C# - Why Does DirectoryEntry ("WinNT://") Not Show Group Everyone

Feb 18, 2011

The below function (is supposed to) lists all groups on the local machine.Why does the "everyone" group not show up ?If I change directory permissions as user, I see the "everyone" group, so it must be there, somewhere.

Public Shared Function GetAllGroups() As DataTable
Return GetAllGroups(System.Environment.MachineName)
End Function


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Get The Entire Group Of Possibilities To Show?

May 25, 2009

i have a group of pictureboxes, each with their own id names. the names are in integer form, 8 letters long, to represent thier inner values. The number of possibilities are 12.Each uses 8 of the 12 digits. ( Yes, this is about music scales.) if 3 notes played are put into a textbox, there are multiple possibilities of which scale it could be. My goal is to get the entire group of possibilities to show, without having to code each one out seperately. Each scale is set in its own picturebox. Notes played, or questioned are placed in textbox1. the notes A,C,D, for instance, would show CMaj scale, FMaj scale, GMaj scale, ect. how would I produce all these off one textbox?

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Use DirectoryEntry In Program?

Jan 7, 2010

How to use DirectoryEntry in vb.net

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Active Directory - How To Set AccountExpires In AD DirectoryEntry

Oct 6, 2011

I needed to set the accountExpires property in the AD DirectoryEntry couldn't find a simple answer.Found some information;


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WINNT Object Only Returning 100 Users From Active Directory

Mar 15, 2011

I have this problem that just recently started happening.I've created this snippet that isolates the problem, which is basically, the same VBScript that used to return all of my users from Active Directory, now only returns the first 100 users.If I filter by group, then i get all of the groups (which is more than 100).The problem started happening last November, then went away for a while and has come back.The server guys tell me that nothing should have changed there.When I run this script for various domains, i get a numbered list of just the first 100 users.I'm running this on IIS (which hasn't changed)[code]

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Windows 7 DirectoryEntry.Bind Access Denied

Feb 24, 2010

I've been attempting to use DirectoryServices to get the AppPoolIdentityType for an IIS App Pool on Windows 7.

I wrote a simple C# console app to retrieve the app pool Id for the DefaultAppPool.

DirectoryEntry dirPool = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/AppPools/DefaultAppPool");
PropertyCollection props = dirPool.Properties;


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Asp.net - Connecting To Remote Computer Using WinNT:// Provider And Directory Services Ignores Username/password

Jun 10, 2010

Here is the final code that worked for me. This uses WNetAddConnection2 to establish a connection first, before using DirectoryEntry.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Net
Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports System.IO


So I moved the code to an ASP.Net web app, which is impersonating a service account through the Impersonate section of web.config. The account I am impersonating does not have admin rights on any of the workstations so I put in a username/password into the constructor for the computer entry like so:

Dim deComputer As New DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Computername + ",computer", username, password).The username is that of a domain account which has local admin rights on every workstation. If I look at the Username property of the resulting deComputer object I can see that the username matches what I entered.Also if I enter in an invalid password it throws an error, so it is authenticating in some fashion.

However if I now try and add or remove a user from a remote workstation I get a general access denied error. If I add the service account that ASP.Net is using as a local admin on that workstation it will add and remove no problem.So next I tried using the LogonAPI (advapi32.dll ->LogonUser call) to login as the user account that is a local admin on all workstations, impersonated the resulting WindowsIdentitiy and tried running just the original deComputer instantiation. When I do this every property, excepty Path, returns an OLE exception..

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Hide/Show Items - Possible To Hide A Group Of Text Boxes From View In A Form

May 5, 2012

I'm curious if it is possible to hide a group of text boxes from view in a form until a particular condition is met, and to have a custom set of text boxes for that condition. To give an example; I want radio buttons offering choices for a manner of searching records, the user selects one and then a specific set of text boxes are displayed for the user to utilize, if a different option is chosen a different set of text boxes will be shown. Is this something that can be done?

