select solution

1) that creates a warning indicating: Function Left conflicts with property Left in the base class Control and should be declared Shadows. When I select solution

2) that creates a warning indicating: Property Left shadows an overloadable member declared in the base class 'Control. If you want to overload the base method, this method must be declared 'Overloads.

Here is the code:

Public Class frmProcessFile
Private Sub cmdProcessFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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VS 2008 Using The Left Function?

Aug 14, 2010

VS 2008 [RESOLVED] Using the Left function

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String Class Does Not Have Left Function

Mar 15, 2010

Since the string class does not have a Left method, how would you do this in VB.Net. I could use String.SubString(0, x), but the problem with this method is that it throws an exception if the String is not at least x characters long. Should I use the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left function instead?

View 6 Replies

String Manipulation Using Right / Mid / Left Function

Dec 19, 2008

I am trying to do string manipulation of an OpenID in my codebehind. For example, if the user enters " url...I want to do the following:

1. Remove the http:// or https:// if it exists

2. Remove the "/" at the end of the OpenID if it exists

So that all would be returned is url...I have used the Right, Mid and Left functions before with a string that contained spaces but I'm not sure how to accomplish what I'm trying to do here.

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C# - .Net Equivalent Of The Old Vb Left(string, Length) Function?

May 9, 2009

As a non .net programmer I'm looking for the .net equivalent of the old vb function left(string, length). It was lazy in that it worked for any length string. As expected, left("foobar", 3) = "foo" while, most helpfully, left("f", 3) = "f".

In .net string.Substring(index, length) throws exceptions for everything out of range. In Java I always had the Apache-Commons lang.StringUtils handy. In Google I don't get very far searching for string functions.

Edit:@Noldorin - My first encounter, although it took me several seconds to do the same in c#:


Note the static class and method as well as the this keyword. Yes, they are as simple to invoke as "foobar".Left(3). See also c# extensions on msdn.

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String.Format Function Return Only Left 10 Characters?

May 2, 2011

For years I never had trouble with this String. Format function until today when I got a value longer than 0 characters and the function returned all the characters in the string instead of just ten. Now sometimes I get less than ten characters so I can't use the substring with out getting an error. I can try the left function but I was hoping there was a solution with the Format function.

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VS 2010 - Keybd_event Function, How To Send Arrow Strokes Left, Right, Down

Mar 16, 2012

I'm trying to develop macros for games. I'm currently coding with vb 2010 and I'm using the keybd_event API. It works great, I've done many working macros but I cannot find a way to send arrow strokes using this API. (Left, Right, Up, Down) I don't want to use the numpad. Here is what I've found: [Code] For some reason, nothing happens, no keystroke seems to have been sent. When I use any other ascii decimal from the ascii table, it does work but not for the arrow strokes.

View 2 Replies

Null Character With Split Function?

Nov 21, 2009

I have it set up so that the person hosting an event only has to copy the standardized form from a competitior's post on the forum. The basic format is as follows:




allHorses is a global 2D array for holding each horse as they're added to the roster. Right now I'm trying to get it to add the information for just one horse; once I get it worked out I'll make it dynamic and what not.

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Using A Recursive Function To Remove A Character?

Nov 21, 2009

How can I use a recursive function to remove a character from a string thats stored in a array.

Like so


I need to remove a letter from the string each time it loops through the string until there is only 1 letter left in the string.

View 7 Replies

Function Doesn't Return A Value?

Feb 18, 2012

[code]i want to change password for the users [code]

View 14 Replies

Function Searching An Array For Frequency Of A Character?

Nov 1, 2011

I have been trying to write code that asks the user for the size of an array , and then takes inputs from the array. They are characters A-E... Then I am to call a function that will count the frequency of A,B,C,D,E . Then it is supposed to send the information to a listbox. Eg. There are 2 A's,There are 0 B's, There are 5 C's..

I have the code for populating the array, but when it comes to searching it for the frequencies..This is what i have so far..

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Decoding Function Doesn't Seem To Work.

