C# - OLE Date (number) To Date (string)?

Feb 15, 2011

I am debugging an application that I ported from Windows, to *nix, a little while ago. The app stores dates as doubles (using the OLE Date format). I need to be able to inspect the dates - as human readable strings. I cant find an online conversion tool, so I decided to roll my own.

I was originally going to write an OpenOffice function, but I think it would be more straightforward to use one of the .Net languages, to write a small console app that accepts the double as a parameter and prints the date string to the console.

I am relatively new to .Net (though I have dabbled with both C# and VB.Net in the past). Can anyone help with my main() function? - snippets in either VB.Net or C# will be equally useful.

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Any Way To Get Date To A Whole Number And Then Return It To A Date String?

Jul 2, 2012

Is there any way to get the date (from Today.Date/User input) to a whole number and then return it to a date string?Only way I have so far thought of is:[code]

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SQL Exception On Insert Of Dateandtimepicker.value.date Into Date Datatype: (Conversion Failed When Converting Date And/or Time From Character String)

Apr 8, 2010

Title pretty much says it all. How do I format the date of a dateandtimepicker to insert it into the SQL date datatype?

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Ensure That Conversion Of A Date To A String And A String To A Date Will Give The Same Date Format?

Jan 16, 2012

how I can ensure that conversion of a date to a string and a string to a date will give me the same date format.

For example:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim d As Date = Date.Now


I'm actually only interested in the date part as the label text shows so f is more than I want.But also, the day and month are reversed.

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Date Function That Calculates The Date Based On The Number Of Months?

Sep 15, 2009

I am using VB.NET. Is there a date function that calculates the date based on the number of months I have given?

for example, if i say July 2009 and looking for 10 months back, it should return Sept 2008.

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Data Type Is A Nullable Date That Returns A String Value If Date Was Supplied?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently working on a custom data type, and wanted to implement a = operator.

I data type is a nullable date that returns a string value if date was supplied.

I want to allow the variable to be set like this

Dim nd as New NullableDate nd = Today Does anyone know how this can be done, or can anyone point me in the right direction?

View 9 Replies

Find The Closest Valid Date To One Given As An Invalid Date String?

Aug 18, 2010

So there's this accounting package at my client that spits out text-based reports with invalid dates, like February 31st or September 31st.The reports are formatted with spaces and mono-spaced fonts. The data that gets parsed out are fed into a more formal local SSRS report, and that's about all you need to know.

What I am interested in fixing is the situation where a date is invalid and can't be converted into a DateTime struct. The date format from the report is "MMM-dd-yy" (e.g. "Feb-30-10"). The date strings need to be fixed before being shown in the formal report. I've seen this done two ways in my time as a developer, and I want to come up with a cleverer way of doing it (if there isn't a built-in way I don't know about).The first bad method (I can't believe I'm even showing you!):

Dim month As Integer = <Parse out the month from the bad date string>
Dim day As Integer = <Parse out the day from the bad date string>
Dim year As Integer = <Parse out the year from the bad date string>
Dim validDate As DateTime


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Transform Date Represented As String To Date In Visual Basic?

Nov 20, 2009

I am using SSIS and I need to transform a date. How can I transform a date in String format (e.g. 14/09/1980) to the same but in date format in VB.NET?

I would like the datetime format to insert it into a SQL database.

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Asp.net - Convert Date String DdMMyyhhmmss To Date Object?

May 24, 2012

I have a string that holds a value in the format of ddMMyyhhmmss.

Example 240512024707

I need to be able to convert this date to a real .NET Date object.

I am currently using CDate but it seems CDate does not recognize the format, is there any way of specifying the string format to CDate ???

row.Item("NoteDate") = CDate(n.noteText.Substring(0, 12).ToString).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")

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2005 - Subtract A Date From The (current Date Minus 7 Days) And Produce A Number Of Days?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a date in the future e.g. 13/10/2008 I need to subtract the current date (today is the 28/09/2010) minus 7 days, so thats 21/09/2010 minus 13/10/2008, which would equal erm, 720 something ? But the current date won't always be 28/09/2010, obviously. I need the code for this. EDIT: When i said future I mean past :)

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Converting A Date-string Into A Date Object?