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Cannot Create Activex Object ObjComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & Sip)?

Aug 5, 2011

Trying to run this piece of code and i get the error cannot create activex component.works fine on windows 2003,works fine on windows 2008 if user is logged in with admin access.

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See If Current User's Group Name Matches A Specified Group Name Using Active Directory Roles And SID's?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to match up a specific group name and see if it exists for the currently logged in user using Active Directory roles. If the Group Name exists for the Current User, I want that group name to be displayed in a drop down list. Example: If current user is in BIG Group, display BIG in drop down list.Problem: All I am getting is SIDs and I'm not able to get anything to match up to the group name and nothing will show up in the drop down list.I also get the following Error:Error: Object variable or WIth block variable not set.How do I fix this?? here is the code I am using:

Private Sub GetMarketingCompanies()
' code to populate marketing company drop down list based on the current logged in users active directory group that


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Enumerate If An Active Directory Group's Member Is User Or Another Group

Jan 31, 2011

Enumerate if an Active Directory group's member is user or another group

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DirectoryEntry Memory Leak - Gets A Out Of Memory Error In The Last Catch Statement?

Jan 11, 2012

The follow code can be called about 6K times on the server it is run on then gets a out of memory error in the last catch statement. I don't see what is wrong with the code, it works well up until the out of memory..

Public Function AddUserToGroup(ByVal sSamAccountName As String, ByVal sGroupName As String) As Boolean
Dim returnStatus As Boolean = True[code]......

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Reference A Group Of Controls Inside A Group Box?

Jan 1, 2011

I am writing an application and I do not know how to reference a group of controls inside a group box. I will include the code I have written so far and a picture with a detailed explanation as to what I am trying to do. Feel free to comment on any discrepancies that you may notice in my code.


Public Class Form1
' The following class-level constants are used
' to calculate the price of the model
Const decCOUPE As Decimal = 18000


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Remove All Items In A Listview Group And The Group Name?

Sep 25, 2011

I want to remove a group (include all items in this group) in ListView, but unsuccessful, the code is below, why?


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Urgent Add Activedirectory Group To A Local Group?

Apr 6, 2011

anyone have some quick code on how to do this?

wmi is not a option.

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Divide The Content In My Application To Groups Each Group Has Its Own Rectangle Border With The Group Name Located At The Top Border

Jul 22, 2009

I want to divide the content in my application to groups each group has its own rectangle border with the group name located at the top border, i've seen it before and i'm not sure what is the correct name of this control, anyone knows what I'm talking about ? EDIT: Ok, I found the Groupbox Control but how do i use it? should i just drag other controls inside it or i should add controls directly into it?

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Remove AD Group From Group?

Jul 25, 2011

I have this code I've used multiple times to add and remove users from AD groups, but when I try to use it to remove an AD group from another AD group it fails with "The server is unwilling" [code]...

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Asp.net - Show Ajaxtoolkit Modal Popup Extendar Only If Textbox1.text="show" Esle Do Not Show?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a textbox1 and button1 and panel1 (which is used as a popup control)i want if textbox1.text="show" then modalpopup control whose id is panel1 will be visible on buttonclick event other wise .... modal popup control panel1 will not be shown ...how to do this ? using vb.net ?

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Fill Combobox Using SQL Show Tables - Datagridview Does Show Table Names In Db Using The SHOW TABLES Sql Statment

Jun 6, 2011

SQL statements:



The remarked area works fine when I'm accessing a specific table. I've successfully inserted the products_model field into the combobox too. The datagridview does show the table names in the db using the SHOW TABLES sql statment, but I'm not understanding how to get this info into the combobox instead.

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Show The Current Month & Year On The Button Which On Clicking Show The MonthCalender?

Aug 14, 2009

Can anyone help me to make a program which include a Button shows the current Month and the year and when clicking the button it shows a DialogBox ith a MonthCalender (this one I have done - the Monthcalender shown on a Dialogbox).Further I want to change the month shown as a Text of the Button when I click other Buttons to make the calender to go backwards or forwards,

Another thing I want to know is how to make the TreeView which expand / reveal another line or something on clicking the "Plus".I am learning only VB 2005 / VB 2008, please give the codes etc for VB 2005 only.