Feb 6, 2009

I'm using some functions which can be compared to encoding/decoding, but it's a really simple and basic application, not really an encoding function.The problem is, the decoding function doesn't seem to work. For some reason, it doesn't work correctly, and I'm a bit stressed, so even after searching for a while, I can't seem to find it.[code]

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Why Doesn't Function Strip Out Newline

Jan 26, 2012

I wrote a VB function as:

Public Function StripNewLineFromString(str As String) As String
str.Replace(ControlChars.Cr, "")
str.tempStr.Replace(ControlChars.Lf, "")
Return str.replace(ControlChars.Lf, "")
End Function

and wrote a C# unit test to test it. It works fine. However, when it really run the VB application itself, it does not strip out newline. If I changed the function to this:

Public Function StripNewLineFromString(str As String) As String
Dim tempStr As String = str
tempStr = tempStr.Replace(ControlChars.Cr, "")


, run the VB application, it strips out newline.

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Asp.net - .net Function Giving ORA-00911 Invalid Character Error

Sep 12, 2011

Public Shared Function GetData(ByVal id As Integer) As List(Of SomeClass)
Dim command As New OracleCommand
Dim conn As New OracleConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString)
Dim param As New OracleParameter


This function is giving an ORA-00911 invalid character error. I have other methods of the same style and these are functioning correctly.

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Use Escape Character In Replace Function When Replacing Quotations In VB?

Jun 7, 2009

Here is my code snippet:

Public Function convert(ByVal robert As String)
robert = Replace(robert, "U", "A")


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Function Does .NET NPV() Use? Doesn't Match Manual Calculations?

Jun 17, 2010

I am using the NPV() function in VB.NET to get NPV for a set of cash flows. However, the result of NPV() is not consistent with my results performing the calculation manually (nor the Investopedia NPV calc... which matches my manual results)

My correct manual results and the NPV() results are close, within 5%.. but not the same...

Manually, using the NPV formula:
NPV = C0 + C1/(1+r)^1 + C2/(1+r)^2 + C3/(1+r)^3 + .... + Cn/(1+r)^n

The manual result is stored in RunningTotal


The MSDN page example clearly states that the initial expense should be included in the cash flows list.

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Function Search Doesn't Work Correctly?

Apr 6, 2011

On my software , i have a function for search in the list a member . The function have more fields : Girls , Boy , Old , etc ... but the software doesn't work correctly. I want him to search with several conditions, adding AND. Here is the code :

For Each MemberALister As MemberInfo In _Listemember
If Me.Girl.Checked Then
If MemberALister.Nom.Contains(Me.Genre.Text) Then


View 21 Replies

Imported Native Function Doesn't Work In .NET 4.0

Feb 16, 2012

I am migrating project from .net 3.5 to .net 4.0 and faced the following issue. There are 2 DllImport statements:

<DllImport("hid64.dll")> _
Public Sub GenerateHardwareID( _
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex:=1)> ByVal Buffer As Byte(), _


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Use Escape Character In Replace Function When Replacing Semi-colon In VB?

Jun 7, 2009

earlier with my program question and found out that """" is how you make " become another variable in the function:Robert = Replace(Robert.ToLower, """", "A")So now I am also trying to work with other keys like the semi-colon. I put it in the function like this:Robert = Replace(Robert.ToLower, "char(59)", "B")I also tried to insert ; in place of char(59) with in front of it as an escape key, none of this worked. It still just gives me a ; when I type

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Does VB Have A Function To Switch Between HTML Character Entities And Plain Text Natively

Apr 26, 2009

Does Visual Basic have a function to switch between HTML character entities and plain text natively?

EG. > < to > <

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Function '<procedurename>' Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths

Nov 23, 2011


I know the error and why. I am just curious. For some projects this show up as warning while for others this doesn't show up at all.

How do I set up so that the warning show up?

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VS 2008 : Change The Pointer From Left To Right To Right To Left In The TextBox?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm using vb2008 Is that possible to change the pointer from left to right to right to left in the TextBox.

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