May 1, 2010

I'm using date in the format dd-mm-yyyy and I need to convert a string inthis format to a date type.My string is "18-01-2010" but when I do the conversion using dim TargetDate as date=CDate(TgDstr).where TgDstr is "18-01-2010", the resutant TargetDate, as note in the debugger window, is #1/18/2010# rather than #18/1/2010# which I expected.What change in code should I made to get the desired result?

(P.s. I've checked the current culture with the following line of code:

Dim str As String = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name and get the result 'zh-HK'... and the date-time format I find in the control panel is also in dd-mm-yy format)

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How To Combine A Date & A String Into A Date

Feb 11, 2011

I have a date, as a Date type and a time, as a String and I want to combine the two into a Date type. ie. #2/11/2011# & "13:55:27" = #2/11/2011 1:55:27 PM#. How can I do this?

View 2 Replies

Comparing Date : Conversion From String "23/06/2011" To Type 'Date' Is Not Valid

Mar 25, 2011

when i am trying this Date.Compare(Format(DateTimePicker1.Value.Date, "dd/MM/yyyy"), Convert.ToDateTime(dr(1))) < 0 it gives an error message as "Conversion from string "23/06/2011" to type 'Date' is not valid."where dr(1) is database field in text format as 29/3/2011 (dd/mm/yyyy) .

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Getting Error Trying To Convert Date String In "hh:mm:ss Tt MM/dd/yy" Format To Date?

Jun 8, 2011

i cant seem to create a datetime object in vb.net with datetime string that's in this format "hh:mm:ss tt MM/dd/yy".The error im getting says its not a recognisable string datetime format.

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Date After Clean Install Error "Conversion From String "13/8/2009" To Type Date Is Not Valid"

Aug 15, 2009

I did a clean install and tried to get the project running again. The code ... AlteredDate = SelectedDay & "/" & SelectedMonth & "/" & SelectedYear would always work defaulting to DD/MM/YYYY before the clean install. The program now runs an error "Conversion from string "13/8/2009" to type Date is not valid.. How do I change the default back to DD MM YYYY or format it to that?

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Date Format - It Gives Me Error As "Cast From String "28/01/2011" To Type 'Date' Is Not Valid"?

Nov 30, 2010

conversion of date

if i used -- Date.parse("28/01/2011")

it gives me error as "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."

so then i modify above code as -- CDate("28/01/2011").it gives me error as "Cast from string "28/01/2011" to type 'Date' is not valid." I used convert.todatetime also date.parseexact but nothing is working..

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Calculate Date From Year / Week-number / And Day-number

Jun 23, 2009

I have following code (in VBA, excell) for calculating a date.I have variable for yeay, weeknumber and daynumber from week, now i wanna calculate the exact date. [code] But when i place this code in vb.net don't get the correct month.It displays correctly the year, day and daynumber but is displays the month as '00'. What do i have to change?

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Compare Date - Start Date Should Not Be More Than End Date

Aug 12, 2011

i have 2 datetimepicker which are startdatedatetimepicker and enddatedatetimepicker.. the start date should not be more than end date..thus i need to check these two date.. here is my code...


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Why Date Shows Up As Date Before Date Trying To Parse?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a date time as a string, eg. "2010-08-02", I'm trying to convert it to UTC with the following code snippet..DateTime.ParseExact("2010-08-02Z", "yyyy-MM-ddZ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)When I print to the console, I get the following: 8/1/2010 5:00:00 PM.Is there a reason why the date shows up as the date before the date I'm trying to parse? I could just add a day to this to advance to the original day.

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Convert A Number Into A Date?