BTW, Can you tell me how to paste a picture in this writing place? I tried to paste the picture to shoow what exactly I want to do, but I couldn't do it.

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Show An Explanation And For The Addition And Subtraction - Show It On A Number Line

Mar 7, 2010

I'm writing a program for my algebra students to practice integers.Stuff like....

-4 + (-5)
-15 � 3

I want to show an explanation and for the addition and subtraction, I want to show it on a number line. For example, if the problem is 3 - 7, the number line should show and arrow to that goes right to 3, and then left 7 units (starting from 3). Then the student can see that the answer is -4.I could probably do this with some string manipulation, but what would be the easiest way to do it in a picture format? Maybe a bitmap.

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Show Information From A Datagrid Cell To Show Up In A Text Box In Another Form

Jun 8, 2011

how do you show information from a datagrid cell to show up in a text box in another form, this is for a college project.

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Refresh A Datagridview In Code To Show To Show New Data In DB?

Nov 7, 2010

How do you refresh a datagridview in code to show to show new data in the DB?

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Show Datetimepicker.value Show In Datagrid?

Sep 8, 2010

i allready have date values in a datagridview and datasource is Access table

dim endindex as integer
datagrid.currentcell = nothing
dim table =mydataset.tables("Booking")


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.net - Group By And Order By?

Mar 24, 2010

using LINQ to NHibernate does anybody know how to use group by and order by in the same expression. I am having to execute the group by into a list and then order this, seem that I am missing soemthing here ?


Private function LoadStats(...) ...
Dim StatRepos As DataAccess.StatsExtraction_vwRepository = New DataAccess.StatsExtraction_vwRepository
return (From x In StatRepos.GetAnswers(Question, Questionnaire) _


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.Net Repeater Group By?

Aug 10, 2009

I have the following code in my vb.net:


Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Start Bind PO Details and Trailers dsRepeater = RetrieveDCDetails(Session.Item("UserID"), Session.Item("DCNo")) dsRepeater.EnforceConstraints = False


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Add A User To Group?

Jan 26, 2009

I'm trying to add a user to a group. This is a Novell user, but it should be similar to Active Directory. Here's the code I have, but it doesn't seem to work. It returns the user's name, but doesn't add them to the group.[code]...

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Asp.net - Linq To SQL: Group By And Sum()?

Aug 9, 2010

I have the following LINQ statement, which performs a simple linq query and assigns the resulting values labels on an asp.net web form:

Dim db As New MeetingManagerDataContext
Dim q = From s In db.vwRoomAvailabilities _
Where s.MeetingID = lblMeetingID.Text _


Originally, there was going to be only a single row result and you can see I'm using FirstOrDefault() to grab that single value which works great. But the design has changed, and multiple rows can now be returned by the query. I need to now Group By the MeetingID above, and SUM each of the selected columns (i.e. s.AllRequestedDoubles).

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FileSystemAccessRule: Everyone Group?

May 29, 2007

I am developping an installer class and I want to set specific permissions for all users. I know that this is possible with a code like this:


Unhopefully I need this code to be valid for computers with different InstalledUICulture. For instance I know that in German it is sufficient to replace "Everyone" with "Jeder". Is it possible to call a method that permits to generalize the code for every language of the operating system?

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Group Box With Checkboxes?

Nov 27, 2011

Using VB

Say I have five checkboxes in a groupbox. I want to run an if then statement where if all boxes are not checked I would perform a certain action. I currently have it set to work using code similar to this

If box1.Checked = False And box2.Checked = False And box3.Checked = False And box4.Checked = False And box5.Checked = False Then
End If

Is it possible to reference the entire groupbox has having a false boolean property?

While doing this is managable - what if I had more check boxes?

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