May 13, 2009

I am supposed to create a program that converts a number into the date that the number represents. its has to list today's date the date the number represents and the difference between that date and today 0 represents December 31st 1899

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Checking A Date Field - Existing Textbox That Is Automatically Filled With The Current Date?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm fairly new to ASP.NET & VB.I've been asked to take an existing textbox that is automatically filled with the current date and allow the user to either add a "+" or "-" and a number or a spcific number and convert that into a date.I underdstand the basic concept on how to do this, but I'm running into some problems using the proper commands in order for this to work.The Textbox is called txtDate.What I've tried to do is this:

If txtDate = '+' Or '-' Then
DateAdd("d", txtDate, today)
End If

Here is what the whole thing looks like:

sender As[code].....

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Filter The Data In The Date Column To Show Only The Records That Don't Have A Date Entered Into The Field?

May 13, 2010

I have an access form that shows a data table. when the form is opened, I want to filter the data in the date column to show only the records that don't have a date entered into the field.

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Function That Would Return True If Date Provided Was Payday / Date Of Next Few Weeks Paydays

Nov 21, 2011

I need a function that would return true if the date provided was a payday or date of next few weeks paydays.Paydays are every 14 days on a Friday (not twice a month).I tried several attempts, but don't have a clue where to start, except that the function needs a reference date to calculate from. [code]

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Convert Excel Date To Sql Server Date Time Format Using ACE Provider?

Jun 24, 2011

I am attempting to import data in a batch from an Excel Worksheet to a Sql Server database. Everything works except for the one date field in the spreadsheet. The date returned is off by four years from the value in the spreadsheet. Example: The Excel sheet has a date 10/24/2010 14:18, but when I look at the column in my query, the date is 10/23/2006 2:18. This pattern, 4 years and 1 day earlier, is repeated for every row in the worksheet.

The Excel column comes to me as a custom type, formatted m/d/yyyy h:mm. I receive this from an outside vendor and having them change the column is not going to be my simplest solution.

For what it's worth, the relevent part of the query is:

Select [Date Created] From MyWorksheet

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Date Filter Query - Fetch Only The Date Within The Current And Return How Many Rows

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying the fetch only the date within the current and return how many rows Dim dc as new dataclassesdatacontext dim q=from p in dc.worktime where p.name.equals(session("name") and p.date ).count what I should I put after "p.date" ? And if I want to search for the record which there are record that are insert five days earlier, how to do that ? use (datetime.now - 5) ?

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Sql - Finding Start And End Dates From Date Numbers Table (Date Durations)?

Jun 19, 2009

I have two tables: a schedule table that contains information about how an employee is scheduled and a numbers table in which each number corresponds to a date.


I can do this on the SQL side or the code side. I have Linq at my disposal if I need it. The table doesn't need to be compiled by SQL. This will happen dynamically on a website and should be as efficient as possible.I don't want to have to iterate through each and look for breaks in contiguous days if I don't have to.

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Write A Program Which Compares The Difference Between Any Date In The Past And The System Date?

Mar 6, 2009

I'm trying to write a program which compares the difference between any date in the past and the system date, showing how many days have elapsed since that date.This is what I've got so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub


That's what it looks like so far. I was wondering how you can automate the top label so it automatically comes up with the date when the program is run.Plus, I need to know how to display the dates difference (how many days have elapsed between the system date and the user's chosen date) in the bottom label.

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Date Turned Into Random Number

Jan 15, 2012

im trying to insert date to my .mdb database, but when i check it, the date turned into random numbers, like 3.2938482..[code]

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Datetime - Add Number To Date Field?

Feb 22, 2010

i have 2 fields in the database (sql server 08)

Dob = "05/09/1965"
license_age = 16

how do i get the number of years this person hs had licence. so basically dim age1 = current year - (dob - license_age)how do i find out which year he got his license based on the above two fields?

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Get A Date Based Off A Week Number?

Jun 3, 2010

Given a week number, I need to get the date of the Monday of that week.For example, I have several strings that are stored in a file, such as

"WK 28 2010"
"WK 30 2010"

They could be any any valid week number.

The Monday on Week 28 of the year is 12 July 2010
The Monday on Week 30 of the year is 26 July 2010
Its these dates that I need.

I guess I could create a lookup table, but would prefer a more smarter approach so my software will be future compatible?

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